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I Hate Parents. _

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All generations hate other generatins, hate makes us human, people hate people of other religions, races, opinions, hair-color, sex, sexual orientation, country/state/city of origin, and so on, that's what prevents *person*-sapiens from being perfect.

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Yeah I definitely understand. I love my parents, but at the same time I can hate them too. They may mean well but sometimes or rather most of the times they just don't understand me. My mother still, I guess, thinks of me as the young obedient daughter who will go along with everything and anything. Sometimes it just gets on my nerves. On the upside though at least you have parents to vent about. It's just a natural thing to drift away from your parents a bit because, I mean, no one can completely get along with them all the time, if ever. :lol:

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my dad can be a real dushe some times. he drinks and gets angry and yells at everyone but when he is sober he is all right but still a *BLEEP*. i would never wish that he was never around but i kinda think sometimes that i should try to change him. but that is wrong yu can't change how a person is you just have to change yourself that is how it goes. my mom is cool but i just don't get her sometimes... i don't know where i am getting but, i guess i am trying to say we are always going to have our parents. and no matter what kind of hell they put us through we would never give them up. i mean i have expirience some heavy *BLEEP* but there is no way in the world i would give up the person who caused it. it isn't right to hate or misstreat someone who has mistreated you. it is not your place. you can only forgive but do not for get because if you forget it will happen again. i say just have the best time you can with your parent now beacuse you never know when something bad can happen and take away one of them away.

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What the hell is their problem?

1.) They weren't expecting you.
2.) They wanted to get jiggy and didn't think about children.
3.) The 'protection' broke.
4.) They're normal humans.

Well, maybe someday you'll be lucky enough to become a parent and have your kids hate you too.
I can't hold grudges either :P

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you know I used to hate my parents too, Now I AM a parent and I totally understand where they were comming from:) My mother died 2 years ago, and although we had our ups & downs, it wasn't until she was gone that I realized she was my best friend. I miss her and wish I hadn't taken her for granted, and looking back, I'm grateful I had a mother who loved me enough to put me in line when I was being selfish.So I know how you feel, but cherish your parents while they are alive, because once they are gone, no matter where you go on this planet, you will NEVER feel at home again without them. And all the stupid things you do to insult their intelligence, hurt them or provoke them into anger just because you can, come right back around to kick you in the head as soon as you become a parent yourself:)

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Well, everyone has their ups and downs. You can't expect to always have a perfect relationship. Right now I'm having a argument with my mom, which happens about every 2 hours and goes on for 2 weeks, and sorry Dayzed but just saying yes sir/ ma'am doesn't help in my situation....she just goes on and on and even when my dad backs me up she turns on him. She always thinks we're treating her unfairly and all but nobody has an easy life, whether you're rich or poor.Sorry, went pretty off topic but I just had to get that out...-Fever

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It is true sometimes. Parents that were expecting your existence have a better plan. Unlike my parents who got married at the last minute (both were about 38)they did not expect me. My mother was your flirt and my father was the guy that showed off too much. My mother was rich, he was poor. I thought if I were poor I would be humble, but he also had bad parents (they were gambling alcoholics). When I was a kid I thought my parents were alright, until I went to school. My father yelled at me all the time! He yelled at me for every little thing! My mother used to defend me and then afterwards she would yell at me too. Now I am a yelling, angry, and irritating teen. They ask me if I love them, while I am doing homework they want to BOND and when I try to BOND I get yelled at! I do not like living with them they always yell!!!!!!!!!! But when I am not around them I am happy and tranquil I do not yell at my peers. My family has a feud too, so I come from a background of yelling. THEY YELL ALL DAY AND NIGHT! SCREAMING AND CRYING I HATE I CANNOT EVEN SLEEP!!!Be glad you're not me.-Nobody

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My parents are always quarelling too, over very tiny little things. It drives me mad. I used to cry, but now I just hide away and ignore them and pretend I don't hear anything. Best not to interfere, especially when you don't understand them completely.

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you know, if you guys were smart, unlike i was when i was young, you'd take full *BLEEP*ing advantag of you damn folks, no many may not have the heart to act like this or even think like this. but heres how i look at it.when i was young i didnt know wtf i wanted to do, i was forced to go to school, to eat weird food, go to church, and go to sleep and do all sorts of gay *BLEEP*. but now i live on my own with 3 college students, although im not in school myself. now i have to pay bill, speeding tickets, buy food, go to work every damn day, and if i wanted to go to school i have to pay aroun 300 bucks a class, and thats just at a *BLEEP* community college.if you're young and still hve time under the wings of your folks you need to take full advantage of this period. first assess the situation and see what your parent are willing to do for you. if you really hate school and its drama, go get a damn ged. but dont move out, get in good with your parents and start thinking about ways to get them to pay for college. college is a lot better that high school, and theres ways for you to get a highschool diploma in college, while attending college classes. its calld running start, and if your grades suck -- see if theres a 'fresh start' program. what they do is arange a way for you to get what you want in college for free. in most places the limit is an associates degree, which if you get before your 21 is usualy enough for you to get just about any low level job you want. such as security guard (which at the right sites can be the easiest job ever, at least if you work at night, i suggest going for a mobile patrol position. you need a drivers license, but all you do is drive around all night, and it usually pays 9.00+ per hr. which is enough for you to pay rent and even buy video games and *BLEEP*).my real suggestion is to stand up, not against your parents, but WITH them, and let/make them support you as you improve and advance your live... once you got every thing stable (aka, car-cell phone-job-bank account-money saved) then move the *BLEEP* out. your parents might be all mopey, but you can cheer them up by making them a part of your life (aka bring over your laundry and eating all their food when you come over)one of my biggest suggestions is to stop worrying about other people. dont worry about chicks and getting girls, *BLEEP* that! get girls after you've got your own pad to bring them to! girls lik to see a guys got his *BLEEP* together! its also very important to look at what kind of girl you're going for. the best would be a depressed rich chick. just impress her *BLEEP*in dad (or family) and *BLEEP*er her reallly well... you'll be all she wants. you know what you do then? get money out of her family in the way of business, come up with a bad *bottom* business plan and then show that *BLEEP* to her *BLEEP*in dad and get his dough...okay okay im ranting here, listen though the trick to all this life *BLEEP* is to just pick a direction and go! when people see you've got direction they tend to do one of 3 things they either help, follow or get the *BLEEP* out the way. come up with some *BLEEP*, research that *BLEEP* and then do it. do sit around doin gay high school drama and sitting around in your room being mad at your ma and pa

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I'm thankful my parents are still around but I hate the fact that they don't listen. They won't admit they're wrong even if they know they are. For once I'd like them to just shut up, sit down and listen to what I have to say.-claire

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damn parents

I Hate Parents.


Replying to Zenchi


You know, I truly hate my parents and I'm not just going through one of those ****ing "teen phases" where people are all like "aw well everyone your age hates their parents" and all that *BLEEP*, no I truly, cold blood hate my family in general and I know I should love them but you have no idea what they've done to me for the past 14 years and no matter how well I describe it to you, you will never understand unless uve lived through it ALL. I went online trying to find help on how to understand why my parents have said and done some of the things that they've said and done but all I did was find all these articles written by adult and they were all for parents on how to handle kids when the kids do things wrong. EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM BETWEEN PARENTS AND KIDS WAS LISTED AND ALL IT DID WAS SHOW WHAT THE KIDS DO WRONG! its NEVER what the PARENTS might be doing wrong. ITS ALWAYS THE KIDS FAULT. WTF! parents are looked at as always being right, no matter what the problem is and kids are always wrong, but ive been going through this for 14 years so this is the last straw I'm just not gonna give a anymore what they do or say, in 4 years I'm getting the out of here! I'm going to put a ocean between me and my parents. Ill just stick it out for 4 more years and then its over. So to all you kids who might know how I'm feeling then I'm sorry, I know how you feel, but hey it cant last forever, uve made it this far, just a lil longer and ull b free.

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I think almost everyone sometimes have/had a feeling of that their parents was the worst in the world, and that they would try to do everything in their power to ruin and destroy every single part of your little pathetic life. But think about it. Do any parent really want a kid that hates them? No, they don't. Some parents may be better than others, but that is not the problem here. Neither are the kids... In any relationship there are at least two people. When something goes wrong there is a big chance that it is not only one of the persons fault. Children do wrong things, and so do parents. All of them.But they only want the best for you. They do not want your life to be miserable, pathetic and horrible. All of the things they do are to protect you, or keep you away from bad things in life. When they say you need to do your homework, it is because they want you to grow up and get a job... and move out so the parents can live their life in peace and quite. But I must agree that some parents do not listen. Well, not in my case because I don't even talk to my mom, not much. Sure she is an important part of my life but sometimes I just want here to care a bit less, do you know what I mean? I meet my dad like 4 days a month, but I just hang around and watch television.So, lets go back to the "parents do not listen" thingy. Well maybe it is something wrong with you? You come home, sit on your computer all day and goes to the kitchen to eat a wonderful dinner prepared by your loving and caring mom. You eat it up in five minutes and goes back to your computer. Then you maybe ask for some money, because you REALLY need that new pants! (Really?) You say they don't listen to you, don't care. But if parents really did not care about you they would probably send you away somewhere. Do YOU listen to your mom or dad? Or do you just sit around waiting for help, and give nothing back? This relationship need to go both ways, you silly person. Ignoring them and expect that you will get some loving and wonderful parents back is just stupid. Grow up!

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yea pretty much parents are gay, specialy mine, they cant seem to get over the fact that they are 30something & have a 16 year old daughter & a 8 year old daughter to take care off, its not all about them anymore. i hate it. everything revolves around them. you have 40 dollards? im gonna go partying with my friends, can i have those? and oh yea clean the house & do this and that, and take care of your sister.. its like what the ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff im not your friggin mom GROW UP! also grades, there is always preasure from them, they do not seem to trust me, i know how to get good grades, & have awajy to do that, they need to chillax everytime we get a progress report.. ITS A GAD DAMN IT PROGRESS REPORT! its not the actual grade!! and they get soo mad.. the only reason they care is because they want me too go college, get all rich, & be their pimp for the rest of their lives, which is just friggin gay! they need to grow up seriously

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