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Are You For Or Against Cloning? what would be your reason?

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You know that the tasmanian tiger is extinct because of men hunting it to extinction in just 30 years.And even if it is the natural law for unadapted species to became extinct we are only human. The same natural law whould tell us to kill the men which are not fit for reproduction like invalids.

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So I ask you once again are you for or are you against cloning?


And here is why:

Ok, i agree yes, cloning can help save lives, BUT what happens when someone gets power? THEY MISUSE IT> I f we were to clone it would not stop with cloning a couple people for laughs or clone some people here and there for spare parts. Multi-billion dollar industries will ope selling human clones as if they were barbie dolls. I have read about people wanting clonig to reproduce a lost child. Think about it: If your child dies would you want to grieve it and have closure or buy a replica to "replace" him/her. The clone will NEVER replace your child. You will look at that person every day and think of all the memories and times YOU had with YOUR child. The clone WILL NEVER replace the memories. Plus, think of the mental stress that would put on the child. Imagine being this child who has the burden of living up to a parents expectations, hope, dreams, and memories. The parents will expect this clone have the exact ambitions of the previous child, leving their own ambitions forgotten. Could you live that life
? How can you expect someone else to? How can you put that burden on a child?
Another point:

I will finish this later.....
sry i didn't have time.......

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Let's see... I think cloning is useful when you use it to help people lives better in health-related issues. Though there's always a risk involved in it. The other side of the picture would be the moral issues involving human cloning. I'm against such concepts... We are all unique and having another you walking around won't make you special anymore. How do you think the human clone would feel? Then again... do they feel? It's too eerie to think about. We're humans... a superior race that is capable of logical reasoning. If we played god and made a clone of someone, who knows what they could do... They might revolt against the human race or something. It's scary...

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This is just another step into abusing what we know about our chromosomes, DNA and how we can use it.Personally, i am neither for nor against cloning. I have no personal opinion on the matter, but ill say what i think the advantages and disadvantages are. One main advantage (although this can be a disadvantage to others) is that people can use cloning to do work for them, even commit crimes, and this is how it becomes a disadvantage there. A real advantage in terms of health is that it can be used to prevent occurance of some heriditary diseases, which overtime can maybe prevent any disease at all.A disadvantage of cloning is that people are likely to abuse it in bad ways. Also, if used in excess cloning will overpopulate the earth. We are already close to a population crisis without cloning itself (estimated at 2009 population will be at a crisis).Basically, i think those are the main things to be considered when thinking about cloning in general.

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I'm against it. That whole playing God thing just doesn't seem right. Also in the mammals that have been cloned a large majority had serious problems with their organs and bodily systems. Of course the science is still new, but to me the end does not justify the means in this case.

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As soon as you mention the word cloning, you are most likely to ignite a debate. This is because people are greatly divided on whether it's good or bad. A way to reach a conclusion is to look at cloning from ethical, risk, and religious perspectives. The reality is, cloning is unethical, very risky, and irreligious. The arguments I will make will hopefully convince you that cloning is not good for the future. Cloning is very unethical. It would be violating the human rights in many ways. It would be violating of the freedom of beliefs and thoughts (Peter Flaherty, and D. Lynn Moore. Civics. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2000) Cloning also reduces human dignity. Humans can be sold as manufactured products. If we allow that, we would be violating others human rights. One of them is that no one should be held in slavery or servitude. Cloning also threatens individuality and uniqueness. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion'>http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion) Life would be very dull considering the fact that everyone would have the same personality. If we follow this to the future, one wouldn?t want to live in that kind of world. The process of cloning involves killing a great number of embryos; (http://focusin.ads.targetnet.com/) which one also find unethical. Furthermore, cloning would be playing God. God has already devised a good and proper plan to make babies. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/) Why mess with it? If god doesn?t want you to have babies, then you shouldAgianst!!!

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Cloneing is the furture. No matter how we feel at the moment, Cloning will happen. Cloning will reslove so many problems. The main will be medical care. With someone the exact same as you, you can get a transplant and blood from them at any time. I'm not saying that a future very much like the movie The Island will happen. People think cloning is only a whole person. Infact most of the time it would only be a part of a body. The materials you need. With cloning being in medical care, it will give people that 1 more chance to live. The other good purpose would be for Miltary use. Instead of innocent humans dieing all the time, why not a race of clones. I know this is exactly the same to the Star wars movies, but it is a good idea. Clones fighting other clones would save so many peoples lives.My personal view is to let Cloning go on. It can only be a step forward.

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i'm all for cloning! but there has to be restrictions n limits for its uses ^^as for animals, some animals are extinct and endangered due to pollution..but more of them is due to humans, deforestation and stuff. so once we stop polluting, i don't see y we cant clone them, and if they're not species from more than 100years ago or smthin they don't have to adapt much? ._.cloning can save lives, can help people with illnesses or some disabilities, reduce the food problem some countries are facing, etc etc. i don't c why not...

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I'm for cloning some things, like food and such so that we can feed the poor. But as far as cloning people, that's a big no-no with me. I hate to say it but the ethics in that is too much. I do have a religion that questions what will happen to a clone as far as a soul and such. Otherwise, go ahead and clone, I think it's a wonderful scientific discovery.

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A small word with big repercussions. And how much of those ethics are the result of logic and how much are the result of personal belief?


Not that I'm putting down personal belief - but I think it should remain that way, personal. If you change the name of a personal belief to Ethics and then say, see this is the way the world should be, you're running an intellectual dictatorship of sorts, and that can be deadly to progress.


People have EVERY RIGHT to their beliefs, but the beliefs of another cannot bind a free being. And any human who is not truly free is in some way enslaved.



I believe that while cloning species is in the early stages, our knowledge of the techniques and systems involved will improve in time.


I presently have a personal project - I intend to clone my cat, which died recently. I'm doing this solely to improve my knowledge of the process. And while laws may be for and against cloning all over the world, I live in the Himalayas, and if you have the guts to live in this harsh environment, human laws seldom reach this cold land - the only things that govern one here are your conscience, if you have one, and your god, if you believe in one. Here I am truly free.



If my experiments are successful, I shall then proceed to clone myself. I believe that by doing this, and creating 20 or more clones of myself, I shall be able to see all I could possibly be, or have been, as each clone develops into a unique individual, but with my basic genes.


And that will be, to put it mildly, a fascinating study.


I also have a DNA bank of endangered species that I fully intend to bring back from the verge of extinction. One can argue for and against this forever, but I believe that if one kind of man has endangered a species, then another kind of man is permitted to bring it back. Or else does only the savage rule our species?

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I am against cloning humans, but not certain animals. We can clone extinct species or endangered species to protect/bring them back. I am against human cloning because there are already too many of us. Some countries are even limiting the number of children you are allowed to have (I.E. China's 1 child policy). We do not need to strengthen the problem by creating more of us. Cloning other animals such as cows could have benifits though. You could engineer cows with much more meat that can grow faster to help feed people who are starving. We can also clone endangered animals to help save them. Along with cloning I believe we would be able to learn more about the genome and how to change it and pick attributes that are helpful for a species and take out attributes that are harmful, such as lifetime and growth.

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God never said dont advance. He always has said get knowledge and this is a form of knowledge. Cloning is not bad its good but as long as God provides support we dont need cloning.

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I am personally against human cloning. Human system is a result of millions and millions of years of genetic engineering by God. Nobody can interfere. I don't want my country to allow cloning of humans. I don?t really know how much cloning will help enhance our lives. I think genetic engineering has much more prose in terms of the benefits to society. Unfortunately, the question of who regulates genetic engineering could be very difficult. Genetic engineering is happening now, almost every gene in human has been cloned and half of them are studied in detail. hunderds of genes have been knocked out of mouse one by one to see the effects. Many of the drugs in hospital (not drug store) are the products of genetic engineering. more and more plants are engineered plants now, corn, rice, tomato, even chicken, pork, beef. It is everywhere.again about cloning a species like tiger, it is not the same tiger when you cloned it. it is more important for us to stop the abuse of environment by human. It is not natural rule when human power are involved. in fact because of the technology human now have many natural rule are not applied to human any more. human now does not evolve any more. To protect extincting species, protect the surviving environment is the only way. Cloning is not the way to do it. Just as you know, there are numerous new species emerging now everyday, but most of them are viruses, bacteria, parasites, due to the change of environment. So that's why i'm against!

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personally i am not against or for cloningpros- people will be able to reintroduce non invasive extinct species and even ressurect our ancestors and look at thier internal organs- people will be insterested in cloning and we can make beautifull women to people like me to have a perfect girlfriend complete geek but looks like a godesscons- people may not treat the clones like real people they may say that clones are lesser and this could cause a civil war where angry people set out to slaughter all clones- people who were cloned from the same person might use that to thier advantage and use that as fraud or rob a bank and say it was another clone- people may fight over whio is the original person.-the pros and cons are both there but i would say that the cons far outweigh the pros at the moment and i don't know if we're ready for clones quite yet.

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Well i recently saw a biology video on cloning and how theres the whole cloning people concept and how they would have to be raised in the exact same way to be like the first however i am 100% against cloning its true that they could be used to get maybe body parts or blood type but then they would have only lived to give what they have which i believe is ethically wrong and even besides that i still dont like the idea of human cloning alltogether i think it would bring nothing but problems consider they have the same fingerprints as you which they will because their your clone and the police get you for a crime a clone did im not saying that will happen often but it probably would happen also it could work like that vice versa there are many reasons why cloning humans is ethically wrong these are just a few i am 100% against human cloning and hope that this will NEVER happenNow as for animal cloning i am not against animal cloning now you may say that why do i think cloning humans is morally wrong but cloning animals isnt morally wrong? the reason i say this is i am a christian and in the bible it says that we have complete domain out of all the fish in the sea and something else but i cant remember the rest but basically we have domain over all animals is what it says and yes it oculd be used for researching extinct animals and much more could be used from cloning animals however not cloning dinosaurs lol dont turn this into a jurrasic park story :P well anyway this is my opinion on cloning

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