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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I'm thinking that you should maybe post a link to the site you want reviewed.Just a guess that you would be getting a few more replies...
  2. I can get by with only 4 hours sleep if I have a 3 hour nap in the afternoon... maybe I'll do some research on that today. Its looking like a research day, for sure...
  3. Question: what level of knowledge do you have now? Can you at least read and interpret a php script? Before you jump into MySQL, I suggest you have a decent understanding of the workings of PHP. And that means being able to look at scripts and see what they do and how, even if you don't know exactly what each function does.The php.net site is a great reference for that. You need to be able to find things there to discover new functions, and match them to what you are attempting to do. Best way I know of to learn a new language is to write a script or two. If you have done any previous coding, re-write the script in php, for instance. If you are new to coding, start simple.One good source might be the Learn in 24-hours series of books. Learn php first, then add the mysql stuff.I learned buckets full of stuff from Larry Ullman's books. I have several of them, and once you know some php, they are great books to learn mysql and how to write php code for web sites using mysql.Download and check out some scripts from hot scripts dot com and see if you can understand them by reading the source code. Same with the scripts in the Xisto Tutorial section. Look at a script and figure out what is going on, understand the logic flow and the functions the author uses and why that particular one is being used.Do you have a copy of php and/or mysql on your local machine? I suggest Xampp or Easyphp. Download and install one of those. Xampp includes the mysql server, not sure if easyphp does.This should keep you busy for a few days...
  4. I am Canadian, so I don't have any links for you, but just a quick question about the medications and prescriptions:Are they all from the same doctor? and if so, is there a possibility that some of them can be replaced by a "combined" medication? Also, are there generic equivalents for those prescriptions? Might be able to reduce the cost on that basis.In the meantime, I can send you the next batch of Spam emails I get... j/k
  5. It has been a couple of months, but I played with ff3Alpha for a few days and it looks good. Passed the Acid Test, same as Opera and Konquerer. I am waiting until a RC is stable though. If it would install beside ff2, I would have a beta running, but it doesn't...
  6. Yes, you can have multiple Domains on your hosting account.If you want the second domain name to go to the main web site of your account, then "park" the Domain.If you want to have a second domain show a second web site, "add-on" the domain to a sub-domain of your hosting account. Create the sub-domain first.
  7. jlhaslip


    Your Dad sounds like a smart fellow...
  8. This one might be an issue. You would be competing against Imagefilez, another Xisto Company member. And you will likely use lots of bandwidth/Server time. Remember this is a Shared service. this would be allowed Ads are fine. Yes. IPB is allowed, provided it is a Legal (paid) copy.
  9. might be nice of you to post a link to the site for us to checkuse the edit button
  10. Nope, he has it right. Load the main css file first and then the IE css file only needs to contain the rules that should change if the Browser is an IE and meets the contitional. The Conditional can be used to select specific IE versions, too. <!--[if IE 6]>Special instructions for IE 6 here<![endif]-->From http://www.quirksmode.org/css/condcom.html Looks good to me. Check the file path? and remember that the references to images inside the css file should be referenced from the CSS file, not the HTML file. *** edit *** you are missing the style for the nav container in ie css file so the styling from the non-ie stylesheet is continuing to affect the NavContainer, which is likely the problem you are having.
  11. Please report this problem to https://support.xisto.com/ thanks.
  12. The shoutbox, for example, was out of sync with the world last night by about 5 minutes for some reason.It is okay this morning.
  13. How new is your account? It takes time to propagate domain names.Look in the tutorial Forum for a Mod to your HOSTS file to speed up the linking. You will need to have the Xisto IP address to alter the HOST look-up.
  14. They were probably looking for an html/php solution.And do you realize you are replying to a 2 year old Topic?Closed.
  15. On reset of 'some' accounts, it is a bug in the system which messes up the number of credits. Do your back-up, terminate your Hosting account and, as Saint Michael says, when you resume posting again, slip the mods a PM to adjust the credit number. It'll all be good.Good luck with your endeavors. And we hope to see you back soon as you are able to join us once more. Best wishes.
  16. *UPDATED OCT 16/2007*Fixes:1.) Corrected the Download Link - removed an extra character in "iindex"2.) Corrected the default email address displayed - removed a trailing 'a'3.) Added additional check for bad User input - function to clean some bad stuff4.) Converts html entities - again, a security issueThat should do it for now. Let me know if you have any difficulties with the script. Thanks.*UPDATED OCT 17/2007*Fixes:5.) Fixed validation of "&'s"in the Trap link6.) Corrected Licence link to Creative Commons
  17. I have a version which produces an Image link, too. The Image can get created dynamically, or from a saved file if it is available, but there is a problem with accessing the Fonts here on the Trap, so I didn't post that one. If you need the code for the Image-based version, PM a request. It works fine on my localhost (XAMPP) installation. If you have GD with T1Lib installed, which a standard XAMPP does, it will likely work on your machine.And all of my stuff is Licenced under the Creative Commons - attributtion - share-alike standards, so, yes, you may borrow the code. Simply retain the copyright in the script and pass it on. Whether you alter the code or not, the copyright needs to follow it.A link-back is not required, but that would be nice.
  18. Spam bots often 'scrape' pages to glean information and collect email addresses. I don't like that. To combat the Bots from collecting my address off of my site, I wrote a script that includes 'obscures' the address in several ways. It adds 'AT' where the '@' sign is and then replaces the '.' with 'DOT' so it is humanly readable, but not by the Bots. Also, it encodes the 'mailto' and the address used in the 'mailto' so it shows okay on the web page and on:hover, but it is actually encode into hex values on the page. Sort of like Html Entities, which 'most' Bots cannot read. But they are becoming smarter all the time, so there is no guarantee that this will work all the time for all Bots.. The demo site can be used to create the obfuscated (Whew, big word!) link tag for use on your own site if you are new to Web site building and do not yet feel comfortable with coding php or templates.. Experienced Developers/Coders can download the core components from here. Three functions. I wrote the functions so the code would be re-usable for other tasks. One function replaces the '@' and '.'. The other one is a generic string encoding function. It could also be used to encode code snippets on your pages, too...
  19. Excellent detail on that image. Very nice job...A little dark for my taste, but I could live with it. I prefer more lively colours. Maybe I should post up mine some day...
  20. Spam? Where? I don't see no stinking Spam... Happy Birthday to SM, my idol... Some day I will be just as {EVIL} as he is... Muwahhahahaha! but he will never be as old as I am.....
  21. Check out XAMPP as a one-click installer for adding php, mysql, phpmyqdmin, and a bunch of other stuff to your computer for testing scripts and practicing your coding.Google it.
  22. I purchased mine from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 1 year $40 (I think) and renewals are only $30/year(if I remember correctly)
  23. In order to test php scripts on your localhost machine, you require a system that includes php parsing. A WAMP set-up 'usually' includes a database server, and a database manager, too. For Windows machines, theses are usually referred to as WAMP because they include Apache, Mysql, and PHP for Windows, hence the acronym WAMP. Wikipedia has a listing of the available packages with details about the included versions and often a link to the wikipedia article describing them. The list can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Personally, I use XAMPP, because it is a one-click install. It also includes a Mail Server, Web Stats, FTP Server, and a lot of other stuff, too. Follow the instructions for each package and you should be good to go!
  24. Use the most current version of the software and keep it up to date is the best recommendation I can give you.There is no way to absolutely guarantee the safety of your site, but maintain a current version and update when the version changes. Especially when they issue 'security' updates
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