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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Another interesting topic on the same string of prisons is the ultimate debate: Should there be death penalty or not?


    This week, eleven Vietnamese were sentenced to death by firing squad for drug trafficking. In Japan, Yasuo Hayashi, received the same punishment for his part in the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway. In 1999 at least 1,813 prisoners were executed in 31 countries and 3,857 people were sentenced to death in 64 countries. The true figures may be higher still. Nearly 85% of the known executions took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the USA.

    But a major study of capital punishment recently suggested that more than two-thirds of convictions in the US are so flawed that they are overturned on appeal.

    In the UK the criminals get a much better deal than their victims do. A group of thugs who decide to kick somebody half to death can consider themselves "really unlucky" to get caught, "very surprised" that it gets to trial and "dumbfounded" if they are actually convicted. Perhaps we should give the criminals taxpayers money to try and persuade them not to commit crimes and give them luxury cars and houses to make them happier. All my life I have thought that certain crimes should carry the death sentence. However in the UK we have policemen that have knowingly withheld evidence, which had it been divulged to the Court would clearly cause the release of the alleged offender. In failing to give such evidence to the Courts, many innocent men have been convicted. Clearly it would be outrageous for the death penalty to be enforced in this country.


    What do you think of the punishment system in your country? Is the death penalty an inhumane and cruel punishment or do you think it is a necessary crime deterrent? Are the risks of executing the innocent too great or do you have confidence in the capital punishment system?

  2. Hmm... OK, that's great. I'm still trying to figure out a way to earn some money off my blog without spamming it full with ads and make the whole thing look spammy. It looks OK to me now, but I don't think it will soon. And other than making money via making a website, are there any other making money techniques that I can use? Like Internet Marketing or something else like that?

    There are many different ways to make money on the internet, the most obvious being, of course, selling products. If you would like to make money on the internet by being a seller, you have a few choices. You can set up your own business and sell directly from your own website, you can sign up for an affiliate program and sell on behalf of other businesses, and you can sell on eBay.

    If you have your own products or services, and you want to sell and run your own small business, then the first option would probably be your best bet. Youll need to select a catchy, easy-to-remember domain name for your website. Keep it short, simple, and to the point, but at the same time, make it interesting. The more simple yet interesting you make your URL, the more money you can make on the internet.The another way you can make money on the internet is by selling on eBay. In case you havent noticed, almost everything is sold on eBay these days. You can either establish a good relationship with a wholesale and dropshipping service, or you can stock up on flea market and garage sale items. Some are even making tons of money on the internet by buying foreclosed homes at cheap prices and then reselling them for twice as much on eBay.

    No matter how you choose to make your money on the internet, just remember to stay focused and calm, no matter what. Dont become frustrated if you start out slow; remember: even the top entrepreneurs go through slow periods at times. Youll succeed eventually, just as long as you stick with it!

  3. Prof Latif, who leads a research team at the renowned Leibniz Institute at Germany's Kiel University, has developed new methods for measuring ocean temperatures 3,000ft beneath the surface, where the cooling and warming cycles start.
    He and his colleagues predicted the new cooling trend in a paper published in 2008 and warned of it again at an IPCC conference in Geneva last September.

    Last night he told The Mail on Sunday: 'A significant share of the warming we saw from 1980 to 2000 and at earlier periods in the 20th Century was due to these cycles - perhaps as much as 50 per cent.

    'They have now gone into reverse, so winters like this one will become much more likely. Summers will also probably be cooler, and all this may well last two decades or longer.

    'The extreme retreats that we have seen in glaciers and sea ice will come to a halt. For the time being, global warming has paused, and there may well be some cooling.'

    I have a copy of a Newsweek article warning about ominous climate changes which could result in species extinction, starvation, food riots, etc. The article tells of NOAA scientists concerned that elected officials wont take any positive action to compensate for this change in Earths climate. The last sentence in the article warns, The longer the planners delay, the more difficult will they find it to cope with climatic change once the grim results become reality. This article was published April 28, 1975 and was warning about global cooling and an impending ice age.
    For a good giggle on this topic, read Fallen Angels by Niven, Pournelle, and Flynn. Although this was written a while back, the topic is interestingly relevant: the greens take power in the US, cut down air pollution and CO2 emissions and surprise, AGW turned out to be the only thing holding us back from the next ice age.

  4. Magic deals with illusions and witchcraft is a personified culture (cult). "Magnetism" -- it is a "natural" occurrence once comprehended and practiced.I believe in magic. I've actually seen it happen or felt it and it was very real. We have become modernized, and what we practiced for centuries has been deemed demonic for the purpose of perpetuating mainstream religion and science as opposed to everything coinciding with each other. Evil exists and when you invite it in your life then yes you play with fire. Satan is very much alive and when you mess with him he will mess with you right back but he plays for keeps. I also believe in magic as a force beyond human comprehension, something that can't be explain, that surround us and that sometimes is positive but sometimes it can be negative. I don't know what kind of magic you are talking about.


    P.S. I also believe in Harry Potter lol.


    Posted Image

  5. "We launched Google.cn in January 2006 in the belief that the benefits of increased access to information for people in China and a more open Internet outweighed our discomfort in agreeing to censor some results,"


    Anyone with an IQ over 50 can see the problem with "increased access to information" and "agreeing to censor some results" being used in the same sentence. Google's just another doublespeaking pr-spinning publically traded company that's ultimately going to do whatever is best for its shareholders now.

    I find this story to be pretty Ironic considering Google has been activley censoring searches for Americans on one of the most serious issues to come to light in recent days, "Climategate".


    It seems that Google has been systematically going through the search results and are providing less and less options.




    I love the comparison of these two pages.






    The first link shows the official "Best Answer" which 11 of 79 people found helpfull, but when you expand all of the comments you see the real story. Notice how all of the other posts were more helpfull, approximately 19 of 20 people.


    "Posted by ComplexNumbers at 1/12/2010 4:26 p.m.


    Google should be commended for standing up for freedom and liberty (the two commodities in such short supply these days) and not bowing to the "profit" motive that has so damaged the cause of human rights in the last twenty years since Ronald Reagan made it a religion."


    In response to this quote I liked the one persons comment about Googles 10 corporate philosophies:


    6. You can make money without doing evil.


    Our users trust our objectivity and no short-term gain could ever justify breaching that trust.


    Let's not forget that both of the founders of Google have invested HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of Dollars on "Green Technology Companies". Let's also remember that Al Gore used to be a special consultant to Google, and owns a large portion of their stock. Censoring information about scientific fraud, to push an agenda that will make you even more insanely rich, but has resulted in millions of people dieing of hunger is evil.


    They do not care that they caused hunger and kill people by causing millions of acres of farm land to be removed from food production to grow bio fuels because hey, who cares if the information/theory is correct, they are environmentalists and they believe all people are evil.


    Needless to say, after reading about Google's actions on this mater I will never willingly use their search engine again.

  6. It would be a pity if you bought such a thing and someone would steal it for you ant would melt it to get gold :) I wouldn't buy such a golden PS3, plastic is enough for me.

    Lol...I could just picture a thief in mind who is in your house to get some few hundred bucks but ends up finding your 24-karat ps3.

  7. A lot of people figure the more traffic they get, the better chance of getting sales or readers. It's just my opinion, but I would say it's because they don't really know what they want. Raw traffic is about a worthless as fools gold and does nothing in most cases beyond wasting bandwidth. It's readers and associates I want in as little traffic as I can get. it all depends on what they are advertising. Some site will pay you for each visitor but I think it is mostly being able to get a lot of people to see your site and hope they like it and will click on it and then find something and make a purchase.

  8. Hi Welcome back, K_s_baskar to Xisto. You might know it already , but heres the basics. You can earn mycent for posting quality posts that in the forum. To earn mycents you need to register at Xisto - Support.com/billing/ with the same email address that you used to sign up at forums. After a 5 hours your accounts will be linked and your mycents earned will appear under your avatar. The cheapest hosting package works out to about 2 dollars a month. 100 mycents = 1 dollar which is transferred into your Xisto Account. I see that you're a Bleach Fan , so am i! tongue.gif

  9. My best cube time is 1:14, although that was a couple of years ago. I'm not as fast now.

    I signed up for Xisto a few days ago with the same email address, but i don't seem to be earning mycents :/
    Is there anything else I need to do?

    I'm a big fan of bleach, although recently I haven't had a very fast internet connection, so I haven't been able to keep up :)
    I would like to start reading the manga, since its a bit less bandwidth intensive. But there's just so much I don't know where to start! What do you prefer? The anime or the manga?

    I would prefer that you should read the manga. You don't a fast connection, so you should go to a online viewing site like onemanga, mangafox, or mangavolume, just to name a few(google for more) and read Bleach (they have thousands of titles, you can choose somethings else like Naruto or One Piece) this way, you dont have to download and it works fast with my connection.

    The other method is that you go to a site like mangashare or bleachfans (again, google for more) and choose Bleach and download the ones that you want, it might take a while (they're like 5 mb per chapter) and unzip them and then read 'em without the use of internet, so you don't have to wait for it to load.

    If you see the anime, they're lots of fillers and they're very, very boring, but if you like the 'main' story most of the time , then read the manga.

  10. Hi uberadm. Welcome to the forums of Xisto. You can earn mycent for posting quality posts that in the forum. To earn mycents you need to register at Xisto - Support.com/billing/ with the same email address that you used to sign up at forums. After a 5 hours your accounts will be linked and your mycents earned will appear under your avatar. The cheapest hosting package works out to about 2 dollars a month. 100 mycents = 1 dollar which is transferred into your Xisto Account. I see that you're a Bleach Fan , so am i! :)

  11. From that link i have found that, ESET's NOD32 is rated as 4% score. Man, it is in not-recommended zone. Never faced any issues with it but i don't know how this test is taken. I can't afford separate firewall on my computer so i guess have to go with that non-recommended ESET.

    I have also found no problems with NOD32, thats just weird that it got 4% , its probably bias. I was sure that the Avast will come first, but its not even on the list. I even put CRTL+F and still couldn't find it. Its probably the best antivirus ever!

  12. Google AdSense is the Google program where you can host pay-per-click ads on your Website. When someone clicks an ad, you earn money. Simple as that.

    To make money with Google AdSense you need alot of of traffic coming in to your site or there won't be anyone to click the ads.

    If you offer products or services on your Website, the first thing you'll notice when you begin hosting PPC ads is that many of the ads are coming from your competitors. Therefore, you'll want to put ads on pages that aren't earning you any money, or do like I did and not put ads on your site until you're so busy anyway you'd rather make a few dollars off of your competitors than to continue turning business away with nothing to show for it.

    It's also important to have good ads that relate to the content on your site and that people will probably click. (or there will be no point, will it?) You can also make money from Google Adsense (content,search) or Google Referrals.

    Yahoo and MSN have similar programs, although those programs aren't as well-developed as Google AdSense and there aren't as many available advertisers to display ads on your site. The fundamentals for making money are the same: You still need plenty of traffic, you still need high-paying ads, and you still need to design your site to harmonize with the ads to get people to click.

    There are plenty of sites to choose from , so if google denies you , try yahoo or clickstor.

    Tips & Warnings
    Be patient and focus on building content and traffic and the advertisers will come
    This is not a ban on Google. If you have a Google Adsense account then use it to make money also.
    Avoid clicking type clubs that promote clicking on ads to make more money. This is fraud and how I lost my Google Adsense account. I was led to believe that it was legit. Don't make the same mistake.

  13. Everyone is making such a hype about the Google G1 and now the Google Nexus! For god's sake, the freaking Google Androids suck, no offense. Apple's iPhone or the Palm Pre will win hands down.


    This is turning into a deja-vu feeling that I am not particularly fond of. Ever since Apple launched the first iPhone I was waiting to see the response of the competition. No cell phone maker was able to deal with Apple?s blow and come up with a decent, fun to be around, iPhone competitor.


    Apple, who didn?t make any phones until the iPhone, managed to climb atop of the smartphone business with one simple yet very complicated gadget. We?ve seen the BlackBerry Storm announced as the true iPhone competitor. Then came the Palm Pre which everyone was waiting for in the first half of the year. Then came the Motorola Droid, which is, in my opinion, the only gadget that can truly stand a chance in front of the iPhone. And then most people anticipated, including yours truly, that the Google Nexus One was finally going to be the phone that could affect the iPhone dominance.


    Don?t get me wrong, the iPhone had and still has its flaws, only it still manages to make a better impression than everyone else?s phone!


    In other words, I was wrong again! You will notice how I left handsets like the HTC HD2, the Nokia N97, the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 or the Samsung Omnia and Omnia II out of this comparison. They are all great devices but they are simply not running a competitive enough OS.


    The Nexus One still has 3G problems and support forums are filled with complaints about it. Furtermore it lacks multitouch in the U.S. and the Android Market simply can?t be compared to the App Store. Will Google fix everything? I would imagine so, but the Nexus One failed to make a good first impression as two major requirements in the modern smartphone business: 3G support and multitouch, have not been flawlessly delivered.


    Maybe Google hurried to launch the phone at the beginning of the year. Maybe a later launch would have given us a better device. While Android is still a major threat for Apple, Cupertino can rest assured for now that it will still dominate the smartphone business with its iPhone. And in less than three weeks, iPhone OS 4.0 could be unveiled and Google will have even more things to deal with.


    The moral of the story is not to buy the Nexus One yet unless you want to chat a lot with customer care reps. Better sit on that cash and wait for everything to be fixed. In the mean time other phones will come out as MWC is right around the corner.


    Read: Apple iPhone vs Google Nexus One: iPhone Wins First Round [Or Why Shouldn?t You Buy a Nexus One Android Smartphone Now] ? TFTS ? Technology, Gadgets & Curiosities

  14. A proxy is use for many reasons, the first reason is when you want to surf anonymously and don't be track by someone who can have your IP.The second reason is when you want to bypass some filter. In example if you want to unblock facebook you can get a web proxy. Sometimes , like in your case, the particular proxy gets banned from a server and thus preventing you from using the proxy in their server. But you can use a Firefox proxy to get through that point. It is very simple here are the steps:-

    1. Step 1

    Start the Mozilla Firefox 2.0 browser by double-clicking on the Firefox icon that was created when Firefox was installed.
    Step 2

    Choose on the "Tools" menu, and click on "Options."
    Step 3

    Click the "Advanced" tab at the top of the "Options" dialog box to display the advanced settings for your Firefox browser.
    Step 4

    Select the gray "Network" tab near the top of the "Options" dialog box.
    Step 5

    Click the "Settings" button under the "Connection" category in the "Options" dialog box to bring up the "Connection Settings" dialog box.
    Step 6

    Select the "Manual proxy configuration" radio button. The text boxes below the selection will now be enabled so you can enter the proxy settings for your Firefox browser.
    Step 7

    Type in the proxy server address and configuration port in the appropriate text boxes for your Internet settings. If you don't know your server address or configuration port, contact your system administrator. Click the "OK" button on both dialog boxes to enter the proxy settings.

    Source: eHow

    If you have a reliable proxy , then you should be able to get though the server. Here are some proxy lists that might work for you. Just keep trying the lists until you get a working one. You might want to pick a US or S. Korea one as those work best. And please no china as it lags too much and most sites are banned even though you have proxy. So you can stop complaining that the proxy sites don't work :) Just use plain old Firefox and some brains.

  15. Never has ANY American President bowed to any foreign ruler. Only before God in Prayer. Now comes Obama who bows before all foreign powers and takes a stick to his own citizens and taxpayers. Can't understand it.

    so what? George Bush held hands with and kissed the Saudi king when he was president. it's really not that unusual for people in public office to observe the cultures of other people these days. as for me, it's always been my policy to respect the cultures of countries i visit.

  16. Funny pictures, but why this is HOT News? I some some more rubbish in apartments, this is also filthy, but I saw worse. Even though funny pictures :D
    The third pictures from top looks like a basement to drink and smoke rather than an apartment/living quarters :(

    Its a 'hot' news as it tells us to keep our environment clean to avoid diseases and other infections. Its 'hot' news as no one probably knows about this. Man, i thought my room was dirty , but after comparing it to this, i think its sparkling clean! If anyone asks or tells you to clean your room (like your mom) tell them to back off and that there people in China with dirt worse rooms. :)

  17. Are you kidding me? There is no way that anyone on their right mind will get that. First of all , is a economic meltdown and everyone is broke and hardly are surviving with the little money that they have. Second of all, you might want it but after you get it you don't feel are satisfied. Third of all, is there a warranty if it breaks? You just rather buy a PS3 or PS2 or even a XBOX360 way cheaper

  18. Friday the 13th refers to the betrayal of the pope against the templar knights. Early in the morning on Friday the 13th, the templar knights were slain. Only a few, if any, got away, and it is said that the organization known as the Free Masons was born from the last few surviving Templar Knights

    its all in the mind. i got up and went to school, totally oblivious to the date (because i don't really need to know). when i jumped on my PC went i got back home and realised, it was like "oh its the 13th"....long story short, nothing happened and it isn't real.
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