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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. that's exactly what i am talking about anwiii, how can i get more hits on pages than the main or home website?? it's a completely mess. even was satisfied after i installed the plugin because it gives hits in many browser but after that i noticed the strange numbers of hit. and thank you saint_michael for your fast reply. i checked your website and it looks a good hit counter, i will try it tomorrow.
  2. hi, i want you guys to suggest me a good hit counter. i already got a one using java script but it may be not very accurate. a few days ago, i used this wordpress plugin ( CHICKUN COUNT REPORTING ). it is a hit counter for the whole website and for a certain page, it gives me more accurate results. but now, i get even more confused. because i got a completely different number, i can understand if there is a logical difference between them. but the differences between results are huge.any way, i hope you can suggest me a good hit counter you already tested before, or tell me if the one i use now (chickun count reporting ) is a good one or not. another question, can i add the number of visitors in my old counter to the new one? and how?the old one i used that using java script in an online hit counter i get it from BlogPatrol.comso think it maybe use a txt file for saving hits, but the new one (chickun count reporting) is using a databast table to save the hits. so any ideas on how to merge the results?
  3. i agree with everything is listed here. we need more moderators here, we need active moderators that can do the work regularly. even jhaslip, truefusion, opaque and buffalohelp are doing a great job, but i don't think the can keep up the good work alone. in fact i didn't know that there are others admins rather them. simply, because they are always online, reply for my threads, or others threads, or even sending me pm (but that was only in the beginning ). so, where are the other admins if there are any??about the spamming reply in one line or two, then that's right, why we are seeing this so much lately, and that's related to the admin issue. if there are enough active admins they can stop this. when i started here i got some pms that i should follow the rules here, and i did. i think this procedure of signing in, posting, getting warnings is a predictable thing. because most of the people who signing up here are doing that to get a free hosting. so, they really want to post fast to get a mycent. here comes the role of admins to control this and notify them that the rules here are strict. another thing about newbies, i believe that even they may read the rules, they didn't follow them, for one good reason, they think the forums here are as any other forums, which means they can do what they want without a warning. i know that fact because after four months of writing here i know that the forum here are completely different of any other forum i used to write in all my life. here the rules are important, the members are reliable, and cooperative. therefore it differs from any other forum. all this can't the newbie know about it without the admin role.about there is not any female admin, i agree we need at least a one maybe as the rest of you said it has noting to do with the situation here, but i think it is important to hear a female opinion in many subjects. having a female admin that means she will be active, that's way we will get her opinion regularly which will give a variety of points of views. in fact, lately, i noticed that female members are also very little, including me it will be 4 or 5 members, or maybe more but i didn't find them yet .maybe as baniboy said it's because there's not much web designers or developers that cares to get a hosting.after all,i hope all that can be fixed as soon as possible, because really things here are not as usual as always.
  4. hi there, i do like the idea. i am ready 100% to follow anyone posting here a link.i am already now following ash. i always prefer to follow anyone here, for one good reason, i am writing here in this forum about 4 months and i saw a lot of websites that serve many purposes which all of them are useful in a way or another. maybe there are some useless websites but i didn't see one yet. therefore,i prefer to follow anyone of you than follow any other websites with silly or useless content. by the way, here is my twitter http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and terko, you should do something about your twitter, i even entered your site and i couldn't find a link to twitter. maybe you should add FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER to your site and add here a fast reply with your twitter link.
  5. i am agree 100% of changing the theme. and blue or dark blue will be great, maybe a hue between light gray and blue. or better a gradient of light gray and dark crimson. yes i think it will be a great change that fit with the new name. about the rep system i don't know, i can't make a clear idea. after all we can do is make suggestion and finally it is up to opaque.
  6. i really like the new look of trap, sorry ,Xisto. the style look different and more profession. congratulation for the new name, i hope the errors in knowledegesutra will be all fixed. to get a perfect site again. we are waiting for more opaque. good luck.
  7. thank you all for your cooperation. your answers prove my idea that most of people prefer using php, not asp. and prove that most of website are written in php not asp. maybe for the reasons that listed above. another thing, you have a wrong idea about PHP resemble C language. they are not the same just in arches. but in fact C language resemble ASP in concept and structure, the prove is if you buy a book to learn ASP.NET you will get codes written in both ASP.NET and C. the only differences are arches, and ; in the end of the line.in fact, for me i see all the programming language especially those who suppor a specific subject like the web programming language have the concept.
  8. i am not quite sure of what you are asking for. but if you want to know if we can make CSS to add a frame to the whole page, then yes. you should use the BOX idea. in fact CSS stands on the idea of BOXES. you can add small box or big box that contain the whole page. by using BOX model you can set different values to margin, padding, and border. this is a link to show you how it looks like http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp the main idea is creating a normal div and put all your site code inside it. that way you can make something similar to table but in CSS. keep in mind two things: CSS is always more effective than tables, when you use a div to wrap your entire page set it to id not class. good luck.
  9. well, i read what you said and decided to be a bbq. since he loves bbq either, but when i checked the park we are suppose to go, oooops they forbidden any type of bbq. maybe because it is not actually a park like any other park. it is that kind of unique park with artificial decoration and benches, restaurants, boats,fishing area and swimming pool. it also has statues, island and colored fishes that are not for fishing. maybe it is meant to be sandwiches after all or i will think pf something better.also, i hope the weather will be fine that day, i am checking the weather on weather .com everyday and crossing my finger. because really there isn't any buck up plan if the weather getting bad since this park is kind of outside the city. then if the things getting worse, there is no solution but going back or making the party in a car after discussing the party idea like this, it really looks a bad idea. but after all i will take the chances and do it. but i will make sure the weather is ok before leaving the house. thanks for your following the topic with me, since nobody else seems interesting in it.
  10. i will tell you myopinion in three lines:great ideagreat designgreat worki like the design, colors and structure. but most of all i like the idea. your website give me the feeling that it is very professional and trusted. great job, and good luck.
  11. First, you should create a database in your phpmyadmin let's call it (dbname) with a username (dbuser) and password (dbpassword) , then create a table in your database containing the field you want them to be in your page let's call it (tablename). For example, you want to create a form containing username , his site url and descriptions, then you should add something like this in sql in your phpmyadmin. CREATE TABLE tablename ( id int not null auto_increment, username varchar(100), site_url varchar(100), description text, primary key (id)); Now you finished from phpmyadmin, you should now create php file that let you read, write and retrieve data from your database, but first you should create a config.php file that contains the configuration of your database it will be something like this. <? $dbname = "dbname"; $dbuname = "dbuser"; $dbpws = "dbpassword"; $dbhost = "hostname"; ?> Now we will create the file that contains the form and how to connect it to your db lets call it add.php <? include("config.php"); mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbname, $dbpassword); @mysql_select_db("$dbname") or die ("Unable to select database"); mysql_query("insert into tablename values ('','$username','$siteurl','$des')"); mysql_close(); ?> In these lines we do the following: called config.php file to get the information required to connect db, we used sql query (mysql_pconnect ) to open db, we selected the table name that we want to add the data to it which is (tablename), then we close the connection. Till now we finished from php and will continue in html. We will add these lines just under php lines <form method="POST" action="add.php?action=addsite"> <p>UserName <input type="text" name="name" size="40" style="border-style: double; border-color: #000080"></p> <p>SiteUrl <input type="text" name="siteurl" size="40" style="border-style: double; border-color: #000080" value="http://"></p> <p>description<textarea rows="5" name="des" cols="33" style="border-style: double; border-color: #000080"></textarea></p> <p align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1" style="border-style: double; border-color: #000080"><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="B2" style="border-style: double; border-color: #000080"></p> </form> As you can see it is a normal form in html, the only difference that we used action to connect the form to the php file. That's all, I hope you get the point here.
  12. when i was in high school my favorites subjects were mathematics,french, english, computer and art. and i was pretty good in them, i was always a member of every art gallery or a language activities. and i continue interesting in these subjects till now.when i wanted to choose a college, i choosed a college that related to computer and mathematics. so i choosed to study computer science. my favorite subjects were PROLOG language, C language, WEB & INTERNET, VISUAL BASIC and OPERATING SYSTEM. all these subjects are programming languages. so after graduate i focused on working with a field connected to my interest so work with programming language that deals with internet and website only (that's way i satisfy my interest in computer, mathematics and web), i also love working with graphic and designs (that's way i will satisfy my interest in art) and both of them are related to languages. it is important to work what you love, that's way you can be creative and professional. determining which subjects you are most interested in even in high school or college will give you the key to successful career.
  13. hay you guys, we are all have the same interest "ANIME" , so why we don't ask tarp to add new section for anime, i will try to do that myself. t will be really cool. we can discuss about the new animes, the best anmes, where we can downolad it...ect.i think the best subjects in this section will be: anime info--where we can discuss about animes, new anmes, old animes, best animes of the yearanime series--where we can add lists of anime series, where we can find a certain anime series or episodesanime programs--programs used for creating animes, how to to this, best programs to see animeanime site--best websites that we can download anime or see it online, website to get the latest anime release or how to makeananime websitenow, what do you think?
  14. that's right, but i am really great sandwiches maker . i didn't make a bbq before, always it's his job. and he is one of the greatest in bbq, so, i canceled this option because i don't want him to do this in his birthday. the strange thing here, only anwiii reply for me. why? no one cares about birthdays any more, or trappers are so busy to think of birthdays. that's so bad, birthdays are always a joyful occasion. or maybe, since the majority of the members here are men (or maybe not and it is just me who think that). it is a proof of what i assumed before, that most of men don't know or don't interest in planning a party. i hope that is not true trapers.
  15. which kind of websites will you choose if you want to make yours? PHP or ASP?which do you prefer, working in PHP or in ASP?even there are many differences between them, but they are still a programming language. then why most of websites are in PHP rather than ASP, or at least that what i noticed. maybe you are not. maybe because PHP scripts are much popular than ASP, or PHP language is much easier than ASP, or maybe most of PHP scripts are free but ASP not.then,what do you choose and why?
  16. thanks for fixing that error, and thanks for informing me about that. i could finally upload my pdf files even i got an error in wordpress after uploading. but i tested my site and ensured that the links work. also checked my media library and everything is alright. maybe it is a temporary error. any way, thanks for fixing the errors.
  17. hmmm, i am not very quite sure it will work for me. i have a dry skin either, but i used many products but nothing permanent. i will definitely give it a try even it makes me feel as a walking plat of salad . :angel: by the way, my last doctor give me this lotion (EXCIPIAL LIPO) and told me to use it regularly 4-5 times a day, whenever i feel my skin is dry. and it works great for me, at least i get ride of the the eczema in my hand. and feel soft all day. dry skin is a really big problem. even if i am using gloves when i clean or washing dishes, or avoid any touch with the cleansers, or spending hours to find the best cosmetic that fit my skin, i hope your solution will work for all of us.
  18. great idea, i would like to join user name: web_designer website name: meinterest website url: http://meinterest.com/ thumb (125*80) jpg: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  19. oh, yeah. today i was thinking of adding some kontera ads, and i was reading here and there to know how it works with trap. but after reading mahesh2k thread, it is so disappointing thing. i don't want to have an extra headache thinking of earning or not so i will cancel this idea.and thanks to maheshek and anwiii to starting this topic and the other one about kontera, a few days ago i was thinking of putting some ads in my website, and these threads helped me get information about this company which most of them are negative, so i will delete this company from my list.
  20. well anwiii,he like parks and outdoor a lot. but for birthdays this will be the first time we'll do that, i hope it will be a good idea. about meat i will try something simple or maybe pizza or sandwiches because i am such a bad cook. i do hate cooking but i love make sweets so, that is kind of balance i think, maybe i will make something sweet. frisbee is such a good idea, never pass in my mind before. i will took a one and even more things to play with, you even inspired me to take a tennis or maybe a kite. confetti, birthday hats, and balloons are essentials but as you said i will satisfy with confetti this time. pinata is also a great idea but i can't trust my baby, she maybe eat all the candy before we arrived :angel: rain and wind it is big problem here, but since both of us or in fact three of us love rain, then we will be ok to take an umbrella, and have fun watching the rain falls i will cross my fingers for not raining that day. i am not quite sure but i prefer not inviting anyone, the three of use will be more fun and less formal. by the way he will be 36 the next week. thanks anwiii for your suggestions and ideas, you could be a party planner. only a few men know what to do in a party. good for you, you have a creative mind and generous spirit too.
  21. hi, my husband' birthday is next week, i want to make a unique birthday party for him. i though it would be a great idea to make him a birthday party not as usual in home, or restaurant. so i decided to make it in the nature. there is a park that is very perfect for my idea. but the problem is that i am not familiar with this kind of parties. what should i take? cake, drinks, camera,snacks, candles and what more? usually i can do a lot inside but outdoor. that's all pass in my mind. so, any ideas will be great.
  22. anime, i really fond of anime. i love that kind of school life, adventure, comedy, fantasy, seinen, slice of life, romance, shoujo, action, drama, supernatural...ect.this is a list of the anime i love so much- full metal panic- full metal panic-the second raid- full metal panic-fumoffo- vampire knight- vampire knight guilty- kobato- kimi ni todoke- To Aru Kagaku No Railgun- special A- Yumeiro Patissiere- Seiken No Blacksmith- Shugo Chara!- Shugo Chara! doki- Shugo Chara! party- Skip Beat!- D.N. angel- earl and fairy- fruits basket- Ouran High School Host Club- Kaze No Stigmathese are the most i like. i am a big fan. i hope they ca n open a section here for animes.
  23. great, finally find someone care about browsers compatibility like me. i think it is a very important step to take after finished your website, make your site compatible in many browsers -at least the most common browsers- is very useful for your site to be popular, especially if you have a complicated theme with images and logos then you should make sure that your site look good for not losing visitors, as we all know nobody like to visiting a site with a jumping logos high and low or broken background. any way, this is a link for thread i wrote a while ago, it contains a site that make you see your website in more than 50 browsers, old and new versions, and with many operating system. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/70948-test-you-website-compatibality-in-more-than-50-browsers/ i suggest you to read the whole thread to know the steps of registering and uploading your site. it is a little bit complicated maybe because it is free. i use this website a lot, it is fun, free and useful. have fun.
  24. for me i still see the folowing errors:pm system, broken links in latest topics, shoutbox. in addition to the other problems in the server. i hope it will be fixed quickly. but till now there's nothing advanced.
  25. well, i am not quite sure of understanding you completely. because i tried before to upload files by ftp and copy them to the meinterest folder but i got that error i mentioned before. i even found the same pdf files in the temporary folder which is o3 but i couldn't delete them from it, everytime i delete them i open it again and found the same. simply, i can't delete or add files to my temporary folder in cpanal. in the same time, wordpress can't do that also. weird isn't it?
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