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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. AEF version 1.0.4 is available at the above listed links. Mostly a couple of bug squashes, with a few additional features, like bbcode in the shoutbox, not a major release. Next release will (should) be for a Language system so the Owner can use translation files. Ans some w3c/html fixes. Several new Mods have been written, including a 'Bank' which accumulates 'points' for each posting, etc, similar to the Trap credit system, but different. Also a New User Mod automatically creates a new Topic when a User registers, Some pretty cool Themes are coming along, and we are having fun with it. If you need any further information, check out the Demo Site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I will be updating to 104 soon, but many of the Tutorials remain current, so use them for AEF 1.0.4 also.
  2. Looks great. That yellow background will wake them up...Thanks for the Demo and the script. Nice work.
  3. Education is a very good thing. It can never be taken away from you, and (usually) makes you a better, more complete person. On the other hand, you also need to balance the school/studies thing with some physical activity and some inter-personal stuff, too, in order to really develop as a person. There is a ying/yang thing about the balance of forces in one's own 'self' and no matter how strong one aspect of your personage is, your personal growth is limited to the weakest component, so that is why I emphasis the need for development of the additional elements, too. The three components are the Physical self, the Intellectual self, and the Emotional self. Develop all three to become absolutely the best person you can be... don't depend on schooling alone. Take a break and go visit some friends, playing a little is important, too.
  4. If you look in the Tutorials section, BuffaloHELP has a Tut about creating text on images using php. He uses them to build userbars for the Sig of the Week winners, for example. *edit* Nope, it is in the php section http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33857-dynamic-image-signature-generator-a-simple-code-to-change-text-on-an-image/ or have a look at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/36015-watermark-your-image-with-simple-php-script-found-it-on-the-net/ maybe?
  5. I just added the Table to a DB and your query ran fine here on the Trap. Then I added an entry using your INSERT and it went in just fine. Repeating the INSERT added the second entry with a different ID number, of course.How did you configure your php and mysql? seperately? or using an installer like XAMPP? or WAMP?Maybe you should un-install the php and mysql then use one of the one-click installers??? might solve this one for you.Don't forget to copy/backup your htdocs folder first.
  6. you have a conflicting filename in your public_html folder.usually, software is installed into its own folder, like /public_html/forum/ for your forum. It makes things easier to sort out and avoids conflicts such as you just had.
  7. Forum Help Link Here Board Rules Xisto Readme
  8. In your Cpanel, there is a section towards the Bottom for using "fantastico" which is a script installer. In the fantastico, there are several 'Bulletin Board' scripts to choose from. PHPBB is a good one from that list.
  9. $item= $array[count($array)-5];untestedmay need to perform this in steps though$num = count($array);$n = $num - 5;$item = $array[ $n ];
  10. Submit an email to Xisto - Support.com please.Link back to this thread, give them your account name, domain name, and describe the problem.The script usually runs *about* every hour, subject to server demand, etc.*edit*It's working now!
  11. Does this help at all? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Seems you need to authenticate the SMTP connection. Might be easier to alter your server to use sendmail in the php.ini file.
  12. <?php$test=array(1,2,5);$name = &$test; // check this lineecho 'print_r $test';echo '<br />';echo '<pre>';print_r ($test);echo '</pre>';echo '<br />';echo 'print_r $test[0]';echo '<br />';print_r ($test[0]);echo '<br />';echo '<br />';echo 'print_r $name';echo '<pre>';print_r ($name);echo '</pre>';echo '<br />';echo 'print_r $name[0]';echo '<pre>';print_r ($name[0]);echo '</pre>';?> Note line 2 and the prefix for references, compared to your code.
  13. The cat likes you and seeks your attention. Just like people, they become attached (and conditioned) to those they can trust.Besides, I'll bet you feed it...
  14. Those are good stats... He'll be up and running around in no time, just wait ...
  15. Hey, Uncle Mikey, CONGRATS TO ALL!Hope everyone is healthy, and best wishes with the {EVIL} Nephew...
  16. Fall season here. We are getting drizzly rain off and on through the day with lows nearing the freezing mark over night. Makes the roads dangerous for driving.So far, no snow, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens within the week. Just that time of year...
  17. I suggest you make sure your Lover knows that before you gift one of these Black Roses to them, otherwise you best be ducking and dodging while you leave...
  18. And was the Hosting company able to assist you with that?
  19. I would contact your Hosting company directly. They likely will be able to adjust your password, if that is the problem, or they will be more able to assist you than us, since that doesn't look like a Xisto account log-in.
  20. I believe the Login system will be in the portal software.
  21. snewscms.comsNews is a "Developer's" Content management System because it is very adaptable and easily modified to suit your needs. On the other hand, it also is quite easy to implement into a Template with little or no coding experience.Check it out. Lots of Themes available, too. It fits most Wordpress Themes, too.
  22. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. Have a look at the MKPortal site. It can be a Portal to several different Forums.
  24. yup, looks like it will work.Have you figured out how to view a script in your browser be using localhost? and do you have a mysql server with that?
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