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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. What part might you need help with? Setting up the database or the configuration file, paths and such? You do not need to know any php, specifically. Mostly it is having a Database built and knowing how to access the database by the correct name with a user name to access it. Maybe I'll write a Tutorial on setting up a phpbb3 Forum. Would that help? It really is not difficult. Start a topic if you have questions and someone will assist you.
  2. Similar to Velma's story, I once set a pot of water on the stove for making noodles or pasta, I forget... the phone rang, I got involved in a conversation, forgot the pot of water, went out for about an hour, and came back to a red-bottomed pot. Thinking quickly, I ran some water in the sink, snatched the pot from the stove and placed it in the water, it was all good, until i realized that the soldered metal bottom thickener was still on the stove and there was solder all over the Lino floor...It was a few days until the stink left the house... luckily, there was no fire from the red hot solder hitting the floor...
  3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Release Notes, new feature descriptions and a download link can be found at this linked page.
  4. here is a news report about the activity on the Pirates of the Caribean III http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ $404 USD worldwide on its Opening Weekend. Not too shabby, I'd say. Looking forward to seeing it.
  5. As per the PM I sent, net ettiquette says to not post on a forum about competitive services. Apology is noted. Please become more familiar with the Xisto rules and guidelines according to the Xisto Readme file. Link is available in my siggy or above the shoutbox, too. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18
  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some time ago, I promised to set up a test copy of PHPBB using the newest version. PHPBB version 3 is now at the Release Candidate stage and so here is a copy ready for inspection. Note that this a fresh, vanilla install, right out of the package. Zero mods, zero config changes. In haven't even altered the Banner or Forum Description yet. Register yourself or use the following log-in information to check it out: user: user pass: user_pass IP tracking is in effect, so any abuse will be dealt with accordingly. For those who wish to be allowed access to the Mod Control Panel or Admin Control Panel, PM me for the log-in information.
  7. Yes, there is a method to do this. You would need some php scripting and quite likely sessions or cookies to keep track of those users that are allowed to access the page. When the page is requested, check for the presence of a session id, if none exist, go to the password page. In the password page, ask for the username and password, if acceptable, set a session-id. If a session-id exists, allow access to the page, else re-direct to the password page. See if this makes any sense to you: session_name ('YourVisitID');session_start(); // Start the session.// If no session value is present, redirect the user.if (!isset($_SESSION['agent']) OR ($_SESSION['agent'] != md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) ) { // Start defining the URL. $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Check for a trailing slash. if ((substr($url, -1) == '/') OR (substr($url, -1) == '\\') ) { $url = substr ($url, 0, -1); // Chop off the slash. } $url .= '/index.php'; // Add the page. header("Location: $url"); exit(); // Quit the script.} Read about sessions at the php.net site. http://php.net/
  8. That message is typical for all Xisto users. Simply click to allow the certificate. It has something to do with the way opaque has the servers clustered, I think.
  9. Perhaps you can explain this posting? I have no clue what you are talking about here.
  10. My generic reply would have to be used here:"Normal" is a word in the dictionary. What is normal in Europe may not be normal in Asia (and likely isn't). You are who you are and what you are. People need to accept you as you are, tall or short, skinny or plump, smart or not... that's just the way you are...
  11. Will this help you? https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=Suearch&meta=
  12. I would suggest an email to support@xisto.com and/or sales@xisto.com.It will most likely be faster than waiting for a reply on this topic. Maybe. You never know when the right people will see this, but an email will find them first. Perhaps reference this thread your email.
  13. The Apache Server that is used here at the Xisto normally uses the public_html folder to source the accounts from. Each account has their own protetced public_html folder to use for providing pages and information on the web. The www folder is an alias, or mirror, of the contents of the public_html folder, so do not delete anything from the www folder. it simply points to the public_html folder, you see, so if you delete something inside the www folder, it is gone from public_html, too. Similarly, your visitors can access the information from either of the folders. Confused yet?I would suggest you place the files in public_html. That is more common.post back here if you need any more info...
  14. Most common problem is making certain that the zip was uploaded and un-packed into a sub-folder of the public_html folder. If the package is not in the public_html or www folder, it will not be accessible from the web... Your options are to 'move' the folder/files or to re-upload into a subfolder of the appropriate (public_html) folder.Sign in to your Cpanel, use the File Manager to find the correct file and run it from inside the File Manager. Navigate your account by clicking on the file Folder Icons. Activate the file by clicking on the filename and then the URL produced at the bottom of the list in the top right hand side of the page.Any further information, or problems, please re-post here. Hope this helps.
  15. For information about Batch files, start here: http://www.computerhope.com/batch.htm Or use the search feature to check if there is anything in the tutorials here on the Xisto.
  16. What you are looking for is called a 'cronjob' and would be available once you are Hosted.Various Operating Systems have different systems in place for Task Managers to perform these 'scheduled' jobs. Windows has theirs stuffed away under Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks. Might start there to see what you can find if you are running XP.
  17. Darran,All the best with your site and the Xisto - Web Hosting account.Come back anytime for a visit. Your Xisto account stays open, I believe, so we'll all be here waiting for you... take care of yourself and others...
  18. Information from this wikipedia link you provide. The next paragraph of the same link is a warning about the nature of the problems of extracting the fuel and its inherent "bell Curve" nature. Point being: there is less available reserves that can be economically produced for this many years at the rate of usage we are experiencing and the growth pattern of that usage. The emphasis on " economically produced " is made to point out that as the fuel becomes more difficult to extract, it will become more expensive. As it becomes more expensive, it will also become an even more valuable resource and more subject to International disputes (ie: wars). Avoiding the wars is reason enough to find a replacement fuel.
  19. I've been driving a VW for about a year now, albeit a gas model, and it travels along just fine and quite fuel efficient, too. I parked the pick up for the winter because it is more costly to operate and I didn't need 2 vehicles, so I saved on the Insurance as well. The pick up has a 300 motor, 6 cylinder but the chassis weighs twice what the VW does... only problem is the carrying capacity of the car is considerable less, but there is always a trade-off.
  20. Which script ar you looking for? Do they have a site which allows you to download the software? Using that site you will be sure to get the newest, safest copy, and that is highly recommended for Security of your site. That is also what others have suggested...
  21. Resolved, closed, PM a Moderator to have this thread re-opened. Thanks
  22. Here is a png image of what i get: Is it possible that your ISP or your firewall is kicking in? This is the URL I was directed to when i clicked on the link you provide: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. I appreciate your perspective, and the Topic about keyboards is quite a substantial posting, but if you check out the Tutorial section, lots of Tutorials are larger in word count and they are subject to the same limits. Part of the consideration for your contribution to the Forum includes a willingness to assist other Members by providing the sort of in-depth analysis which your Keyboard topic provides. Or to assist other members with difficulties they are experiencing for which you also receive little or no direct benefit (ie:credits). The reverse is also true. If you are viewed as a 'contributing member' of the Forum, lots of us will go to great lengths to assist you with any problems you are having. Short version: whatever goes around, comes around.
  24. What URL are you trying to Cpaanel connect with? https://sedo.com/us/services/broker-service/?language=us?tracked=&partnerid=&language=us should work to get to the user/password page. Post the URL which fails, please.
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