AlternativeNick 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 Steve Irwin (or as many of you know him, the Crocodile Hunter) Known for his famous exclamation 'Crikey!' has died in a freak accident in Cairnes AustraliaHe was actually killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest. He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said.It is understood he was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest.He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas filming an underwater documentary when the tragedy occured.Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality this morning at Batt Reef off Port Douglas.Irwin's body is being flown to Cairns.It is believed Mr Irwin's American-born wife Terri is trekking on Cradle Mountain in Tasmania and is yet to be told of her husband's death. View the full story: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jlhaslip 4 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 Crikey! That'll wreck his day... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BuffaloHelp 24 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 My friend's daughter will be sad to hear this story. She idolized Steve and for his famous TV programs, she wanted to become a veterinarian. It is a sad day for animal lovers and a planet which is striving so hard to promote kinder, gentler appeal towards all living creatures.I will miss Steve... I hope Terri would find some comfort. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kryptonite 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 I'm an Australian and when i heard the news it struck like lightning in all of us at school. IT will be a sad country without the old CRikey from the television. His wife is bieng flown to Brisbane and is in massive shock, I wonder how his poor kids are coping. These are some terrible times we are living in at this moment. Steve IRwin May You Always be in our hearts. RIP you were born in a world which you loved and you died doing the thing you loved. May Gods Graceful Hands LIft You Into The Most HIgh Of Heaven. RIP good friend you will always be in our hearts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albus Dumbledore 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 (edited) yippie! is my opninion... the guy was an idiot... no offense to the people who liked him, but he was a straight up idiot, i mean he took his kid within 5-6 feet of a alligator or crocadile, whichever one it was.... 'Crocodile Hunter' takes baby to feed crocs Friday, January 2, 2004 Posted: 1748 GMT ( 1:48 AM HKT) Story Tools Save a link to this article and return to it at a link to this article and return to it at Email a link to this articleEmail a link to this article Printer-friendly version of this articlePrinter-friendly version of this article View a list of the most popular articles on our siteView a list of the most popular articles on our site YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS Crocodiles Steve Irwin Australia or Create your own Manage alerts | What is this? BRISBANE, Australia (AP) -- Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin took his month-old son to his first croc feeding on Friday, offering the reptile a chicken with one hand and holding the baby in the other. With a capacity crowd looking on, Irwin dangled a dead chicken before the 13-foot crocodile named Murray, which snapped up the offering. Irwin's tiny son Bob looked on from his other arm. "He's one-month-old, so it's about time Bob got out there and did his first croc demo," the Australian celebrity told the crowd at his Australian Zoo. thats as bad a michael jackson holding his son over a ledge....(yes i was wrong earlyer, it was MJ) Edited September 4, 2006 by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kryptonite 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 Albus, don't you have one bit of sympathy in you, his kids are going to be growing up not knowing who there father really was. S o please show some respect. He was a good and kind man. I met him he was great showed me alot of things. And Just because he took His kid within feet of a crocodile isntr dangerous he knew what he was doing.Man Michael Jackson hung his baby of a frikin balcony. So Plaease just Show some respect. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saint_Michael 3 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 All i have to say holy (you know what), talk about the odd's. Whats weird is that even though i don't know the whole story besides the final outcome is that you have to provoke just enough for them to attack you.OF course it's going to even harding on the kids especially his son who will only remember him by picutres and video's.He will be sorely missed by everyone across the world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
midnitesun 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 oh boy i always thought he would meet his end by one of his croc friends ,i am sure he would have not prefered a sting ray , anyway he is real joy to watch and many people from around the world will surely miss him ,by the way i am still upset a sting ray got him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cool_Freaker 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 It really is a shame. Whilst his programs were over the top, and he just fed the American held stereotype of Australians, there was no doubt he was a conservationist at heart. He had a passion for what he did (which was evident throughout his shows and movies), and most definitely made a difference in the world in the way of saving the animals. Condolences to his family, though I believe his daughter already has a headstart in the industry (anyone seen the Australia Zoo ads?) and hopefully will continue her father's legacy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avalon 1 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 Yes, Steve Irwin was over the top, but this was a man very passionate about what he does. He could not help but let his passion overflow and hopefully have a few more people follow his cause. As an Australian I sometimes found him embarrassing, but you have to admire the fact that his heart was in the right place, (no pun intended about the way he died) and he really believed in what he was doing. Never have I seen a person so 'up' all the time, it was not just an act for the cameras, he was like this all the time. Talk about passion!No matter what you thought about him or the things he has done, Steve Irwin did a lot of good things for the environment. He will be sorely missed as a great Australian character and ambassador. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagoth Nereviar 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 RIP Steve :DI was suprised to hear it was something as rare/non-fatal sounding as a manta's stingray...I thought he'd been eaten by a croc at first...Condolences go out to friends, family and Iriwn lovers everywhere Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
T100 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 I think Irwin has died of his own courage and his own profession. It is really dangerous to feel too good about oneself. When you are in his position, you may as well feel too confident about yourself, living in the praise of others and under the limelight. It is a tragedy created by his personality and circumstances. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fffanatics 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 This really stinks. He was so much fun to watch on tv and even make fun of with friends. He was so energetic about nature and that was awesome. I dont know what tv will do without him Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mirra 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 I?m amazed at how much people are talk about this man. I thought he was a local Aussie hero - but it seems news of his death is resonating throughout the world. You have a lot of people who will miss you Steve Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plenoptic 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2006 I heard about this story as well. It is really sad that he could survive all of his ecounters with animals and what not and then somehow this stingray sends his tail through to his heart. That is really probably one of the oddest ways to die you'll hear about. I have watched teh Crocidile Hunter a few times and I always thought that guy was pretty funny. I am sure he will be missed. I feel sorry for his wife who doesn't know about it. It'll be hard to think about when she does. God bless him and his family. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites