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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. In the Head portion of an Html file, there are usually several Meta Tags that contain data about various things, like the tag for keywords, an Author's name or maybe a description field. Here are two example Meta tags: <meta name="Keywords" content="keyword1, keyword2" /> <meta name="Description" content=" A Description of the file's content is here" /> So, what I have a question about concerns checking a file to see what information is included in these tags and using that information as variables or content in the output of the page. For example, if I wanted to find the information included in the content="..." field in either of these two meta tags, what php variable would I check or how would I find it from inside the php page? Then I wish to output it using an echo or print command. Is this possible? Okay.... Never mind, I found the answer. How about I just use "get_meta_tags ()" and the array elements found in that? R T F M
  2. Because I don't use it, never have and, until I get some information worth protecting, probably never will.
  3. Fluid Design Photo Gallery There are quite a few Topics here on the Xisto Forum about how to set-up and use Photo Galleries and about the link code for getting from a Thumbnail Image to a full size Image and all that stuff, so I would like to take this "Photo Gallery" concept one step further without covering what others have already supplied instruction for. Usually, when there is a solution posted here for the code on "how-to-do-this", there are tables involved and the Links are placed inside Table cells. Tables are not neccesarilly a bad thing, but they were not originally intended to be used as structural elements in html or on the web. So here is an example of a Gallery which does not use Tables: Gallery link The trick is in the CSS code used for the layout of the list of links. For those of you who understand CSS, there will be little need for an explanation. For those of you just learning, here is an explanation. The CSS and comments: #imagelist { list-style-type: none; // removes the list images from the li's } #imagelist li { float: left; // floats the li to the left with margins as follows margin-right: 6px; margin-bottom: 10px; padding-bottom:6 px; font: bold 0.8em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; // set font information as a single line color: #333333; //forecolour is set here } #imagelist img { display: block; // display as block so the description is below the Image border: 1px solid #333300; // sets border size, shape and colour } When you view the file, notice how the image layout changes to accomodate the window width? and no Horizontal scroll bar? Size the thumbnails according to the size and shape of the full sized pictures, unless you like distortion. So maybe now we will see fewer Table-based Photo Gallery designs? Tested in FF, Opera8, IE5 and IE5 iMac I hope this is helpful.
  4. There is more to the design of a webpage than the colours used in it.Part of the design is the functional aspect of it. Do you want a single page layout? Or a side bar to contain a list of links? A footer with links and Copyright info? Two columns or three? Is Standard Compliance an issue? html or xhtml? Tables? No Tables? Embedded CSS or CSS Style sheet? Lots of images? A photo gallery?What do you want besides the colours you have asked for?
  5. You "manage" the Forum by assigning "permissions".
  6. Actually, permissions are r-w-x:4-2-1, so read access is 4, then permissions should be 7-4-4 at minimum on the file to allow for read access. You can't execute an Image file that I know of, so the 7 for Owner is redundant, but? Check permissions for the Sub-domain and folders inside it. Check the Hot linking status at the cPanel to ensure that the sub-domain is allowed to access the 'type'of Image by file extension. Ensure 'gif' is listed as an allowed file type. Another place to check, are there any bans by IP?(IP Deny Manager). So you have a sub-domain named Sean in your account named vainro.trap17.com, and a folder within that sub-domain named johnnyblue, and a folder inside johnnyblue named images? or is the sub-domain named johnnyblue? Did you by chance create johnnyblue as a sub-domain of a sub-domain? I don't think that would work. Here is an url structured similarly, let's see if it posts here: Url: Is this you? Permissions for this gif is set to 0644. Folders are 755 all the way down. Your credits look good, (over ten) and you have had a couple of posts today, but the account should be active. I'm stumped. Oh, did you allow for 'direct url' access on the Hotlinking page? or does this matter? YES!!! it does matter ... uncheck the enable direct linking box... and disable Hotlink protection... because with that in effect, I received the same error message on this gif, using these permissions. Good Night.
  7. You need to set the Forum Permissions to the specific level of security you desire. Log-on as an Admin user, go to the Admin Control Panel (ACP). On the left hand side, choose Forum Admin - Permissions and then set each forum according to what you would like them to be. There is a 'simple' method and the Advanced method to select from. In the Advanced method, there are 10 types of activities which you can set the permissions for : view, read, post, reply, edit, delete,sticky,announcements, voting, and polls. And you can set them so they allow : all, registered, private, Mods, Admin to have those permissions by each activity. Sounds like you want the read, post, reply set to registered. And Mods can edit, delete, maybe do stickies and announcements, and registered to vote and start polls. You may want one Forum set to Mod and another one set to Admin status so the Mods and Admins can chit chat amongst themselves. And at least one Forum set to All so that guests can post and reply in order to promote their involvement in the Forums. Permissions can also be set according to Users and Groups. It can get complex if you want it to, but there is also the 'simple' method which reduces the complexity. Go to https://www.phpbb.com/ or .org to download or read their manual. It isn't that tough to figure out.
  8. Here is a link to a Xisto tutorial. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/28094-how-to-install-a-favicon-yup-a-favicon/& Graphic size is 16 x 16 px. Irfanview is a Graphics tool which can save ico formats and is a free download. Favicons do not work properly in all Browsers. (you guessed it, IE mostly)
  9. Here, I think the answer is in here : Hosting Questions This information is also in the Xisto readme and my signature on all posts. Hope it helps. *edit* OOPS! might be the wrong link... The upgrade from the first package to the second one costs 30 credits, same as originally asking for the second package. (I guess because there are 'Administrative functions to perform' to allow the upgrade?) I would recommend waiting to get hosted until you have the 30 credits. I got caught in that, too. I spent the extra credits for the upgrade, but overall, I am thankful to have it. It really isn't hard to find a topic or two to post to for the extra credits required..
  10. Here is one of several links to found right here in the Xisto forums: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31792-php-photo-and-image-gallery-script-php-photo-and-image-gallery-script/ Please use the Search feature found at the top of each page. Or look at the bottom of the Topic and there will always be a 'Similar Topics' list to link to. This question has been asked several times recently and there are several topics for review. I have posted only one.
  11. Read this Forum Topic found at the Xisto's sister forum 'Xisto' about the sort of things which make for good web site designs. A highly reccomended list of guidelines. Be sure to read the entire Topic because the replies are as good as the first posting.
  12. Albus and Pleno, I linked through to the site pleno posted and reviewed some of the discussion about the script and maybe you had better try this link further into the tutorial. This new link includes a couple of fixes to the main tutorial. For example, it adds jpeg as an acceptable file type and it also adds the required POST function for it to work.
  13. Okay, thanks for the answer Tyssen, however, by way of PM from Buffalohelp, I have information which suggests I stop with this Html Include stuff because Xisto.com does not support them. Now that I know this, I will continue with php includes only.(apperently, Html includes is a MS ASP construct and Xisto is Linux, so that's why they aren't supported here.)
  14. Well, yes, actually, what you just said does apply. When you create a sub-domain on the cpanel, it creates a seperate folder for the sub-domain and the files for that sub-domain should go in to that folder. BUT simply making a folder does not create a sub-domain. You must access the cpanel and specificy that you wish to create a sub-domain for the sub-domain features to apply for a folder. Example : my_sub.username.trap17.com --> using cpanel you create a sub-domain, then store the files in public_html/my_sub folder and allow access to the sub-domain. On the other hand, if you simply create a folder named "public_html/folder" and place files into it, then attempting to access folder.username.trap17.com will result in an error "server not found". The correct way to access those files would be: username.trap17.com/folder Gets confusing sometimes.
  15. Okay, here is a link to a web page that is a pdf file output : [removed url]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Web View of single pageHere is the original gif:[removed Gif with transparent backgroundAnd here is a link to a screenshot of the problem as I view it:[removed]Screen Shot HereThe original document was created using Microsoft Word. I use Open Office.Org to export / convert it into pdf format. If anyone can come up with a solution, I'd be most appreciative.*editted to repair urls*
  16. I have a Word Document that has an image included in it. The image has a transparent background because it is the same one used on a web site that has a coloured background so the transparency is good.When the Word document is viewed or printed, everything is okay. However, when the Word document is converted to a Pdf format for distribution and viewing on the web, there is a weirdness that happens. The transparent background is shown on the document as a ghosty, shadowy outline. Has anyone else had this happen to them? What is the fix for it? Any ideas here?If you want to see the gif or the pdf version , post here.
  17. So then the follwing code should work if it is saved into an shtml file, but it doesn't. <!-- #include virtual="/home/jlhaslip/public_html/testinclude/header.html"--><h2>Content here h2 </h2><!-- #include virtual="/home/jlhaslip/public_html/testinclude/footer.html" --> Are there any corrections that should be made to the syntax? It works okay if I use the php version. And in the php file, the full path must be in the include. I tried several other paths and this is the one that works. Shortening it to '/testinclude/header' fails as do all the ones in between.
  18. white space is ignored in html and the ";" is out of place, but it parses okay, so no worries.
  19. Well thanks for letting us know that you didn't get in a car accident or anything. The Holidays, the gfx site, modding, all that wears a guy down. Good to see that you recognize the need for some time away but hurry back. We'll be waiting...
  20. I roamed around at the my_sql site and could find no reference to storing actual images in the Database, but like Avalon said, the best you will probably come up with is to use the DB to store the Image name, maybe a reference Number and other info about the image. I don't think Databases store the right amount or type of data to be able to store an actual image format.
  21. Actually, you are correct. There is a mysql DB to record the history and membership info. Good catch.
  22. Hey, thanks to Plenoptic and MaRocker. Both have done me a big favour.
  23. Easy. Go to your cpanel home page then select> file manager , then select> public_html (click on the folder beside it) > select the folder the php chat room is in ( click on the name of the folder this time)> select 'delete this folder and all files under it' from the right hand of the screen list.It then removes the folder which contains the my-sql database and all the php files.No more chat room.
  24. Actually, I beg to differ about some things you have stated. More accurately, we have done more stupid things in the last decade that it IS digusting. And what the past century has added to the problem is an additional factor. This Generation has a Stewardship of the Planet Earth. We received it in a certain condition and are failing miserably at maintaining or improving it. Yet, we will be passing it on to the next Generation. I am not terribly religious, but the only expression which comes to mind is "God Help Them", meaning the next Generation. Respitory diseases are a result of all the 'stuff' we put into the air. We only have so much athmosphere. And it is getting full. Too full, especially since the best method of cleaning it is slowly being destroyed, the Eco-sphere. Trees are required to cleanse the air around us, but they are disappearing. Acres and acres of them daily. It used to be that England had forests, upon forests of good Oaks and Chestnut trees. By using them for building materials, burning as fuel, and clearing the land for Farming, there are hardly any traces of the woods that were once available. And Eastern USA is no different. The hardwood forests that were once there are no more. Replaced by genetically modified plantations of non-native trees designed for fast growth to be harvested. Don't get me started on energy Consumption...
  25. Maddie and Brit should be talked to and let it fall on their shoulders to come clean with the facts. Regardless, if it is you that 'squeals' on them, it is their fault and they are the ones to blame here, not you.Maybe Igor and Bryce could be the ones that get involved in persuading them to report themselves?
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