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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Bingo, Thanks for that. Sometimes after staring at the problem for too long, you can't see the simple things. Works excellent now. Thanks again.
  2. What sort of Password Protection are you in need of for phpbb? The passwords are already md5 encrypted in the Database, so even Admins of a phpbb can't find out your password.
  3. Check to confirm that cookies are allowed on your machine and that you tick the 'always sign me in automaticlly' box on the Login page.
  4. I have a single page template which has a Form on it. Logic is to check for a valid Querystring and place the variables accepted from a form back into the form and re-display this form with error or acceptance messages. I'm sure everyone here has done this a million times. The Form accepts data from a user for First name, Last name, email address, and message-body named 'note_wide' then re-displays the values into the Form, but for some reason, I can't get the value to display into a Textarea. Sample of the php code is as follows: first the good one: <input type="blah" etc... value=" <?php echo &_POST['email'] ?>" /> The one that doesn't work is the same use of the php string being echoed except using the Textarea tag instead: example: <textarea type="blah" etc... value=" <?php echo &_POST['note_wide'] ?>" /> The etc includes name, class and other stuff which all appears to work for the 'good' Input tag. Is it only because the php string is being echoed to a <textarea> that this is a problem??? Any ideas about how to fix it?
  5. The Province (State) I live in banned smoking from Public Establishments (including Work sites) several years ago and all the same concerns were raised at that time. However, each Public Establishment was allowed to create a 'smoking room' so long as they maintained a suitable and approved ventilation system. The traffic to and from the Smoking Area during busy periods is quite considerable. And the volume of people visiting the Establishment actually increased because all the non-smokers are now able to go to the Club and not come out smelling like second-hand tobacco and in need of their clothes being cleaned. Providing they allow for the Smoking Rooms, not much will change except perhaps the spot for your favouite chair.
  6. Read this: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33090-losing-weight-help/
  7. Okay, then I'll close this one down.
  8. arre you using an "ORDER by" in the mysql statement? Maybe paste the statement you are using in to a posting and we'll have a better grasp of what you are trying to do.
  9. Been there, done that. It was uncomfortable, yes. I started to do things in 'groups' to remove some of the pressures and it helped. I would go to the local swimming pool 3 or 4 times a week, and joined a Running club, and then a 'group' of us would go for 'coffee' afterwards to relax. A mixed crowd. It became something to look forward to. Also, as time goes by, you will develop some confidence and self-esteem, so don't expect great things to happen over night. Relax, be yourself and the stress of 'dating' won't be as severe.
  10. Might have slipped below zero credits. You show only 1.38 right now and a Suspended page for the Heartless Creations Website. Couple more posts and an hour or so will fix you right up.
  11. Worked perfectly for me. First time. To confirm that I was there, your newest member is "Kyo Tsukani". Sound familiar?
  12. looks like a PATH problem. Warning: file_get_contents(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/1/r0khan) is not within the allowed path(s): (/dh/web/phpmyadmin:/tmp:/usr/local/tmp:/dh/solidclient:/usr/local/lib/php:/home/r0khan:/home/.celine/r0khan) in /home/.celine/r0khan/1/seo.php on line 69Warning: file_get_contents(/1/r0khan): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/.celine/r0khan/1/seo.php on line 69You are trying to open a file in this directory: (/1/r0khan) And the path is formed like this : (/r0khan/1/) Notice the reversal of the folder/sub-folder? And I can't see where that occurs in the script. I don't have my head wrapped around the code right now. Company just walked in and I am distracted, so I'll be back to have another look shortly. Spectre's answer is good, too. Notice from jlhaslip: as per Spectre's comment, moving to php sub-forum.
  13. can you post some code here, please. It looks like either a file path or file permission problem. We need some code to work with, though.
  14. Well that is certainly a shining star in the abyss of teen culture. With all the problems of teenage pregnancy and rampant promiscuity we have at least one member with a sense of decency. Good for you to not kiss him. As for how to handle meeting up with him for the first time, I would simply continue to interact with him as if the party event had never occurred. Let him bring it up in conversation first. He will only raise the issue if he is concerned enough about it to discuss it openly. Your first reaction should be to deflect the conversation by light-heartedly make a humourous passing reference to let him know that it was not an issue to be taken seriously and if he is adamant about having you explain why you didn't think him worthy of meeting the dare, simply explain that your moral upbringing doesn't include such random flirtuous acts of public affection. As time passes, anyone who witnessed the scene will consider it a solid show of a positive attitude and good moral upbringing on your part. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dealing with lesser values than you displayed. IMHO.
  15. It might start out with 'traditional' dancing, but what it will end up as is anybody's guess. In my day, the first couple of songs were for the waltzes and whatnot, then it went in to Rock and Roll. (yes, I am that old) These days, by the end of the night it could be anything that is currently a fad, so I don't know what to tell you. I went to a couple of Proms and generally had a blast at each of them. Hang loose, you will be nervous, but try your best not to show it. Enjoy, don't drink and drive... be safe, don't drink at all...
  16. For what it is worth, my opinion is to get rid of the name TIS. I think it degrades the Forum. And creates a double standard because the members posting here can't use the word, so why give the impression it is allowed? Anyway, that's my opinion, but we live in a Democracy and it is only one vote, so for what it is worth, I have expressed my opinion.
  17. I'm a bit older than the average Forum member and I work around younger people all the time in Construction, so let me say this: I started with a paper route when I was 13 or so and haven't stopped working since. Pretty much always had a job through High School because my Mom was a single Mom raising 5 kids and although my Dad was not a dead-beat Dad, there were lots of stuff we couldn't afford unless I paid my own way by earning some money. Worked in the Hotel Industry and Fast Food restaurants, cut lawns, painted, did whatever it took to get the things I wanted and some things I needed. Didn't hurt me one little bit. I was also prepared to tackle any job that came along. Still do. Love a challenge. So anyways, now it seems like the younger crowd is either lazy or wants to run the job instead of getting right in there and getting it done. When I am in charge of a crew, I don't ask them to do anything which I am not prepared to do myself. Nothing I hate worse than trying to do nothing and still get paid for it. Which is what a lot of 'kids' try today. The day goes a lot better and faster when you stay busy, too. Of course, these are generalized answers, there are some 'young people' out there that have a good value system and they work hard, but it seems that those types are fewer today than when I was their age.
  18. Best one I think I've seen from Kubi, for sure. There is action in the render and a nice 3-d look to it. Savage has the action in the background and is a good job also, but not the same. Good luck to both of you.KuBi-5Savge17 - 0
  19. Other way around for me. I like the lighter version. Also, there is more 'action' and a 3-D look to the Avalon sig.Se?or Maniac: 2Avalon: 1
  20. Contact OpaQue by PM about more Bandwidth. He may be able to swing something, but I don't know for certain.
  21. There you go again. Address your concerns to the Site Administrators. Our involvement here on this Forum is to assist you within our abilities and capabilities. If you insist on using this Forum as a 'Venting' spot, you will find that most of the membership will turn a blind eye to your requests. Furthermore, these issues you raise are solely for the attention of those who can help. If you insist on discussing them here, let's discuss the fact that one of your scripts was apparently to blame for crashing the servers several weeks ago. Are you certain it didn't happen again? Catch on to the fact that the accounts here are subject to being abused as they are shared servers and as such they are very reasonably priced and the service is as good as it gets. If uptime is so critical, then perhaps you need a dedicated server? Take these concerns to Opaque, please. If I see any more about this or similar issues from you, they will be deleted as Spam postings. I can't speak for the other members or Moderators, but this is not what I come to these Forums for.
  22. 'Beta' refers to the Hosting package you are provided with. The smaller package is called 'Alpha', I think. And there are lots of features provided under this Hosting Service. I would think that if you use up all the features and need more, that you should seriously consider getting a Paid service. On the Subdomain issue, are you aware that you can simply create a folder structure for your site and not use the Subdomain feature? Only you can determine what is best for you, but you don't have to use seperate sub-domains for everything. By creating a 'folder' you access it thusly: my-subdomain.trap17.com/folder1instead of subdomain1/my-subdomain.trap17.com Each can have their own index.html files, etc.
  23. It isn't deleted, it is invisible. How many times must you be directed to the correct process for the problems you are having? The procedure is to contact the Helpdesk. There is nothing we can do here when the servers are having problems or are down for maintenance. Yes, I was the one who 'invisibilized' it. Start acting responsibly, please. If there is a problem with your account, contact those who can fix it.
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