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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. check the date on the opening post.this is an old topic, so the links may not work for you.
  2. Please submit a request to support@xisto.com.Thanks.
  3. Just tried implementing this in Firefox and it does not seem to work for me.Any ideas? Mind you, I have the resize options on the FF Web Developer's toolbar, so not a big deal.
  4. Read about the mail function in php at the php.net site nearest to you. http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php and search through the Tutorials Forum to find a Log-in script and an email script. When you understand those tutorials, you should be able to 'join' the two into a set of pages to do what you need. Feel free to continue learning always and all ways. Learning by doing is the best way.
  5. Here is a link to a Tutorial I wrote some time ago. Back when I was just starting out learning some php. I would do things a little differently now, but it might assist you with the task you face. Any questions, just post them to that thread, please. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35271-templating-system-using-php-includes-building-a-dynamic-site-using-includes-and-flat-files/
  6. Too Funny! Turn up your Speakers for this one... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Try this: <?phpif ($_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] == 'avalon.asn.au') { // avalon.asn.au header('Location: http://preschool.stmarksavalon.org.au');}?> *EDIT* I guess it didn't work, so I suggest you ask the nice Minister to allow you to add-on the Domain to the right place. That would be the best solution (overall). Might not be the simplest, but Google and the Bots might not like the double re-direct, first to the Parked Domain and then to the sub-domain. It would be best to get better SEO and to shorten the download time, etc.
  8. You'll need to modify the Index page of the receiving Domain to write the redierct for you.Need the php script for that? I have a similar script handy.
  9. Or un-park that Domain and create an Add-on Domain at the second location.
  10. Wait a minute... the avalon.asn.au is a Subdomain, so the nameservers can't be changed.Could you create a folder for avalon.asn.au and add the index file with the redirect to that folder??? Creating the subdomain creates a folder for the subdomain, does it not? It does in Cpanel.
  11. Change the Nameservers on the Domain you need to be re-directed to the other Parked Domain.
  12. Here is a link to a Tutorial or 2 over at the Xisto site which you might find helpful. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/89461-cms102-content-management-system-design-basic-cms-with-php-flat-file-databases/
  13. http://www.w3schools.com/ has a batch of tutorials. Here is a link to one particularly nice one... http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=12509
  14. Might be due to the Bloat Factor in Microsoft products? I have outlook on this box and have never opned it. Thunderbird Mail and Sunbird work fine for me. Check out Rainlender as a desktop calender software. It allows all of what the opening post asks for. Including Importing of calendars from other sources..
  15. Php6 is on the Beta Testing rounds now.
  16. Hosted Members can self terminate by going to this link, signing-in to the Xisto Account Manager, ans selecting the option to Terminate their account. https://support.xisto.com/
  17. Sounds like you want a Log-in script with a Database to store the information in. You don't mention what you will be using the email addresses for. If you could tell us what you plan on doing with the email addresses, that might make a difference in the script we point you to.In the meantime, have a look in the Tutorial section. There are several Login scripts there that save email addresses. Most of them include password information. Some will allow edits to the information.
  18. Figured it would be something simple.Good job of tracking that down.
  19. There is another Topic about writing 'clean' HTML code posted elsewhere on the Forum. I'll edit this Topic and add the link so you can review it on your own, and there is no need for me to comment on it in this thread, but the purpose of this Topic is to introduce a pair of functions which can be used for making sure that the HTML output from my scripts is readable when a view-source is reviewed. Two handy functions are included here. They work together quite nicely, and I will start this Tutorial with a short summary of the reasons for their 'being'. Purpose Explained: For the most part, Web Designers use php as a tool for creating 'dynamic content' on their Web sites. PHP is used to generate the code for a Web Site in HTML (or xml, javascript, etc.). Essentially, the script send off pieces of 'text' which a Browser 'interprets' onto the screen. te text which is sent is (x)HTML, for all intents and purposes. Quite often, the HTML code will send out "<br />" tags for adding a new line of text on the Browser BUT the new line is displayed on the screen only, not in the html code itself. In other words, the source code lists the <br /> tags but the source code is not 'formatted' when you do a view source of the page. So... as a tool for cleaning up the display of the HTML code on a view-source, I often include the following two functions into my scripts to do exactly that. The first one is for issuing Tabs for indenting blocks of code. The second one injects a new-line control character for a new line. Explanation of the Functions: The function " tabs" is defined with a default parameter value of "1" which is the default number of tab characters you will include as you use the function. To produce a tabs character in your HTML output, simply call this function in your script as "echo'd" or printed output. the default value is one, but including an integer value as a passed parameter for the function will increase the number of tabs or new-lines in your HTML output. Examples: echo tabs(); // will provide a single tab characterecho tabs(4); // will provide 4 tab characters Similarly, you can have your HTML output issue a new line by using the echo tabs(); // will provide a single new-lineecho tabs(4); // will provide 4 new-lines Usage: Here is a sample of a using these functions in a php script to write a readable table : <?phpecho nls()'<table>'; // start the table tag on a new lineecho nls(),tabs(1) . '<tr>'; // start the table row tag on a new line with a single tabecho nls(),tabs(2) . '<td>iterations</td>'; //echo nls(),tabs(2) . '<td>Interval</td>'; // start the table data tags on a new line with two tabsecho nls(),tabs(2) . '<td>Average</td>'; // echo nls(),tabs(2) . '<td>Wait</td>'; //echo nls(), tabs(1) . '</tr>'; // start the table row end tag on a new line with a single tabecho '</table>'; // start the table end tag on a new lineecho nls();?> I can not emphasis enough that the tabs characters and new lines will affect the view-source output only, not the actual output in your page. Play with it a little. *** Note: the tabs characters should be issued AFTER any newlines, or the tabs are effectively added to the previous lines and to not Indent the code in the view-source output properly. *** Note: HtmlTidy is a script available as an add-on that does an very nice job of formatting the view-source, also. check it out at the Mozilla Extensions Site. It is also a part of the Firebug extension. (I think) Hope this helps someone, and post any comments you might have about this Tutorial.
  20. Depends on whether there is a "convertor" written to transpose the data from phpbb format to the new Forum Database structure. Forums rarely share the Database structure, so the data needs to be transformed and stored into the new structure. You will need to consider the availability of a convertor package as you investigate the options for the new Database. It is highly unlikely that the phpbb Support Forums will offer the convertor for moving away from phpbb, unless it is into the phpbb3 version, of course, so check IPB or the new Forum software site for the Convertor Package. One hiccup in the conversion process is that most Forum softwares code the Member passwords in an encrypted form. Often they use a "one-way" encryption method, so the new Forum will likely need your Members to receive an email, click a link, receive their new password and then login and mod the password into their own. Good luck with your Forum Hosting.
  21. Ecology is an important Field, and will become even more important before too long. Any particular focus on your studies? Earth sciences? Atmospheric stuff? Global warming? Soil contaminants?Joomla is good, and it is very nice to have some experienced users around. Check the recent threads in the Web Design Forum. There are several issues lately that might benefit from your experience.Nice meeting you. Enjoy your stay.
  22. Very nice, indeed... Here is another method that you might want to see. I couldn't find my sample on this box before tonight, or I would have proposed it earlier. http://www.schillmania.com/projects/dialog/ They show a gif version and a png version. You may be able to find an IE javascript solution for the png on IE <6. Simply stated, there are two div's contained within a wrapper div, side by side. The Wrapper is sized as a percentage of the window. The left hand 'classed' div is full width of the wrapper with a margin right set to the width of the right hand side div. The right hand div has a negative margin to snuggle up to the left hand image. The images are set to the background, so the content sits on the main layer of the page, also contained by the wrapper. Since the wrapper is a percentage, you can cover the entire window with a single "set", or position several smaller ones side by side, like the opening layout. Stack 3 of these div's, one for the header of the image set, one for the body and one for the footer of each "image set. Throw some content into the center div, and there you go. Also, because they are all "classed", you can have several of these on a single page without a multitude of named div's and the complexity that causes. Sample of the CSS for the header set of div's : .dialog .hd { background:transparent url(tl.png) no-repeat 0px 0px; margin-right:14px; /* space for right corner */}.dialog .hd .c { background:transparent url(tr.png) no-repeat right 0px; margin-right:-14px; /* pull right corner back over "empty" space (from above margin) */} Sample of the html for the same set of div's : <div class="hd"><div class="c"></div></div>There is more to it than that, of course. Go see that link and do a view source for the full information on that technique. The author provides a zip for download as well. I played with it a little, and have a sample with one block floated left, another floated right, text in the middle. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this helps.
  23. I believe that vulnerability has been patched with sNews 1.6.sNews 1.7 will be available {around} April of 2008 with even more Security and Optimizations.
  24. Or you can always combine the two. Have a Forum embedded into your site. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/51956-adding-an-aef-forum-to-snews-cms-almost-integrated/
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