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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. To begin with, I'd like to remind you that the Forum should be in a top - level Directory. If it is in a lower level, I don't think it will install. So go to your cpanel, select fantastico, select phpbb2 from the drop-down menu, select go, select New Installation, enter the directory you wish to use ie: "forum" (no quotes), fill out the Admin details, email address and signature, etc, select to "install phpbb" and Voila... there it is... Your access to it will be "your_trap_id.trap17.com/forum/" (no quotes) if you choose "forum" as the sub-directory name. Sign in as the admin to activate the forum. There are a few things to do, like set the time zone, allow bbcode or html (not reccomended), set sign -in procedure, etc. Not rocket science, just follow down the configuration page then submit the changes. You should be up and running in no more than 10 minutes if you follow these instructions. Post back here to let us know how you made out. Hope this helps. Sorry, there should be a slash after the "forum", so the link should be: "your_trap_id.trap17.com/forum/" <-- note the following slash character... sorry about that... Mods, pls edit these two posts and correct when you have some free time, thanks... Hey, that slash is gone... where did it go??? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported. Merging 3 posts.
  2. I've been looking at the phpbb dot com support forums and it looks like the only people having difficulties with the upgrades are those who have lots of mods (or older versions of mods) and those who are trying to skip from older versions ( ie: phpbb v2.0.11) to 2.0.18 (the newest). Has anybody here tried the upgrade? and how did it go for you?I am considering the conversion, but I think I'll wait to see what others do and whether they are having any difficulties.
  3. I suggest you go back in to your cpanel and in to the fantastico page. Select the xoop option. It should show you the script is installed. Click on it and you will probably be given the option to delete the script. I wouldn't simply delete the files. Doing that might lead to greater problems.I have never installed a xoop script, but that is how I have un-installed other fantastico items in the past. (forums, web calendars, etc.)Hope this helps.
  4. Got it. Went right in. Nice flowers. No problems from here. Must be local to you and your friend.
  5. Probably just a temporary thing someplace along the line. I looked at two sites hosted at the trap and they came up good for me. Post your url here and I'll see if I can get in.
  6. Sounds to me like you have a point there, but on the other hand, 500 euros per semester sounds cheap to me. Tuition here is a lot higher than that. I paid $500 per semester 30 years ago. Tuition only. Books, fees, living were in addition to that. Unforunately, you got into a schedule squeeze on the physics/english thing. Hope it works out for you.
  7. https://www.grc.com/intro.htm Once on site, scroll down (about half way down the page) and choose the "Shields Up" test. You might be surprised at how vulnerable your computer is to "hackers/crackers & other miscreants"
  8. A perfectly good wysiwyg editor is included with the Mozilla suite. And Open Office includes a wysiwyg editor and some templates, also. Both are open source and free. The Mozilla suite is about 12 megs and Open Office is around 65 meg. Both work on win98se.
  9. I have had good success with Sbybot S&D as a free download. Adaware is also a good one, but time-limited trial, I think. Free Spybot Download here Adaware Download here
  10. Great entries. I don't know the difference between styles, tech from grunge, etc. Still, I do like the intensity on the face of Mayank's, the 'depth' of St Mike's image work, the 'story' portrayed by Avalon. Samma is too dark and busy, Acidgow's bottom doesn't show well (too light for me).Overall, I'd pick Avalon. No offense to any of the entries. Just a personal choice.Saint Michael - 1Samma - 0Avalon - 1Acidglow -0Mayank - 0Reaver - 0
  11. Easy enough. A Google search on the first line of the posting shows 2,990 results. Pick one.
  12. Tyssen,And please comment on its use a suitability. Did you find it helpful? Useful? A waste of $'s? Did it work?
  13. Another tip is to uninstall programs when you no longer need them in the foreseeable future. I depend on having the zip or exe files on the drive and install them when I foresee their being needed. The main programs I use regularly, of course are kept installed. Clean your registry after you un-install the software you don't need. With Windows, the registry can get awfully bloated and it retains information about programs you have un-installed, so a good registry cleaner is importnt to have. They are cheap, too.
  14. original song by Nilsson (sp) I think on the Nilsson shmillsom LP, back before cassettes and cd's, neither mind mp3's
  15. go to this posting to see what sort of fun and excitement awaits you... Web Hosting Application Procedure
  16. Three times the allowable limit is acceptable???Then why don't they raise the limit? *wait* there is a government involved, that will explain it...
  17. It looks okay to me, too. I'm looking at it with an iMac running IE5 and it appears centred. If it centres itself in this browser, you must have a weird one or your cache is picking up the previous version of the html instead of the newest one. Close your browser, empty your cache and temporary files and have another look at the site. Might solve the problem. When I am testing a site I am building, I ususally 'expire' the cache using a Meta tag. Use a previous date and your cache doesn't save the version. Makes re-loads a bit slower, but remove the meta tag after the testing is done so the caching works for others viewing your site. For an in-depth discussion about this tag, see this link. <META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="Wed, 26 Feb 1997 08:21:57 GMT"> Expires: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 08:21:57 GMT
  18. In the past, I have had a forum hosted free at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ which has since been replaced by a phpbb hosted on my account here at the trap. Only reason I left was because the trap forum allows me to do backups. Otherwise the forum would still be at forummates.Good Luck in your hunt for a free bb site.
  19. Mayank should like that one SM. Another fine job well did.
  20. Marketing being what it is... the advertisements start waaaaay too early for any and all Holidays. Seems like one ends and another begins. There is a steady stream of useless ads. I don't have a sat dish or cable. My anntenna picks up three stations. I turn it on about once a month to make sure it still works. That's all. The computer and reading keeps me entertained. Lifestyle choice.
  21. "The Ghost of You" http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  22. [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y85/jim4388/me%20page%20jim4388/tfglogo.gif[/IMG] An example of how to post a gif or jpg here. See: This came from a photobucket dot com account. You might also try hosting it at Imageshack dot com. Unfortunately, the bbcode doesn't allow you to size them with a width or height attribute, so make sure they are the right size at the Host before posting them.
  23. jlhaslip


    And how many times do you un-zip the same file? Compared to downlosding the un-zipped version, it is probably still faster...
  24. I imagine there is a significant time delay between the photo survey and the publication of the photos, though. Wouldn't want the undesirables to find out the juicy stuff too quick.Just imagine the bad guys using Google Earth.... an American technology... against the U S of A.Shooting yourself in the foot sound familiar?
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