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It is against the rule to put a very short head "Who" which identify nothing. You can for example use "who I will date" that make differnce.
Christmas Is Jesus Birthday Christmas is Jesus Birthday
kasm replied to kasm's topic in General Discussion
Dawiss, is better to keep these feeling to yourself or to initiate another thread. Here the subject is what is Christmas and why people round the world celebrate it. They congratulate each other and wish the best for each other. My friend for other religion congratulate me whetever they believe in Jesus or not. Doesn't matter you care or not. It is not Poll and I didn't ask whetever you believe or not. Jesus is historical figure and influenced bilions of peoples and for 2000 years anti-christ didn't succed to eliminate his name. When I was in Leningrad (St Peters-burg now) in Russia 30 years ago, the state then to took the attraction young people (your parents generation), out of the churches in the Easter Night mass, they opened the Movies (kino) all the night till the morning and showed attracting films there. People like your parents have the impression (may be missunderstanding) that the religion is as crime and it is better to hide their belief from the state or the communist party. So your Grandparents were who took grandchildren and baptized them when they were babies. I don't forget the girl who had kissed my shoes (this is not exaggeration ) that because I took her to the mass since the places were limited and I could go as foreigner and I took her with me. But were thousand of young people outside and in the street. Nowadays when they said that you are enjoying the freedom of religion, you say that. By the way to be believer doesnt mean you "pray all the time". God help you. For your benefit in English language as second or third language [don't be offended] correct yourself in the following [i like to help]: "tryed" to be "tried " "thous" thing to be "these things". -
Christmas Is Jesus Birthday Christmas is Jesus Birthday
kasm replied to kasm's topic in General Discussion
Saint_Michael, Do you forget the events took place in Bethlehm of Palestine 2000 years ago. Ask me who lived and worked in middle east (Egypt, Algeria) about the weather there . The weather in December is in average 15"c / 59"F and you can walk in sweater. It is called winter relative to the summer where the degree 41"c/106"F. Morever the Sheaperd have to work anyway for living . It is their life. Sheep has to eat and go out daily too. Wasn't the modern farm . Wasn't the high standard of living and the work conditions as it is now. -
Do You Believe In Santa? Do you believe in Santa?
kasm replied to Ao)K-General's topic in General Discussion
This question is subject of many fantasy films for the kids under 6 years old. Do you mean Santa Claus the fairy tale [Please read thoroughly what in my posting "Evolution of Santa]. Or you mean St Nicholas, the bishop of Mira and one of the early christian father[Please read thoroughly what in my posting "St. Nicholas] . In general, people don't believe in person even if he saints or angel eithers. They believe in God only regardress of the respect to any saint. So this question is not suitable for poll. -
1. Today is the Christmas according to the western calender. Let us not forget that Christmas is Jesus birthday and not St Nicholas feast which cerebrated in Western Europe , Greece, Russia on his departure day on 6th of December [ see my postings to this forum St. Nicholas]: 2. In my posting to this forum "The evolution of Santa ", has shown that the modern Santa Claus has been shaped by many factors and is with myths and legends. It is absolutely inaccurate to claim that "Santa Claus is St. Nicholas." Though it is true that the historical St. Nicholas of Myra (AD 350) has been one of the most beloved saints but the modern Santa Claus has nothing to do with Nicholas of Myra, other than his name and gift giving. 3. Christians would have no major problem with about St. Nicholas bringing gifts on his own day. Christians do (or at least should) have a major problem with moving the St. Nicholas thing to Christmas and, even worse, calling it Christmas!. Christians are rightly offended when the Santa Claus fairy tale is called Christmas instead. The practical solution would be to move the Santa Claus celebration back to its traditional date of Dec. 6. Taking Santa out of Christmas has many benefits. There can be a greater focus on the real celebration, the birth of Christ.Just my opinion... 4. So Merry Christmas to the Christians and Muslim too. Islam acknowledges Jesus and considered him a great profit.and recognizes his miracles and the virgin birth of him [see my posting to this forum " We believe in the same one God". Coptic Christian in Egypt celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January and the state make it holiday for all. In Australia where I am now, we celebrate it twice on 25 December for the kids and on the 7th of January too.
I said by myself that I want differentiate between to characters:- St Nicholas (who was Bishop in Turkey and his tomb is now in Italy). His festival is on 6th of December in all western Europe and Greece and Russia, They consider him as "gift giver" but in real matter and not fantasy - The American Santa Claus who is living in North Pole and who fly on Couch with reindeers to distribute toys and other things. Who appers in many songs and huge numbers of Films. So I said by myself that I wish to address them in two different thread and I initiated two threads: - St. Nicholas: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31564-st-nicholas-the-real-st-nicholas/ - Evolution of Santa: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31566-evolution-of-santa-from-st-nicholas-to-santa/ and I asked: . I hope that I explained and gave what you is looking for.
It is not right to say "by copying" and in fact must be "by sumerizing". Do u realise that summarizing 50 pages to one page is difficult matter and harder than speaking freely. You will not believe how much time it take from me. For me I added value to my knowledge and I have to give benfit to my audiance. Instead of thanking for the effort, you talk about credit points. That will not encourage others to pass the information they obtained.
How did the Christian saint []See St. Nicholas] and Bishop Nicholas, become a roly-poly red-suited American symbol for merry holiday festivity and commercial activity? How does the bishop in Turkey is flying from his home in snow in the North Pole making toys and distributed it by his flying couch with reindeers? Santa Claus encourages consumption while St. Nicholas encourages compassion. Santa Claus, as we know him, developed to boost Christmas salesthe commercial Christmas message; but St. Nicholas told the story of Christ and peace, goodwill toward allthe hope-filled Christmas message. It's been a long journey from the Fourth Century Bishop of Myra, St. Nicholas, who showed his devotion to God in extraordinary kindness and generosity, to America's jolly Santa Claus. In US , Santa was evolved as follow: - After the American Revolution, New Yorkers remembered with pride the colony's nearly-forgotten Dutch roots. John Pintard, influential patriot and antiquarian, who founded the New York Historical Society in 1804, promoted St. Nicholas as patron saint of both society and city. - In January 1809, Washington Irving and on St. Nicholas Day that year he published the fiction, Knickerbocker's History of New York, which made numerous references to a jolly St. Nicholas character. Sinterklaas was Americanized into "Santa Claus" . This was not a saintly bishop, rather an elfin Dutch sailor with a pipe in a green winter coat. These delightful flights of imagination was regarded as the "first notable work of imagination in the New World. - In its first St. Nicholas anniversary dinner on December 6, 1810 of the New York Historical Society, John Pintard commcommissionedxander Anderson to create the first American image of Nicholas for the occasion. Nicholas was shown in a gift-giving role with children's treats in stockings hanging at a fireplace. The accompanying poem ends, "Saint Nicholas, my dear good friend! To serve you ever was my end, If you will, now, me something give, I'll serve you ever while I live." - On December 23, 1823 in the Troy, New York, Sentinel was published, the poem of "A Visit From St. Nicholas" (better known today as "The Night Before Christmas") In this poem Santa is established as a heavyset individual with eight reindeer (who are named for the first time). - In 1885 Christmas card. was printed in which Father chriChristmasring in red costume - In 1863 was cartoon by Thomas Nast who capture Santa Claus' image as we know him today . - In 1902, was the book The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (1902) by L. Frank Baum.. - From 1926: St. Nicholas Magazine was published. This enormously popular magazine named for children's patron, St. Nicholas, was published . It featured high quality children's authors and illustrators. - From 1931 to 1964, Haddon Sundblom created poster each year for The Coca-Cola Company's "thirst knows no season" campaign. His life-size Santas in white fur-trimmed red suits are now the American Santa Claus. Some thought that Santa Claus was in fact invented by Coca-Cola. Nevertheless, Santa Claus and Coca-Cola have been closely associated for long time. - Many charities orgaorganizationh as the Salvation Army are dressing as Santa as part of fundfund raising drives to aid needy families at Christmas time. - Many Songs and orchestral works. inspired by Santa Claus.e.g "Here Comes Santa Claus", Santa Claus is Coming to Town"... [See more here] - Appearing of "Santa Claus" at Christmas time in department stores or shopping malls as a costumed character who His function is either to promote the store's image by distributing small gifts to children, or to provide a seasonal experience to children by having them sit on his knee (a practice now under review) - Many films about Santa legends: its origin, filling sockings from his pack of toys. , flying , doubts about his exisexistence and disappears up the chimney, attempting by children to trap Santa or capture him, children believing in him, as toys makers and distdistributortoys , Santa in his workshop, visiting his Eskimo neighbors, and tending his reindeer. Mrs. Clause" as as a super hero-type figure, Succession of Santas [See films detail] Reference: Santa Claus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus , Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Please keep this thread for the real St Nicholas and not the American Santa.. There will be another thread named "American Evolution of Santa" for the manipulating figure Santa, so you can post in which your contribution is related. 1. The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in Patara, a village in what is now Turkey. His wealthy parents, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. 2. In AD 300 while still a young man, he was ordained Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor, the city now known as Demre, Turkey. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to the those in need. He loved children and often went out at night disguised in a hooded cloak, to leave necessary gifts of money, clothing or food at the windows of unfortunate families. Nicholas worked for justice and cared for those in need. He was in AD 325 in Council of Nicaea and he is more remembered for his defense against the Arian heresy and So called him as the Defender of Orthodoxy.. 3. He died on 6 December 343 in Myra so that why St. Nicholass Feast is on December 6. 4. In 1087, Italian sailors took the bones of St. Nicholas to Bari, Italy. They have build a church in his name and to hold his relics. That why he is called Saint in Bari. This "translation of the relics" is commemorated in Bari with a fantastic festival each year on May 9th. But his great work was done in Myra. 5. Since the fifth century the Eastern Church has revered St. Nicholas for the many miracles attributed to him and for that he is known as the "WoWonder-workerconsidered him as WoWonder workerI>. 6. In 987AD Nicholas became Patron Saint of Russia With St. AnAndrew the Apostle following of the baptism in Constantinople of Grand Prince Vladimir I. Nicholas is Russia's favorite saint. 7. Beside Russia, he is also patron of Greece, many cities in Italy, Germany, Austria, and Belgium; Campen in the Netherlands; Corfu in Greece; Freiburg in Switzerland; and Moscow in Russia. He is also patron of mariners, merchants, bakers, travellers, children, etc. 8. In 850AD The Clergy of Cologne Cathedral were commemorating the death of the saint by giving fruit and cookies to the boys of the cathedral school, on the 6th December. 9. In 1100s: French nuns began giving candy and gifts to needy children on December 6th, St. Nicholas feast day. Children still eagerly await his treats in French Alsace and Lorraine and in many other parts of Europe. Still Gift Giver in Europe, helps bring treats to excited and happy children. 10. Due to modern association with Christmas, Saint Nicholas is a patron saint of Christmas. 11. St. Nicholas' feast day, December 6th that widely celebrated in Europe, kept alive the stories of his goodness and generosity. December 6th is still the main day for gift giving and merrymaking in much of Europe. Simple gift-giving in early Advent helps preserve a Christmas Day focus on the Christ Birth. In recent years, Christmas (along with Santa Claus) has been pushed by shopkeepers as another present-giving festival, with some success, although, especially for young children, Saint Nicholas' eve is still much more important than Christmas. References: - Saint Nicholas: Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas - St. Nicholas of Myra - Catholic Encyclopedia: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11063b.htm - Catholic Online Saints http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=371 - Was St. Nicholas A Real Person? http://www.stnicholascenter.org/pages/real-person/ - Is St. Nicholas Still a Real Saint? http://www.stnicholascenter.org/pages/real-saint/ - Saint Nicholas and the Origin of Santa Claus [ http://www.stnicholascenter.org/pages/origin-of-santa/ ]
Whetever he is wrong or right in the eyes of constitution doesn't concern me. What I want say that US and Western countries critisized and are critising other countries even though these countries did fraction of what US and the western domcaracy did after 11/9. I remember in 1956-1970 was in Egypt a president Nasser. Nasser has prosecuted many extremists from Moslem Brothers group . Many of them escaped to the west where they welcomed and protected by US and others. US and its allies criticized Egypt for human right violation. Some of these elements have explded Trade Center before 11/9. After 11/9 and London bombs, US, UK and Australia do worth 100 times what was critics for Egypt before.
1. Nothing wrong if " Everyone thinks that their religion is the best", otherwise why he/she still in this religion or not converted to other religion. This should not bother you, uiop. 2. Why the attack on the Christians because they believe in Bible. Jews also believe in Bible. Muslim believe in Koran and respect the Bible and called the Bible "The Book". 3. I will not discuss why we believe in Bible because the argument will not go anywhere if you have that attitude like saying "book that could have been written/make up by ANYONE". But at the end it is called belief and faith. There can not be final proof for the belief. That why it called "belief". There is freedom for belief what make US a secular country even their founding fathers were Christian . They even can not teach or mention any religion matter in their school or hung the Ten commandment in public places. Why the western world made big noise in the past against the Soviet Union for the freedom of religion?. Why the western countries criticized China about human right including freedom of religion. 4. Real Christians love even their enemies and pray for them. While Jews considered themselve the "chosen nation" to God and called the other "Gentile". Extremist Muslims called Christian infidel even they believe in one God and they greed say "we believe in One God". 5. Inviting any body to your religion is not a crime. But enforced them to convert by conquer or swards that is another matter as it was happened to my ancestor the Ancient Egyptian when the Roman and after that Arabs killed millions of them and who survived it was because they were rich to pay money instead of conversion. The same happened to all of North Africa even Spain, Albania and Serbia. Ask the Armenian and Greek and Bulgar what Turkey did for them. 6. The Country with Christians majority allowed non Christian to become citizen and allowed them to build huge non Christian Centers in US, Uk, France, Sweden, Germany, Holland etc... But Saudi Arabia will not permit any another religion in their place. Even any other faction in Islam not allowed there. Last month was opposing argument to allow an Evangelical Church in Qatar for the forigner working there and I don't know what the outcome for the discussion if it ended? 7. Who helped Bosnia and Kosova . Who payed hundreds pf millions for Boxing day Tsunami disater in Indonesia? Who helped in Darfoor of Sudan and in Iranian or Pakistani earthquake. Of course countries of Christian background while the rich Islamic petroleum countries were watching .
I don't understand why peoples are using the bad words and are dying to do that? I amy speaking 3 languages and know 2 others but never I used bad words in my 61 years age even in special or private. I don't feel that I lost something or having restriction. I have also feeling that as far you speak bad words as far you are not sucessful [You know what I mean]. I can argue , discuss ,dispute, be angry and shouting but without bad words or insulting. I think the vent by allowing hot argument it does't mean bad words
We Believe In The Same One God Judaism , Christianity and Islam
kasm replied to kasm's topic in General Discussion
We here is for Christians, Jews and Muslims. Please read my posting and not skimming. Every word counts. My conclusion not because the name of God which is different in them. It was because we in these three religions worship the God of Abraham even though we may use different names. Christianity is continuing for Judaism and uses the Old Bible. Arabs as Isrealites have the same ancestor that is Abraham and Islam acknowledges that Allah was the God of Abraham. So we can call these religion Ibrahimic or Abrahmic religions. In my first posting in this thread, I said: I didn't involve any other religion in this matter. So please stick to the point. If you have any disapproval about that these three religions aknowlodge that God for them are the God of Abraham then give us. Otherwise the discussion go nowhere. It is out of the point to speak about the Buddhism or another religion in this thread. By the way I know that Buddhism are teaching and way of live and don't know that they speak about any God [ may be I am wrong]. If You have any about God in Buddhism, you can initiate another thread and tell us. -
We Believe In The Same One God Judaism , Christianity and Islam
kasm replied to kasm's topic in General Discussion
1. I didn't say that these three relegion are the same. I only said they believe in the same God . 2 I speak three languages, Arabic , English and Russian. Also I studied Frensh and German in the school and University. Plus I aware for Polish. I am now Australian immigrated from Egypt 18.5 years ago. Even I am not Arab but Copt [The aboriginal people of Egypt before Arabs]. My mother tangue was Arabic. I schooled and graduated fromthe University of the first and second degree . I also worked there 20 years. I lived in Russian 5 years and worked in Algeria 4 years [where I used French beside the Arabic Language] 3. During my schooling in Egyptian School, we learned some of Koran. When I read Bible in Arabic, I read "Allah" who is God in English and Bog in Russian. When I wanted say "in the name of God", I say in the name of Allah. I can freely say "Alah Akbar" in Arabic what mean "God is Great" OR I can say "No God but Allah" as Muslim say. 4. From my reading in Bible "old and New parts], with my Logical analysis. I has found that Our God is the Abraham's God as Jews say. The same Muslim and Koran says that Allah is the Abrah's God. Then all of these three relegions believ in the same God. The name of God depends on the language. Even in Bible and Koran there are many names for the same God. 5. Officially translation of Koran is not allowed espically before the Intenet Age. So all other Islamic countries read Koran in Arabic. So that why they use "Allah" for "God" in any Islamic countries. When I was in Russia, my Muslim friends there were seeking explanation for their relegion and I gave. By the way I also explained to Jewish friends their relegion too. -
I will speak on the three religion Judaism , Christianity and Islam. I. God is the same for the three religion since HE is the God of Abraham. The name of God depends on language. For example the Arabic Christian use word Alah as the name in God as the Muslim because God in Arabic is Alah. But Muslim in all countries use Alah because they use Koran in Arabic . Koran is not allowed to be translated but in the internet time they put Koran in English in the net and called it is translation of meaning. I don't understand the difference between translation and translation of meaning. I explained to the people in former Soviet Union that it is wrong to say that Christian has "Bog" as God while Muslim has Alah. I told him Bog in Russian is God in English, Gotten in German and Alah in Arabic. II. Believing in One God: Judaism and Islam and Christianity believes that God is One. Some people misunderstand the Christianity in this point . Christian in their pray and Greed confirms that they believes that God is One in the Holy Trinity III. The Christianity follow the 10 commandment as Judaism.Islam adopt most of commandment.. IV. Marriage - In Islam they can married 4 wives under condition [but nobody follow the condition]. Divorce allowed. - Muslim man can marry Christian or Jewish woman but not the opposite i.e Muslim girl can not Mary Christian or Jewish man. - In Christianity the marriage is one man and one woman for the life. Divorce is only for adultery. The Torah says that through marriage, a man and woman "become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) - In Judaism as in Christianity, the Torah says that through marriage, a man and woman "become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24). The divorce allows but when people get divorced, they must obtain a "Get." A Get is a religious document and can be done so only by someone who is well-versed in Jewish law .witness the giving of the Get. V. Jesus Christ: a. In Christianity, Jesus one of the holly trinity, Word of God, was incarnate as a human to be crucified and save the world from Adam's sin. b. In Judaism, that Jesus is not the Messiah. and they still waiting the Messiah. c. In Islam, they consider Jesus is a good pro hit who born from Mary and holly spirit . He hasn't been crusified but ascended to heaven directly. The Koran , the holly book in Islam and El-Bukhari, the prohit's says tell lot about Jesus. Take these examples: 1- Jesus was the only person to be born of a virgin: 2- Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and messiah : 2- Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and messiah [The Koran: (4) The Women 171; (3)House of Imran 40]. 3- Jesus Christ alone emanated from the spirit of God; for this reason He did not need a sexual, genetical birth: [The Koran(4) The Women 16] 4. The Koran tells us that Christ needed no one to teach Him anything, not even how to speak. Jesus Christ alone, in exception to all humans, spoke while in the The cradle [Koran(19): Mary 22-32]. 5- Jesus Christ alone was perfect without sin; Also, the Arab prophet testified for the perfection of Christ and His infallibility, saying: 6- Jesus Christ alone was distinguished from all others in the sense that He was Creator of birds: 7- Jesus Christ alone was uniquely incomparable in knowing men's secrets: 8- Jesus was matchless in making the miracles and the wonders which no other could make: 9- Jesus Christ alone could raise the dead with the word of His blessed mouth: 10- Only Jesus Christ could give His followers high honors and assurances concerning the day of Resurrection: 11- Only Jesus will be the Judge who will come to this world to judge the living and the dead; the Arab prophet confirmed this fact, saying:
1. What fantasy assumption you gave?No religion on the earth consider "all blacks were evil".We speak now about what a particular religion preach and the responsibility to keep it in action. Please read my previous reply [which before your direct] that the matter is not religious one and the example I gave in public school for matters are not religious. 2. Who said that?. Do you have any idea for the agreement or contract even the oral ? promises do? 3. May be in the interview no questions direct? about race, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, what political party you belong to etc.BUT there is Job advertising shows the objective and culture of the ororganization the minimum condition to apply to that job , the reresponsibilitiesnd tasks etc? and job description . Do you hear that big companies and cocorporationsike IBM or Microsoft have an anannouncedulture. What you say about the questions are given by your Congress members to confirms the judges candidates? 4. This is not of Laws Making matter but applying what is already e.g. Contract Law. 5. This is not rereligious freedoms matter. Nobody enforce her to choose her rereligion but she has been abide for what she agreed to. 6. She wasn't fired because her ability to teach. This exactly equivalent to the driver who loose his/her licenclicensehe/she drives faster than what allowed or drives in the opposite directdirectionedespitexperience in driving even if he/she is the champion in cars race. 7. Speaking about brainwashing or relegireligiousom? is elastic and not deterministic matter. I remind you how the media and authorities brainwashing US citizen ? about the necessnecessity for invading Iraq. to not think. s243a, please answer the following question in cultural and real maner from neutral prospective: Why there are Catholic Schools, Anglican Schools, Babtist Schools, Greek Schools, Islamic Schools and Jewish Schools?.
How Much Do You Pay For Your Internet And How Fast Is It?
kasm replied to truman69's topic in General Discussion
I am in Melbourne , State of Victoria, Australia.I am using Unlimitted Caple account from Telstra : - Uncapped download - 128 kbPs upload.I am paying 60 AUD Australian dollars equally USD 40 ($40 ) -
I visited http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ your sites contain the following folders: _private/ required Authorization : your id and passoword cgi-bin/ forbidden for me es/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/es/main.php Gallary empty images/ is empty inicio/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is a template has headed banner contain sevilla joven name and button links: Links Contacta con nosotros News Home postinfo.html is pre prepared file contain : I think you have not upload index.htm or index.html . or default.php ...
Saint_ Michael, God existence will not be approved or not approved before your death [wish to you long live] and then you will find the answer if there will life after death. Then you can lough or regret. This matter is not about God existence or religion but about rules and agreement. What if a teacher in public school conduct a pray or hang poster of the ten commandment? What if a teacher in public school talk about Creations stories or criticized the evolution theory or went out of the book and curriculum? I am not a Catholic. But the matter is not Catholic or not Catholic. It is the rules and the contracts. It can happened in other religious and non religious school even in public schools. I mean firing teacher for breaking a rule which is not necessary the pregnancy or sexual conduct. [see my examples to public school up.] What if a teacher or in Islamic School did the same matter or dressed inappropriate dress? What if the teacher eat or drink before the others in Ramadan month where moslems are fasting? . What if teacher in a Jewish school carries a cross or display Jesus picture? I remember 40 years ago that was rule in Egypt, that the student girl who marry has to stop her schooling immediately because this affect the other students who will take information about sex from the married student [in our time pupils] . May be it is not now the case in Egypt but may be this rule still in some other Islamic countries probably Saudi_arabia and similar. In Saudi Arabia, the teacher for female must be female and in the case of necessaity e.g relegion teacher who is a man, then he teach the lesson through electronic circle. To those who compare the matter to the problems of the Priests, we all know what happened to these priests if their story become known (of course firing and jailing). Don't tell me about these stories what had discovered after decades from the events. The case of the teacher is obvious now. The fair comparison is to find case to priest abuse obvious now but the school doesn't act against. To those who defend the sexual freedom. The teacher was not prevented to do her desire. She is free to do what she likes as far as not affect the kids. Nobody punished her for the sexual behavior in bed..
1- She is working for a Catholic institution and should follow their teachings. 2- It is breach for a contract since she "required to convey the teachings of the Catholic faith by his or her words and actions." 3- It is breach of belonging membership to the organisation. Exactly as the situation when a woman applying to be member in men club or a man applied to be member in women club or organisation. 4- Every job has a job description and duties and obligation. Every appointment has a selection criteria and points. 5- It is not discrimination since the school authorities is ready to show the door as well for a male teacher "if they knew that he had impregnated a women out of wedlock" 6- It is not of matter of forgiving since the trace of matter is continuing. It is not a matter of forgiving. Forgiving for a single event without trace for evever. Forgiving to who steal something and this something in his possesion is invalid forgiven. Because after microsecond from the forgiven the sin or the assult still active since the stolen thing is not returned. The same if some one is forgiven for cheating and the same behaviour is continuing after that, the forgiven was given is nonsense. 7- It is not matter of religions freedoms. She has the right to belief or act as she likes but not in matter affect the new generation. It is similar to the sex ofender case when it is not allowed the sex ofender to work in school or kingarten even after they have received punshiment. 8- It is not a personal or private matter because this matter can not be private i.e the others don't know about it and effecting the kids. Many another matter can be private.
- Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a large dinner shared among friends and family. In both Canada and the United States, - It is an important family gathering, and people often travel long distances to be with relations for the celebration. - The Thanksgiving holiday is often a "four-day weekend" in the United States, in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. - Thanksgiving is usually celebrated almost entirely at home. - In Canada, it is a three-day weekend, as Thanksgiving is observed on the second Monday of October every year. - It is based on the New England puritan Thanksgiving, which is a religious - Thanksgiving, and the traditional harvest celebrations of England and New England and maybe other ideas like commemorating the pilgrims. - The Pilgrims sailed to USA aboard the Mayflower were originally members of the English Separatist Church (a Puritan sect). - The Pilgrims set ground at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620. - Their first winter was devastating. and in the following fall, they had lost 46 of the original 102 who sailed on the Mayflower. - The harvest of 1621 was a bountiful one. And the remaining colonists decided to celebrate with a feast -- including 91 Indians who had helped the Pilgrims survive their first year. - The celeberation lasted three days and is now known as the first Thanksgiving. - The only two items that historians know for sure were on the menu are venison and wild fowl. - It is not certain that wild turkey was part of their feast. However, the term "turkey" was used by the Pilgrims to mean any sort of wild fowl. - The supply of flour had been long diminished, so there was no bread for shortage of flour. However, they did eat boiled pumpkin, and they produced a type of fried bread from their corn crop. - The first feast wasn't repeated, so it wasn't the beginning of a tradition. - This "thanksgiving" feast was not repeated the following year. - But in 1623, during a severe drought, the pilgrims gathered in a prayer service, praying for rain. When a long, steady rain followed the very next day, The Governor proclaimed another day of Thanksgiving, again inviting their Indian friends. - It wasn't until June of 1676 that another Day of Thanksgiving was proclaimed. - On June 20, 1676, the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established. By unanimous vote they instructed the clerk, to proclaim June 29 as a day of thanksgiving. - This thanksgiving celebration probably did not include the Indians, as the celebration was meant partly to be in recognition of the colonists' recent victory over the "heathen natives," - In October of 1777 marked the first time that all 13 colonies joined in a thanksgiving celebration. It also commemorated the patriotic victory over the British at Saratoga. But it was a one-time affair. - George Washington proclaimed a National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789. And later, President Thomas Jefferson scoffed at the idea of having a day of thanksgiving. - In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a national day of Thanksgiving. - Thanksgiving was proclaimed by every president after Lincoln. The date was changed a couple of times, - In 1941, Thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday, as the fourth Thursday in November. - In 1947, the first National Thanksgiving Turkey was presented to President Harry Truman. - Since at least the 1930s, the Christmas shopping season in the U.S. traditionally begins when Thanksgiving ends. - This year marks the 58th anniversary of the National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation. - The 2005 National Thanksgiving Turkey and its alternate are from Henning, Minnesota . After the presentation, the National Turkey and its alternate will be taken to Disneyland Resort and Theme Park in Anaheim, California and will serve as honorary Grand Marshals for Disneylands annual Thanksgiving Day Parade. References: http://www.holidays.net/thanksgiving/index.htm http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic%5Fthanksgiving/ http://www.history.com/topics/thanksgiving https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Happy Thanksgiving from KASM Notice from BuffaloHELP: Copied source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/= Posting in the wrong section.
!. In my first and concluded post ,I have mentioned that US is celeberated it. 2. What You , K-General, mean by "Here"?. Which counytry. Put yourself in our shoes and say which country instead of "here". I checked your profile but I didn't find your country either. 3. Also using "But we.." means that I said that I put your country in the other group where people do not celebrate it.
When I initiate this threat, I mentioned why I said that it is local and not international and I asked a question that is: I want to know whether people in your country celebrate Halloween? But most repliers don't told us what are their country. So far the countries who celebrate it are : US - Canada - UK and Ireland. We in Australia don't celebrate it [may be few who have UK or Ireland background] But I don't notice that . People in China and Taiwan (more than 1.3 billions) do not celebrate it. People in India,( about billions) do not celebrate it. Japan , the two Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos don't celebrate it. Russia, and all the other 15 former Soviet Republics do not celebrate it. Countries of former Yugoslavia do not celebrate it. Poland (my wife country), Hungry, Romania, Bulgaria, ... and rest of former Eastern European (former Warsaw bloc) countries don't celebrate it. Greece and Cyprus don't celebrate it. Israel, Egypt (67 million) and rest of Arabic Countries don't celebrate it . Indonesia (280 millions) . Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia and other Islamic countries don't celebrate it. The rest of African countries don't celebrate it. What about Mexico, and the South American Countries. I think they are not celebrate it. What about France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium? What about Finland and the Scandinavian countries: Sweden, Denmarkand , Norway. I think they don't celeberate it.
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