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Is Homosexuality Right Or Wrong? your views

Is homosexuality (being gay) OK or not?  

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Of course it is right. Nobody should be discriminated against for life choices or anything. I don't believe that you choose your own sexual orientation, you just are. It's not genetic though, it's environmental, changed by the way you live. Different types of people think differently but I think this is completely the correct view.

I guess that I can correct myself on this, since I'm not entirely sure and I'm just going off of what I've learned.

I believe that genetically, an individually can be more masculine or feminine regardless of actual gender. More testosterone and estrogen will yield to more tomboyish or feministic personalities... which would assist in almost guiding someone to become homosexual or bisexual when it comes to environmental or peer factors.

But that's just my gibberish... :D ... and you're right. :)

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Well, humans aren't made to reproduce in the same sex. That's what makes it wrong. You can't get too far with that, because our bodies aren't made that way. They just aren't.

I second that, thats not the natural way our bodies were made to function, how come we dont find homosexual animals for example ?

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If people CHOSE to be homosexuality it would be wrong. It is a bad idea to not allow yourself to procreate. We're supposed ot be going FORWARD not backwards :LBirth rates are dropping and death rates are rising. Homosexuals really aren't helping. However it's not their fault they were born that way. Let sleeping dogs lie. They never chose to be that way. So I say leave em to it. People are just people after all. Regardless of skin colour or religion or sexual orientation.

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Wow to some of the replies I saw on this subject. I also Dont believe that it is right or wrong, And I dont think that it is my job to judge anyone for there sexual preferences. I have alot of gay male friends and I know a few lesbians also have an Aunt who is one. I think that they have the right to love or have a relationship with whoever they want. (as long as the other person is willing of course) I just strongly believe that if a male is strongly attracted to another male and not a female, or vice versa, than that is there choice in life not any one elses. And I also think they they are criticised way to much. I know not everyone has these beliefs, But if they are not bothering you in anyway WHY NOT JUST LET THEM BE? I think that people just stew on it and let it bother them for no good reason. I mean why do you think you are gonna change them by badgering them or hurting them because they are gay? I think not.

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how come we dont find homosexual animals for example ?

If you take a look at my previous post, I have mentioned a line about Carlos and Fernandes..... Two "gay" flamingos taking care of a young chick that was abandoned by its mom.
And the chick is growing well :(

I second that, thats not the natural way our bodies were made to function,

There are millions of things that our bodies are not supposed to be doing but we still are doing it, like smoking, drinking alcohol, having anal intercourse, having drugs and so on....

But I do not hear anyone making a fuss about any of these things. To be honest I think that we "straight" people are more mentally perverse than most of the homosexual people. I think it is time we forgot color, sexual orientation, gender and race..

But as long as people have ego, this is not possible. I did not mean to sound rude nor were any of these remarks made to hurt you :)

Merely expressing my view here. I wish you a Happy New Year !

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well i think that homosexuality is wrong why because from a biblical point of view, god created man and women it was not man and man or women and women. a women was ment to complete a man so a man and a man or woman and a woman is incomplete. loking from a some what scientifiv point of view the reson that there is man and women is beacause the human race needs to reproduce to live and receive the proper nutritians to grow so a man and a women together they reproduced, two women cant do that, and the man goes hunting or farm to fead the women and child while the women stays with the child to nurture him/her teach him/her and breast feed him/her two man cant do at least one of these thing can they, but we did sorta evolve from that. so in any way i see homosexuality has being wrong but one thing a lot of people do that's wrong ,especial the religious leaders, is when they discrimate agains the homsexuals which i too think is wrong.

There are millions of things that our bodies are not supposed to be doing but we still are doing it, like smoking, drinking alcohol, having anal intercourse, having drugs and so on....

i kinda somewhat disagree with this minus the anal intercours thing theres a diference between alcohol consumption smoking and drungs and loving the same sex. alcohol is just like a regular drink just with some bad in are body's allowed to drink isnt it smoking is just sunking something we can suck right.
Edited by etycto (see edit history)

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Is Homosexuality Right Or Wrong?


Homosexuality is simultaneously "wrong" and "okay". Depending on the entity

Viewing it.


"Right" and "wrong" are concepts that come from the mind and at a truthful level(a level of which is nothingness that forms everything) they do not exist.


But to some entities(the egos of minds) homosexuality is evil, or wrong. There is no distinguished between real and not real

Either, only in the mind. Thus homosexuality is simultaneously "okay"

And "wrong".

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I think being gay is perfectly alright, and even gay marriages. I admit, I have popped the occassional gay joke, and would be somewhat uncomfortable around someone who is gay,but I also believe extremely strong in one's right to freedom. Freedom to live life as they please.Whether it's Religious Intolerance, Racial Intolerance, or Sexuality Intolerance, it's all the same thing.I'm also an avid Mormon, and it does go somewhat against our main teachings as well as many teachings, butI always think of what Jesus said - "Judge not, lest ye be judged". It's not up to US to decide if it is or isn't right.It's up to us to live our OWN lives the best we can, until we are perfect ourselves, then and only then can we point outour brother's faults. That can be applied to lots of things, including all these stupid wars, you'd think with the internet and the open communication from country to country we'd be able to stop wars altogether.Yeah, sometimes it's needed, especially if you've been attacked, but this war in iraq is insane, In my opinion, homosexuality is more correct, righteous, etc... than this mindless killing in Iraq, and ignorance of other countries that really could use our help like Kenya or Darfur.We've spent 2,000,000,000,000+ on this war. Of that we've killed approximately 20,000 insurgents, 10,000 of our own troops, and 50,000 innocent civilians in iraq -- now tell me... that's 80,000 people dead (because we decided Hussein wasn't fit to stay in office, and faked proof that they were somehow tied to 9/11, and had weapons of mass destruction) Tell me, is one man, and the 3000 deaths at the WTC, (if iraq really was responsible which we now know for a fact they weren't)....Do the $80,000 new death's justify or make right or forgive the 3000 lost at the WTC? Of course not, that was 3,000 this is 80,000. It's insane... One more fact: If you multiply that all otu, we've spent $250,000 per person to kill each of the 80,000 (that's just going on a 2 trillion dollar estimate, which may be short...)...Now tell me... What are we really fighting for...imagine if we turned that money towards something actually worthwhile, like aids research, stemcell research, ending world hunger, ending poverty, fixing America....Sorry, I've gotten off on a tangent, but I hate how everyone hides behind this issue, when the bigger issue is murder, which is a mcuh worse crime than homosexuality, and it seems that's all that's happening everywhere...it's just really sad.Anyways, I'll leave ya with that to chew on. hehe... Happy New Year - hopefully the last in Iraq!

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I really don't see anything at all wrong with homosexuality, OK you can't have babies the normal natural way, but does that even matter? I think two guys or two girls should be able to do whatever they like. Tell me: what is the difference between a gay and straight relationship? Its still two human beings in love and sharing their lives with each other, and that should be respected. If theres one thing I dont like, its people who say that gays are "wierdos" or "second class", as they have no position to make such claims, as its what they prefer.I am a member of a certain forum, where in the Australian section, around 45% of the members are gay. And they make it publicly known, and it doesnt effect anyone, its just the factual truth, and being gay isnt some "disease" that you might "catch" from being "around" gay people. Its just a gender preference, which someone has made a decision on. Anyway, it sorta spices things up having such a high gay population, as in that forum we get some pretty interesting discussions going :)

Edited by A200 (see edit history)

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i kinda somewhat disagree with this minus the anal intercours thing theres a diference between alcohol consumption smoking and drungs and loving the same sex. alcohol is just like a regular drink just with some bad in are body's allowed to drink isnt it smoking is just sunking something we can suck right.

Sorry I was a bit unclear there.. Let me explain.. The body was not designed to get poisoned periodically to booze and smoke.. Chemicals in drugs, booze and smokes change the way your system functions after some time....

Like for example.. Chemicals in LSD, Cocaine and so on hamper with your memory, decision making and hormonal activity. Even though it gives you a great "high"(Cocaine, Marijuana) or makes you more enlightened and aware (LSD) It still isnt what your body was designed to handle.

Booze gives you a "kick" :) but then it plays havoc with your brain, liver, digestive system....

O_O went off course there ||

All that I am saying is that there are some things that are overrated and one of them is homosexuality.. We are ready to accept gay actors (dont remember any right now) , singers (Elton John, George Michael) who have given great hits ... Reached the top of charts because we supported their music...

Yet we wanna crib about homosexuality being wrong :(

I think patrickcurl and the feedbacker put out two good points :-

1. We are fighting for the wrong cause.. We should be fighting against corruption, war and so on.. But heck i guess attacking homos with pitchforks and torches is easier than fighting corruption.

2. It is all in the minds of the person.. As they say.. "In the eyes of the beholder" One person sees good and the other sees bad.

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I think I forgot to put in my standpoint too... :) I am up for *person*- and bi-sexuality. People should live the way they want to live without directly intruding, harming, and/or inconveniencing others... and if you say that same-sex relationships are wrong because of your beliefs or that it disturbs you, that's just stupid. It's your opinion, which is fine and dandy, and I'll respect that, but when people take measures to push that sort of opinion to oppress and/or harass *person*- and bi-sexual people simply because they aren't "of the norm"... whatever that is...I'm sure you know where I'm going with this.Live and let live.

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I wondered what people feel about this? I personally believe that it's wrong and wouldn't mind chatting to others who believe otherwise to see what they think.

Personally, it's not my cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. You have to put the measure of morality into play. If you're going by what you're government says, or the governments morality, then homosexuality is wrong in almost any state in the union, if not they would all allow homosexual marriages. If you believe in a god that doesn't allow homosexual acts, then it's wrong to you. Looking at it in a strictly animal perspective, we're not the only animals who involve ourselves in such things. Take dogs for example, males will attempt to mount other males as a sign of domainance. Humans on the other hand do it, for the most part, to indulge in sexual urges or personal needs. If a higher power is left out of the picture, who's to say that having sex with someone of the same sex is any worse than going out and drinking, or having a cigarette. The question of whether it is right or wrong is completely up to individual. You said you think it is wrong, but wrong to who? Are you saying it's not for you or that you don't respect anyone's decision to be homosexual? If I had to answer the question, if you can't read between to lines of this post, I'd say it's wrong for me, but right for anyone who chooses to be so.

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wow! I can't believe this question was actually asked. Honestly, my opinion is that this question is a gateway to a cyber-war. Personally, I believe it is just as right as breathing air, or the color of your skin, etc. I really don't believe it to be a case of right or wrong at all, there is nothing immoral about it, it doesn't harm anyone for it to exist, (and in the cases of people being abused by another of the same sex, that's not about homosexuality, it's about control), so, I'm going to have to agree with anyone who feels this post is redundant.No offense intended but that's my honest opinion:)

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I honestly think we have WAY too many laws in this country that are setup to target people who don't really deserve to be punished. For instance: Gays, what they do if it's wrong and they're going to hell, well they're only hurting themselves, and not anyone else. Illegal Immigrants - (I may be starting another civil cyber war here)...they may steal work from Americans, but that's because we haven't created the perfect statute yet, I think there's plenty of room in america, especially out west there's mile upon mile of open land, that isn't being used to live on. Also America was built on the premise of taking in weary travellers and helping people. I believe that there are 2 main things we need to focus on - 1. Making sure anyone who enters this country is paid the same wage as everyone else. 2. Everyone who crosses our border should be documented, but it shouldn't come with a threat of being de-ported, in fact it should be rewarded.3. I believe having a fence is a good idea, and having a school at the border where anyone who enters will be required to learn English, get a social security - like - number, put their fingerprints and signature on file. But I think anyone who can pass those three points should be allowed in.Next - there's non-violent drug offenders, yeah the drugs may hurt themselves, but if that's what they want to do with their life, it is upto them. Obese people(of which I am one), are addicted to food. The food they eat can in many ways make them as disabled as someone on drugs, but should they be imprisoned? If the government were smart they would take the less dangerous drugs like marijuana and make them legal, and put a tax on them, so that people on the street will no longer deal. This would also provide a lot of jobs and help end the war on drugs. If the army isn't fighting the druglords, drugs wouldn't be as scarce, if they weren't illegal, and hard to get they wouldn't cost so much for the consumer, consumers wouldn't need to steal drug money, etc etc.... a whole chain of positive effects. I myself abhor drugs, but people are rebellious in nature and tend to do what authority tells them not to, if authority tells them it's ok, they might be like..oh damn, what's the point then, I don't really like it that much anyways, I was just trying to piss off 'the man'.I also think the rich and famous should not receive added benefit for crimes done, for instance a big corporation, if they harm thousands of consumers then they should serve time for each person injured if that's life or not - they should've known better in the first place thats why we have corporate lawyers, if you know you're defrauding people you should serve more than 10-15 years without parole, regardless of how much money you have. Just think of all the interest you will have to spend when you get out - talk about a good retirement plan... Make 20,000,000 by 40, go to jail for 20, and when you retire you've got twice what you started for, for you to retire on..hehe..Just some of my thoughts about the system...I also think it is time for us to get on board with the rest of the nations of the world and get universal healthcare for every citizen in America. I also think that we should erradicate poverty and homelessness in our country before we start wars to try and save the rest of the world, serously there is a ton of poverty here in America, and if America was so good, then everyone in America would have a roof over their head if they so choose. Also, it's a fact the #1 deterrent to crime and poverty is education, perhaps we should change the way the education system of America works, I think for instance there should be free education from kindergarten through College - Professionals would then pay a tax of 5% per year to fund future generations....Etc ....Etc.... Etc..... We just need to lower the age limits for congress, and presidency and get some people in office who are in our generation to make a change.

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