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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. in fact, this is very interesting list, but absolutely, they should think not twice but about fifth times before they will do that. because right now there are so many people still depending on land phones, newspapers and the other things like that. although, i love technology and trying the new generations of everything but we can't force the elders to accept that. i think we should respect their desires. in the same time, getting ride of or at least reducing the sources that cause pollution is a high recommended. for the sake of mother earth, to keep our planet green and safe environment for the next generations. text books, although many people now depending on pdf or ebooks (like me). but, i believe, always ans always there is no pleasure compare to reading a book in your hands, especially with a big mug of coffee and milk. this is the ultimate pleasure. i missed that a lot especially now, i am learning a new programming language and i have to do that using pdf. it is so painful for my eyes, i always have a headache also it get me boring.
  2. thanks mahesh2k for these sites. i already checked the net about that, i opened blog's web designer and saw their resume. but i found many variety , there is no stadards, it just like they added their personal touch on it. therefore i want a general resume but specific for web designers. thank you all for your help.
  3. great website thank you for that link , it is very useful. it gives me exactly what i need, the differences in writing curriculum vita from one job to another. as i fiqured out from my last researches, it is so important to write a professional curriculum vita to make the employer interested , not use a one with generals.
  4. very interesting ideas, especially about calories. i remember i read that some where else, but i forget about it. i will try to get balance. also, i know swimming is a great sport , but the problem is i am now in turkey. the weather is so cold to swim even in closed swimming pool. the same thing for jogging, it is too cold to run. adding to all of that sitting in front of the computer all day. all these things make people getting weight. don't you think that.
  5. twitter is one of the most common website now, it helps people to communicate, talk, passing ideas and messages. it is even more powerful way for websites and blog owners to advertise their topics. so, now, it so important to sign in in twitter. once, you get an account you can add tweets from your twitter page in your website or blog. There are two ways to add Twitter to your wordpress blog or website. You can use the Twitter widget or you can use the RSS widget using the instructions below. 1. Go to https://mobile.twitter.com/i/nojs_router?path=%2F your username in twitter to page in twitter. 2. On the right sidebar you can find RSS feed, right click on it and choose copy link location (this differs from browser to another). 3. Open your wordpress dashboard click on appearances > widgets > add an RSS widgets from the widgets list on the left. 4. Click edit and add the link you copied from your twitter page in the box enter the RSS feed URL here and configure the other options, click Done button on the RSS widget options. 5. Click Save Changes button in the Current Widgets list. 6. refresh your website and see the new widget that contain tweets from your Twitter account. good luck.
  6. what is the best sport that helps mom to loose weight after pregnancy. in the last two years i loosed most of the weight i gained when i was pregnant. but still have about 5 kilos i want to loose even i am now in range but i want to loose more. although, i make a diet all the time, do sport 2-3 times a week, but still my weight swing high and low, any ideas can help. thank you.
  7. hi, i am a web designer and developer. i want the best way to write a cv. in fact, i already have a one. but lately, i noticed during my searching on the net that there are cv short and efficient. my cv is a little bit long, because i worked in multiple places, used many programming languages and have a lot of certifications. i tried to make it short but i couldn't. i hope anyone can give me a useful link or can show me the way. in the next few months, i am looking for getting a job in usa as a web designer or something related to it. therefor, i want a professional cv.thank you in advance.
  8. ok, i will try to explain you what the code should be and what means <html><head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mydesign.css"> </head><body> that is only an html code <?php include ("layout.php"); ?> in this function you will call the file layout.php which it will bring the header and the menu <div id="content">my text and titles go here</div> this will show your content of your websites </body></html>this only ends your html page so, if you want your content to still in this page, then keep it like this. or if you have a large code, and to be easier to edit you can put your content in a separate file let's call it content.php. and add it to your page like this <html><head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mydesign.css"> </head><body><?php include("layout.php"); ?><?php include("content.php");?></body></html> in the same way, if you want to add footer.php. the code will be <html><head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mydesign.css"> </head><body><?php include("layout.php"); ?><?php include("content.php");?><?php include("footer.php");?></body></html> the same way if you want to add sidebar, or search form. these all about php, to add css to these files; simply, add div or class to these files to give them a certain css properties. so, if you want to add css to the header file, you should add div tag in layout.php and add properties to that div in css file (mydesign.css). your code will be <?php<div id="header">logo </div><div id="menu">home - pictures - more - more</div>?> in css file write this for example #header { width:700px; margin:0 auto; position:relative; height:300px;} and do the same for all others files that are included in the index.php i hope i could help you, good luck.
  9. There are different types of pages in wordpress template. You can customize each one of them. Each template is a separate php files in themes directory, these files are: The main files in this list, or let's say, if you edit them you will change the look of your entire theme are: footer.php, header.php, index.php, page.php, single.php, sidebar.php and style.css if you want to edit just the header, footer and colors in your them you can do that from wordpress dashboaed. If you want to make a new theme, then, you should have experiences in HTML,PHP and CSS. If you want to make changes but don't deal with PHP codes, you can do that by edit style.css file. It is a simple way to have a new look them. You should start step by step following the div tag in PHP files and edit each tag in CSS. In CSS you can change fonts, colors, add opacity, add images, add shadows and more. Remember you can always visit wordpress codex for more details or to fix problems. Also you can ask for help here in tarp, Good luck.
  10. thank you a lot for your sweet answers. i am so happy i can give you something useful. this website helps me when i want to see my website how it will look like in many browsers, it also, avoid me to install different browsers in my computer (because my c drive always full :angel: ). i believe browser's compatibility is an important step that every web developer should take , especially if he wants his website reached as many users as it can.
  11. ok, baniboy, i will be glad to show you the way. follow me please - sign in. -click on showcase (the upper bar contain browseshoot showcase colorblender) click showcase. -in the right side bar there are links click on add a site. -write your website's url in the website url. -check the box about the owner of the website. -and submit. - wait about 10 minutes a list will start to show. first you can see your link and the status is pending waiting until it will enter the queue. -click on browsershoots in the upper bar will go to the main page. -enter your url again, choose the browsers and submit. - you will see your website in many browsers, you will see your browser image and the browser name and version under it. clicking on anyone of the will enlarge the photo. -when it finished you can download the result. that's all, i did a quick showcase for my website right now. but i agree with you, for the first time it is hard to figure out how to do it. i think because it is a free site or something. any way, have fun.
  12. hi, i am not quite sure of what your code about and wy you have index.php separated from the index. so, i will answer your question about how to we add css to our websites?there are two ways:1-use the old way, create a css file (external file like style.css) and add css code of the entire web page in it. like css for your background, header, divs , menus, footer ...ect.2- use the new way which is themes. you can make a theme for your web page and add its properties in css and add it to your main page using include function in php. that means you create a separate files for each of the following header.php, menu.php, content.php and footer.php. these are the main files but of course there is more. after that you should call your files by include function to make one file which is finally puts all the files together and give the final look to our page.also there is another way but not recommended by adding css directly to your divs or body tag, in this case you will not have an external css file. but it is not recommended because it is more harder to edit.these are how we use it.
  13. h, kleong it is the same for me i am interesting only in firefox, opera, google chorm and internet explorer. but i care about versions too. the older and earlier version of them. therefore , i found this site useful. instead of installing many browsers on my computer, i can only upload my website to that website. also you can choose whatever you want from browsers you want to check your website in. from 1 browser to 70. therefore it did a great work for me, i am sorry if you can't find it useful,but it works great with me. it maybe a temporary suspend. i ceck it now and it works. you can't directly add your website link, you must sign in from login---new account---after that add your website's url and wait the result.
  14. last book i read is asp.net, it is a scientific book something about programming language, but , if e-books count then a few days ago i read a love a collection of romance books to the great writer charlotte lamb. all her books about drama, love, slice of life. i do love them a lot.
  15. i am new to asp.net, and i am kind of lost. i am using visual studio 2008 professional edition with windows xp. now, i am learning asp.net, ado.net and sql server. i installed sql server 2008. everything is ok till now, but, when i tried to create a new database i got an error. i open sql server configuration and checked the local configuration it seems ok. but i don't know where is the wrong. any ideas? how to create a new sql database.
  16. that is right baniboy. in fact, a few days ago, i posted a topic about opacity using css. but sometimes i prefer using java script because i don't have to worry about browsers compatibility, java script is accepted in most of them even sometimes i have to enable java script in a specific browser, like firefox. also i love java script effects in websites and i love work with it. thank you for your response.
  17. hi, i am now learning asp.net using visual studio 2008 professional edition. i want know which is better to use with asp.net SQL or ADO.net. or i should learn both of them.what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. i am more familiar with SQL more than ADO.net. but i think ADO.net is the a new dimension for the future. what do you think??
  18. i think your blog is simple and looks good. your posts and topic are useful. but about the layout it looks good but need more colors and depth. maybe you can give it the look of newspapers. for example, make your title bigger, bold or give it shadows. also you can separate your header from the categories section. to give it a unique look. also, you can give a different color either to the content or to your sidebar. to make the contents more showy. that is all, i hope you a good luck.
  19. when you design a website, finish the theme or the final touches, then you should test it in one or more browser to see how it will looks like. so, here is a free website helps you to do that. http://browsershots.org/ this website offer you to show your website in the most common browsers or may be all of them. there are more than 50 browsers you can test your website in them. after signing up, register the link of your browser and if your website still on your local computer uploaded temporary to any free hosting and register the link.wait a little bit and you will see how it will look like in the browsers that are chosen by default from the website or you can choose all of them if you want or choose between them. you have a lot of option like choosing linux or windows, choosing the earlier version of browsers or the older and earlier versions. also you can choose the screen size, the color depth, flash, java or java scripts in your website. at last, when the showcase complete, you can download the result and keep it to make changes required on your website to make compatible. it is free and useful, try and have fun.
  20. ok, i think you really did a great job. your theme looks now more professional. your header look clear and unique; your header menu looks compatible with the whole layout. you did good by putting a logo book in the header. also, always think that adding shadows to images and text giving them more depth and beauty. it simply makes your layout alive so go ahead your them is great.
  21. hi, everyone. i am happy that you liked the last topic about opacity.here is another application about opacity, you can use it in divs in your web page. it will still without opacity until you cross over it in mouse. this is an example on how to use it. it works in firefox, opera and internet explorer, i hope you will like it.add this to your CSS file div.transOFF {width: 100%; background-color: silver;border:1px solid black; }div.transON {width: 100%; background-color: silver;opacity:.50;filter: alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity: 0.5;border:1px solid black; }div.trans25 {width: 100%; background-color: silver;opacity:.25;filter: alpha(opacity=25); -moz-opacity: 0.25;border:1px solid black; }div.trans75 {width: 100%; background-color: silver;opacity:.75;filter: alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity: 0.75;border:1px solid black; } add this to your body tag <div class="transOFF" onmouseover="this.className='transON'" onmouseout="this.className='transOFF'"><p style="padding:5px;width:75%;">Hover here. The Filter Opacity works in Mozilla and IE. It also works in current versions of Opera.</p></div> with a little bit of changes you can use it on images too. have fun.
  22. i can assure you that this css work in firefox, opera, and maybe the earlier versions of internet explorer. in internet 6 , it showed opacity but after i activated the blocked contents. you can test it yourself if you want, it works for all of them.
  23. hi, everyone. i 'm using visual studio 2008 professional edition.i have IIS 5 and windows XP professional.i want to write some code in web service (asp.net web service). but when i tried to use localhost to view the page i got this error (directory listing denied). even i was already create a virtual directory in IIS; and i checked the default pages in my folder. i wander if there are some more configurations i should do to make it work?? any ideas will help a lot.
  24. This effect in java script can be used in advertising; we can add it to texts or images in any where in websites. Put this code in head tag <head> <script><!-- Beginning of JavaScript -// The width of your textbox (pixels). var textwidth=300// The height of your textbox (pixels). var textheight=150// Your messages. You may add as many messages as you like.var message=new Array()message[0]="phrase 1"message[1]=" phrase 2"message[2]=" phrase 3"message[3]=" phrase 4"message[4]=" phrase 5 " message[5]=" phrase 6"// the horizontal position of the box // If you set this to '-1' the textbox will centered in the middle of the browser-windowvar x_finalpos=-1// the vertical position of the box// If you set this to '-1' the textbox will centered in the middle of the browser-windowvar y_finalpos=50// numbers of the sliced columns of the boxvar x_slices=35// numbers of sliced rows of the boxvar y_slices=1// spped of the slicesvar pause=10// The width and heigth of the zone where the debris of the message are spread (pixels)var screenwidth=700var screenheight=500// Do not change the variables belowvar x_step=new Array()var y_step=new Array()var x_randompos=0var y_randompos=0var i_loop=0var max_loop=30var i_text=0var width_slice=Math.floor(textwidth/x_slices)var height_slice=Math.floor(textheight/y_slices)var cliptop=0var clipbottom=height_slicevar clipleft=0var clipright=width_slicevar spancounter=0function initiate() {if (x_finalpos==-1) {x_finalpos=Math.floor(document.body.clientWidth/2)-Math.floor(textwidth/2)}if (y_finalpos==-1) {y_finalpos=Math.floor(document.body.clientHeight/2)-Math.floor(textheight/2)}cliptop=0clipbottom=height_sliceclipleft=0clipright=width_slicei_loop=0spancounter=0if (document.all) {for (i=0;i<=y_slices-1;i++) {for (ii=0;ii<=x_slices-1;ii++) {var thisspan=eval("document.all.span"+spancounter+".style")x_randompos=Math.ceil(screenwidth*Math.random())y_randompos=Math.ceil(screenheight*Math.random())thisspan.posLeft=x_randomposthisspan.posTop=y_randomposthisspan.clip ="rect("+cliptop+" "+clipright+" "+clipbottom+" "+clipleft+")"clipleft+=width_sliceclipright+=width_slicespancounter++}clipleft=0clipright=width_slicecliptop+=height_sliceclipbottom+=height_slice}}explode_IE()}function changetext() {spancounter=0for (i=0;i<=y_slices-1;i++) {for (ii=0;ii<=x_slices-1;ii++) {var thisspan=eval("document.all.span"+spancounter+".style") thisspan.posLeft=-5000spancounter++}}spancounter=0if (i_text>message.length-1) {i_text=0}for (i=0;i<=y_slices-1;i++) {for (ii=0;ii<=x_slices-1;ii++) {var thisinnerspan=eval("span"+spancounter)thisinnerspan.innerHTML=message[i_text]spancounter++}}i_text++initiate()}function explode_IE() {spancounter=0if (i_loop<=max_loop-1) {for (i=0;i<=y_slices-1;i++) {for (ii=0;ii<=x_slices-1;ii++) {var thisspan=eval("document.all.span"+spancounter+".style")x_step[spancounter]=(x_finalpos-thisspan.posLeft)/(max_loop-i_loop)y_step[spancounter]=(y_finalpos-thisspan.posTop)/(max_loop-i_loop) thisspan.posLeft+=x_step[spancounter]thisspan.posTop+=y_step[spancounter]spancounter++}}i_loop++var timer=setTimeout("explode_IE()",pause)}else {spancounter=0clearTimeout(timer)var timer=setTimeout("changetext()",2000)}}// - End of JavaScript - -->// here we can modify the properties of the box like font size, font color, border and box dimension</script><style>.spanstyle {position:absolute;left:-5000px;font-size : 24;font-family : Monotype Koufi;color : blue;text-align : center;background-color : ffffff;border-style : solid;padding : 2;width : 280;height : 90;}</style> Now, put this code between body tag <body> <script><!-- Beginning of JavaScript -if (document.all) {for (i=0;i<=y_slices-1;i++) {for (ii=0;ii<=x_slices-1;ii++) {document.write("<span id='span"+spancounter+"' class='spanstyle'></span>")spancounter++}}spancounter=0}// - End of JavaScript - --></script> That's it, Have fun.
  25. W3C SAYS So, how we use opacity: Simply, we use alpha(opacity=number) This number must be between (0.0-1.0) Therefore, if you want to see the entire image, it will be opacity:1.0; Without any filters applied to the opacity of an image is 1.0 (fully opaque). 25,50,75 and 100 which will give us four different levels of opacity . Finally,Here is an example to see the opacity gradient from 0.0 to 0.1. you can add this code to any image and see the difference between them. <div style="width:250px;margin:0 auto;"> <span style="float:left;filter:alpha(opacity=25);-moz-opacity:.25;opacity:.25;"><img src="your image" width="50" height="50"></span><span style="float:left;filter:alpha(opacity=50);-moz-opacity:.50;opacity:.50;"><img src=" your image " width="50" height="50"></span><span style="float:left;filter:alpha(opacity=75);-moz-opacity:.75;opacity:.75;"><img src=" your image " width="50" height="50"></span><span style="float:left;filter:alpha(opacity=100);-moz-opacity:1.0;opacity:1.0;"><img src=" your image " width="50" height="50"></span></div>
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