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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. thank you mahesh2k, i am so appreciate for your help. i checked my email that i received mycents update on it and submit a ticket again. i also added the details of mycents in the last message i received. i couldn't find a way to attache it. i hope it will do something. i am now getting more confused because i noticed that my account credit balance in xisto is 0.00$ usd. but i am sur that i have about $11 usd and a half when i registered the domain. the email that i received from mycent update also it shows n my cents in posts, or profile. it doesn't make sense that i have $11 usd in posts but i have $0.00 usd in xisto. what is going on now, really i don't know.
  2. i checked my xisto area today to know if there is any request to my ticket . i found one but i couldn't understand somethinglook at my invoice [quete]Sub Total: $9.99 USDCredit: $7.10 USDTotal: $2.89 USD[/quete]the support center send me that i should pay 2.89$ to complete the registration. that is ok but i am sur when i registered i had about 11. 5 $ so i must have enough to register. now, i checked my account credit balance , it was 0.0$ any one can tell me what's going on here?????
  3. thank you all, you helped me a lot. may be i am asking a lot. but i don't know much about domains. i stick in desiging and codes.i am now have a good idea about parked and add-on domains but i have one more question. can i switch between parked and add-on domain any time i want or not?
  4. thank you so much mahesh2k, you are a great help. i submit a ticket and i am now waiting for the response. about the domain i have one more question. if i add my domain as add-on domain then that is mean i will have 2 folders for my website one in hosting cpanal and the other in my domain. in this case,my old website hosting will be not use and every time i make updates to my website then i should add them twice (to my old web hosting which is trap sub domain and the other to my domain). is it right or not?
  5. hi, everyone, i have more questions if you can please help me with them. my current free hosting is linux php, that means my pages in php now i buy a new domain but it not registered yet (as anyone follow my topics will know that). till now i didn't decided to add my domain as parked domain or add-on domain. i am now planning to build a new website but in asp.net and i want it related to my old website.so , i want to know if i can do that. i think i should buy a new hosting plan that supports asp.net but can i add it to the same domain ( mean can i put the two hosting plans to the same domain). if it is yes, then which is better add my domain as parked domain or as add-on domain. thank you all for your help, i am very appreciated.
  6. hi, i have some questions about my domain registration.i hope you can help me. first, today, i register a domain .com and . so i need to know when it will activated, i got these information ok, it seems clear for me for the first time. but i want to know what recurring amount means also what they mean about next due date 2010/02/22. i think it should be 2011/02/22, isn't it?? because i register a domain for 1 year?? another thing, i read about add-on domain and parked domain. i have a free hosting here in Xisto and now i register a domain. as i understood, parked domain make my two domain (my hosting domain from trap which is subdomain and the new domain .com) point to the public html folder in cpanal and add -on domain will also point to public html folder but i should upload my website folder in it that means it will work separately from my old website. so which is the best add my new domain as parked domain or as add-on domain at what are the advantages of each method. i want you to point me to the best way i should add my domain so that i can make my site shown in search engine,because this is the main reason that is making me getting a domain .com. thank you on advance.
  7. great information. thank you. but, one more question transferring domain doesn't cost anything. i just wandering transferring means transferring from my subdomain in Xisto now to the new domain i will buy or it is meaning something else. because i am sure there is a cost for the domain name and a cost for transferring.i think i went to the wrong area to register a domain because i get a page containing a shopping cart. sorry for bothering but this is my first time that i buy a domain, i was keeping making websites to others but not for me. another thing, i understand now that is parked domain means make more than one domain point to the same website and add on domain means more than one domain will point to different folder in my root it is something like i want to add forums to my website so i will use an add on domain to put it in different domain name. i hope i am right.any way, that is mean that i should add my new domain to parked domain. and my current subdomain will still work or it will transfer my reader if they use it to not found page.i hope that i am on the right way please verify me if i am wrong?
  8. hi everyone, i already have a hosting here for my blog. i want now to get a domain name using mycents, but i have some questions and i will be appreciated if you can answer them for me:1- can i get a domain name by mycent even if i didn't registered in the forums just about a month and a half?2- i make a quick search for the domain name that i want and i found it available. so , my question is there a cost for the domain name and for the trasfer, because i saw that in the list of the domain name in xisto? 3- what is difference between parked domain and add on domain?another thing, i hope anyone can point me to a link that show me the instructions to register a domain here using mycents and how to transfer it to my old hostin whic is also here.thank you in advance
  9. i think you should change it quickly. i don't know a lot about .htaccess file but i know permission 777 is very dangerous because it means read write and execute. so now you letting anyone to read write and execute in your website. as i know if you want to add a certain code you should chage permissions to 777, add the code , test the changings and reset your permissions again, see this link https://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions
  10. i use state plugin 1.6 im my wordpress 2.9 i activated and it must be working but whenever i open my state in wordpress dashboard it sows nothing. i got a blank area, no information in any field. i don't know where is the error. when i activated it asks for api key so , i registered in wordpress ang got a one even i am a self hosted wordpress but the api key worked and activated the plugin but there is no states at all. any help would be appreciated.
  11. i think your new theme is good, simple and get the attention. but i just wander why you are insisting on using the blue color in all of your themes. a little bit of changing will be good. but if you like, you can make a gradient in colors. you have many choices either make a hue using only blue color i mean hue from dark blue to light blue or you can another color with it. if you don't know what color to mix with, here is a website of color schema, it is very useful site that helps you mixing colors in a very beautiful way http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://paletton.com/ also these schema will help you decide which color to pick if you want to add logos, heading, anything to your websites i also liked the rounded corners in your theme but i think your title should be alone in a certain area to give a strong impression so , i think you should move the header menu (home-freebies- about) to give these whole area to your title. you can add your header menu to your menu bar and make a box for register and login button. or you can keep them all but give more spaces between titile and the others. also the description of your website (tutorials for web designers) should be more lower i mean there must be a space between the title and the description of your site. note that, wordpress already gives you a link of description in the header of your theme. that means you will have too descriptions. so, if you want to keep yours you shouldn't let wordpress description appears you can do that from your wordpress dashboard but don't delete it from the template code because search engains will no longer can catch your website. according to what i saw in your website , you need a fancy footer. may be, you could make your footer area more wider you can put links, buttons, specific image and your copyrights but in a different showy color to be noticed. also, maybe you will need more logos of images that can give life to your website. for example you can use social bookmarks. if you decided to use wordpress use widgets,it may look great. that all, everything else is perfect. if you want any help in wordpress just let me know. by the way i like the posts in your website it is very useful. keep the good work and good luck.
  12. hi, these are two websites i think they are very inspiration and vary. http://www.freethemelayouts.com/category/showcase/ or http://www.freewpthemes.net/ i have a blog i created my own them wordpress, so if you want any help i will be glad to help, i am looking to see your own site. good luck
  13. these are more new useful information. thank you nirmaldaniel for your explanation. this will help me and make my work on security easier. my blog didn't contain any online transactions, i don't use any paypal or bank transactions,i just publish my own articles. i think i will make some research first.
  14. very useful information. although, i added my favicon a whole ago. but didn't know that i should add a different code for internet explorer. in fact after i read this post i checked my website in internet explorer 6 and OOPS.. it doesn't show. even i test my website in many browsers including internet explorer, every time i add a simple code. but i really didn't noticed that my favicon didn't show in internet browser at all. any way, here is how i made and add my favicon: first i slice a part of my website header to make it an image that i can use it as a favicon, i did that because i want something related to my website or you can make some kind of letter or symble refer to your website. after that i resize it to 32*32 pixel and save it as gif. i did all that in photoshop cs3, i hope you know how to use it. then i upload the image to the media library because i am using wordpress, i don't know about you but you should put it in the images folder. then add this code to the header file (header.php) or the head tag in HTML <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="yourlink"> i hope that will helpful for you
  15. very useful information princeofvegas and fermin25, i think i should try all these but i really afraid to break my theme or stopping my website. but i think it worth to do it. princeofvegas, i will be appreciated if you could point me some tutorials about mailing list. thank you all for your time and useful advices.
  16. thank you a lot deadmad7, these are very important information i will be sure to do that, mostly after buying my own domain i will do that. i am saving mycents for that and have fun in posting here. thanks for your time. i am appreciated.
  17. i agree with you all, about making your website valid to standards doesn't mean that you are professional in html,xhtml,css...ectalso agree that validating website is important to make sure that my site is valid, i prefer do that when my scripts still in the beginning to make the validation process more easier.but one thing about the buttons, something i found out during my last search on the net that some validating buttons shows a lot of errors because the programmer validate the code just once and add the buttons after that he didn't contnue validating.these buttons checks your website for errors every time you click them. they are not only a hyper link for your result of validation. every time you add a new code to your script you should validate. but it seems that not all of them do that.for me these buttons look good in my site therefore i add them.
  18. great tips, thank you buffalohelp. for a start as you said i will check my passwords and make sure that they are strong. but one question please?what do you mean -check your readers- how is that helps me to be more secure, i wish you can explain more?thank you a lot.
  19. hi everyone, i hope you can share me your ideas.i think the next important step that any website owner should take after making his website work properly is the security. in my cpanal i have an antivirus but is it enough to secure my website.or should i add something?i think also there is some commands to secure the website in .htaccess?so bloggers and websites owners what do you use to make your website secure?
  20. A few days ago I got a blank page error, after I was editing my code. So, I checked my cpanal and it was doing great, therefore, I assumed that I made some error when I was adding the code which generate a blank page error. After a few searching on the net. I found the solution for this problem and I decided to share it with you just in case anyone will have the same-which I hope not- First, I noticed that blank page mostly happened when you are using wordpress. So, these are some tips to fix that problem: 1- turn off all your plug-ins. 2- If you have a backup then restore it (wordpress files and data base files). 3- If you are using a theme not the default one then activate the default theme in your wordpress. 4- Update your wordpress version to the newer one. 5- Check your .htaccess file, if you find any extra code that you are sure you didn't add it then remove it. If you didn't have a .htaccess file, create one (you can find how to create a .htaccess file on the net). 6- Check what PHP version you have http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 7- Check this (WordPress should compress articles (gzip) if browsers ask for them). 8- Check error logs in your cpanal if there is an error message that can help you. In my case, no.3 fixed my problem. I think that I broke my active theme which is not the default one when I was trying to edit the code. I hope you will find my post useful.
  21. what are you thinking of W3C validation?do you think it is useful to your website to show validate buttons, or not. some think there is no benefits to prove that is your website are validated to W3C. some think it is important to look more professional and your site more trustful.i think these buttons are important to prove yourself as a website developer. to let your readers know that you write valid codes (even i am sure that most of readers doesn't know what W3C button means) also it is useful when you want to work in web designing and development. even validation may takes days of your time, also i read im some articials that making your page valid doesn't mean that it work perfect. another bad side of validation is you code especially css code will show for everyone (for me it doesn't matter that much because i like to share ideas).so, as you see there is always good and bad sides. share me your ideas what do you think?
  22. thank you all for your help, i knew what is the problem. when i was editing my code, it seems that i break my theme some how i don't know why but it happened. any way,i got a blank page because wordpress can't read from the active theme which is my theme i use any more. i fix it now. but i really get depressed when i saw my website disappeared. thanks god i could pass it. and all thanks for the members of this forums you all were very helpful with me.
  23. thank you buffalohelp, i already did and waiting for reply. i hope it willbe fixed soon. i don't know why is this happened.
  24. can you give me the steps to my host settings, i couldn't find it in my cpanal. i tried to clear my temprory internet files and restart my browser but i still get a blank page. if you could check it yourself http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. <p> <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer"> <img style="border:0;width:88px;height:31px" src="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss" alt="Valid CSS!" /> </a></p> but one more question please, repay for the hosting done automatically or i should do it when received the invoice. thanks for your help.
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