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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Not sure about the particular method to Theme SMF, but most Forum Softwares can be uploaded into the public_html Folder as a zip file and 'extracted'. This saves from having to upload the individual files.Another method to quickly add a whole bunch of files is by using Firefox and the FireFTP extension. It will send entire Folders to the Cpanel at once, too.
  2. Nothing went wrong. Certain (very few) Topics need Moderator Approval to turn them Visible. This is noted in the Sub-Forum information of those Sub-Forums affected by this requirement. Some Forums are this way to avoid Spammers from Posting there.
  3. convert the address into a form similar to jlhaslip [ AT ] yahoo [ DOT ] ca
  4. I assume you want to total the values for a certain person in that list. If so, look at the function DSUM() used in an Excel Database. The Database is a collection of rows and columns in the Excel worksheet. name value name name me 1 me 3 you 60you 20 me 1 you 20 DSUM(A1:B7,"value",D1:D2) DSUM(A1:B7,"value",G1:G2)me 1 you 20 I hope this helps. PM me with your email address if you would like a copy of this Excel file. It can not be attached to the Forum Posting. I have attached a pdf that might be easier to understand than the Forum posting. *file sent by email* db_sample_1.pdf
  5. One of the Xisto Members has a site that specializes in Free Logos. http://logotypes.freehostia.com/ Have a look there to see what is available.
  6. I am certain I speak for all the Members, particularly those whom have recently been affected by this situation, when I say this.Thank you, Opaque.
  7. Too many images, Too many http requests, Too large of images, Too large of a collective mass being served. Run the site through this Analysis and you will see the problems. http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/
  8. I will attempt to contact an Admin on this. In the mean time, submit a tcket to https://support.xisto.com/ explaining the problem and link to this Topic.
  9. Not sure if anyone will do it, but we will post it for you.Graphics requests usually require 10 posts...Have you taken a look at the Tutorial section? I am certain there is a Tutorial on slicing. I'd be surprised if there isn't, actually.
  10. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  11. Links, please... and which browser gets it right?
  12. I can see the background images.using ff, rt-click > view bg images
  13. Your site needs to conform to the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy as per the Xisto Readme, and as long as it is a Legal activity (no warez, no porn, etc) you are free to do with the account as you see fit. Sell stuff, advertise things, or nothing at all. It is yours.
  14. submit a Support request to https://support.xisto.com/ being certain to link to this posting, describe the problem, provide your Cpanel ID, the name of you domain, and all that good stuff.
  15. Welcome (back) to the Xisto.Good to see you again. Make a couple of good quality posts and then apply for hosting.See you around.
  16. Try it and see if that fixes the problem (I am thinking that it will). Should that fail, submit a ticket to https://support.xisto.com/.
  17. All of the above, plus:The header Logo needs to have a border the same style as the other div's to maintain a consistent look to the page.I like the simplicity of your page. Nice and clean layout.
  18. Biggest problem I see with your method is the Visitors were interested in the Movie, but what connection exists between the Movie and your site content? Do they return to your site for the actual content? or do you simply intend for this to bump your numbers? Is Unique Visitors a valid count for the worth and placement of your site?
  19. Here is a link to a wikipedia article outlining the features and requirements of many freeware and paid Forum softwares: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. Google php pagination script here is a link to Code Walkers. They have pretty solid scripts. http://www.codewalkers.com/c/a/Link-Farm-Code/Pagination/
  21. I haven't tested the other methods, but the distinction seems to be about the use of single or double quotes and the use of escape characters in the echo command. I will summarize what i know and hope that it becomes clear to you. When you echo a line using double quotes, the line gets parsed by the php parsing engine, and special characters may need to be escaped so the parser ignores them as command characters. Using single quotes, the same characters do not require escaping since single quoted echo lines do not get parsed. There are often several methods available for the echo statement. If you have a variable to echo, and want it parsed, use double quotes. Otherwise, single quotes are faster because the content is not parsed. Still confused? Me too... try this code: <?php$var1 = "variable one for printing here";echo $var1 . '<br />';echo '$var1' . ' with single quotes<br />';echo "$var1" . '<br />';echo $var1 . " with double quotes<br />";?>
  22. I have seen Image preloaders, but never seen page preloaders like you request information about.Best I could suggest is to not use Tables since they are slower to load and render on the client's browser. Use div's for layout and External CSS files for styling will be faster loading and rendering. Also, use fewer Images will load faster, too.
  23. Not for tabular data layout, but place the Table inside a div and use the div for the page structure is the correct manner to handle this application.(otherwise we stone you)
  24. You should be able to do that with div's, too, however, it looks to me that the data itself is "tabular", so done properly, it is very likely that a Table would be suitable for the task. Is the data from a database?
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