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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i agree with anwiii, the old one was much more easier to find the new contents. now we should use only the "view new content" which is not working properly. and i do prefer separate the new topics from the new posts. now if i want to make sure that i read all the new topics and posts, i should check " view new contents", "recently added topics", and "latest discussion" in portal tab. great idea deadmad, i like your suggestion. may opaue read it and give it a try.
  2. i lived all my life in places that i never saw snakes in them, thanks god for that. it is really scary, because naturally i hate all kind of insects and mice or rats. so move to my country sheepdog .
  3. if you want help, post your code and the error message so that we can help you. or take a screen shoot for the error. else we can't help you here.
  4. well, sheepdog. i do believe that all human are born with good qualities. no one is born evil or with bad qualities because simply children are innocent and don't know anything about the evil outside. and they still like that till they contribute in the society, know many kinds of people and recognize the bad qualities, from this point it will be their choice to choose what they want to be good persons or evil ones.
  5. i agree, we made the computer, we inserted the rules in its CPU, we gave it orders on how to deal with problems and errors and how to analysis them and fix them. therefor, no matter how much computers have an excellent and fast way of fixing everything but still follow our orders. the most important side or dimension that computer miss is the instinction, human sometimes depend on their instinction to fix problems and find solutions but computer miss that part, which makes it less power and ability of creation than us.
  6. now we have different points of view,socializing on the internet is not from my interest at all, i don't agree on talking to strangers at all, but i do have an account on facebook that i connect to my old friends through it and know the news of their life. but they have their own life so they only post when they have a time to do that. about mobiles and phones unfortunately, the first thing that make you know you are in one of the middle east countries is the ups and downs of a mobile network, so calling people every time is not as easy as it looks. and by the way i agree with you about "patient helps enjoy the fruits" but my dearest friend and family are living in far away cities and some in another countries i didn't see them for more than a year. so in my case i must say "patient makes the fruits without taste" .
  7. here i agree with you about addiction on coffee, hot chocolate, ice tea...ect. i enjoy drinking them all the time, and i admit that i am addicted on nescafe, the au lait or as some name it milk and tea, capatshino and hot chocolate. and i do like them, but as long as they have a bad side effect on me so i always try to take two or three days off and not drink any. as you said addiction on these things are good as long as we know what we are doing. and now you made me feel like drinking a cup of nescafe.
  8. i recently get this error when i try to enter the chat room even when i already was signing in the forum and everything work fine, but it appears only when i try to enter the chat room. it almost has been fixed after i sign out and sign in again.
  9. OH MY GOD, i wrote this topic two days ago, now what trappers, no one reply!!! . seems this forum means nothing to you or you are so busy to reply .
  10. hurt4love, i really like to reply you in your way... Hearts do break Souls do lost Life sometimes is unpleasant journey That we should walk Never be regret Never cry Since there is a new day Since there is a new moonlight Just stand and hold your heart Close your eyes and say I will be fine I will walk away But I will always hold you Between my lonely heart You are so special to me How could I forget that But you made a choice Of being apart So I will leave But hold you inside One day? We will meet again I will be healed And a better than I 've been I will smile to you and say You were my first love you meant the world to me but you just give it away Now I am a new person That holds only beauty inside And I can tell you were so special to me and that's all you were now you live in my past and you will always be there?
  11. hi Daisy,welcome here in Xisto community, we are always happy to get more new members. our community is very helpful and supportive, and i am sure you will find out that very soon.start by reading the forums rules from "kknowledgesutra guidelines", and don't forget to sign up in xisto with exactly the same email you signed up here. and then start posting a good quality posts or contribute in discussions. there are many categories here just chose that fits your interests and start posting, after 5 or 6 posts you will see mycent appear under your avatar that shows how much you earned. and after a 15-20 posts you should earn enough mycent that make you get a free hosting. for now, you can't see your mycent accumulated because the forum is under upgrade and our admins working on that day and night. so just continue posting because there's a script collect mycent and when the upgrade finish you will get yours, good luck.
  12. well semsem, it is. didn't you check it before. just type Xisto.com in your browser and it will redirect you to Xisto. opaque declared that from the first day of the changing of the name.
  13. well i made a quick search on the net, and couldn't find a lot of good links.here are some of links hope it will help http://geekyninja.com/archives/how-to-read-hfs-volumes-on-windows/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ luck.
  14. how much the domain costs?this depending on the domain name you want, either it is .com, .info, .net...ect.the last time i checked when i bought mine a few months ago, the .com was about 10$ and the others less than that. you can check that from your xisto as following:enter your xisto account> in the right side there's a "quick navigation" click on portal home> domain checker> choose a one and check the price and the availability and then order.about the decade plan, check it from this link http://forums.xisto.com/topic/71478-introducing-decade-plan-a-new-package-for-freshers-a-package-giving-the-basics-at-dead-cheap-price/ good luck.
  15. well i really think all kinds of drugs that you mentioned are slow poisons. because simply they enter your body, give you a temporary feeling of relaxation and leave a sever side effect that will last for ever. and may kill you any time. even cigarettes, maybe it sounds funny for some of you but it is a slow poison that drive you to death, you and everyone around you. i experienced that as a fact in my life. therefor i dislike all kinds of addiction even chocolate and coffee .
  16. thank you for sharing this, they are very important information. when people make diet they usually stop eating or eating salad and light meals but this is completely wrong and will affect your body in a negative way. i think the best way is by reducing the number of meals a day, and eat healthy food which contain protein and vitamins more than fat, and your list seems completely perfect.
  17. HAPPY for Xisto and for you, the forums deserve to be in top 1000 TARGET alexa in the world.and if you are asking about our sites, then i will say that my site TARGET alexa rank is 10000000000000000 or maybe more. but it is make sense because my site age is only five months where Xisto age is five years. so will wait four more years and a half to see where my site will be, hope it will be in top 1000 TARGET alexa.
  18. i have DELL INSPIRON 1520, and i must say i never heard any noise from it when i am working. it is the perfect silent laptop i worked on ever. it doesn't show any noise that when i work at night i can hear the sound of the wind out of the window which scares me a lot . if you want give it a try.
  19. well, i heard a lot about windows 7 features but i didn't hear about this one, it seems interesting. anyway, i think windows 7 has a lot of new features but i always thin that i should be sure it is compatible with all my programs before upgrade my operating system to it. thank you for sharing.
  20. i agree with you that the weather in India is kind of tough and doesn't have the best services in the world, but at least you are living with your family and friends and have a good job that bring good income to make your life easier under these conditions, and maybe in the near future you will have a wife and a family of your own that you may prefer them to live with your big family and want them to experience the same life you experienced before. all these things will make you feel better and satisfied about what you are doing in your life. but to be more objective, even i don't consider turkey as haven but i admit that there are a lot of features of living here other than other countries but as you said we should afford paying many things to get a good level of living. i like the place i am living in right now, but because i don't have a social life or a stable job or people i care about around me therefor i don't consider it as haven. after all no one can get everything in life therefor we should stylize our life with the options we get to make it a good and pleasant environment for living and this way we can feel like we live in haven. so if you can't bear the condition of living in your country maybe you should move to turkey. at least, i pay for my internet connection about 50$ a month for a speed 11.0 Mbps but unfortunately sometimes i feel like using a dial up connection when the internet works so slow, which drive me crazy . but after all it is turkey, the land of magic and beauty even if i think that i can't always having fun and enjoying all that beauty alone without sharing it with friends and family.
  21. I close my eyes To see the world.. I close my eyes So That it won't hurt.. I'm sailing In a blue ocean And flying Into your heart..I catch my breath Under the full moon.. A star that shines So pleased To meet you..Maybe I'm Dreaming forever..I'd like To love right here..Before The night ends And another New day..turns How I hold How I hold on..And out of this Endless blue..Somehow I will find you..Before the night ends Before the night ends..I made a choice More Than a few tim...

  22. nohing to say any more...i am out of lyrics today...

  23. yes i am, because i want keep following what's going on in the forum. and when be chatting in chat room and go to the forum i found myself signed out even i was chatting a few seconds ago.
  24. i agree, we should always be ourselves no matter what. if we couldn't represent our needs and thoughts and defend them then we can't do any good for ourselves and people around us. even sometimes in life, certain circumstances control our life but we should always have the ability to fight for our freedom and prove ourselves.
  25. i want to report something about the chat room, it happen always lately and bothered me a lot. when i am in the chat room for a while and leave i found that i signed out from the forum. this problem happened in the first day of setting up the chat room and never happen again till the last two days.
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