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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Everyone has dreams. on average you have around 14 dreams every night lasting between a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes so you are dreaming, as it is scientifically proven that you always dream. As conscious mind is reluctant to accept an alternate plain of existence, which the subconscious mind can comprehend quite easily, thats why you have crazy ones. Any dream that you wake up and have some memory of tend to fall in this category. They are usually personal issues ,our fantasies and our beliefs. Typical examples are of waking up, going to the washroom or a normal everyday pattern you follow when you wake up. Only to wake up again to realize that all that was just a dream. This is where 'lucid' dreaming and semi-conscious dreaming are sharing your waking-consciousness. If you have these dreams, it's a small step over to lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is probably one of the best forms of dreaming that I can think of. You extend your conscious existence into a realm where you are the creator. Anything imaginable can be expressed in fluid graceful motion in this dreamscape. If you want to do more 'experiments' with the weird dreams you are having, try these tips:


    Set your alarm clock to wake you at a specified point during the night. If you are worried about waking either yourself or a partner, then drinking several large glasses of water prior to bed may be another way to assure you will awake (and thus remember dreams).


    Establish regular sleep routines. This means starting your night of sleep in the same position every night, as well as going to bed and waking at the same time. Do not eat heavy meals before bed as this will interfere with your sleep cycle and your ability to remember dreams.

    If you want more information on this topic, you can (of course) search google or go to Squidoo "How to remember Dreams"!

  2. Yup, logged in a few seconds ago and saw a massive chatbox with thousands of guests and it BLINKS ORANGE! Its so annoying! It blinks like, every 30 seconds or so and i have to click and unclick on it again to make it stop blinking. It's seriously not a good idea, it lags so much! I mean i would be half-annoyed if there wasn't a freakin' Bob dylan ticket ad there! I mean, who on Xisto is gonna buy some Bob Dylan Tickets? If i wanted them, i would have got there through by searching in google. If this is the future replacement for the 'old not so good time travelling' shoutbox, i would rather have the one which is there now.

  3. Granted!

    But this someone that cooks and cleans for you also does other things. :)

    NOT WHAT YOUR THINKING She (He if your gay :D) also wines and nags you to DEATH! Literally your dead again anwii. Do we get lives in this game? I'm a zombie so yea.

    o_O now you really did forget to wish for something.


    Oh well, i guess i will make a wish. I wish Oompa Loompas existed.

  4. you get your billion and 1 cent. unfortunately, the billion is in monopoly money and you can't spend it. the penny is real though. happy shopping!


    I WISH i could live forever!

    Wow, you made the classic mistake, you live for forever, but you keep growing old and eventually into a 'tiny little speck person' and mosquitoes pick you up and fly you all the way to Alaska where you live for 3 months and go insane and starve without food (but you don't die) but a million years later, you finally find you're way back to Warsaw , and a futuristic car backs up and runs you over.


    I wish I had 3 wishs.

  5. Ok I figured since this is a no-post forum that it wouldn't matter if I do something fun :D Here's a game that I once did on another forum, and it just kept going until it reached about 800 posts lol

    Ok heres the rules you quote the person that posted before you about they're wish, then you have to turn it bad for example "I wish I could fly" Then next person says "Granted, but you fly into an airplane propeller and get chopped up into tiny bits"

    I"ll start with...

    I wish my dog wasn't so lazy :)

    Granted, but it runs into the FBI and who 'publicly' execute it with a firing squad on nation television.

    I wish there were flying elephants...

  6. Instead of XNA, i bought the DARKBASIC PRO from 'TheGameCreators.com' which is the most advanced games development package built on the BASIC language currently available. No other package out there makes it as easy to incorporate all of the special features and effects you see in todays games and no other package natively offers the benefits of 'Microsofts DirectX 9 technology'. You have full and direct control of these awesome hardware effects from within DarkBASIC Professional. Pixel Shaders are used to alter lighting and surface effects that replace artificial, computerized looks with materials and surfaces that mimic reality.

    All games created with DarkBASIC Professional are License and Royalty free.All games can be distributed as a stand alone executable.

    You can ALSO DOWNLOAD DARKBASIC PRO FOR FREE NOW , WHICH IS A ADVERTISEMENT EDITION, but it won't bother you that much. :)

  7. As Zagubadu pointed out, there are many ads on almost every site depicting the same idea of '3d virtual chat room'. Such programs and websites exist, such as imvu , in which you sign up and create avatar(character) and make friends and chat in a room. Others include moove and meepe which basically have the same idea as imvu. I don't that you there is such a script, if there was , it would be a normal chat script. You can try to make it yourself if you know JavaScript or flash (which is very hard to do to make that chatroom) or hire a company to make that for you (which would cost you a fortune). But if you do somehow make such a script, and make it public, and have a popular chat room site, you can earn hundreds of thousands through ad money and sponsorship.

  8. If you have a free antivirus, for one thing, you won't have anyone to call if things go haywire, or if you need disinfection help in the event something does sneak past your PC's defenses. Most free apps give support only on online forums, though Avast offers e-mail support (and Microsoft plans to when Security Essentials launches); Avast users can submit online support tickets, too. AVG gives paid phone support, but the $50-per-call fee costs more than most paid antivirus apps. Some free utilities have fewer scanning options than paid apps from the same company do. For example, Avira's paid antivirus program will scan http traffic to catch Web-borne malware before it hits your hard drive, but the company's free AntiVir Personal version won't. If I were you, i would decide upon AVAST Free edition (My computer's been running it for about 3 years now, no BIG virus yet) or upon Norton for about $50 bucks. :)

  9. The reason HipHop is good for Facebook is that they have (probably) optimized the hell out of every other shred of their code, to the point where they simply couldn't find any more substantial performance gains. For 99.99% of the sites on the internet, that's not the case.

    For most web apps, the performance bottleneck is the database -- inefficient queries can absolutely cripple a site. If the queries are optimized, then you profile your PHP code and make sure you weed out any inefficiencies in there. You also need to make sure you're efficiently delivering files to the browser: css sprites for images, gzipping/minifying/compressing javascript, condensing css files, etc.

    Once all that is done, you implement opcode caching and other easy-to-use server-side optimization: APC or eAccelerator, Zend Server, memcached, etc.

    Until you've done all of that (at bare minimum), you shouldn't even begin to THINK about using HipHop. However, for large, high-traffic sites that have maxed out traditional optimization options, HipHop seems to be a really great solution with possible game-changing implications.

    I'm surprised about another Facebook PHP project, XHProf:

    XDebug is a massive system with a lot of functionality, and I've found it too heavyweight when I just need to do some simple profiling. You have to load your trace files into a separate profile viewer for example, which is a massive pain if you're running you code on a remote server without a GUI.

    XHProf is a much simpler extension that gives you instant web-viewable results. It doesn't go into as much depth as XDebug, but it's perfect for debugging 95% of my speed problems.

    It's just a shame XHProf doesn't have the sexiness of a brand new runtime, it's far less well-known.

  10. Great. That means that we are just paying for the big screen. AND that IPAD doesnt have anything new other than the big screen.I mean, They should have put more on it.I just hope they have a USB Port. A real one to plug in big USB keys at least. as well as the Pro-Duo Type ones.In my opinion, if they sell or not just depends on what have they come up with on the HARDWARE side ONLY. the ipad is just a big iphone;)I wonder if there is going to be a iPad Mini or iPad Video or iPad Nano. Apple sucks, iPhone rules and iTouch is ok.

  11. I have a iPhone and iTouch and i been using another program exactly like this one for like a year now. Its already been done and logitech is here just to pick up the pieces that the other app left behind. Rowmote Pro and Air Mouse Pro, $2 and $5 are about the most rated ones on the app store. But this one will probably overtake the rest as it offers about the same features for FREE! I will definitely download this app after it gets updated and stable in a few more weeks :)

  12. Oh I just had to vote for deadmad this time, although it was a close one with rob's and tf's sigs, I have to admit I'm not much of a game render fan.dm7, is that plasma filter going over a supernova effect or am I just dreaming that you did that with GIMP? B) I don't know how you got the transition in colors with the plasma tho, it looks cool :D

    Oh well, it was a shame I couldn't participate. I was doing a water whirl thing and then things got a little out of hand with my creative block :( Maybe next time. Still busy writing tuts.

    Hey thanks for voting! I made the sig using Photoshop, not gimp. I don't use Gimp that much, even though it has much as effects and stuff as photoshop, i think i have grown into using photoshop now, too late to change :)

    wow everybody loves deadman7's signature :D I also do loved it and just a question mr.deadman how did you do that supernova is that what they call it? maybe you can teach us to do that effect :( for some extra knowledge thank you :( and you will surely win aha no doubt

    the sig of mr. truefusion is also nice :) I am wondering how did he do that dashed border? did you use marquee square tool and stroke it? and use eraser to erase some and make it like that? teach me how please? and also the effect, I can imagine a ball of aura?

    Thanks, but its 'deadmad' not 'deadman' :lol:Since so much people are asking, i am gonna start a tutorial thread on how to make that effect, hopefully within this week.

  13. A vitamin is in essence known as a key nutrient that everyones body needs to continue to build and stay healthy and fighting fit.
    Altogether there are 13 individual amounts of vitamins that have been found in various sources from 1909 to the most recent in 1941. Looking at the 13 selections of vitamins, four are fat soluble and the other 9 as water soluble. This basically means that water soluble vitamins do not get reserved in the body so they need to be consumed in your diet from day to day, while fat soluble are easily stored in your body and wont need to be taken every day. The main types of vitamins that are always present in the human diet are A, C, D and E and they can be found in many types of food supplements and from other surprisingly different sources.

    A, D, E, K which are fat soluble and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C). As long as your getting your five a day, and eating a balanced diet, you should be OK. Recent studies have shown little benefit of taking Vitamin supplements and recent studies have shown those who take vitamins above the RDA actually have an increased mortality risk.

  14. Are you a member of Rockyou.com? You probably know about this (and have most likely deleted your account and sided it with a complaint letter to the company), but 33 MILLION passwords were stolen from the database, and are now floating around in cyberspace. Some people have gotten so ticked, they've sued rockyou. Now, you may thing "It's not their fault, it was a security breach". This is a lot worse. They might as well write their passwords on their office building. The passwords were stored in simple text files, UNENCRYPTED.

    Now, what is Rockyou? They've created social networking applications, such as "Pieces of Flair", and "Superwall".

    Now, here's kind of the problem with Rockyou's user database. The most popular user password was "123456", followed by "12345687". Other incredibly imaginative and secure passwords were closely following these two, including "Password", "QWERTY", and "rockyou".


    If a hacker used the list of top 5,000 passwords for a dictionary brute force on Rockyou, it would take only one attempt per account to guess about %0.9 of the community's passwords. At this rate, hackers would gain access to 1 account every second, or 17 minutes to gain access to 1,000 accounts. Now, estimates show that sites like Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, etc. probably carry the same population of people who use these ridiculously easy passwords. But they have a captcha, a computer generated image that displays text and letters at a funky angle and weird colors.


    Posted Image(Generated by Google)


    Other security systems require you to answer a question ("What is the color of the sky?"), and complete arithmetic problems via a captcha.

    Posted Image


    Most experts agree that passwords haven't changed from 20 years ago. Users and businesses are just becoming more careless about security measures. Companies are also worried about employees using the same insecure password they use for social networking sites as they use for their business. This brings a new threat of a mass password hack that could result in millions of dollars lost. Who will suffer? Those who are careless. Beware of "123456" passwords!

    Yes, this is really terrrible. So weak passowrds. But this really isn’t surprising. We’d all be amazed how much this wouldn’t happen if people took the extra .5 seconds to add a number or two to the end of their password. Leave the door open and people will come in. Using passwords like “1234″ just isn’t smart.

    Talk about "grabbing the wrong end of the stick". People use short passwords because they are easy to remember and enter. I have a short password and I still mistype it. Couple that to the rotating password system that is recommended (replace your password after 6 months) and you are obviously going to pick a short easy to remember (and break) password.Demand a 32 character password for your site and see how many people will bother to log-in! Do you think that corrupt corporations would put up with it taking 10 minutes/day, for their workers to successfully log-in to their user accounts? A simple mechanical key & lock would be more effective!

    How many people would use ATMs, if their PIN changed every 6 months?


    Look at this list for example, it lists the most common of the 32 passwords provided by v-Sync:


    1. 123456

    2. 12345

    3. 123456789

    4. password

    5. iloveyou

    6. princess

    7. rockyou

    8. 1234567

    9. 12345678

    10. abc123

    11. nicole

    12. daniel

    13. babygirl

    14. monkey

    15. jessica

    16. lovely

    17. michael

    18. ashley

    19. 654321

    20. qwerty

    21. iloveu

    22. michelle

    23. 111111

    24. 0

    25. tigger

    26. password1

    27. sunshine

    28. chocolate

    29. anthony

    30. angel

    31. FRIENDS (yes, all caps)

    32. soccer

    How many of you are guilty in using these passwords?

  15. Nice tutorial, easy to understand for beginners in signature making. You should have made the tutorial with another render, it would have looked more awesome. This tutorial tells you alot about the basic 'GimP' Sig making, if any one wants to get good at it, you should keep building up on these techniques. Follow some rules, don't follow some. Try some new settings. Set the image adjustments. Try a border. Until, you get the kind of sig that you like. Oh, you didn't add 'How to save it', but i guess people already know :)

  16. I would do more details and stuff. If I knew how. :D Yea my knowledge so far is brush brush brush, colorize, render, some what try and do some effects to make the render blend ( Outer Glow ), pixel border, and then suffer through the text. Thats literally it. Maybe you could teach me some stuff? :)

    Go to some tutorial sites such as http://www.deviantart.com/ and look for some signature techniques tutorial or try downloading some new vectors. They also have some tutorials on putting text on the signature. The main thing is, just blend the render and text into the background.

    Lol, I'm that good at teaching stuff (i try to stay away from teaching people stuff), but might try to write some tutorials someday.

  17. Wow..It's pretty neat. You could have added more details and stuff, cause it looks kinda bare and simple. The text is could have been better, choose a better font or something. Overall, its awesome! It blends in with the blue people (lol) I would rate it 7/10 , if there was a rating system. Keep the awesome sigs coming!

    You should probably enter the Sig for SOTW#5! Follow this link.

  18. You mean the United States government be corrupt? Oh how could that ever be true! [/sarcasm]


    Seriously though, things like this have probably always been going on, we just were not informed.


    It is causing us so much debt to keep going into countries and helping them out, because they mess up everything.

    Corrupt? Seriously? Blackwater is thicker than blood. Since 1998 Blackwater has gone from an idea to a BILLION dollar private security company providing civilian security for high-ranking officials of the US government. Their latest black eye has created fervor in Iraq and the United States. Their private security guards killed 17 Iraqi civilians and wounded 27 others, in a disputed hostile fire action. The Iraqis claim there was no hostile fire and the scene has only produced Blackwater shell casings. This is far more dangerous than we would like to think, and it is a GROWING problem. Wake up folks, you may think they will never disrupt your lives cause your such upstanding citizens. The problem is, NOT what you think of yourselves, but what those in power think of you AS A THREAT!

  19. Hey don't forget that it also ripped off "A Man Called Horse" starring Richard Harris.The story is ages old: Male invader takes a native wife who tries to make peace.Cortez had Malinche.Captain John Smith had Pochahantas, and I mean he "had" her.Madame ButterflyJust add Avatar to the list.Best Drama? I think not, but the golden globes you get are the ones you will NOT get at the Academy awards.EDIT: Also, China, try not to copy the whole thing from the article, as it is against the section rules.

  20. GoodReader


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    There has been a MS-DOC viewer for the iPhone since ages! You should really check it in the APP Store! Okay, i found a good and affordable for $0.99, its called \'GoodReader\'! It produces real huge PDF, or TXT,etc. that are very easy to read. Heres the link to open the iTunes


    GoodReader - the highest quality file viewer that supports very large PDF files, PDF Reflow, PDF & TXT text search, and more. Plus it\'s an excellent downloading manager - download files from the web by entering their URLs, by browsing for files in a browser, or by accessing servers like MobileMe iDisk, MyDisk.se, Google Docs, box.net, Dropbox and many others. Use WiFi file transfer to transfer files from your local computer on your local WiFi network to GoodReader.


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  21. Macs are good & great for multimedia & artistic types...no viruses to speak of...but backwards & a PIA if you learned PC. Compaq is good because you can put other upgrades in them without interface problems.Dell & the one with the cow print logo make sure you can ONLY use *their* parts in their machines. So, a friend gave my boyfriend a HUGE drive, & because his computer is dell, he can't use it. All I need to use it in my Compaq presario is a cable I can get at any electronics store.

  22. Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is a custom scenario for the real-time strategy video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is for each team to destroy the opponents' Ancients, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their hero and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.[2]
    The scenario was developed with the "World Editor" of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and was updated upon the release of the expansion, The Frozen Throne. There have been many variations of the original concept; the most popular is DotA Allstars, which has been maintained by several authors during development. The current developer is known by his pseudonym as "IceFrog", and has been developing the game since 2005.

    Since its release, Allstars has become a feature at several worldwide tournaments, including Blizzard Entertainment's BlizzCon and the Asian World Cyber Games, as well as the Cyberathlete Amateur and CyberEvolution leagues; Gamasutra declared that DotA was perhaps the most popular "free, non-supported game mod in the world".[3]

    I used to play this, a while ago. Dota is a game based on LAN and internet. After you get the game and stuff you have to select which group of people you want to join. You can join the good group called the Sentinels or the evil people the Scourge.

    The main goal of this particular game is to destroy the enemy's base, the Sentinel's Tree of Life or the Scourge's Frozen Throne,and you have to do it as quick as possible.

    This game is very different from other games as this game is based on like a social aspect. You have up to 5 people on each team, you have to destroy the opposing team with not only you killing and computer skills, but also your teamwork and interaction with the team members to be efficient. This is a team game aspect. Most of the time, it comes down to the final battle, its win or lose :) It keeps you well paced and alert at times, so you don't have to AFK. If one guy screws up, it ruins the WHOLE game and you are most probably gonna lose the game. The interesting part of this game is that it reflects how we behave in an actual real life team. With each member having different roles to play, we have to complement each other instead of killing each other.

    With a common goal within reach, a team should function as one unit, instead of being divided. It is not how strong each member is, but it is how you use your teamwork to overcome all obstacles as a team.

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