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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. I run a similar belkin and occasionally, the signal drops and needs a reset, too, but not a big deal. about once a week only.Also, I notice when there are two of us on the system together, there is a drop in speed, or when the neighbourhood kids are not in school, the speed lags a little, so, check that you have 'secured' the router from intrusions and also keep in mind that there are other considerations for the available speed on your system. Even though they may not be on your Router, other connections at the nearest Server could be having an impact on your speeds.
  3. jlhaslip

    Software Dilemma

    Yes to both, but the second one requires a Mod that is avavilable at the sNews Forum through the above linked site.
  4. Also, Php and Mysql For Dynamic Web Sites, Second Edition, by Larry Ullman. Same Author. Includes information about Log-in/Registrations, Error-handling, File Uploads, etc. Excellent source for scripting. But it really helps to have some php coding experience before you tackle the Mysql side.
  5. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  6. That won't work since Transfers of Credits can only be arranged between already Hosted members.
  7. What sort of Problem? I don't seem to be able to duplicate it. It looks fine in FF and IE to me. Please describe the specific problem better. Thanks.
  8. All the best to you in your program... good luck being sent...
  9. I have never been to Prison, but even if I had been, I would never use this word in either of its forms.Just the way I have been programmed.Lots of words I don't use. For similar reasons. Racial slurs are demeaning. I recognize your right to use the terms as you deem appropriate, based on your being raised in the 'hood, or not.It simply isn't in me to degrade an entire group.Dog "the Bounty Hunter" Chapman was wrong to use the term in any reference. Period. Just my opinion.
  10. A bidder cannot retract a bid in the last 12 hours unless the bid was retracted within 60 minutes of being placed.
  11. mysql_query("INSERT INTO newsletter VALUES ('','$First','$Name','$Town','$Country','$Email')Count the number of fields you are INSERTing, and compare it to the number of fields in the Table. I think you might've forgot to INSERT a value for the 'active int(1)'. Add a pair of single quotes, if nothing else, then it should assume the default value of '0' (false). mysql_query("INSERT INTO newsletter VALUES ('','$First','$Name','$Town','$Country','$Email', '')
  12. Can you put up a Demo for us, please?
  13. https://xisto.com/ A sister company to the Xisto.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; The "something" would be their Registration id so you know who is submitting the confirmation. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Then have the confirm.php use the confirm_id value of the query string to find the member by id and alter the confirm code to 'true'
  15. I think yu need a third table to allow the many-to-one relationship. MONSTER TABLE--------------------m_id int (PK)m_name varcharm_level int...etcITEMS TABLE--------------------i_id int (PK)i_name varchari_nm intLinks Table-------------l_id int (PK)m_id int (PK)i_id int (PK)Like that...
  16. I know what happened... I failed to turn it visible after I answered it... :rolleyes:My error... sorry about that.Certain Topics require Moderators to review and open them. The Topic you posted in is one of them.
  17. Here is another approach to take <?php$id = $_GET['id'];if (file_exists( $id)) { require_once($id);} else { die("unable to open file ($id)") }?>
  18. You will need to run a phpinfo() to find out the exact path to your ini file. If easyphp is like WAMP ad XAMPP, there are several places where they stash spare copies and sample ini files, so do the phpinfo(), (I'll post some code for you in a minute), and travel the path to find the right one. results for the php.ini are the 7th line down in the phpinfo() Put this code in a file in your server path, like htdocs folder, and browse to it. <?phpphpinfo();?>
  19. If the information I saw at nic.com is correct, this Domain has only been purchased and set-up today.It can take up to 72 hours for the right information to get around the WWW, so patience, please with the domain not working.Now, what method are you using to connect to your cpanel, since domain.com/cpanel will likely fail as per above???
  20. Okay, that looks okay.Sign-in to your account cpanel. When you do that, see if this file is in the very first folder you arrive at. That is the Account Root. The public_html folder is different. Click on the 'folder gif' on the left side of "public_html" to go to the public_html folder. This file should be there, nowhere else, and the includes should also be in that second folder. (public_html)If they are not, they should be moved/copied or re-uploaded. (is that a word?)Man, it would be so much easier if I had your account password, but security is a biggie, so you will have to do this yourself...
  21. There are no stupid questions if you learn something from the answer. Even if all you learn is that the respondent doesn't know anything.Anyways, as a suggestion based on the experience I have had, you would be better off not including the alphabetic indicator on those customer id's.What happens if a student quits being a singing student and want lessons on the piano? start a different number with a 'P'?Nope, one student, one number. Let the Income side determine the source of revenue for you and indicate the type of student they are. Believe me, trying to 'code' a stack of numbers is a nightmarish experience. I did it once for a Construction Company that owned several thousand pieces and types of equipment, like a rental Company... yuck! Drove us nuts. They wanted to identify the difference between trucks that had a radio and those that did not have one: into an 8 digit number and make them all signifigant... Nightmare experience.
  22. Using the cheat sheet from your other topic, text is good for 65K characters. So is BLOB, but I think Blob is more suited to Binary data, like images. Might have to check on that, so either of them should be good.Tinychar and Varchar are only good to 255 characters, about 100 words.
  23. here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ keep that handy while you move along. What you may need to do is define the ID as an INT value for the purpose of being an index, but cast it as a String value and pad the left side with zeroes when you display or print it. Strings don't make the best Index values. Check this: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-types.html Especially the comments about ZEROFILL under that first Table. Unsigned smallint is good for 64K values. that is a whole bunch of students. And define it as auto-increment.
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