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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Thorned Rose,PM to our member michaelper22. He is as knowledgeable as anyone I am aware of with respect to Joomla and CMS's, and a fine fellow. I'm sure he might assist you, particularly on such a charitable cause.I, of course, would help, but I have never installed a CMS, so I'm afraid my assistance may just hinder the process.My best wishes in this matter...Matt2,That's part of belonging to a community such as the Xisto. You should be able to make requests such as this. the only time it is a problem is when a Member leeches and requests support but never provides any in return to other members. Remember that what goes around comes around. If everyone helps each other, we are a better Community for it.Know anything about Joomla?
  2. Welcome to our little corner of the web. The site is sort of self-moderated, the members each have the responsibility to "report' posts they find offensive or spam posts, so the topics stay clean. As rvalkass and mich have said, please take the time to review the rules as found in the Xisto readme and elsewhere. if you need help with your site, post in the html or css or php topics. here is a link to my page which has some templates and coding tricks on it. My site
  3. Oh, goody, another crappy wysiwyg piece of junk to fix code from.Maybe this one will work, but I doubt it. None of them handle cross browser issues worth junk. You just can't code a piece of software to accommodate the IE family of Browsers where you use their faulty rendering to fix another broken tag, then need a third hack to fix what fixed the first thing that broke and round and round you go. Best thing to happen is the IE conditional comments to select which version you are hacking and keeping it clean. Wonder if DW9 will do that?
  4. "suck" is such a harsh word.I do like the 'depth' of both of them, but they need to be blended a little better. There is some potential in them. Keep working and read up on the graphics Tutorials.
  5. Anyone reading this Thread might also be interested in this reply to a question about implementing Friik's code by another member. Actually it is the same question as Imtay posted...
  6. Here is one way to do it: $text .= '<p>Next Line Here between double quotes</p>'; $text .= '<p>Add the < \'p\' > tags as required... </p>'; $text .= '<p>One of these lines for each one you have. The \'period\' is a concatenation operator and adds each new line to the variable named text.</p>'; $text .= '<p>and escape the special characters the parser doesn(\')t like to see...</p>'; $page=$_GET['p']; switch($page){ case 'pagetwo' linenums:0'><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>Untitled</title></head><body><a href="?p=idx">Home</a> - <a href="?p=pagetwo">Page Two</a> - <a href="?p=pagethree">Page Three</a><br><?php$text = "<p>Avast, ye landlubbers! Murphy at Port Khazard has discovered a new spot teeming with fish for his trawler! He can't haul in this bountiful booty by his lonesome, though. With more high-quality fishy things to catch (those with the ability to catch manta rays and turtles, for example, are likely to catch quite a few more on the trawler than they could previously), it's time to strap on your Fishing gear, fix those leaks and start reaping the rewards.<br />Bring your friends along for a voyage on the high seas, but don't be afraid to get wet! The more friends that set sail, the greater the chance of more fish. Murphy has also fashioned himself a handy bank deposit box to allow you to send your fish straight to your bank (assuming you have the space, of course)!<br />RuneScape's Group of Advanced Gardeners (G.A.G.) recently commissioned the Makeover Mage to improve the appearance of their favourite animals. Sadly, the Mage was deeply involved in business with the Dorgeshuun, so he/she couldn't attend. Always reo</p>";$text .= '<p>Next Line Here between double quotes</p>';$text .= '<p>Add the < \'p\' > tags as required... </p>';$text .= '<p>One of these lines for each one you have. The \'period\' is a concatenation operator and adds each new line to the variable named text.</p>';$text .= '<p>and escape the special characters the parser doesn(\')t like to see...</p>';$page=$_GET['p'];switch($page){case 'pagetwo':echo 'This is page two';break;case 'pagethree':echo $text;break;default:echo 'This is the default page';}?></body></html>There is another method which I will try and see if it works as I expect, then i will post it here in a few mnutes or report that it doesn't. The second method is to "break out of php and insert the html then go back into php, but I haven't ever tried to do that in the middle of a switch statement, so I will attempt it and see if it works. =============== EDIT HERE =============== This works, too: switch($page){ case 'pagetwo' linenums:0'><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title>Untitled</title></head><body><a href="?p=idx">Home</a> - <a href="?p=pagetwo">Page Two</a> - <a href="?p=pagethree">Page Three</a><br><?php$page=$_GET['p'];switch($page){case 'pagetwo':echo 'This is page two';break;case 'pagethree':?><p>This is the second method and appears to works equally well.</p><p>Just leave php momentarilly, write the html code and then re-enter php. I didn't know if it would whack the switch statement, but it seems to be working okay.</p><p>Next Line Here between double quotes</p><p>Add the < \'p\' > tags as required... </p><p>One of these lines for each one you have. The \'period\' is a concatenation operator and adds each new line to the variable named text.</p><p>and escape the special characters the parser doesn(\')t like to see...</p><?phpbreak;default:echo 'This is the default page';}?></body></html>Notice the different approach? I would use this one if I didn't need to parse any variables, like for example, I would use the first one if I needed to echo out a php variable as, for instance, a name or date or something. Another issue is the volume of stuff being written. For small amount of information, stay inside php because it takes CPU cycles to leave the parser and return. Good luck with it and post back if you need any more assistance. And notice that I have moved the default selection to the last position in the switch? That is a good idea since it is what gets performed if there are no acceptable values in he query string, so it is the fallback action. And consider stripping special/html characters in the user input. Adds security and a script kiddie can't hit you. Mind you, it isn't serious because you aren't accessing a Database, but you never know what sort of vulnerability can be opened up with a User playing with the query string. It is possible to insert a javascript injection if you don't scrub and sterilize the User supplied data. ==== EDIT ==== And that parse error is most likely from having the single quote / apostrophe in the text you were trying to echo. Use the backslash to escape them like in the first example I posted. ===== EDIT ===== Yet another method would be to "include" the data you want to have inserted. To do this, simply create a file which conatains the html code and text you want listed and change the code for the switch=3 to something like this: case 'pagethree':include ("path/to/file.name");break; This method is untested in this example, but should work as it exists. The file can be named anything, could have almost any extension and will be parsed as html unless it includes a set of php tags to use the php parser. Included files are ALWAYS parsed as html.
  7. Besides just being a regular member? Contribute to the content of the forum by posting, apply the rules of the forum, maintain some control and issue discipline, promote membership in the forum, assist the Admins, help members, edit errant posts, issue warnings (and guidance) to members, have fun, meet new people, learn stuff and pass the information along.
  8. Please read the pinned topic to see your requirement(s) in Request Free Sig Or Banner section. Click here In the mean time please improve your post quality and continue to contribute quality posts.
  9. please submit an email to support@xisto.com
  10. I had a situation where I needed to code a listing of Bands, Albums (CD's), and theTracks on each of the albums.In order to develop the page in a semantic manner, the best way to develop the code was to use the Definition List, Definition Term and Definition Data tags as follows: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/; xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>listing albums and tracks </title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" /> <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="<dl><dt><dd> html tags, listing albums and tracks for different Bands, CSS dl tag" /> <meta http-equiv="description" content="A CSS format for listing albums and tracks for different Bands using <dl><dt><dd> html tags." /> <meta http-equiv="reply-to" content="jlhaslip@yahoo.ca" /> <meta http-equiv="author" content="Jim Haslip" /><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/* html { margin:0; padding:0;}body { margin:0 auto; text-align:center; }#wrapper { margin: 0 auto; width:1000px; background-color: #ffeecc; border: 1px solid #666666; }#header { margin: 1em 0; text-align:center; border-bottom: 1px solid #666666; }#header h1 { margin: 1em 0; }p { margin: 1em; padding:1em; text-align:left }#footer { margin: 1em auto; padding: 1em; text-align:center; border-top: 1px solid #666666; }#footer a { margin: 1em auto; padding: .15em; }#dl_block { text-align:left; padding-left: 3em; width: 15em; }/*]]>*/</style> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <h1> ... Page Header here ... </h1> </div><!-- header --> <div id="dl_block"> <h3> Band 1 </h3> <dl> <dt> Album1 </dt> <dd> Record1 </dd> <dd> Record2 </dd> <dt> Album2 </dt> <dd> Record1 </dd> <dd> Record2 </dd> <dd> Record3 </dd> <dd> Record4 </dd> <dt> Album3 </dt> <dd> Record1 </dd> <dd> Record2 </dd> </dl> <h3> Band 2 </h3> <dl> <dt> Album1 </dt> <dd> Record1 </dd> <dd> Record2 </dd> <dd> Record1 </dd> <dd> Record2 </dd> <dd> Record3 </dd> <dd> Record4 </dd> <dt> Album2 </dt> <dd> Record1 </dd> <dd> Record2 </dd> <dd> Record3 </dd> <dd> Record4 </dd> </dl> </div><!-- dl_block --> <div id="footer"> <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the xhtml</a> <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ the css</a> </div><!-- footer --> </div><!-- wrapper --> </body></html> Feel free to borrow the code and use it where you need to. Of course, to be efficient, separate the CSS from the page and place it into a CSS file.
  11. Ahhh! Go ahead and ask her out. The worst thing that happens is she says no and you don't have a date. Well...... you don't have one now, so you are no worse off... of course... she might say yes!
  12. Jimmy, Good point about the Frames, but it might be that the Frames are used by the Hosting service. It is common for them to do that, especially for free web accounts.Krissy,Nice design. Excellent use of the space to provide all the information you include. Light is good, but as jimmy says, there could be some "contrast" by altering some of the backgrounds a little.I look forward to seeing your "summer" layout. :PIf you need a hand with html or CSS, just post on the Boards in the CSS or HTML Topics.
  13. When you use php on a site, the php code simply writes the (x)html to the Browser. There is no "validation" of php code, but you should validate its output as (x)html according to the Document Type Declaration on the page. (you do have a doctype or the page will not validate. it will only validate conditionally dependent upon adding the DocType you add)
  14. Can you download the Firefox Extension FireFTP and see if it will install? It is an awesome tool for File Management.
  15. That image is totally un-readable.Can you please cut and paste the verbage?thanks.
  16. Nice work.The Forum has an automatic resize for images, but it was good of you to post a link because then our dial-up users don't get caught downloading large images. Thanks.
  17. Salemheartbreak, Welcome to the Xisto Forums. Please read the Xisto Readme found here: - Xisto Readme - One liners are considered Spam and are usually removed from the Boards. Especially if they are the Original Posting in a Topic. Please don't do that again. Verbal warning on this one. As for the install of the Coppermine gallery and a spot to have it Hosted, reading the Xisto Readme file will explain how to get hosting here at the trap, and Coppermine is included in the Fantastico of the cpanel for Hosted accounts.. If you are anxious, or don't feel you can post to the Forum, try qupis.com, a sister company. similar service, but less features. Example, Coppermine is included in a Xisto account, but needs to be uploaded separately for the qupis.com accounts. In order for someone to assist you with the install, kindly arrange for your account prior to requesting assistance, whether it is a Xisto account or at Qupis.com. Thanks for your co-operation.
  18. Define "full cpanel backup ".Do you mean a full account reset? or just restore the files in the account that you have previously uploaded?
  19. It would appear that you need to check and double-check the login name and password for the account.Make sure the CAPS_LOCK is not on, confirm the password is accurate, etc. Like Kubi, I just got to your public_html folder, so the account is activated. If there was an email sent to you, it likely contains the information about the FTP access for the account and should (I think) also include the passwords and log-in ID.Failing that, submit a request to support@Xisto - Web Hosting.com for a password reset.
  20. you mean the php function "mail()" ? No, unless to use the html "mailto".
  21. First, a quick explanation of what is involved here.The outer "wrapper" of the page is given a width and centred. Look in the code for the div named "wrap".This div contains a full width "header" div, and a full width "footer" div.Between them, there are two narrow div's, the left hand one (content1)contains the video and the right-hand div (content2) has the pictures.These div's are "floated" into their position against each other, and that's it. Sort of. Add come background colours to spice it up, and perhaps change the titles, etc. The css is in the Head of the document.Have fun.
  22. Hmmm. I merged as requested and that moved the posting off the 'Most recent replies' list... Anyway, I think IPB has a db field for this. Not certain, but other softwares do have a user-defined field or two. BuffaloHelp added the insignias, so I don't know if the Mod is his or from somewhere else. maybe we'll wait to hear from him on this. Here is a view of the Communities > Members page with the "Toggle Link" in the top right of the page. And here is the Drop-down Box to select the Members having that insignia.
  23. Cpanel port access is via :2082 or :2083 ( 2083 being a secure connection ), so your sign-on is something like: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ; except the sub-domain (jlhaslip) will need to match your sub-domain.
  24. Google on Xampp or WAMP. Both of them are decent. I use Xampp and it is pretty much a download and one click to install. All the features you list and more.
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