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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Voted for TrueFusion :angel: It looks awesome! Good luck to everyone! @Soviet Rathe :The signature looks rather plain and the text (black) doesn't mix with the background (blue). @Baniboy:Pretty good sig but its only got 1 color and 1 element. BTW i like the text :P@rvalkassLooks awesome but i just truefusion's better...they look kinda the same though @TramposchWould have been my 2nd choice had it been so plain and the black overlaps don't exactly match. Also, how do you do that overlapping thing? You do that for all your sigs but i just cant figure out how.

  2. Yes, Taiwan has suffered a 6.6 magnitude earthquake yesterday, and i think no one was killed though. These earthquakes are happening in these regions because they are in the region known as 'the ring of fire' where in the pacific the tectonic plates are surrounded from different continents. But, there is nothing strange about this though, its been happening for many centuries. So, except more on the way! :angel:

    To add on to the discussion, after the massive earthquake stuck Haiti, Chile is the next country. And the latest to be hit, Taiwan. The earthquake is happening from west to east, the america continent to the asia.

  3. I have enjoyed all the Need For Speed Titles, ever since Undercover came out :o Need for Speed games have never been about racing as a whole, its always about the franchise and that feel... no racing game ever came closer than that. But since people have gotten bored, they changed it to mostly racing and going all out. In this series they have introduced the word tour concept and also the level-up system, by points. The controls are kind of hard but the graphics and scenery make up for it :D The sound effects are the best! It sounds like your are almost running over pavements and stop signs with a Porsche with 5 cop cars at your tail! They have also added a top noch soundtracks with the latest and hit songs. The Live feature is pretty cool but they should improve it as when the green light blinks, everyone starts racign and it turns into a crash race :P But overall its a good game that i enjoy very much and i would recommend it if you have computer that can handle that awesome graphics :angel:

    I'm still glued to Need For Speed: Undercover since I got it last month. I'm not sure if my hardware can take any of the stuff that Need For Speed: Shift can throw at it, as Undercover feels a little sluggish too.

    After playing Undercover, I can tell that the first person view of racing games is overrated. Unless you can see around, you can't really play well and Need For Speed seems to think I need the first person view for the Highway Pursuit and I have to switch camera views to be able to get through the traffic. A screenshot posted for Need For Speed: Shift shows a first person view and although the dashboard and the drivers' hands add some realism to the view, it isn't more playable than the third person camera view.

    Although Need For Speed is a really neat gaming series, I still have a preference for Grand Theft Auto. I got hooked onto Grand Theft Auto III, and then moving up to Grand Theft Auto Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas was the next logical step. However, Grand Theft Auto 4 hasn't seen much adoption although it is the first version to officially support multiplayer game play, including LAN gaming.

  4. @DVDsI don't think they are going to be replaced yet, most people still cant afford a blu-ray player, even i can't, i just use my PS3 to play it :angel: @Home Telephone ServiceSoon, but not on 2010, its just not going to happen. You can have a cell phone but you still need a lan for your internet and other stuff like dial-up@External Hard DrivesExternal Hd are the best for storing data and retrieving them, its cheap and you can store hundreds of Gb at a time, movies and backups, It would take millions of cds to burn. Also, i have a live cd computer called Linux Mint that runs from my external hard drive.@Smartphone Also-RansWhat!@ I use my iPhone and plan to get the new Google Nexus within a few months. I use my phone for everything from torchlight to email! Iwould never give it up! plus, many people are making money of selling apps and music like itunes to it. Apple will never stop productions...@Compact Digital CamerasThis one is ridiculous, there is no way i can take pictures without one of these...I take them for every vacation? why is this on the lest anyway?@Newspaper SubscriptionsYeah, i think this is gonna go out in the US soon, but not anywhere else. I use by iPhone and Pc to read the news (reuters, yahoo, ap) but i think many people still like the idea of a newspaper that you can TOUCH.@CDsElectronic buying of music cds and stuff like Limwire thats illegal and iTunes , even though its legal and you have to pay as much as a CD, they are gonna take up the market soon, if they hadn't already. I have never bought a real cd, i just buy from the net. @New College Textbooks Most people use old textbooks or print them out or copy them, but eventually everyone will have to buy one of these. ;P@Gas-Guzzling CarsOf course, all the oil is gonna be dried up soon...@Energy-Inefficient Homes and AppliancesNot yet, i think never. These things are cheap, and cheap means good, and good means i can buy it and not waste any money :P

  5. Try pressing the 'm' button like Tramp said or press esc and go to the options and look through the controls for some info. If all else fails, you can try to find it through this website : https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/new-players-guide :angel: Also, if i'm stuck in a situation like that, what i do is run around yelling 'help! i can't minimize me butonz!' and someone will eventually show you how, unless your playing by yourself.

    @tramposch - do you by any chance play Maplestory? Cause in there you have to press M for the map :P Just askin....

  6. For your information, im not AGREEING TO THIS , you should know that if you read my posts. I'm just telling my thoughts on it and asking about what you guys think? as you can see... after my thoughts, i typed :

    So, just wanted know what you guys thought about these two disasters coming very,very close to 2012. Are you afraid or you loling? Post your thoughts below!

    first of all, you are quoting from outside sources. are they realiable? also, they have absolutely NOTHING to do with any mayan prophesy. again, i challenge you or anyone else to tell me what the prophesy is and to show evidence of such prophesy!
    if you can't even do that and you started this thread....why feed in to the b.s. and post something you can't even talk about

  7. not another thread of some made up b.s. please save me from the overly imaginative public who will always be controlled by fear in what people put in their tiny heads and don't know any better. prophecy? WHAT 2012 prophesy? oh. the mayan one? which one again? i challenge anyone here to show me proof of such mayan prophecy. can't do it? you sure? why? oh.....because there ISN'T one! haha


    hoax? well if a hoax is purely made up of lies....then yea....the whole thing is a hoax. something made up by people other than the mayans. 2012 is like a little kiddie story where mommy and daddy tell the story about hell and the devil to scare children straight. oh yea, these kids fall for it to. just like all of you who believe something destructive is going to happen in late december of 2012


    an earthquake??? oh my gosh! it just has to be the start to the end in 2012! it just has to be related! haha get a clue people. every time i read about this crap it sounds so pathetic and really feel sorry for those who believe something destructive is going to happen.


    if we are going to have a discussion about the mayans and any so-called prophecy or what they believed in (they were big on astronomy), let sit down and have a realistic and mature conversation. i look at the poll for this thread and again i have to laugh because it's not even worth voting on. it doesn't cater to all the angles to what people are talking about. also, there is no option for "the mayans never prophesized about 2012 you idiots". i mean, come on....


    even the most intelligent people on this planet have been exploring the idea that something will happen. now i ask you. how intelligent can they really be when all that is going to happen is that the mayan calender will end it's cycle and start a new one. there was never a prophesy connected to their calender in 2012.


    so again, i challenge anyone who believes in any prophesy to show me detailed proof that there really is one. post it here or just continue to be a lemming and a follower of people who just want to control your thoughts through fear

    I'm no believer or anything but there are some facts and weird stuff that confirm that something is going to happen soon... I'm not saying that there will a asteroid or its going to be like the movie '2012' but these stuff are just plain weird. :angel:


    The Mayan Calendar starts 3113 B.C. and ends December 21. 2012.

    The Mayans have accurately described various astronomical events.

    The galactic alignment is happening right now. It started in 1980 and ends in 2016. The sun was best aligned with the center of the galaxy in 1998. This alignment occurs every 25,800 years.

    There is a magnetic pole shift going on right now. Scientists believe these pole shifts happen with hundreds of thousands of years in between, each lasting about 100 years. The present pole shift have just started and it's happening faster than expected(It was supposed to start in the 24th century).

    The book of revelation does mention that the end times are near, however it doesn't say an exact date.

    There is a software called "Timewave Zero" which describes various historical events based on a mathematical algorithm. According to this software, 2012 will be the end of time.

    The "Web Bot", originally developed in the late 1990s for making stock market predictions, suggest that there will be worldwide catastrophic events in 2012.

    A gigantic asteroid named 433 Eros will pass earth on January 31, 2012.

    "The Bible Code", a popular book published in 1998 that finds hidden messages in the bible, predicts the end of the world in 2012.

    Some of the interpretations of the prophecies of Nostradamus supports the 2012 doomsday.

  8. 2012 is approaching with startling rapidity. There is little room for doubt.
    On the heels of the Haitian earthquake, this morning, arrived a powerful 8.8 Magnitude earthquake striking Chile, which hugs 6,435 kilometres of the Pacific coastline of South America. Hitting Concepcion, south of Greater Santiago (the major population center --40%), the government has closed the airport and urged its citizens to remain calm.

    The world's 5th largest exporter of wine, Chile too has been affected by the world financial crisis. As of 2009, approximately $21 billion has been lost from its pension plan.

    Chile has faced major earthquakes before though. In 1583, in the same location, an estimated 8.3 Magnitude occurred.

    Now and then, such powerful earthquakes produce tsunamis. Easter Island, the Galapagos and other locations sit only a few hours from Chile. Which means that some places have already been evacuated. If a tsunami hits, theoretically it could be hundreds of feet high. The destruction would be unimaginable.

    Whats going on? Is the world coming to an end? Are we living in the last days?

    If the Mayan prophecy is correct, more earthquakes will occur during the run up to 2012.

    To what do the signs and portents point? According to the Bible, just prior to the Second Advent there will be a series of natural disasters. These tumultuous events advise mankind that the Second Advent is imminent.

    Matthew 21:11 states: There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

    The Seventh Trumpet of Revelation 11 heralds the Second Advent. Verse 13 records that just prior to Gods descent to earth the city of Jerusalem will be destroyed by a tremendous earthquake. And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell; seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.

    Over in Revelation 16:18, another earthquake is prophesied. It too precedes the descent of God to earth. And there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as had never been since men were on the earth, so great was that earthquake.

    And finally, as God leaves heaven to descend to the earth there is one final earthquake. Revelation 11:19 declares Then Gods temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple; and there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, and earthquake, and heavy hail.

    The Mayans and the Bible both say the same thing. As 2012 gets closer and closer, more and more cataclysmic events will take place.

    Its starting.

    As heard about the Chile 8.8 magnitude earthquake just 7 weeks after the Haiti earthquake was, oh crap its gotta be 2012 :angel: I guess most of you guys thought of 2012 and the whole prophecy when you heard the news :P Fear just struck me then, and i believed the whole thing, if only for a second. It took me awhile to come to my senses, and to realize that it was just a normal earthquake, and earthquakes happen everywhere, even L.A. (where i live). But, if a such a prophecy is true, if all you people that talk about Mayans, and bibles prophecy of the end of the world, don't answer one Logical question. What the hell good is it to cause panic and make people fear some "end".

    So, just wanted know what you guys thought about these two disasters coming very,very close to 2012. Are you afraid or you loling? Post your thoughts below!

  9. Just found some new news :

    Privacy officials from across Europe have urged Google to make several changes to the way it operated its Street View service on the continent. They want stronger efforts to avoid breaching confidentiality and a shorter storage period for images.
    Street View is part of the firms mapping service and involves photographs taken from a vertical position from a car rather than aerial shots. Google has now received a letter from the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, which brings together data regulators from all European Union member countries.

    The letter asks that Google appoint a local representative in each country to make sure it complies with local laws. It also says the firm should apply a more rigorous process to make sure identifying information such as faces and license plate numbers are blurred before publication. And it wants to halve the time Google stores the unedited original images to six months.

    Store original images for only six months?

    That means that the Google camera cars will need to be on a constant drive aorund to update imagery. Hence your perceived threat to privacy will be even more than it is now, simply because the imagery will be much more recent and accurate.

    In actual fact, if a Google camera can see a locality, so can anybody else who may be there. I cannot possibly see how this is an invasion of privacy at all.

    For Gods sake Europe, do you actually want this FREE convenience or not?

  10. I have always known some sites that are just like the one you have described..here are the few that actually look good and have nice features!

    1. WowInstaller, this one is actually not a Joomla Template but its kind of like a script that automatically does everything when you enter your guild name and set the configs. It automatically has user names, ranks, levels and other stuff like chat areas. It also has some templates that look AWESOME that you can download and try it out, and use the ones that you like.

    2. ClanTemplates - This website generally contains are the templates for any cms that are in the 'Clan' area , from counter strike to halo, its all there.

    3. Bestofjoomla - It provides are kinds of templates for joomla and its contains some clan/wow ones too.

    4. JoomlaShack - Same as bestof joomla, but not so organized.

    5. WowJoomla - Same as clantemplates but more focused only on wow, as you might have guessed. :angel:

    There are plently of templates out there and it would take long to say them all but if you don't like those above, try searching for more or try coding it yourself (its really, really fun :P)!

    Hello everyone. :o
    I was just interested if anyone knew where to find a Joomla Template ( V1.5 ) That would fit for a Guild Website. It doesn't necessarily even have to be WoW themed I actually preferred it wasn't. But if it is thats okay too. I have found a lot of ones I love from Rocket Theme but I am not willing to pay that much money for a theme. They have really badass ones too. Yea so does anyone know of any FREE ones that look really good. I have found a few websites who say they off free ones but then it always goes to a Paypal or Credit blah. So also if anyone just knows of any good Joomla Template sites that'd be awesome.

    Thanks! :D

  11. Yeah i really hated those movie people (dreamworks, and everyone) when they got together and brought down mininova, i used to go there a lot, but you should try going to thePirateBay or isoHunt, those are probably the 2 best ones for public downloads, and they are pretty good but if you really like speed, then try getting a Demonoid referrals, they are private, and their speeds are best because everyone who downloads seeds it too :angel:

    I hate you guys. I've heard a lot about this movie. Trailer was released in june last year and i was waiting for this movie. And look at the theaters here, not showing this weeks release. instead they're showing shutter island after 1st march. damn man, what's the point in waiting ? i wish mininova was alive for dvdrip. lol. thanks for the review, running_with_scissors. I'll check the movie soon.

  12. You should probably get some free software scripts and download Wamp 2.0 and set it up on your computer. After that, edit and tweak till it doesn't even look like the script anymore, and then you can add your own features in it or hire people to create them (or you can get them online for cost as modules)! This is only if you want a simple site though, if you want a good Facebook type site with more than 100000+ unique vistors, you should probably buy a script called SocialEngine, its highly customizable and supports features like video sharing, friends, facebook like walls and photo album sharing! You can test drive their demo on their site! It might be a little expensive, but not compared to what you can make with the ad money. :angel:

  13. Over the years I?ve traveled quite a bit, both in the United States and to other countries, and I?ve found some great vacation spots. I think my most favorite would have to be Hiroshima, Japan. The city itself is not extraordinary in a structural sense, but rather it is the way in which the city recovered after the atomic bomb disaster. There is remarkable beauty and hardiness to the city and its people. In addition, several scenic locations are just as breathtaking as they were before the disaster.Amongst my other favorites, I enjoyed Salt Lake City, Utah for the salt lake and just the general kindness of people in the town. Toulouse, France is another favorite for its countryside. For a tropical climate, Scottsdale, Arizona has golf, boating, and beautiful water! I hope i can go to more in other vacations

  14. That depends on what features you want. SMF has a lot more features than phpBB, such as attachments, spell check (requires the ASpell library for PHP), sub-boards, a quick reply box, unlimited poll options (256 by default, but can be increased with a few tweaks to the database), news feeds from forum content, SSI.php (30+ functions to make website integration easier), etc.If you want any of those features, then SMF would be your best option. If its about the looks and templates I think it's about the admin and not the forums. A good admin can make phpBB look and function great and do the same with a SMF script too. You don't need to get a fancy script running to have a good forum. You need to get a script you can work on and make it unique. If you have more experience with SMF, then work on it. Don't just install a forum script. MODIFY IT. Even the latest VB script unmodded and with a default theme would be worse than a well modded phpBB. People need to understand that the script is only the framework of your "masterpiece". The true work is in the theme and script modding, not just the installation. I might get on some people's toes here, but I'm sick and tired of default looking forums, whether they are phpBB, SMF or whatever. Spending money on a script or installing a good free one won't make your project good. Making it look different from others and function as your members need it to function is the key

  15. The best part of this movie for me were the visuals. It was that desaturated yet deep color that is reminiscent of World War II movies yet had that blue-tinted 1950s feel. As a writer weaving my own tale in both decades, even one that questions your sanity and deals with post traumatic stress, it did my heart good. From the darkened clouds that fell upon the island to the dungeons of Ward C every piece of set and film is meticulously toned and framed. The movie starts out in this broad general environment of ocean and quickly closes in from the island to the wards to the mind itself. As the tension builds we look more and more inward until we release at the end.

  16. The game is amazingly scalable. It even has a netbook mode (which works awesome BTW) I run it on my gaming PC maxed and respectably on my netbook. It even performs well on a test box at my work. The game itself is totally worth it. Not only for the supporting of a smaller dev but also to see someone make a fun game again. As for naming the cat Rawr, I lol'd. My dog's name is Rawk. :angel: Great right up, I highly recommend this game to everyone that likes old school hack and slash. Think of it as Diablo 2.5.

  17. LOL, who would ever wanna eat some Rabbit BBQ! :angel: Makes me sick just thinking about it, even I who eats all kinds of meat from chicken to squid. And to top that off, you have a sheepdog as your username and avatar! :P


    But, I do agree, rabbits can be aggressive sometimes, but who would ever want to hurt this one?

    Posted Image


    Well, you may not like my answer, but.....I think that would really make one fine Bar B Q!!! :D


    Seriously, I still have some deep scratches not healed on the back of my hand I got from my rabbits last week while moving one to get her bred. Some folks think rabbits are cute, and make good pets, but to me they are a food animal. And a quite tasty one at that.

  18. If you went to the website that you have linked, you can see that 9 people have shared their experiences and that 7 had good ones and the other two (if you see down) they are the users named 'hpHosts' and 'Arcade?' which i am guessing are people who want to ruin the Xisto - Web Hosting by saying stuff about the host so that people wont buy a plan from them and they can get the majority of money for themselves.


    I also found out that the WOT isn't always trustworthy as the analysis on google.com says that 58 people experienced adware and spyware on it! I mean, i never got any malicious content from google, and all the products are good , well except for adSense which ripped me for $30 bucks :angel:

  19. I just got a HUGE hint for site... I could make my site with a small hosting plan (logic pro) and then gain enough money from ads and other stuff so that i could get money from there and some from mycents! Of course, that is if you take money from myCents and PayPal at the same time. I was wondering if you can pay like that, thats probably the only way i can get that plan...or post for a year and by the time i get my plan, its gonna be 2012 and we are all gonna die.. and everything is gonna be crazy and the internet will be waste after that. :P

    This hosting is best for my members who are interested in giving a lot of data, graphics, music and videos for download. Who wants to create unlimited email accounts and distribute it to his users or clients.. etc. Not allowing Addon-domain and Shell access feature prevents abuse.
    Allowing this package for monthly term is again asking for abuse. I have members who buy a package to upload massive data and choke the servers. After their job is done, they leave. :-)

    We have this new package which is even more reliable and we even backup your data on daily basis. Due to the risks, I prefer it to be mainly available for good contributing members and precious clients with credit card. :angel:

  20. This is pretty lame... The Unlimited Plan for $7 a month was probably the best plan on the site and now its been replaced with the same features for double the amount and there is NO way people would sign up for myCents to get that plan.. you have to be more reasonable. I was seriously considering planning that plan with myCents and now i cant :) But i am curious, what happens to the people who already have this plan? Do it still continue or is this the last month/year?

    Why? Why everyone is overselling these days? What is the point of this when you don't allow stuff like streaming, IRC and other bandwidth-raping features? This is pointless! Why not add-on domains and no shell access (although I've never used, but might be useful). This is useless. There truly is a catch, and this particular catch is incredibly stupid.

    I wouldn't say that, for example my earning ratio is $0.17/post and if raised to 20 cents a post I would have to post 500 posts a year to keep that plan up. I'm a little lazy on posting but if I had the motivation and time, it would be easily achievable.

  21. It's hard to know what to say about this. It utterly dumbfounds me.I mean the school had to decide this was something they should do, indicating more than one person made this decision. At the very least, one person made this decision then a lot of other people knew about it and didn't cry out in outrage. Somehow it was kept a secret, until this Vice Principal character decided a students behaviour warranted disciplinary action. Outing the whole program. I mean, how screwed are the heads of the people that decided this was a good idea? How utterly stupid is this vice principal thinking it wouldn't bring a lawsuit and about the worst negative publicity you could imagine on the school. How pathetically weak were the people who knew about this, disagreed and still kept their mouths shut? Everything about this is just wrong, wrong, wrong.Also in Digital Nation, the documentary project that Douglas Ruskoff was a big part of, explored a similar issue. They showed a school (middle or high school) that really embraced laptops and new media as part of the learning process. It was the job of a staff member to spend a couple hours each day monitoring what the students were doing - working, surfing, etc. The staff member who was monitoring showed how he could remotely snap a photo when a student was using Photobooth during class, and how this usually caused them to get back to work.But that was at school with laptops presumably provided by the school, so while it still feels a bit odd to me, I think there's a good argument for the practice in that environment.But to extend that to the students' homes? That's terrible. And really creepy.I hope it wasn't the same school that they showed in Digital Nation, because I kinda liked their style.

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