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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. The Alt= "tooltips" are used only by IE. The W3C Standard uses the title= "tooltip". These will only produce a single line of text, and the size of the tooltip is Browser dependent, also. Hav a look at Tyssen's reccomendation. That'll work.
  2. I currently have one of each. One is as bad as the other. They both have their problems.
  3. Go back to the sub-forum where your application was posted and read the instructions on how to 'process' your hosting approval. Process Account Info
  4. If you have saved files from your previous host by doing a view screen and save as, there are probably links in there to drag up the pop-ups and advertising. You should be able to remove those parts of the code in the 'local' files and still have the basic site display as html. The previous host most likely is getting credit for displaying the ads, too, so the sooner you get rid of them, the better, I would think. Removing the sections from your 'local' copy isn't hard to do. Use your text editor to 'comment out' the offending div's . Be careful or you can wreck the layout quite easily. Work off a duplicate copy so if you mess something up, you can go back and start over. Or try using a Firefox or Opera Browser. They can block certain ads and pop-ups.
  5. It has HOAX written all over it.To begin with, gmail has your name, so why wouldn't they personalize it? It is a scam to get you to click 1000 links to generate traffic is all.
  6. Welcome william91,The Xisto is an excellent service and getting better every day due to the hard work of the Admins, us humble moderators and the membership. It is a give and take community. Everyone provides help to each other and we all learn. There are some very knowledgeable members here and if you have any questions about the Trap or web services in general, just ask and someone will provide an answer. Of course, in return, expect to be answering questions from others as well, if you have some experience on the topic they ask about. Please be sure to read the help and Readme files. They provide guidance to avoid having warnings issued and information about the most frequently asked questions.Enjoy the visit. Good luck with your Hosting.
  7. jlhaslip

    New To Here

    Welcome to the Trap. As you can see by reading the Forums, we have members from all over the world. Others are also using English as their second language, so do your best to make posts. Google offers a translation service if you need help with language.What is your native language? What hobbies do you have? What do you plan to use the Hosting service for?Also, please read the Xisto Readme file for assistance. Moderators are available for help, too. Enjoy.
  8. Big oops here...The second link produces a database error and part of the error includes the password for the database, so if I were you, I would look in to setting error suppression on that.That's just not right. No doubt the source of the entry IF the database has been hacked.
  9. gooby_law:I visited the first site and saw a forum with a bunch of characters like this (????? ) where some text should probably be and then did a view source of the content. The page is html 4 transitional and there is no character set defined which (i think) would be required to display the Chinese characters on this page. Perhaps the Forum which you have set up is not configured to allow for multiple languages? Check with the Forum Source provider about how to have the Chinese characters displayed on their software. It may not be a database issue at all.
  10. Astahost allows the same size of Hosting Accounts as here at the Trap. You can have one here or one there, but not both. As Pleno points out, the only way to have two hosting accounts at the trap is to have one dot com account and one dot net account. Any additional accounts you have will be terminated when Admin finds them. And the same thing with member accounts. Not so long ago, a member was found to have two user-names, so the newest one got deleted and they then lost their credits which they had built up. This is a free-hosting serrvice and I, for one, am thankfu to have it. I wouldn't think of abusing the privilege of having this account for the sake of a couple extra megs of storage or bandwidth.
  11. Please send a request to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ write them a complete report and there may be something they can do to help you.
  12. You need 'something' to track those who are logged in. When they log-out, reset the field accordingly.Since we can't see your database fields, it is hard to determine whether the database already has something to use for this function. Or whether you would have to add something. Also, what if a User doesn't 'log-out" but simply closes their browser? How would you know if they are still logged in? Some things to consider.
  13. Here are the rules http://forums.xisto.com/topic/29833-rules-read-this-before-making-a-sigbanner-request-rules-regulations-update/ 11 out of 17 of your postings have been in the sig request forum. Technically, should they count towards your Banner?
  14. Tyssen, I'm running win98se and I don't have IIS, so that's why the Apache. Plus, it mimics the server at the trap, so if it works on this local machine, it'll be good at the Trap, too. ( I hope )
  15. From what I have read, the correct format is "crlf" and requires the "\n" of your headers to read "\r\n" as per above posting.But I might be wrong. The source was 2 years old. (+/-)No doubt someone will correct either you or I if there is a discrepency.
  16. Thanks guys.If I have any problems with xampp, I'll try the other one.
  17. Well, you didn't post anything about the script you are using, so we really don't know what you are sending, but chances are you aren't identifying enough information, so the emails are getting flagged as spam, yes.Some reccomended headers would be "reply-to", "subject", "sender", "to".Format is "Keyword:String\r\n"ie: "Reply-to: myemail@somewhere.sometld\r\n" (no quotes)But you probably know all that...
  18. I recently installed the XAMP software as per snilildude's Tutorial and I have a question about the php.ini file or something like that.The Application is default installed. I haven't altered anything yet, so this should be a textbook case.Presently, the only folders recognized to run php scripts from is the htdoc folder (root). Is there a way to alter the configuration (or path or whaever) so if I double click a 'php' file that resides elsewhere, the file gets parsed and served as php in the browser. Would the Browser have to be open already when this is done, because that is part of the equation.Ideally, it would be best if : when I double-click a file anywhere on the system, it figures out that the Browser needs to be open, opens it if required, starts the server if required as well, and presents the page in the Browser. Am I asking for too much here?I don't know if that is possible or not, but I would at least like the php files to be loaded through the parser from elsewhere besides the htdocs folder. Whether I need to have the Server up and running can be my decision.XAMP on Windows 98se, php 5, haven't touched php configuration or .htaccess yet.
  19. I guess there is always some questions about how it would be on the other side , but I'm pretty content with my maleness. There are times when it might be good to be the opposite sex, but remember that we are 'who we are' partly because of the labels we have carried for a long time, so the switch would be confusing in many regards. Males and females have different perspectives on many issues. Interesting Topic.
  20. Good tutorial. I imagine new and old members alike will find this to be useful information. Wouldn't be surprised if BH pinned this or grabbed the link for the Help file. (HINT)
  21. Yup. pretty neat. Might have to find a spot to use that script just for fun. I suppose it won't work if javascript is disabled. If javascript is disabled, would you be able to resize the image using a noscript tag somehow?
  22. What you are looking for is a "log-in" script. Each user has a password and are assigned a "level". Here at the Trap, Guests, Members. Mods, and Admins are different "levels". Each level restricts what you can do, where you can go, and what you can see when you get there. Most Forum software like phpbb, IPB, etc and most CMS systems use a similar process to assign a user their capabilities and access.There are various "log-in" scripts around the web. Some are more efective than others. Be sure that when a viewer does a "view > source", that there are no clues to the password or the location of the password. This usually means a Server Side Script will be required. Something like php or perl. Also, the process should not allow users to sneak in the back door to your site, meaning, there should be a procedure to send non-validated users to a sign-in page to be validated. It can get pretty tricky in spots, so if I was to install a system such as the one you need, I would have a package written by someone else because I don't yet have enough experience to write it myself.try searching the tutorials here or hotscripts.com. or google on it.
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