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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Imageshack does have records for every user, once you're logged in they appear on a big screen. I have over fourty pages of uploaded images right now, at fifteen images per page. I've seen broken images coming off Photobucket all the time, that's what's called Downtime - Not necessarily a server crash, but failure to allow viewimg of your images. So, imageshack is better , in my opinion

  2. Hi Paddy! Now i know 3 people whose names are Paddy and all live in CA. Well, no need to ask cause you already joined =) Welcome i guess! and may i ask why you have a Waterless car Wash as your sig , is it your product?

  3. Well, I , like most people have tried going to facebook, youtube, etc. at work (in my case school) and noticed that some popular sites where blocked! I tired using proxys but they mostly did not work , or were too slow! some even had viruses. My buddy told me a way which there is no need to have proxy to bypass a site. Here is that method -

    Open the Browser (Firefox)
    Go to the site you wish to go (Hulu.com)
    When it says that you cannot go there and that it is restricted
    Go to the address bar and add a 's' after the http
    So it should look like this : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    And TADA your site should would, well i found that some sites dont =(

    What this does is that it opens a secure http (and if you hadn't figured it out already , yes, thats what the 's' stands for) and the computer MOST OF THE TIME doesn't block https or isn't programmed to =)

    Hope it works for you :)

  4. BTW i think its better that you just clean install 2.8 or 2.9 and also deactivate ALL the plug-ins. This is where most people fail – you must deactivate all your plug-ins as they may conflict with the upgrade process.

    # Backup your database – this is very important, you should always backup your database before attempting to do any major changes to your blog and that includes and especially upgrading.# Equally important is to always backup your wodpress files. Again as #1 with all major changes, make sure you have a copy of all your blog files backedup – use an ftp and download all your files onto your hard drive.
    # Verify your backup – You should give step more importance and verify that you have all the blog files saved. Tedious I know but trust me, it will save you a lot of time and heartache later on should anything go wrong with the upgrade. A visual inspection of files on your hard drve in comparison to those on your server should surfice.

    Once you have all the steps up done and completed you are now ready to upgrade your wordpress installation. Now feel happy to to your admin panel and click on the “Auotmatic upgrade” button.

    If it still gives problems just post here and i will help =)

  5. I personally am disgusted with Mcdonalds and Super Size Me (especially the part when he throws up ={ I probably eat at Mcdonalds like 0 times a month and probably 3 - 4 times a year,,,,but i do go to other fast food places ( carls JR, Dennys ) I really would be glad to eat Pizza Hut or Dominoes. But those guys are just doing there jobs ..

  6. I have also tried Camtasia and liked it! I really dont know what you find wrong with the trail... i mean after you get 30 days most people just uninstall then reinstall or you can switch your computer clock backward... or forward.. BUT it is wrong for the developers and you wont support them if you do that so i suggest you try Screen Recorder it is the next best thing..


    This article provides a step-by-step explanation of how to make a good screen recording, using My Screen Recorder, from planning to actual recording.

    Planning your presentation


    The first step is to have a plan for your screen recording session. To start with, you need to decide whether you want to add voice narration while recording or to record the sound played by the application.

    If you're going to record a voice-over narration, it is always a good idea to have some sort of script, so that you can maintain a steady voice and pace while you record. This script can also contain a list of actions (like opening particular windows), so you don't miss recording something important. You can pause and resume the recording at anytime by using the F8 shortcut key. It is a good idea to use a friendly tone of voice, even for corporate presentations.


    When you want to record the audio from the application itself, set up the audio in the following manner:


    1. In My Screen Recorder, on the toolbar click on Settings and select Audio.

    My Screen Recorder - Settings Menu

    2. Click on the Configure button.

    My Screen Recorder - Audio Settings Tab

    3. To record the application's audio, select Record from speakers. Click on Auto Select to let My Screen Recorder choose the best line for you. While using Auto Select, we recommended that you disconnect the microphone. To choose manually, select the Let me select the line option. Click OK when you have done this, and then OK again to close the Options window.


    It is especially important to adjust the audio settings when you are recording media players or other interactive software.

    Preparing to record


    To get high quality screen recordings, you need to optimize the settings of My Screen Recorder:


    1. You first need to decide what screen resolution to record at. High resolution recordings played back at lower screen resolutions result in image distortion. It is generally best to determine the lowest screen resolution that your recording will be played back at, and record at slightly less than that resolution. You can change your PC's screen resolution by right-clicking on the Windows desktop and then selecting Properties > Settings. Under the Settings tab, you can lower the resolution by moving the 'Screen resolution' slider to the left. If you want to increase the resolution, move the slider to the right.

    2. The next step is to decide the recording size. If you want to capture only specific parts of your screen, click on the Region button on the tool bar, then choose either the Fixed Dimensions or Rectangle option. This reduces the file size of the recorded video.

    My Screen Recorder - Region Selection

    3. My Screen Recorder records the video in AVI format, which can be edited easily. However, uncompressed AVI files are very large so your recordings need to be compressed. Go to Tools menu > Settings > Video tab and select a Compressor. (Generally the default compression settings are fine.) Frame rate and Key Frame rate values also affect the file size and can be changed. If you are using My Screen Recorder Pro, you can also convert your AVI file to Windows Media Format. Windows Media files are much smaller, and can be streamed from a specialized web server (such as Video Desk).


    good recording


    Frame Rate is the number of frames to record per second. You can make it higher if you want smoother playback, especially for videos containing a lot of motion. However, higher frame rates also result in bigger files.

    Key Frame Rate controls how often "full frames" are stored in an AVI file. A higher key frame rate can make it easier to "seek" within a video file, but it also increases the file size. The default settings of the frame rate and the key frame rate are optimum for most types of recordings, but you may try experimenting with these settings for better results.

    4. For smoother recordings, especially of applications having fast action motion or media players, disable hardware acceleration by clicking on the Performance tab in the Settings window and then checking the option "Disable hardware acceleration" during recording.


    Start Recording your Screen Activity


    1. In My Screen Recorder, click the Record button on the toolbar to launch the Recording Options window. Please note the keyboard shortcuts for record (F8, by default), stop (F9 by default) and cancel (F10 by default). Check the option Pause before recording starts. Uncheck the Record audio while recording video box if you don't want to record audio. Click on OK.

    2. Launch the application you would like to record. To start recording, press F8 on your keyboard. Now, perform the actions you want to document. My Screen Recorder will record them in the background. To stop the recording, press the F9 key.

  7. I have a PS2 , Nintendo GameCube , and a Wii with a broken controller...(flew and hit the wall)! Also,of course., a PC.Pc Specs; Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (real one (i bought it ) ) 2 GB Ram500 GB Space and plus a usb hard drive with around 200 or some GBNvidia Graphix Card Geforce 6600 or something ( can play any new game ) Wireless headphones, mouse, and keyboard.A pretty fast router with wifi....

  8. It should have registered with it during the first day or so ( mine got there in like 5 - 8 hrs ) ! You might wanna go to the Xisto Hompage and click on the sumbit ticket and use it to convey a message to the people in Xisto ! They are pretty helpful, they solved mine in (like) a night =)

  9. I got a baby and I heard that the school I'm eyeing on for my baby has this Prep-nursery level for 2 1/2 year olds. I was like, "Isn't it too early?"
    I remembered when before, little kids go to school when they are 4 years old.

    My baby is still 8 months old, and so I really don't need to worry about this this early. But I just like other people's opinion.

    I had read on a newspaper article, the writer is a psychologist, saying people thought that children should be sent to school on during summers or after-classes hours to make the child more productive. Where in the psychologist points out that children need to rest. They need sleep. And children needs to play.

    So, I'm not really sure if on prep-nursery, would my child still have his precious time to play? Or is it all studies?

    Yeah, i think its right to go to school at around 3! Cmon, we've been doin' this for ages and its fine so far? Why stop now... we're not total idiots cause we started school at around 3. But i do wish that they made this law when i was young..it would have been way fun :)

    Early Preschool Pros and ConsIf parents are considering putting their 18- to 24-month-old child in preschool, which experience are they likely to get? It depends on the child. For some, 18 to 24 months is too young, while others might be more ready. "The first years of a child's life are a crucial development period, and children who are nurtured and stimulated during these years are much more prepared for reading, math and social development when it's time for kindergarten," says Kim Means, senior director for accreditation at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). "Parents are a child's first teachers, but quality preschool programs are also important. I don't think there is a 'magic' chronological age for when children should enter preschool. Parents know their children best."

  10. Well, here some ones that i remember now... (i watch Yo Mamma on VH1 a while ago)

    Yo mama so poor she waves around a popsicle stick and calls it airconditioning.Yo mama so old her social security number is 1!
    Yo mama so stupid she thinks a quarterback is a refund!
    Yo mama so stupid when you stand next to her you hear the ocean!
    Yo mama so nasty she has to creep up on bathwater.

    Yo mama so ugly just after she was born, her mother said What a treasure! and her father said Yes, lets go bury it.

  11. Hello!
    I am a software developer and a student at the same time. I know the value of money so I decided a few years ago that most of the software I'll will be free (not only free, but open-source too). But I also would like to make some money for everyday expenses so I would like to know if anyone (specially developers like) have been able to make money out of free software. I'm not planning to make them shareware, but a few $ a month wouldn't be bad. I know it won't make me reach, but some kind of reward for my work would be nice.

    I already tried with donation, but it doesn't really have an effect... 4 months - no donation. I don't have any huge software - I have 3 programs (utilities), 2 of which I am still updating which have up to one hundred downloads a day (counting only those made from my server - not from third party mirrors). I know it's not much, but it's something.

    Anyway in my situation managed to solve this problem out?


    PS: This is my first post after some period of inactivity on Xisto. It's good to finally be back!

    PS2: Happy new year everybody!

    Making revenues from free & open source software is one of the most frequently asked questions these days. While there have been a few successful examples of companies (like MySQL, Red Hat etc) which are making money, Id surmise that these are still very early days for open source revenue & profit models.
    While open source as an operational paradigm certainly has been having exceptional success against proprietary and closed-software models in the recent past, in my opinion, a lot more thought need to be given and experimentations done before the emergence of viable revenue models for the free & open source models that can successfully compete with the current proprietary software revenue model. Some specifics of the business models are emerging fast, but it will take a few years for the market to test each of these out and hopefully, the fittest will survive.

    I think Open Source is a great idea for users who don't want to spend any money. And the money side has to be the prime motivator for most users (or else they'd simply go with existing systems, and pay for them). Interesting that the way to make money is in sorting out problems (support), rather than selling a application of value (closed source). i doubt that putting ads on your open-source site will do some help :)
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