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Everything posted by brandice

  1. Rick Allen. He was great with two arms. (check out DL's first three albums) He had to have been, I don't think that anyone who wasn't a really, really great drummer could have continued to play after losing an arm. I remember we had to do drum transcriptions back in my commercial musicianship class in college. A couple of guys were like, "I'm picking a Def Leppard song. How hard can it be to transcribe that?"Guess who the only two people were who didn't finish their assignment?
  2. brandice

    Art Class

    I've never been able to draw. We had to draw scenes from Animal Farm for English class once, and the teacher put my picture on the bulletin board all year because it was so sad, every animal looked the same. "it's about a farm, Brandi, not a pack of wolves" So, I took ceramics as my art class in high school. I was so bad at it, one time my vase exploded in the kiln and broke everyone elses projects. But I did get something out of it, as you will take something out of art, even if you don't see it now- I can impress my nieces when we're playing play-doh.
  3. I used to take classes in all sorts of subjects and learn about website design. I used to chat, and I spent hours in email.Now, I am kind of in a rut. I pretty much just go to a couple of BBSs, play Toontown, and read the news. Sometimes I work on my site.
  4. I couldn't even get in to your site. I got a popup that said if I didn't download some sort of toolbar my access was denied. And then the (internet explorer) browser windows I had open froze up and closed on me.
  5. cool. I didn't notice that until just now. But then, I haven't really changed my profile too much. I only decided to put up an avatar yesterday.
  6. Yay! I think the fella who wrote the song made up the word. A sort of dizziness from thinking back... I wonder what came first, the title or the subject of the song... hmmm.
  7. I have a cable modem right now I am connected at 400 mbps. I don't know for how long though because I may be moving at any moment. My sharpie is red and it has a fine point.
  8. I'd have to say the hosting, because I can never think of anything to say here.I've been spending more time in the forums (browsing around, looking at the ads and trying to add useful info when I can) than I have working on my site and making it better.
  9. Here's one that's not really well known. (But I wish it was!) It's a beautiful song, with truly beautiful and meaningful lyrics. Retrovertigo (from Mr. Bungle's California Words and Music by Trevor Dunn) Before you advertise All the fame is implied With no fortune unseen Sell the rights To your blight Time-machine While I'm dulled by excess And a cynic at best My art imitates crime Paid for by The allies So invest Now I'm finding truth is a ruin Nauseous end that nobody is pursuing Staring into glassy eyes Mesmerized There's a vintage thirst returning But I'm sheltered by my channel-surfing Every famine virtual Retrovertigo A tribute to false memories With conviction Cheap imitation Is it fashion or disease? Post-ironic Remains a mouth to feed Sell the rights To your blight And you'll eat Now I'm finding truth is a ruin Nauseous end that nobody is pursuing Staring into glassy eyes Mesmerized See the vintage robot wearied Then awakened by revision theories Every famine virtual Retrovertigo
  10. oops. sorry about that, dontmaimyourself. my childhood memories are all mixed up!
  11. these things happen every now and again. It can be very freaky when the SQL goes down and your cpanel shows that you have no databases. The last thing you want to do is be hasty with the rearrangement and deletion of things. Just be patient. Wait a few hours, or even a day and things will be back.
  12. I'm not in this band, but it has some of my favorite people in the world in it. http://www.purevolume.com/captainsofthezombies I did sort of make a guest apperance in one of the songs.
  13. For the benifit of the folks who don't have hosting yet or have never seen what fantastico has to offer here's a list of the links to the home pages of the content management systems that they've got to install for you: Drupal https://www.drupal.org/ Geeklog https://www.geeklog.net/ Mambo Open Source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ PHP-Nuke https://www.phpnuke.org/ phpWCMS http://www.phpwcms.org/ phpWebSite https://github.com/AppStateESS/phpwebsite Post-Nuke http://www.postnuke.com/ Siteframe http://www.siteframe.org/ Typo3 https://typo3.org/ Xoops http://www.xoops.org/ If you visit the support forums at these sites you can get an indication of how easy the various CMSs are to use. And they usually have a section that is a showcase for their user's sites that they've made with the product and that will give you a pretty good idea of what you can do with each of them. 'www' or 'public_html'
  14. just like Cammy, I was totally hooked on collapse. I'm mostly into puzzle games. I got my mom online recently and she got hooked on the games at Yahoo too. Yesterday she got over 1,500,000 on the Text Twist game. I'd guess that's one of the highest scores ever just because I don't know how many people would play Text Twist for six hours. lolA few months ago I crossed the line and got addicted to an online multi-player game- Disney's ToonTown Online. Now I can play that for days straight.
  15. I'm older than you, dragonfly. I'm just a poor old woman It's not that girls aren't interested in or knowledgeable about computer stuff- I think that sometimes it's a matter of being "intimidated" about talking about it because "boys are smarter at these things" There are guys like my brother-in-law who only know how to check their email and look at porn, but they won't listen to anything I have to say about computers because I am a girl. It's kind of like when I was in younger and I was really into music (still am) I played bass, and even went to college for songwriting and music history. Guys still didn't believe I knew what I was talking about or that my opinions mattered.
  16. In the united states it goes like this:kindergarten (age 4 or 5... some places are starting at 6 now) Then primary, or elementary school is 1st- 6th gradeNext you have Junior High- that's grades 7-8 High school is 9th-12th grade often referred to with the same names given to years in college- freshman(9), sophomore(10), junior(11) and senior(12).
  17. That's really cute. I love these quiz things. Now I am going to find out what Nigerian spammer I am.
  18. I've been out of school for a long time. I do make it a point to try and learn something new every single day. That would put me in the 25th grade.
  19. my dad was always pretty laid back and calm. and then every couple of years he'd just have this explosion over the tiniest thing and he'd tear a door down. Then he'd go back to his lazy self and we'd have to deal with propping up our bedroom doors at night.
  20. When I was younger I used to win all kinds of stuff off the radio. I got to meet bands, go to amusement parks... I won tickets to concerts, records and cds, a cd player, shoes, valentine's chocolates, a backpack full of survival gear. Most of that was luck, like, I was the 15th caller. A couple of times I had to answer questions.A year or two ago I won a website contest at some internet community. I was supposed to get a bunch of prizes but they kind of flaked on me. Still, it's fun to know I won a "World's Worst Webpage" contest.
  21. I think it's great as it is. I haven't knitted in a long time... it gets frustrating since I get distracted and my mind often wanders. It's inspired me to find the yarn.
  22. no no... I meant everything he's ever done since then. Listen to any of the later Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, or Fantomas if you want to know what I mean.
  23. I don't want to get nit-pickey but Ronnie James Dio was Rainbow's second singer. The two greatest voices ever, the most talented singers are Freddie Mercury and Mike Patton. Either one could/can sing anything and it would sound beautiful. Mr. Mercury did it with various styles of music- if you listen to any Queen album you'll here several different styles and he pulled them all off. Mike Patton... it's just a shame that most people know him for Faith No More's "Epic" because that man grew up to do some of the most amazing things with his voice.
  24. I read the title of this thread and immediatly thought of Roger Taylor from Queen.
  25. Usually, if guys are going to get creepy on you they'll ease into it. They'll try to be friends with you and slowly they'll start to get more personal- so you can see it coming and stop anything like that from happening before it starts. But this was so bold and sudden. I haven't seen his name around since then. I did make my online status hidden though, just in case.
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