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The GGs

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About The GGs

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    Member [ Level 1 ]
  1. I thikn oyu have to go back through a vent because I remeber that part and you are so close to the end of the level.
  2. Well I different people like different types of games and not everyone is going to like this one; I happen to though.
  3. Man my school starts at 9.15 and the bus comes at the bus stop as about 8.50; however somehow I manage to get up, get dressed, have breakfast go on the computer and pack my bag ready for school in that short amount of time (under 1 hour!)
  4. What was the score of the game or should I say when is it, I don't have a clue when it is or if it's happened but can someone please give me some info on when it is or what the score was?
  5. Has anyone played this Action Stealth game, I think it is fantastic and one of the best games I've ever played I completed both the first game and Pandora Tomorrow and am hoping to be getting Chaos Theory when it is release in the United Kingdom.
  6. If a kid is annoying you in class at school take my advice, take it onto the street and batter him; that's if he's annoying you a REAL lot.
  7. To tell the truth I don't really mind Nelly as he hasn't really got on my nerves but I have to say that he isn't one of my favourite rappers.I prefer Eminem (D12), 50 Cent and Dr. Dre a lot more but I have to say but my overall favourite rappist just has to be Eminem. In my opinion he is head and soldiers above all the other rappers with his decent raps and his decent singing voic too.
  8. I have voted for others instead of Action because I like action games but in more detail some types of action games, these are genres such as Stealth action games like Splinter Cell and First Person Shooter action games such as James Bond.I also like sports game like FIFA and some types of adventure games.
  9. Hey Alexwhin i have already tried geocities.yahoo.com and I didn't get any MySQL servers or anything like that for free.
  10. I reckon that you are lucky, I don't reckon that many dads are anymore.
  11. Right now I am going back to old times, I am playing JSRF Jet Set Radio Future to try and complete my FAQ and before that a few nights ago I was playing Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow which I managed to complete for the first time I think on Wednesday.
  12. <style><!--body{scrollbar-face-color: #9CCF00;scrollbar-shadow-color: #687888;scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF;scrollbar-3dlight-color: #687888;scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #DCE0E2;scrollbar-track-color: #BCBFC0;scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000; }--></style>Why do you need to have the <-- and --> in the tag; when I change the scroll bar colours I don't need to to input that.
  13. I don't really know how long it is going to be but the programming language HTML will probably soon be converted to just XHTML.
  14. I believe that the statement is true; this is beacause I have heard rumours that that the Hardrvie and DVD player won't be included in Xbox 2 due to an early release.
  15. The GGs

    Fifa 2005

    I myself just love playing FIFA 2004; I don't have FIFA 2005 but 2004 is more or less the same; the controls areeasy to get used to and the graphics are wonderful, I guess that you people who are not FIFA fans but play football games play Pro Evolution.
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