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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. BH, seems that the html file you call needs to be accessible from your local web server and the http protocol needs to call the file. <iframe src="http://localhost/char_test.php" width="640" height="400" /></iframe> Works for me in my localhost from an html file, and the php inside the iframe gets properly parsed, too.
  2. made visible. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho=55534&st=0
  3. I am not a javascript expert, (far from it, in fact), but simply wanted to suggest that using javascript to 'select' a printer may not be an option, due to the controls about whether the Browser (javascript) can make certain choices for the User. If javascript can select the default printer, it could also de-select the printer and javascript is not allowed to do various things such as this. it is a designed feature to limit the ability of the web softwares to 'control' your web viewing.
  4. I would suggest you check at the Xisto Domains site, which is part of the same group of Companies as the Xisto. https://xisto.com/ I use them and they are solid. Prices are competitive, (of course), and the earnings from the Domains, (and from the paid hosting at Xisto - Web Hosting), are what keeps this Free Hosting active. Feed the hand that feeds you is what I say.
  5. What 'Posts in Topic' thing?If you are referring to the list at the bottom of the page, click on the minus sign to collapse the block of text.
  6. The Hosting space for your Hosting account varies with the plan you are accepted for. The Database Space is calculated and charged against the Account Limits. Trust me, you can accumulate a very extensive Forum with the space the Trap Hosting Accounts offer.
  7. Graphics Crew Applications can be submitted here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/215-applications/ Good Luck with it. Be prepared to provide a full set of Images, sigs, Banners, wallpapers, whatever you have to show.
  8. Couple of things to add to this discussion. 1. The href is incomplete. You are lacking the file reference in the sample code. I added file_name.jpg to correct it. 2. You are missing the title attribute, which acts as the 'tooltip' for the on-hover event. I added that. 3. You failed o close the image tag. I added it, too. Your html code should read as follows: <img src="http://www.coolchaser.com/; title="Title here" /> <img src="./images/file_name.jpg" title="Title here" /> <img src="../images/file_name.jpg" title="Title here" /> Depending on the position of the Images folder relative to the calling file, one of those should work. The "./" is if the Image is referenced from the same folder. Likely so in your case. The "../" is if the Image is referenced from 'up' one folder and then into the Images folder. The Http reference is 'absolute' to the URL. The thing to use if the Images are stored on a Web Server outside your Domain, for example, but it could also be the same Domain. Using the first or second example makes your code more portable, in that the reference is relative to the html page and does not tie the Image source to a particular Server location.
  9. Long time no see... welcome back to the Trap17.

  10. I don't know where you have been, but I trust you are being {EVIL}...

  11. Using the exchange rate calculator found here : http://www.gocurrency.com/content/gocurrency-web-tools, the price converts to around $135.00 CDN. That seems about what the value should be, in my opinion, for this machine. Likely a very good tool for your program.
  12. Welcome, Mark, to the Xisto. Please read the rules found in the readme file. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18 One small note, please do not 'sign off' your postings with your name. Thanks.
  13. Nope, I don't mind at all. Glad to assist.maybe I'll make one and we can compare notes???
  14. If the array of values is fixed, never changing, try this code on for size. It uses the shuffle function to randomize the array so you save the switch statement. <?php// define the starting array and the output variable$input = array( '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z' );$out = '';// randomize the array of values shuffle($input); // loop through the required number of array values, concatenate the value to the output variablefor ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++) { $out .= $input[$i];}// output the $output hereecho $out;?>Might make a fair Password Generator??? Adjust the length from inside the for loop to add characters, possibly Uppercase, as well???
  15. 1. This means the Player is talented enough to be voted onto the "All-American" team, which is quite an Honour. 2. Nope. Some Sports have a "head to Head" National Championship, but Football is not one of them. 3. Structured plays are the way to go, although as you develop some experience with the game, and depending on the 'starting formation' of the Offense, some plays do have options. The Wishbone is often run to provide a Quarterback who has running ability to make the best use of that skill. The quarterback receives the 'snap' and begins a 'sweep' to the right side. The Guard may 'pull' to that direction in order to supply some blocking. If the defense gets too close, then the Quarterback has an outlet by laterally passing the ball to a Halfback who is also 'sweeping' outside with the Quarterback. The Fullback may or may not also be sweeping, but typically would be running a different pattern to either block for the quarterback or to provide a decoy for the intended play. 4.a. The ball out of bounds stops the clock to allow the Officials to 're-set' the ball to the point of origin. b. the Quarterback should have a receiver in the general area and make it appear to be a 'faulty' pass or a Delay of Game penalty would apply. 5. Special Teams are those who are involved with Punts, Kick-offs, and other 'special' cases. Some Teams will have a Special Team for short yardages, etc. I am not an American, but am answering this reply as an observer of American Football. My choice is the Canadian Football League where the Rules of Football have not yet been altered to provide a better Television Experience. Canadian Football is played with a Wider field, 3 downs only, Deeper End-zones, 12 players on the field (1 more than American), Motion allowed in the backfield towards the 'line', etcetara. Truly a better game...
  16. Please be more descriptive when you make Topics such as this.Members may be able to provide better information if you supply more information.
  17. Review your database settings. If they are good, submit a ticket to https://support.xisto.com/. Also, are you using a domain name? Are you aware of the recent nameserver change?
  18. Link: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-html5-diff-20080122/ I have just read it once, so I don't have an opinion to state, but the W3C has released the Draft Version of the HTML 5 Working Group. Apparently, it will remain as a Draft version until at least 2 Browsers actually implement the changes. The Document above lists the Differences between the html 4 specs and the proposed html 5. Looks like some interesting stuff, with a <navigation> tag, <section>, etc. Notice that there is a further separation of Structure and Style as a mess of Table attributes will be no longer supported. Who will be the first Browser to meet the challenge? Another new Browser war? Stay tuned...
  19. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  20. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  21. Have you submitted a Support Ticket to https://support.xisto.com/?
  22. One flaw in the phpbb2 administration section is a report to list out the 'last-visit' time/date of the membership.I wrote a script to do exactly that and will be sharing the script with you here.the first section defines the variables required for the Database connection, finding the right database, supplying passwords, etc. <?phpDEFINE ('DB_USER', 'YOUR DB USER NAME'); // change these defined values to suit your own situationDEFINE ('DB_PASSWORD', 'YOUR DB PASSWORD');DEFINE ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');DEFINE ('DB_NAME', 'YOUR DB NAME');$dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) OR die ('Could not connect to MySQL: ' . mysql_error() );// Select the database.mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) OR die ('Could not select the database: ' . mysql_error() ); This next section has to do with defining the Mysql Query to use the correct table and fields within the database.Note that this example includes the default 'prefix' for the datasets (tables), being "phpbb_". // Make the query.$query = "SELECT `username` , FROM_UNIXTIME(`user_lastvisit`) as last FROM `phpbb_users` ORDER BY `user_lastvisit` ASC "; // Run the query.$result = mysql_query ($query); The following section outputs the information into a table and closes out the connection to the database. Since the data is 'table-based', ie: cames from a Database, a tabled output is semantically correct, so I will use it here. // Table header.echo '<table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" summary="Table of Registered Users" ><tr> <td align="left"><b>Name</b></td> <td align="left"><b>Last Seen Date</a></b></td></tr>';// Fetch and print all the records.$bg = '#eeeeee'; // Set the background color.while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $bg = ($bg=='#eeeeee' ? '#ffffff' : '#eeeeee'); // Switch the background color. echo '<tr bgcolor="' . $bg . '"> <td align="left">' . $row['username'] . '</td> <td align="left">' . $row['last'] . '</td> </tr> ';}echo '</table>';mysql_free_result ($result); // Free up the resources. mysql_close(); // Close the database connection.?> Simply Cut and Paste all of the above code snippets into one single file (ie: member_last.php), upload it to your Hosting service and visit the link to the file in your favourite browser to view the last-visited dates for all of your members.Pagination would be a nice feature to add to this script if you have lots of members. I will leave that to you.Also, the Database information could be seperated from thew script file and be placed 'above' the public_html folder so that it can not be referenced directly from the 'net, but those are best left to another Tutorial.I have a 'PRIVATE' phpbb2 Forum, so I do not have a Demo site available for you to test, but for those of you who do have a phpbb2 Forum, and want to see the Last-visit dates for the membership, this simple script will do that for you.Hope this helps someone, and pm me or reply to this thread if you need assistance.
  23. Not sure what is happening there.I tested my site and both of yours. All working fine.
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