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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Longest sentence in the world is to say "I do." in your marriage vows.Goes along with something heard at a 25th Wedding Anniversery Party:" If I would have shot her, I'd be on parole by now..."
  2. You may have to create the Database before you attempt to connect to it. Many of the CMS packages have this same situation where the DB and a user must exist prior to their being installed. Use PHPADMIN to create a Database and a User for that Database and then these should be the database and User which you enter into the Install script.I don't have first hand knowledge of this particular CMS, but several other softwares have similar requirements.
  3. Yet his daughter lived happily ever after in an idylic married family setting... ---NOT!---
  4. Google on : "on:hover image replacement" will show you 838 replies. The mezzoblue one is good. also go to http://bonrouge.com/~home for some really cool image swapping stuff.
  5. I would avoid frames if at all possible and at any expense. (or iframes)As pointed out above, they are not searchable by the Bots, therefore, they can't be indexed by them.Secondly, they can't be properly 'bookmarkrd' by the users, either. Let's say someone is on your site and wants to bookmark a chapter (or (html) page of a novel). When they add the bookmark, they only can get back to the Index page of the site and not the chapter which they left.Although easier to build, frames have some very serious shortcomings with respect to indexing, bookmarking and ultimately, being able to be found on the Internet.
  6. Exactly.Use javascript to pop-up the box containing the php script.
  7. java or javascript would be the wise way to do the pop-up, yes?
  8. owbussey, That last post above yours is over two years ago. What's the chances of them reading this reply?I hope you read mine...
  9. Like the other posters, a nice long vacation would be nice. Maybe to somewhere that Opaque would choose to have the nice new servers installed at. That's what I'd do, buy Opaque a couple of state of the art Servers so he could control the Free Web Hosting market. He has been so good to us, that's the least I could do.
  10. And the reason for this is because all of these words are DOS 'reserved' words. In the olden days, the various 'words' you listed were special words in the Disk Operating System even before Microsoft built their MS-DOS. Lpt1 means lineprinter number one, a big ole, clanky thing that used (typically) a chain which had all the letters mounted on it and the letter got 'whacked' by a small hammer-thing when it was in the correct position on a page. Similar to the hammer of a piano. Printers have come a long ways since those days. lpt1 was a parrallel port and the com's were serial ports. The printer was not shared by all users, either. You needed to stand in line and wait for the paper to come out. As a student, you were the lowest priority and usually you could leave, have a meal and a drink before the output was ready. When the pc became popular, the requirement for backwards compatability means that these are still 'reserved words'.Oh, yea, 'con' was the abbreviation for 'console'. No need to explain that to a Unix user.
  11. I remember the "crank up" phones. An Aunt and Uncle had one on their Farm... ah... the memories of that place... And thank you's appreciated. Glad to help.
  12. Yes, both a blessing and a curse.Patience is required. And you now have no free time. The Kids will steal it all from you, but that is not a bad thing. Simply accept the fact that they are not going to go away, that you have no free time and that if you don't place their interests and well being first and foremost, you will be digging yourself into a deep, deep hole.As for the girlfriend, you don't mention whether she works or not, but assume she does for a moment and it would be nice of you to come home and relieve some pressure from her day. Take the kids to a park or to the grocery store. Get to know them and let them know that you can be a good, fun guy. Let them into your space and the rewards will return to you one hundred fold in the long run. And it would be a blessing for the girlfriend to be able to enjoy a quiet moment in her day, too.Now assume that she does not work. Same thing applies.And the best part about all this is that you and the kids get to enjoy some time with each other. That would be great for the kids and although you don't recognize it now, good for you. The point of all this is that you must change your lifestyle because you now have more than yourself to concern yourself with (other than your own "relaxing"). The kid's well-being and aceptance of themselves (and you) will be best served by you being attentive and not resentful towards them. You will have ample opportunity later to relax. Right now just isn't a good time to be self-centred. Give of yourself a bit. Believe me. It will be worth the time and effort in the long term. Speaking from my experience.
  13. (assuming you have windows machine)Click Start > run > xcopy blah.... as per that forum postingMake sure to specify the start and destination folders as fullpaths, like: c:\windows\etc...
  14. Php scripting could handle this. It wouldn't be too difficult, actually.Reading the Directory structure recursively from a top level directory and using the mkdir() function to create another similarly named folder in another disk location. There are scripts around which perform sitemaps by reading the contents of a site and listing the file names as links. Borrowing from the logic used in the sitemap script, simply use the mkdir() function to create a new blank folder elsewhere, and maybe chmod() the folders to whatever permissions you chose during the building of them.Check at [ hotscripts dot com ] to see what they have along the lines of a sitemap application and modify that, maybe?Of course, you would need an input form to indicate the starting point for the recursive search and to input the new path for the empty folders. But it would be doable. Unfortunately(?), I am busy with other stuff and am not able to do this for you, so if the task at hand is beyond your knowledge, enlist someone to assist with the scripting. Or Google on it. Perhaps someone has an available script out there???Keep us posted as to how it goes. Perhaps a Tutorial might come out of it?
  15. Icemarle,Glad you are okay. Bless the stars that we would lose our favourite sig-maker.Natural disasters strike everywhere. When they are near, protect yourself and others. Assist them as they require because it creates some good karma for you.I hope no other storms come to visit around you. Let us know if any other Trap members are in the same predicament.
  16. I4host.net is probably off playing with liquidh.com, a service I once belonged to. Same story. Here today, gone tomorrow. I hope you had backups? I didn't. Well, at the time I was new to the whole web thing and failed to believe that they would have left that quickly and without notice. Naive as I was. I never had any decent copies and, well, had no place to host them anyway.So, another member found this place, Xisto, and I have been here for over a year and loving it. Great community and the best service I could ever expect to have. Way more services than the "web space" my ISP allows. And when you think about it, I am paying for that service, too. So, glad you found us. Enjoy the Forums and the Hosting.p.s.: when are you applying for Hosted?
  17. Looks like they are working towards the Integration HERE. Visit that forum, express your interest, and stay in touch with them. Might need a Beta tester?
  18. MH is right. Might be as simple as wrapping the $_POST variables in a trim() and stripslashes().Possibly an htmlentities(), too?
  19. You don't mention which "Open Source" software packages you are using.Some Forums, for instance, have Mods or extensions which co-ordinate logins.The basics would be to use the login information at the first site and verify that they are capable of being confirmed as a registered user at the second one and then allowing them to access the second site. And the reverse would apply, of course.Post the names of the packages involved and we will see if there is a Module available for this feature.
  20. Session variables are similar to "cookies", except the cookie is stored on the user's computer and session variables are stored on the server. Cookies are given an expiry date which means the informatioin is available for using in the future when the user next visits the site (persistent data), but the session variables are expired once the user closes the session *unless*, as suggested, the session variables are stored in a database.There are advantages to both, but shortcoming to each as well. Cookies are persistant only if the user is connecting to your site from the same computer all the time, whereas session variables apply regardless. On the other hand, session variables (to be persistant) need the database and the coding to manage them.Hope this helps you to understand them a little better.
  21. jlhaslip

    Info Bar

    It can also be done without javascript using CSS, but it is awfully sensitive about the page structure since different Browsers perform differently. IE has trouble with the position:fixed, for instance.The top banner and sidebar of the HTML template available in my Signature below uses an IE conditional statement to select another correct css file for using this technique in IE. Have a look and download the zip. You can ignore the php and all that other template stuff. Focus on the css files and the IE Conditional Statements.
  22. As per the PM:Sign on to the Forum as Administrator. Got to the Administration Panel and adjust the User Permissions from the drop down's available.*edit*Another method would be to delete the Member (also done in the Admin Panel, I believe) and have them sign-up once more. Only this time do not give them Moderator Permissions.
  23. I'm sure Opaque is on the case with this one. Patience, please.
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