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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I am in need of a "colour sniffer" tool that will hover over a graphic and tell me the Hex colour code that is under the eye-dropper thing. Does anyone have a link to a freeware tool that does this?
  2. I don't know about the Google/Firefox program, but there is a referal program direct from Mozilla.com (or org, don't remember), so why would you need to go through Google?
  3. What about finding the Main CSS file and adding some background colour to the html element or the body element? Here is the css file: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I didn't see the link posted in the Original Post. I don't have a monitor that will re-create the problem, so you will have to find out which element is exposed and add some colour to its background. Maybe you will be able to centre the header a similar way? Looks like the source for the page is just a big (complex) table based design, so it shouldn't be too tough to track it down.
  4. Did you see anything in there about sending Troops to the US-Canada Border? Nope. Bush wouldn't dare. He knows we don't want in anyway... and we have Hockey sticks to defend ourselves with...
  5. Not available for either of my systems... W98se or OS9.3
  6. Help this worthy cause by going to this site and clicking once per day. Funds generated go towards Breast Cancer Research. A worthy cause, indeed. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Tried it both ways, no luck. I have the config file set back to default now. I'll just leave it there. Thanks for everyone's input.
  8. Nope, doesn't work. Gives a 500 Server Error. Won't even do a php file if I set it to All.
  9. Sig's aren't subject to the same rules as the posts for credits.
  10. This line: $bible_books[12]["long"] = "1 Chronicles"; $bible_books[12]["short"] = "1Ch";associates a request to read that chapter and verse from the request you have made. There are two arrays. The first one is the "long name" and the second is the "short" name. When you click on the long name, Voila!, it uses the short name to build the URL for the requested section of the Chronicles chapter and verse. Are you getting the output you requested? There are some things which need to be altered in the above script, like the paths to the folders and such. Have you done all that yet? For instance, this line ($config["script_suffix"] = "bible.php/"; //The name of the main script. (It may seem strange that this should end in a '/', but that is indeed the case.))should be changed to "index.php" to match the re-naming of the script source file, and of course, you will need to alter the .htaccess file to make this your "home file" as well. There are a bunch of things in the config file which need to be altered if the posted code is what currently exists in the config file, I don't think anything will work until the changes are made. Example: $config["local_prefix"] = "/path/to/config/and/things/"; //Where the script lives on the disk.
  11. On my Xisto account here, I have an .htaccess file with the following declaration which (I think) forces all html files to be parsed by the PHP Parsing engine and therefore I can insert snippets of php scripts into html files. AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htmHowever, when I add an .htaccess file to the local directory of the version of XAMPP on my local machine, it fails. I have tried to add the .htaccess file to the htdocs folder and elsewhere, but it still doesn't work to parse html through the php parser. Any ideas on how to get these html files through the php parser? XAMPP running PHP 5.0 on a windows 98 se machine. htdocs folder as localhost.
  12. Root Beer for everyone!!! Yippee!
  13. So could you post the code here so we can all benefit?
  14. They are all good. On number one, delay the cycle at the end so the "GFX" stays on the screen a little bit longer would be my only suggestion.
  15. Ittsami,My suggestion would be to:Begin by building an array of the letters of the alphabet (a-z) and producing the list of links that would select the letter. (maybe a pull-down listbox?)Then use that letter as a search/sort criteria of the directory list. Write the file names into another array, then sort the array, then echo the list using a function similar to the one which you have been earlier provided with to list file names from a directory, except this time, use the array of filenames as the function source rather than the directory contents.A Database would not be required if there were only a small list of files, but it would be faster to use the Database approach as suggested above if there were lots of files in the Directory.
  16. farsiscript,Best advise I can give you is to search for this script on the free sites like http://www.hotscripts.com/. If you want to learn some php in the process, there is a book written by Larry Ullman that includes the source code for a nearly identical application (log-in/log-out, registration, and error-checking functions) but you would still have to know some php to personalize it. The name of the book is "PHP and MYSQL for Dynamic Web Sites, Second Edition". Chapter twelve has the application you want. Check your Local Library.
  17. And to think that they had the player that scored the Game/ Series winning goal down in the Minors at the start of the season and offered on waivers for a measly $62, 000. That single goal alone was worth ten times that since they get another series, minimum two Home games, and how much does that bring to the Team?Congrats to the Sabres for a terrific series.
  18. Computinghost Account Question Did you receive an email with the cpanel account access information? It should be something like: your( replace "your_domain.com" with the actual domain name) and then a password screen should appear before the cpanel access is allowed. The next step is to use a File Transfer program to upload the files into the public_html directory on your account.
  19. Best of Luck, SM.If they are smart, they will be scooping you right up.
  20. What happened was: a Data Table from one Forum was 'exported' and then "imported into the other forum. No biggie, but a back-up had been performed, yes.
  21. Yes, I would rename this variable to some thing like Problem_Query to avoid using the slash which is a special character in php and I don't think variables can contain them. If you rename it in this script, be sure to alter the form, too.
  22. Yes, most FTP programs or your File Manager in Cpanel can delete the file.
  23. I assume that you have read up on the topic found here? : https://www.phpbb.com/kb/article.php?article_id=18 Scroll down and find this sub-heading: How do I replace the phpBB2 logo with my own?
  24. Yes, it is an improvement in the process, but doesn't eliminate the requirement for the consumption of Fossil Fuels. Ethanol is an additive, not a replacement, as I understand it. Global Warming is indeed an issue which requires attention. The sooner the better. Ozone holes are an example of the destructive nature of the level of Industrialisaton we are currently operating under. CFC's are now banned in most countries. They were indentified as a key to the removal of the Ozone and banning them is a good step. Collectively, we must become more aware of this problem. I think there has been enough studies to indicate that Global Warming is an issue which will cause great damage to the ecology upon which we all depend for our breathing, the Food Chain, and the state of the Planet as we know it . Reduce, Re-use, Recycle. Become less dependent on Fossil Fuels. It all adds up.
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