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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. As the son of the world's biggest bunny, it was always likely that Ralph the rabbit was going to be a big buck.
    But he has well and truly proved a chip off the old block after breaking the record set by his mother Amy - weighing in at more than three stone.

    Ralph, a continental giant rabbit, is just 12 months old but already weighs more than Amy did before her death in 2009.

    Owner Pauline Grant relies on handouts from neighbours to feed Ralph - who weighs more than an average three-year-old child and has already become too heavy for her to lift.

    'He is just so big. You do not fully realise until you pick him up and he has quite the appetite,' she said.

    'It really hits us in the pocket having to feed him but thankfully Ralph is so famous in the area people stop me in supermarkets and offer to fit the bill.'

    'I have no idea how big he is going to get, it could be a ridiculous size but everyone loves him and he laps up the attention.'

    Pauline is waiting on Guinness World Records to confirm Ralph as the biggest rabbit in the world after they changed their rules on measuring animals for size.

    Ralph's dad Roberto is also a previous record holder for the world's biggest rabbit after weighting in at 35lb and measuring 3ft 1inches.

    TV medium Derek Acorah, star of 'Most Haunted', visited Mrs Grant at her home in Sussex, believing the rabbit was 'possessed.'

    'We are pretty sure our house is haunted by something or other, so Ralph went up to London with friends of ours to meet Derek Acorah,' Pauline said.

    'They said it was pretty spooky and he had a good old chat with Ralph about the spirits in our house. He seemed to think Ralph was channelling the spirit of a ghoul.

    'It sounds like a load of old nonsense but Ralph isn't your average rabbit.'

    Read the article here

    I got really surprised when i saw this, as i saw in the news last year about how the mother rabbit died from 'Stage fright', and i thought i should post it over here. Ralph is probably the biggest and most cute bunny i have ever seen! I hope he doesn't die young like his mother. What do you think about this?

  2. I don't pick up on that idea at all, even though it would be nice to have a tittle tag without getting the number of posts required. Like Baniboy had already said, people don't give out wrong information, but if they do, there are least 10 other posts that you can look At and determine what is true yourself or google it:lol: But the mods can make this happen very quickly, it's not likethe mods are working that hard... There are just about 20-30 or less people who can fit in these category. The mods should know all of them, so it will take little time!

  3. Scientists have correctly proven nuclear fusion, in a test performed by aiming hundreds of lasers at atoms. It is important to get everything working absolutely perfectly and then to progress gradually up the energy scale with the laser shots. It is not yet known exactly where the laser energy threshold is for triggering fusion and, at these high energy levels, the lasers can easily be damaged by the firing process. Later this year (2010) a carefully designed set of shots, gradually increasing in laser power) will begin, and there is high confidence that, during this sequence (between 2010 and 2012), a fusion burn will occur … with net energy gain. THAT is the next big step along the path to the “Holy Grail” of clean green energy… although the story won’t be over by any means. Beyond what has been termed “First Ignition” there is the challenge of taking this knowledge forward and building a “test bed” which will be used to develeop all the materials and technologies needed for a laser fusion power plant, capable of delivering electricity on the industrial scale. The international HiPER Project is now in preparation for the moment when NIF achieves first ignition. Already ten nations have started working together to prepare for that next big step, and they have partners across the world. There is no shortage of governments who have already recopgnised the huge potential of harnessing the method that nature herself uses to release energy on the grand scale. The green energy lobby is approaching the point where it really will come of age. Those who really care for our precious planet and who have also taken the trouble to learn how the various energy approaches actually work now understand that, just because fusion energy employs a “nuclear” process, it doesn’t need to be equated to the past horrors of Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. Nuclear fusion will be a very clean process and will also bring a period of the stability associated with all nations having a reliable energy fuel source for the truly long term.As consumption of fossil fuels runs ever faster in the developing world it is up to the scientists (and the politicians who can fund their work) to ensure that we develop another way of making the energy we need in time to prevent us entirely ruining our planet. That perhaps is the biggest challenge of all… Fusion is taking longer to master than the life of any government, and it will take politicians of truly exceptional vision and selflessness to help see the work through. There is a need between now and the achievement of fusion energy for many diferent approaches, including renewables and fission too, (since otherwise the lights will soon start going out). But fusion must be mastered, otherwise we will be visiting the most appalling future on our own grandchildren. For me, that is NOT an option !

  4. This finding weakens the argument of those who say they believe in God. Notice this does not account for the minority of monotheistic beliefs, but rather ALL spiritual beliefs. There is a physical mechanism for spiritual experience in the brain, one which all religions by definition tap into.Saying that the existence of such a mechanism supports the existence of a god or many gods is counter-intuitive. If there is a biological, physical system for inducing spiritual feelings that can be turned on and off, how does it make sense to say it supports the existence of something divine? Isn?t it far more likely that there are survival advantages for a social, foraging species like ourselves to feel connected to the world at large and explain spirituality as a acquired trait? For the majority of human history our survival depended on cooperation between individuals and staying attuned to natural patterns and cycles.I realize an argument based on likelihood will probably be lost on spiritual people, but I have to ask the question. If there is some divine presence in the universe, why would its effects be modulated by a part of our brain? Shouldn?t the influence of an omnipotent being be independent of a half-cup of brain matter? Isn?t it far more plausible to assume that, like everything else in the brain and body, such effects stem from biological action?

  5. Congrats on your site! :D

    congrats on having your domain registered and mine got approved within 3 hours i guess, btw how you got the required my cents from just 50 posts...it impossible unless you give some letter type posts congaing two to 3 books lengthy lol...i got it when i crossed my 200 some posts but you at 50 i cant imagine.

    If you write quality posts , you get more mycent and its probably why he got it in 50 posts. I got my hosting and domain when i reached around 120-150. And it took me 22 hours (i was checking almost every hour), it should take very fast, even in weekends and holidays (i don't know if they have the weekends off or not, its probably a shift, or they like to overwork :) )

  6. yup i do agree that Idol worship is wrong, the Bible clearly instructs us not to do that, The Bible clearly tells us that we shall not make for ourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. This is a commandment given to us.
    Here Canadians worship that Inukshuk, the olympic symbol ? Yeah it is definetly an idol worship. But on the other hand i want to add some thing along with this . In this world having an Inukshuk or any stone and bowing before that alone is not an Idol. Having anything in our heart which takes the place of God then it is an Idol !! Eg. at times for some his girl friend may be his idol because he has given place for her in the place of God. So Idol cannot be categorized to stones alone but also to things as mentioned above.

    But now in America i dont know why it is like that we openly call stars as Idols ? Is it for name, fame and popularity ?? I have come across this term "so and so is an American Idol" which means many worship him ?? because he is a star ?? Yeah America has no more stars, we call them Idols !

    Speak for yourself Nirmal, this isn't a freakin' 'Christian section' its the 'Spirituality section' , so its ALL religions and just christian. But anyway thats the topic i don;t like one bit, the newspaper is just making up something to make us all hate the Canadians or something! Seeing is believing !

  7. It's a pain for me too, but I have it on my blog because I kept getting spam on a daily basis written in foreign languages. It was very annoying, so I turned back on word verification.I didn't realize it took people minutes to type a word ; ) and removed my "anti-captcha" security feature . . . I am now taking 30 seconds to come back and report that after a year-and-a-half of blogging without receiving spam comments, I find myself deleting several that have showed up in the past few days, and it's definitely taking me more than 30 seconds to do so.I will be reactivating my anti-captcha, with apologies to those who hate them, because it turns out that my time is as important as my commenters. I'm glad I turned it off, though, because I always wondered if it worked and now I know that anti-captcha does weed out the junk. They do take a lot of time. I understand the point of them, though.

  8. I don't like those either. I know what you mean. I have a hard time reading some of them, which makes me feel like a kid learning to read or something.I get them wrong all the time.I had no idea my word verification was turned on until someone told me. Hopefully that is the case with other people and that is why we have to type all of those crazy words.I turned mine off and have not gotten any spam. I do have my comments set for my approval, which is so easy, and then you can delete the spam if you get any. My other blog is a Wordpress blog, and it has a built in spam trapper that works like magic.

  9. I really didn't find the point in making the movie, there was alot of hype for the movie, and they played the trailers over and over, but the movie was pretty much lame. They should've not even tried to make one, in my opinion. The story and everything just sucked but the acting was,umm, okay..? It wasn't the film i was expecting, thats probably why i write such a bad review about it. I think i thought it was going to be superb, and built up the level of it, thats probably why. Downey acting good, but i think he did a better job than the iron man movie('s' 2nd one is going to come out) :)

  10. The senators only think of a 'idea' of law, nowadays, they don't need to know the constition (except the basis, of course) they just tell the new laws to their lawyers or secatarys or watever and confirm if they can the law, and the people vote for the law, and then it is pretty much in the 'rule book' now :)

    The pitiful part is that few of the senators even know the constitution. No wonder they to pass laws that aren't supposed to even arise.

  11. You MUST sleep or you are gonna die sooner or later! A normal person has about 6-8 hours of sleep everyday for adults. You can sleep at day and work at night, thats not gonna affect anything but the 'time clock' in your head, many people do this for their night shifts and sleep during the day as we sleep during the night. There are people who don't sleep at all or very few hours, called insomniacs. And why do you wanna work all day and sleep minimum amount of time? Sleeping is fun and healthy. Don't even try to sleep minimum amounts as you might encounter health problems later on in your life. And the bible doesn't say anything about YOU HAVE TO sleep any amount of hours.

  12. That's very good idea! I wish OpaQue or Buffalohelp will write some new codes for that and fix up the forum. It would attract way more people to this site and start posting if we made some gaint chances around here and promoted the site. It could become a site with thousands of members that post every day! This system will could really create some interesting topics around here, and we will be more addicted to this place.

  13. No. Xisto - Web Hosting does not allow any of this. CH does notprovide offshore hosting either.
    Torrent sites re illegal and warez, if you read the Xisto.com Readme file you'd know about this. Any attempts to upload illegal content would result in account termination or a suspension.

    However, you cannot host warez and other 'illegal' content on your webspace, you can give links, as it not illegal to do so, as it is not illegal for you to put movies on your site, IF it is embed and or it is hosting somewhere else but you are just embed in your site. So, you can't host .torrent files in your space (you can if its legal software and shareware) but you can give links to another host which has it. :)

  14. How do we have the same goals as animals? If you mean to survive I guess sort of. But I mean overall are goals differ from animals so so much. I really want to see you explain how are goals are even similar.

    The goals of all living things are the same, when speaking of the whole humankind and all animals. First of all, we all have to survive. Two, reproduce and keep our kind going on and on, so we don't become extinct. That's what all things, plants and animals do. But only on a higher level, i mean, if you goal was to get a cheeseburger, its gotta differ from a monkey (probably, i wanna banana).

  15. I look at you and ask 'What kind of a question is that?'! Of course they should! Thats like discrimination against other kinds of people! I mean, if you get a call from your boss and you get laid off and in debts (which most people now days) you are now pretty much homeless yourself. Homeless people should have cellphones that could call 911 for free anytime, so they can call when they get attacked or even kidnapped (trust me it happens, people pull into a car and next thing in you know, you have hurt where your kidney used to be, i won't say i doesn't happen, it does, even in US but you just don't hear about it.)

  16. wooooh...I think you are mistaken...its actually NOT THE 60th! Not even close. Earth Hour started just three years ago in 2007. But its had to believe in this short period of time, a one hour, one-time action by two million people in Sydney, Australia, has grown into an international movement with nearly one billion participants. Last year there were participants in 87 countries. Some of the major landmarks that shut off their lights for an hour included the Parthenon in Athens, Big Ben and Houses of Parliament in London, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and if I am not mistaken also the Sydney Opera House. According to the Earth Hour site, it was the largest mass action in human history.I think you didn't give the timings so that anyone can join.. Earth Hour 2010 will take place on Sunday, March 27th, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm local time, wherever you are.The best part of this event is to wake up the morning after Earth Hour and look at the newspaper to see the Earth in like a shadow of darkness!

  17. they DO exisit! and since you don't believe, you are sent to loompa land, an island off the coast of africa. they sing and dance for you 24/7. it makes it impopssible for you to sleep. a once cool wish turns in to a nightmare. you try to swim back to regular civilization and well....you don't make it.....sorry....


    I WISH deadmads flashing avatar and the flashing chat box both disapeared forever. that are both annoying!

    Granted, no really, my avatars changed and the chat box is gone. BUT i got a more annoying avatar! :) WAHAHAHA the laughs on you now!



    I WISH, everybody's face got replaced by a smilie face and when someone is angry its a :D and when you are happy its :(.

  18. If you have a website that requires individuals to enter items, such as email addresses, passwords and especially financial information, then you should ensure that you are operating a secure website. By making your website secure, you are protecting your customer's confidential information. A secure website can give your customers the comfort of knowing that purchasing items on your website is safe for them and their banking accounts.

    One of the little things that affect your website alot is a CSR. You can ask your web hosting company(i think yours is xisto, just go make a ticket) to create a CSR (certificate signing request) form. Then they will sent you a copy of it through mail. With the CSR you can make sites with the SSL facility. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) are a special trustable certificate. Many web hosting companies sell SSL certificates. You can also purchase SSL certificates from hosting sites like Xisto(get it as an addon) Register.com and GoDaddy, just to name a few, almost all provide one. To create the SSL you will need the CSR, but i think Xisto does it all for you :)

    Edit: W00T 200 Posts!

  19. For me, Diablo FTW! I was totally addicted to this game , i mean really addicted , all the time addicted. Every kid on my street/neighborhood used to play it and see who was better. I didn't do anything like that to any other game except that. It had probably the best graphics back then and i still play it on my computer, the newer editions of course. I know that there are many other better games, but this one is my FAVORITE.

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