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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i support this idea, multiple languages are useful in many ways. first, it can help you growing speaking two or three languages, which will benefit you in your futures in one way or another. for example, it could helps in your study, in your career (because it will always have been added as an extra skill you have), if you want to travel to a country its natives speak that language and much more.speaking multiple languages always show you new horizons, when you can speak a certain language you will interested in their way of living, their traditions, or their society. you will have a wider view to the world and learn much about people in different cultures.another benefit, is self satisfactions. especially for those who love learning languages, like me. i am of those people who always love to learn a new language.most of all, multiple language make you understand tv series and movies without translation :angel:
  2. well, the issue here is so bad, what's wrong with trap and the server. i tried all the suggestions that anwiii said but no success. i changed all the permissions of the folders from wp-content to folder 03, but no change. i tried to upload the files manually using ftp but i got this error when tried to copy the files from ftp folder to 03 folder also i couldn't find php.ini same as anwiii.maybe i should finally delete my post that related to pdf files. i hope that error in server will be fixed soon.
  3. well, i have to admit that sometimes i have a bad time trying to find the convenient section to post my topic. even sometimes post a topic in a wrong section :angel: and bother the moderator to change it. but decrease the sections, of course not. i am against this 100%the variety of sections here are very useful, it provides a huge amount of information about everything. it is also always fun to take a tour searching for new sections that you never see before. i do that myself when i had no topic to post. and believe me i always find new category with new topics. in fact i am unlike you, i am thinking for asking the administrators here to add new section for anime. i am a big fan of anime, and some of the members too. i hope i can do that.
  4. hi gil, i hope you will enjoy your time here, there are a lot of sections you can write in. the members here are so helpful and cooperative, you will see that your self. also you can learn a lot of things about everything in internet and web designing just by reading topics. have a good time, seea.
  5. hay anwiii, as usual you are the first to reply, thank you again. i saw that thread but there is no solution till now. therefore i want to make sure if it is a server problem or what. any way, i will try ftp uploading and see.
  6. hi, i got this problem when i was trying to upload pdf file to my dashbord, in specific to media library. i got this error "missing temporary folder".even i did that just a week ago, and everything works fine. tried changing my wp-content chomed to 777, but it didn't work either.i want to know if anyone has the same problem in his wordpress, maybe it is a server problem, because i got the same error when i tried to upgrade to wordpress 9.2.so, any ideas, trappers??
  7. i got the same problem when i tried to install wordpress 9.2, but i believe this is some server issues because, recently i had many problem in setting up new domain, so i was keeping on installing and uninstalling wordpress and it works fine till the last two days i can't make anything work fine.if you find a solution please let us know , good luck.
  8. i can now see the problem very clearly, the problem happened when importing data, because of the difference of my databasename, username and password. the last two hours i was searching for a solution in the net, and you said that,too.i thought of changing db, user name,and password before importing. but it would be hard since my old database still in php myadmin. and of course i can't make two databases with the same name. thanks a lot for your replies, i'll try to do something about that.
  9. ok, right now i tried the two ways of exports, from the wordpress and this time it failed , i don't know why. and the export files from php my admin which works good. but it changed my username and password in table users in the new database. it replaced them with the old ones in my old database. therefore, i couldn't enter the wp-admin after importing data. so, what do you think of that???also, about config.php, because i use fantastico deluxe to install wordpress, it create the database and set the user name, and password in config.php file. so what else should i change??should i add anything to it after importing data???
  10. if you asking about wordpress installation, then no i used fantastico deluxe in cpanal to make the installation after that checked the config.php file and it points correctly to the new database, after that i imported my old database but here i have a question? there are two ways to make the import, one from phpmyadmin (here i exported my database from phpmyadmin), and the other from wordpress (here i exported data from wordpress platform). which is the better way?? another question, do you have any idea why i can't upgrade my wordpress , i use the automatic upgrade but it asks for host name, username and password, whatever i put as an information i can't proceed.
  11. i have to agree with you. i will delete everything and start again. because i really get mad yesterday. when i post the previous two posts i got my website to work good but my links and pages not. so i delete everything and start again and installed wordpress again but i got this series of errors, maybe because i had a headache yesterday. any way, i will follow your instructions and see what will happen, thank you.
  12. ok, i am gonna kill myself, can't make my new domain work :angel: look at these long queue of problems.i added my domain as addon domain, i bucked up my database, i exported my old database from phpmyadmin, i export data from wordpress, after that i installed wordpress to my new domain folder and make sure to choose the new domain during installation, then i upgraded wordpress. and i created database by phpmyadmin. till now everything is ok. i checked my new domain and it worked good with the new wordpress installationthe next step is to import database and use replace and search plugin, but every time i import the database strange thing happened, i can't find search and replace plugin in my wordpress even i add it in plugin folder in cpanal. so how can i activated it when i can't see it in wordpress???it's like i have a completely different website from my cpanal. that's because when i add plugin in cpanal i can't find it in wordpress. when i tried to add the plugin from wordpress by add new plugin, i couldn't because i got an error when i tried to add hostname, username and password. the same problem occur when i tried to update wordpress to the new version.so, as you can see i stuck in this step. also, i tried to upgrade my old website to the new version of wordpress, but i got the same problem. after that i tried to import the xml file that i exported from my old database wordpress, but i got temporary file missing error. the result is that no matter i do i still have a copy of my old website, the only change is i can enter it from the new domain, but my whole info and links still the same old thing, and the biggest problem that i can't change anything.why? and where is the wrong step, i don't know.i spend the last four hours trying to find solutions but i can't. i hope you can help me with any idea or anything. thank you.
  13. not completely yet, i am stuck now in links problem, i want to fix it first to make sure that everything works alright then i will delete my old wordpress files from the subdomain, i will make sure to tell you when i finish it. another thing, i don't use the same data base i mean my old data base, i use the new one that is generated when i installed wordpress in my new domain. any way, i feel that something goes wrong since i can't make my links work properly and my my old data has been added to wordpress as subscriber not administrator, maybe i will repeat the steps of transferring again and see what will happen.
  14. answering for your question, no i don't asking questions just for asking. if you read my topic you are talking about, you can see that i did pass that step of choosing data base, but that question pass in my mind, i couldn't know why we should create a data base while i have one. so, i decided to ask you here in trap to find the answer. by the way, i searched in the net i couldn't find something useful so i decided to ask you here. also, i always want to make sure that everything is going alright, and left any detail ambiguous. i hope that will answer your question. i don't know why you always be so critic? maybe because you are a trap grand marshal member??? even you are always a great help in many ways, i admit you helped me a lot with your useful replies and all the new members too. but, i hope you can be less critic next time.
  15. thank you mahesh2k, you are helping me a lot. i bothered you so much with my questions till now, you were a great help. about my question here, in the tutorials you gave me. i noticed that they said that i should create a new data base and make my config.php file refer to that data base. it's ok, but when i installed wordpress in my new domain location, i found that i already have a data base created during wordpress installation and configured in config.php file, so i just imported data to the data base that created with wordpress installation. i did create a new data base but i left it blank and not use it. therefor, i decided to ask this question, why should i create a new data base while i already have a one? i hope i make myself clear. thank you a lot.
  16. great information in this topic, thanks to the author. i really wandering about what are the levels and what are the advantages. for me, i am very proud to become a premium member after about three months. i really love my membership here changing from level to another and i am looking for the day i can reach one of the high levels here and choose my own user name.
  17. i transferred my website from sub domain to new domain keeping my hosting plan because my both hosting and domain from xisto. but i got this problem, my prefix in the address bar still the same old prefix that refer to the old sub domain. i can see the new domain prefix only when i entering my new domain and for posts and tags. but when i click on pages in my wordpress or archives tab or categories , it will transfer me to the old sub domainit works for posts because i imported data to my new data base. but even i used search and replace plugin, it stills the same. i cecked the url in wordpress platform and they are all refer to my new domain also i checked general in wordpress platform and it is right also. another strange thing i found the wordpress add my data that i exported from my old data base as a subscriber user not as administrator.i think that i can change the url in mysql data base, but i want your opinions first about this mess, before going to mysql solution. thanks in advance.
  18. hi, i am now working on transferring my website from sub domain to top level domain. as i was following the steps that i found in tutorials on how to do that, one of these steps is to create new data base in my cpanal ( i did that in my cpanal because i bought the domain from xisto that means the same server for hosting). now, this question pass in my mind, why should i create a new data base and import data that i exported form my old data base to it and change config.php file. while i already have a new data base created when i installed wordpress in new domain?why can't i import my old data base to the data base that have been created with the installation of wordpress. this way i don't have to change config.php file. share me what do you think please?
  19. hi, i hope you luck with your new website, i am looking to see new websites anywhere. about the theme, i suggest if you don't have a specific topic to make a blog, make it using your name so, you don't have to search for a name to your website. also, because it is your personal website, you can write anything you want, and about any topic you know. that way you don't have to worry about topics. good luck.
  20. i like it, it has simple and inspired design. the most i liked are your green color in the beginning, it match with the other colors with the whole website and the small litle squares. also it seems containing a lot of useful soccer information. good work.
  21. French and BON like English and GOOD, BON and GOOD have the same meaning. But I noticed that French love and use BON more. Act, I love this word, too. it's very refreshing word that bring joy and relaxation, French use Bon for masculine and Bonne for feminine Here are some examples: Bonjour Good day Bonsoir Good evening Bon nuit Good night Bon app?*BLEEP* Good appetite Bonne f?te (this is for holidays greeting like thanks giving) Bon anniversaire Happy Birthday Bon ann?e Good years Bon heur Good fortune Bon no?l Merry Christmas Bonne journ?e Good day Bonne soir?e Good nuit Bonne sant? Good health Bonne id?e Good idea Bon march? cheap By the way, bon is a normal adj. like great we can put it in front of any word. But when we use it here as a term or expression. Not as a single word, enjoy.
  22. hi, again, i decided to bother you again about my domain issue. :angel: ok, now i bought a TLD domain from xisto, that means the same company for my hosting here, my domain is ready and active and i decided to transfer my whole websites to it instead of parking it or addon it because i don't want to have two sites io update everytime and it is bad for seo. so plaease steps will be these- backup my website database in my cpanal and uploaded again to my new domain. then, should i move the whole root folder or only the database.- i should update links in my new website or it will not be affected because i am the same company.- to cancel the last hosting plan i should submit a ticket to xisto, right. but what is the next step i should register a new plan giving my domain name or they will support me that or what?i need these answers to clear my mind and not being stuck in the middle, as i always do. thanks in advance.
  23. hi, i have a dumb question :angel: where can i find all my topics. i have a lot of posts but n my cpanal i can't find only the last five posts. ok, but where are the others , my ex posts. i can't find a way to find them, please help.
  24. i agree with you get a hosting here is not the simple way you thought. so, write the instructions very carefully.if you want i will give you some tips:- sign up here in the forums.- sign up in xisto which is the area where you can collect my cents system to know how much of dollars you have.- start posting here in the forums, and still active this will increase your cents, but be careful and read the instructions of how to post carefully or you will be dismissed.- when you can get about 2 $ (this is the minimum price for the hosting here) then you can buy a hosting here by your cents you collected.- keep posting here to keep your hosting account.good luck.
  25. i checked your blog and i liked it. very organized and simple. you got very useful posts ,too.even i think with a little background color or some photos will be more attractive. any way i find it, nice, simple and useful. i will try to add more posts to reach you :angel: by the way, people here can't enter your website because the link of your website in the signature is wrong there is extra o after com, please check it out.
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