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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Where on your site? in a Comments field? or in a chat box? or when you add your own content?Regardless, you will need to use php (probably) to change the values from bbcode to html code so it displays properly. you might as well just use html code. They are quite similar. [ b ] == <b>, etc
  2. If you are running Windows XP or Vista, use this link: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html?a-installer.exe
  3. Do you mean that you need to have a local 'test' server installed on your laptop?If so, Google XAMPP or Google WAMP. Both are one-click installers that add the ability to run scripts on your local machine as if they were on a Web Hosting Server.They both add php, mySql and an Apache Server that duplicate your Web Hosting account.There are Tutorials in the Tutorial section here on the Xisto about setting them up and using them. Good Luck.
  4. Here is a link to a Clipboard manager that is freeware. It doesn't do 'exactly' what you want, but it is as close as I can find. It intercepts everything that gets sent to your clipboard and stores it in a file, then you select the item from a list and it gets placed into your clipboard for pasting. Works good. http://www.mediachance.com/free/miniclip.htm Oscars Mini-Clip.
  5. SM, after you posted that image, I had another look and confirm that I was, in fact, using IE8 and not IE7. If you want, I can post an image showing the Acid Test and the IE About Information for my fres install. Definately was IE8 that showed that Acid Test.Only thing is I am running XP. Are you on Vista?
  6. You can always use the Report button to request that a Closed Topic be re-opened if you have something worthy of posting.
  7. conspicuous by your absence... and throw away a quarter for me while you are there, Mich<_<
  8. For the record, IE8 has problems here on the Xisto. I downloaded it and installed it just fine. Then, when I navigate to the Xisto, I sign-in and need to sign-in on every page. What's with that??? and as for being Standards Copliant, I don't think so... That is no where near compliant with the standards. This is supposed to look like a smilie face? I'll be un-installing and going back to IE7 until they sort this mess out. As usual, Microsoft is jumping the gun... When Mozilla, Opera and Safari release new versions, they work out of the box...
  9. I would say to check-out Cutenews (be sure to use the recent patch) and My Little CMS.Both of them use flat-files and have a page for inserting the News Item (article). Quite easy to use.
  10. To add the domain named "chantelle.org" to the sub-sub-domain named "have-heart.net/chantelle", I think that you would need to Add-on the domain name. The packages at Xisto - Web Hosting do not really 'fit' the comparison to the Xisto plans. On your current package, you are getting 500 Meg of space and 10 Gigs of bandwidth. There is a plan at CH for 250 Meg and 5 gigs for $29.95/year (about half of your current plan) and one that offers 2 Gigs space and 33 Gigs bandwidth for ($2.7 per month * 12) $32.40/year. Considerably more space and bandwidth. Surprisingly, they are 'about' the same cost.Similarly priced is the package which gives you 1.5 Gigs space, 25 Gigs bandwidth AND the Domain name for ($2.95 * 12) $35.40.Tough call... Assume the Domain name is available for about $8.oo on xistodomains, the third package allows quite a lot of space and bandwidth for less than the others, so good luck in your choice.
  11. Here ya go, a free security check that tests how accessible your computer is on the Internet. Highly recommended. Shields Up from Gibson Research Port Checker: https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2
  12. Same thing here. One account only.
  13. Here is one the will Import the MySql Database if you have one already built. http://fabforce.net/ I haven't used it (yet) but might give it a try soon.
  14. Going somewhere warmer? and dryer? Good for you.I'll bet you felt better after venting all that out. Quite a day you had there. Hope the trip makes up for it.Let us know when you get back. Bring some pictures...
  15. Do you want all of the News stories placed into the same file? or one file per story?Looks like you might be able to use a Content management system that lets the members update the site? like a wiki?
  16. Clear your cookies and cache?Modify your HOSTS file? It is as simple as editing the file. I can guide you through it.
  17. Well, the rendering issue is one thing, and as I do some web pages and like many other Designers, I find the IE family of Browsers to be a real problem, for sure, so I am glad that IE has taken the position that Web Coding Standards are important and their new version will recognize them. It will make it easier for us to have a page that works without a ton of hacks. It will be interesting to see the method they use to 'flag' the page DocType for IE. One thought would be to include an IE Conditional Comment in pages which meet the W3C standards and then IE will use that Doctype for that page. And IE default or Quirks Mode as the fallback like we have now. This sounds like Microsoft is changing directions a little. 5 years ago, when they were the dominant Browser in the marketplace, they could snub the standards and go their own way, but since Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Konquerer et al are now capturing a signifigant share of users, Microsoft is not in the same position and will need to recognize that the Market is being directed from outside their smug little world. Hence the development towards the W3C Standards and the Open Source movement. I agree that a client -server communication link outside of the Browser experience is the next level of Web Design/Interaction. I plan to be learning Ajax soon (already done some reading) and the Flex/Air stuff is similar to that, so, the point to all those who want to stay current in Web 2.0 is to get on top of these methods if you plan on staying in the game. Next thing you know, they will be making their Powerpoint stuff work in Open Office.
  18. yes, something is happening at the Server is my guess. Stay in touch. Or report the problem to https://support.xisto.com/. [quoteI read somewhere else that there was this new open_basedir thing that had to do with PHP files, but I look throughout my file manager and couldn't find anything with such a name to work with. The open_basedir will not be in your account files. It is set on the Server in the php.ini or httpd settings which you and I don't have access to.
  19. A single page will do that for you... <?php$rightuser = "me";$rightpass = "123";if ( isset($_POST['user']) ) { if ( $rightpass == $_POST['pass'] ) { echo '<p style=" color:green; ">Good Password</p>'; } else { /* password condition else */ echo '<p style=" color:red; ">Bad Password</p>'; } /* password condition end */ if ( $rightuser == $_POST['user'] ) { echo '<p style=" color:green; ">Good Username</p>'; } else { /* user condition else */ echo '<p style=" color:red; ">Bad Username</p>'; } /* user condition end */} /* main condition end */?><html><head></head><body><form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="POST"><p>Username: <input type="text" name="user" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['user']) ) { echo $_POST['user']; } ?>" /></p><p>Password: <input type="text" name="pass" value="<?php if ( isset($_POST['pass']) ) { echo $_POST['pass']; } ?>" /></p><p><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></p></form></body></html>Change the password and user as you need to, or add them into another file and include() them like your example code and delete them from this file. That might be better since it would save you having to edit the file containing the code itself. Less chance of messing it up. Also, there is no Data checking in this script and you should at least add an function to convert the html entities to avoid someone goofing around with the page. I'll leave the level of data-checking to you. PM me if you need a function to do that. I have a couple different ones that I could show you.
  20. Yes it is outdated. I am not certain if the Server Status is available since the re-clustering a while back.Support is now at https://support.xisto.com/
  21. Not sure what went wrong, but one solution might be to create a zip file and upload that. The Cpanel will allow for unzipping the single file on the server rather than needing to upload a bunch of single fies. That is the method I would use. Another hin might be to install the Firefox Extension FireFTP. I use it for quick FTP jobs and it has worked flawlessly for me.
  22. bk, What about joining another project yourself to gain some valuable experience? I know that AEF Forums are looking for developers to do some mods and work on the main Trunk, too. Might be an experience for testing your abilities before you jump into this Project you have planned.
  23. jlhaslip


    Mod_rewrite is good for 'masking' the Query string, turning this:domain.com/forums?uid=123&f=234&t=987 into something like:domain.com/forums/123/234/987 but it could be alphabetical, too.
  24. jlhaslip


    .htaccess doesn't do the Add-on account thing. There is a selection for Add-on and Parked accounts in the Control Panel of your account.What you might be thinking of is Mod_Rewrite using .htaccess. That directive changes your URL's to be more readable, but it doesn't make add-on accounts. As far as I know...
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