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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. ok guys, i fixed it as much as i can. i tried many colors for the introduction thing in the right side and still the light blue is the best so i only added shadow and stroke to it, i hope it shows better now. and i tried many fonts but this one still the best fits with overall layout. so couldn't do much.and i changed the font color in the card to black and i think it looks better now. also i fixed the splatter to be blended good with the background.and deadmad, there are three colors for the words in the menu bar, one is the color of the link "white", one is the color for the hover "yellow", and one is the color for the visited link "light blue". and only the word "blog" is still in yellow to give it a unique thing. also, the girl in the header is me , and i should be a shadow, not a colored girl . i don't know but this is my idea, and any way i tried it before and i looked awful .thanks again guys for your help, and i will be waiting for more feedbacks.
  2. you are on the right way timmyleary. "PHP and MySQL for Dummies" is the best for beginners in my opinion, and http://www.w3schools.com/ is the best place to learn from. i could suggest you too my own book for php & mysql. but you should read it after you finished "PHP and MySQL for Dummies" because it is kinda for advanced and starting from php & mysql and related them with object oriented programming,file handling, ajax,xml and rss. it's name is "the complete reference php", and this is my php book about the access book, i don't know why you want to deal with database using access. usually when you learn php, you use mysql to create database not access.
  3. hey...soviet..

    i will send you...

    A prayer: 2 bless ur way

    A wish : 2 lighten ur moments

    A cheer: 2 perfect ur day

    A text: 2 say HAPPY BIRTH DAY

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY young man...may all your dreams come true in your special day...

  4. well either the mycent system is out of beta or not. it is still working the same for me. as i said before, i noticed that if i posted daily i wil get about 2-3$ if not i will get 1$. and i didn't post for some days and i got nothing .
  5. internet dollars??hmmm,ihope you get this forum right, and don't think that mycent will turn to real dollars in any time .
  6. for me yes and a lot. why? because i have a lot of reasons to work for free for others. like helping a friend, helping someone in trouble (like in my last job when someone have a job to be done in a limit time and he/she doesn't have time to finish it alone), to prove a point of view ( like when i say that this is the right way to do things and the others disagree with me, so i do the work myself to show them what i want to say ),for getting experience and knowledge and learn from others, for supporting others and give them confidence that they are doing the right thing since i show them that i am by their side.
  7. well, i don't feel like the final addition is compatible with the original one. it is like a gap between them. i don't know, maybe it is just me .
  8. hi ysNoi,welcome to Xisto community. i hope you will have a great time here. you can post your ideas and thoughts, discuss and share opinions, get knowledge we have a lot of interesting categories and of course have fun .
  9. personally i hate reading history, especially about wars and fightings. but is it important? yes of course, even if we hate it we should read it to know who we are, and where we came from, and learn from it too. but put us ALWAYS in front of us, NO, this is stupid. because i can read and know about my ancestors but i will do nothing if i kept following what they do, i should do things in my way, and i should build my future and depend on my own. therefor, the future is more important than the past, and doing something in my life that affect my future is absolutely better than keep on hanging in the past.
  10. thanks for your help mahesh, i will search for those type from now on, they really look good and their quality is better. but it only needs for more searching for free ones. by the way the sites you mentioned in the last are offering a paid images not free. but still thanks for your help. i never heard about that before i mean creative common images so thanks for telling me that, i am appreciated .
  11. i don't know how i missed this thread, it is the right thread for me cloths and bags. well, i don't have a specific store, i usually make a long tour on all my favorite stores till i pick what i want . hmmm,tops i guess like tee-shirts. only when i have a special occasion . store mostly, it is more fun i guess especially with close people. in april, in a birthday occassion,and in august for my family if those considered as beloved ones. yeah and always, even sometimes i feel sorry and get disappointed . yeah but only if i need that thing so much and saw a good deal. like offering it in a very good price that can't be found in another place.
  12. hmmm,i didn't understand you fully in here, can you explain more please? what do you mean by creative common images? do you mean use images that made by others not a free stock images? and from where could i get those? i tried to google that but it leads me for nothing. and i checked the corbis site but they are not free . and are all creative common images are not free or what?
  13. hmm, i loke it more now,it is more relieving to the ear and gives a good feeling. anyway i hope i could explain my point of view here . and well done nnnoooooo. also i liked your music sheets even i couldn't understood anything from them but it is nice to share them with others in the forum.
  14. hmmm, this is a weird and interesting topic. so here is what i think, i like the gallery because it is a way to share images and photos with others and some are a very good photos, but i really don't like how it shows in the top of the forum. i really think it should be in the sidebar or in the bottom or in a separate page, even the "gallery" button shows floating in no where in the forum. and i really think it breaks the menu layout and opaque should notice that long time ago.about the freaky orange or pumpkin as i like to call, well i don't think it is scary inea, but it surly makes me hate eating orange any more . and i don't think it should be removed because it doesn't affect the rules of the forum in any way, in fact, as long as it is an image made by a member here, then he has the right to upload it. so just look at it as a photoshoped work that has been done by a member. and it could be a creative work that may help others to learn more about photoshop.besides, now, i really think that the gallery is very important, because now i use it to upload my photos and images that i use here, instead of uploading them to other sites like imageshake, and add link to the image here. uploading images and photos here is absolutely more beneficial and secure. so as long as we use the gallery to upload photos that we could use in the forum, that means they are fit the rules and could be posted. p.s:between, if you found that orange is scary then never please visit sotw section, it fills of scary monsters and freaky images that made as a signature .edit:oh great, i just checked, seems opaque fixed the "gallery" button. now,it is no longer breaks the menu layout thanks opaque, you did a great job opaque. and i feel relieved now .
  15. hmmm, i know the answer, speaking without stop . i know girls could do that . what's your favorite cloths ( formal, casual or traditional cloths)?
  16. yeah i love that too. it is like a dream come true, and i love dreaming and make my dreams a reality . now, i love it when...i drink my latte and chat with my best friends at the same time . it is always the best time ever.
  17. thanks guys for your feedback i am really appreciated . i knew i could depend on you because you will look at my work with the eye of an expert, and give me an honest opinion. so i will try to fix all these things you mentioned as soon as possible and ask you for another review. GOD, i thought i am done and now i have a lot of work to do more . thanks again and i will keep everything you said in mind.@deadmad, i am glade you liked the footer, i like it too. and they are fairies not butterflies . and thanks for taking time to read the about me i wrote. also this site is kinda static it is all in html and css only the contact me page in php, i didn't use any cms. it is all designed and coded by me. and i didn't make the jquery, i am not that pro in jquery it is a good script i added and edited it to be suitable to my site.@anwiii, i noticed that the graphic below "what can i do" isn't blending well after uploading it, but i thought it is not that noticeable i will fix it.
  18. hi smithmary, welcome here and glade you like our forums, it is really a great place to share and introduce your ideas and opinions. and as chini said,members are very helpful. so i am sure you will have a great time here.p.s:try to post in introduction category to talk a little about yourself and let members to welcome you, have fun.
  19. i don't get any error message mich, maybe because i didn't vote because i think it is unfair to vote while i am in the SOTW. but i think i will vote this time to saint_micheal. he did a great job and see if i get any error message. in general i see only "null voting". edit: wow, once i voted i could see the voting this is really weird.
  20. my portfolio is finally done , thanks god, i 've been working on it since last May. and it took me a lot of time to choose the design, i even changed it three times . but now i feel relived and i am satisfied on my work. so it is time to share you my work, and to tell me what do you think trappers. i trust your opinions and your criticism, so please feel free to tell me what do you think.till now i didn't buy a domain yet therefor, i uploaded under my site temporary. and i didn't prepare enough designs and samples to my portfolio, but i uploaded three designs and i think that is enough to give you a clear idea about how jquery works. and i made it to be comfortable with opera, firefox and chorme till now and i think that is enough as a beginning. hmmm i think that's all, i will be waiting for your replies, and thanks in advance.this is the link for my portfolio http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. great, i can't see any voting again. so DEADMAD, start working for me again and keep me informed please . good luck for everyone.
  22. thanks..glade you like it...keep on visiting..you are welcomed...:)

  23. i was searching for a while about a good free stock images. but couldn't find a good one. most of good stock photos i should pay to get them, or the sites i found till now contain only few categories. what i am looking for, is a site contains multiple categories, variant and interesting stock photos that suitable to be used in web designing, like headers, backgrounds or logos and of course free . because now i am working on making new design and layouts and i know i will need a lot of stock photos but still couldn't find the one. i hope you can help me find a good one and thanks in advance.
  24. come on simpleton, i really want to add you. and i will never add the "WANTED" stamp over you because i know you keep on come and go. and no need to post 50 posts to be active i know you are . now, the fact is, and to be clear 100% for everyone: i will never add a "WANTED" stamp over people who keep on come and go even if they were away for a while, because i know that people are busy in life and not because i am here a lot, that means the other should be too . but i will add it on those who disappear for a long time. therefor i added "WANTED" over opaque because that guy come and go without a sign. and even so, i add it on him to show how the "WANTED" stamp works, but between, i know he said earlier that he will be away for two months. but i did it to tease him a little to pass us by, we really miss this guy in here . thanks honey chini, for your sweet words i know you are always honest and supportive. glade you liked the idea and i really hope more members will ask to be here, but seems they are afraid of my cute stamp . hmmm, yeah i think you are right here, i missed that . even it looks fun for the first time but you and buffelohelp are right. this may make troubles in the forum. and now, i agree with you guys.and between, i hardly hold myself from adding a lot of members here without their permissions. but i don't want to force them, because maybe they don't want to. and i don't want anyone to be in if he/she don't want to. but i will still hope more will ask to be on the board .
  25. for the memory of a great person in my life...i am sending a flower of my heart...colored with everyday we shared...holds every promise i made....smells like you...sparkle with my tears that had dropped when i was praying for you....please god...let my flower lay down on her grave...let her feel my prayers...let her stay in peace...i will never forget you...mama...

    1. Idiomus


      that last word has more feelings than 1000 words can explain.

    2. Idiomus


      in my language.. mama = mother

    3. web_designer


      in my language too...and every language i guess...:)

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