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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. I would suggest that you would start with a CMS of a Social Networking Script like SocialEnginer, etc. and play around with that and start learning PHP really fast, that is the only way. Four months? Thats a lot of time, you can do it in a week if you ask me, it doesn't take much. But, considering you don't know php or any other language, you should pick another project if you can. I will wait for some feedback to help you and give more information and the guidelines.

  2. Hello Nick! I welcome you to Xisto (Xisto). The ultimate goal of Trap is, as Web_Designer said to share knowledge and in the way you can have free hosting provided by Xisto Corp. by myCENTS. So, each time you post in any topic you will a gain few myCents and after you collect enough, apply for hosting. You don't need to post that much, the amount of posts you have don't even matter at all, it all matters about the quality of the posts that you make. You might get .30 mycents for one post and .10 for another, but somehow you will get to about $10 within the first week -- at least. But, don't even think about the myCENTS involved, just browse the forums and add some posts here and there and have some fun. Remember to follow the rules and never spam :)


    Before you start you might want to read these topics and help files --

    Your Settings

    Contacting the staff

    Topics and Forums


    And also the Xisto ReadMe Files which is here Xisto README! Hope you have fun in Xisto! Posted Image

  3. From your avatar, I'm going to guess you are a Linux user. Which distro are you using?

    Just because you have a penguin in your avatar doesn't mean that you are a Linux user! If you have orange in your avatar does that make you a Apple hater?

    Anyways, welcome to Xisto :)

  4. This is just a scamish / hoax news that has been spreading through the web recently :) There are no plans or anything to remove the letter Z from the alphabet and no company or group itself has the power and authority to do such a thing. There is no such organization as the "English Language Central Commissim' , its totally made up. Funny to see what happens to people with the letter Z in their name? Does Zack become Xack or Sack? :P

  5. You spelled Xisto wrong :D There is no L. But it looks good anyway!


    My one complaint is the theme, I really don't like it, it seems cheap, tacky, non-professional. If you decide to keep it, I can promise that it shall take me a longgg time to get used to it.


    Oh.. just noticed this when I posted.... Everybody's post count is messed up.. When I go to my profile it says I have 1,000 posts, in SM's profile, it says he got over 8,000 posts, and he only has 7,000. What's up with that?


    Yeah, I agree with on the forum theme, its just not professional as it should be for Xisto but at least it is more professional than the one we had before. But I already got used to this :) My post counts and everyone else is more in the profile page than in the forum posts because we have posted more in the GFXTrap and Entertainment Sections where post count doesn't count, but the profile page counts them anyway, so we might want to have them the same.


    Auto merge may not be on. It was working but I think it's turned off because OpaQue is still working on the forum upgrade. He may even not turn on the feature at all.


    But basically, if your post is the last and you post again (without editing) it will merge to your previous post automatically. But since it's turned off, you can't see it in action.


    Auto Merge was on early yesterday and I tested it out and then it worked fine for me and then I think OpaQue turned it off and then i tried again and I miserably failed :P

  6. First of all, me being a professional IP.Board modder and user, I wouldn't use a different logo style for the IP.Board skin. Here is what I managed to come up with for THIS skin temporarilly. (

    Now, I have a hunch anwii will probably try edit or delete this...



    Posted Image

    That banner there is just a test to see if anyone likes it, however others may even do a better contribution then me.


    Good luck with re-integrating things though BH and OpaQue.


    Not really sure what you posted, you say it is a 'skin'/theme, but you actually just gave us a logo? :) Great Logo though! Although it looks awfully alot like the one on the main site, why can't we just use that one lol? Why did you even make one that looks exactly like that one expect for the font? I bet OpaQue had a .PSD somewhere and could have edited the size to fit the logo size.


    I also don't see how this is going to suit our current theme, maybe we will use it if we switch to a orange-like theme again, which I pray we dont :D Blue is just too cool!

  7. another problem is members cpanal, it totally messed. i read some where that deadmad mentioned that but unfortunately i read that after too late. i deleted my signature and couldn't put another one, nothing works there :Phope it will be fixed soon.

    It takes a while to get used to it but i fished around the User Control Panel today and I almost could anything like before, just go to Right Top Corner>My Settings> Then under 'Your options' in H2 HTML Tag Big Heading> Look for 'Profile' and click on it>Again under 'Other Options' click Change Signature> Now scroll down until you see the box and edit your signature there. I have noticed that you can't use any WYSIWYG options from the list above.

    P.S. - I messed up my signature too! Thats why it says '123' right now, i'm going to wait until the forum fixes and then change it because it is not urgent for me :)

  8. First of all, I would like to start with a correction, in the end of the post it is not '75 million iPads' its '75 billion iPads'. :P (Remember, Apple already sold 1 Million iPads). Ahhhh! I'm having some really bad deja vu, because I saw the same episode on TV about a week ago and now you mention it. :) I remember when I used to be a kid my father had the best computer in the neighborhood and it had almost the same specs as the one you described. It's not like Chandler really thought that in a few decades, people will be making zettabytes of data. That's how we are now, what we think of Zettabyte will eventually be xetabyte or something and people in 10 years will be laughing at us for using pettabytes and zettabytes (i bet one of them will quote this article and quote The Simpleton). Though this information is considerably old and probably anyone with computer knowledge already knows this by now, it is kind of interesting to see how many we have evolved in terms of computer technology in just a few decades. The amount of data and information produced right now is about 0.8 ZT (Zettabyte) and it is expected to grow to 1 Zettabyte by the end of this year, thats enough to stack a bunch of DVDs from the earth to the moon and come back :D The rate of data produced is probably at the most highest right than ever because of social networking like facebook, myspace, orkut,etc. and Instant Messaging services like AOL and YIM. This is just going to get bigger and bigger.Maybe someone in 5 years will post in this thread and say 'Its 1000 Zettabytes' and counting...

  9. Nice upgrade. I hope we'll get new shoutbox now. and this time it'll not get that timezone issue. One more thing is that it took me some time to find out fast reply thought it's clearly visible i'm used to that old button lol. Nice upgrade opaque. Let there be new killer theme :P


    Ohhh... so that was the problem with the old shoutbox, i always thought it was naturally messed up by default :) We will be doomed if the ShoutBox got installed! I don't know what you mean by ' Let there be new killer theme' this is already a killer theme. Though we can always get another which is more Xisto like. I hope it is blue like this one or red at least.


    I noticed another problem with the forum, the 'Pinned' topics take up too much space in the 'Alerts and Notices', and it makes it hard to scroll to the bottom to see the new posts, we should get rid of the old ones by unpinning them and making space and only keeping the new ones, we don't want to confuse the newcomers with it looking messed up and unorganized.

  10. Now that the theme (and forum version) has changed and become bright, I think more and more members will be inspired to become more active around here :) Let's hope that is what happens soon


    Well, i am tell you one thing, im more inspired to spam more here now :P I have been spamming the forum with my excellent posts :D Sure, more people will get get into this site and we might happen to get more visitors and that more people in the community. More people will actually stay and post for years to come rather than spamming the forum for a day and packing up and saying its too boring! Well, I felt it was boring at first, then I started to like the community around here.


    well simpleton, the same idea passed in my mind and that's what i am hoping. i will cross my fingers and wait.


    but what i am sure of that i will be more active, i love this new look even there's a lot of errors now but i know it will be fixed soon.


    Why are you guys posting this in this topic anyway? Didn't BuffaloHelp tell everyone to post about the new Xisto/Knowledge in the announce thread? Well anyway, I do hope they fix the problems in the User Control Panel within the next week or so... I really need to edit my signature and avatar.


    we need shoutbox back so that we can spend some time chatting... and we need more threads as well. i'm tired of same old threads. maybe i've to come up with some thread will see about that. As other members are into advertising and promoting this forum i'm sure there will be some more members here soon.


    I want the shoutbox back too! I think it should be the first thing to fix up in the new forum. Now, i realize that even though the shoutbox sucked, i really liked it :P . I totally understand what you are talking about by old threads, i just hate old threads from '04 and way back.... I hope someone starts something interesting. :D

  11. the most thing i like in this new theme is my profile structure, it is neat and organized. also that light blue every where looks great. it adds a spirit to the forum :)
    i can't wait to see the shoutbox and the rest features how they will look like!!

    This is just he default theme, they might change it again, which is still a probability. Though, it is bright in here (after all the years of orange or autumn). I wonder what other features will come in the next few weeks... I guess we should wait and find out :P

  12. I would like to report a small bug - when I try to "Watch a topic" I'm redirected to the User CP, and that page is all plain, with no theme or colours. I think there's a small error in the code for that page?I tried to access the User CP normally and it was fine. So only when I click on "Watch this topic' I'm getting that plain page.


    I don't seem to get this page. I have successfully followed 3 threads so far, 2 by email and 1 by subscription. When I click 'Watch this Topic', it brings me to a page with no styling, only html and it has options with ratio buttons. It should be something with your browser, try clicking 'Clear My Cookies' at the button and log back in or try in another browser :)


    UPDATE: WE have broken the online users record more than a 500 1000 times today!! :P 2,116 users and counting...

  13. The "Interests" information under someones name sure takes up a lot of space on the screen in some cases. Anwiii's interests take up my entire screen's height, leaving his post box a big empty space. Not sure if anyone mentioned that already, but it's really distracting. I'm not sure the interest information is necessary to have there anyway. My opinion is it just clutters the left side. If it has to be there, maybe it'd be a good idea to condense it into a link that pops up a little tool tip or something. If it was me, I'd just get rid of it.


    I guess I just like a real minimalist look. Other than that (and the misaligned MyCent icon) everything looks okay to me.


    Yup, you are right. It should be clean and simple instead of being cluttered like it is now. I really liked the layout before, maybe we can get that kind of effect in this version too, not the same theme but just being simple and quick to the point.


    I don't get it though, we is the forum acting so slow? I don't get what you guys are talking about, plugins,etc. Can anyone explain please?:) Also, it seems like this forum is now slower in chrome and faster in firefox? Anyone know why? Is it because Chrome reads the styles different?



    I don't see the increased height of the Interests area under anwiii's profile block. It's either been fixed now or it's because I'm using Mozilla Firefox. If you still see it, do holler back (reply to this thread) and I'll check if it's a browser issue.


    It seems like Anwiii took my and web_designer's idea and shortened his 'My Interests'. Its not a browser issue.


    hay don't embarrass me anymore, it was minutes of losing my memory after the shock i got :P but now i remember. i wrote it right away after the changes happened. GOD it's so embarrassing.


    LOL. Don't be embarrassed ! It's not like anyone is making fun of you or anything (other than me ofcourse :D)!

  14. i found another bug, anwiii's avatar in his profile is expanding out of the sidebar edges. and no html tags in his profile but i have in mine, so i edited my profile and get rid of <br> in my profile and under avatar.


    My Profile Picture is like that too. Although my profile didn't have any <br> tags in it, i wonder how yours get it. To fix the profile picture, you have to delete it and upload again, so then it can align itself.

    All the old quotes are looking weird (they aren't like quotes at all) but the new quotes seem to work just fine. Another problem is that when I tried to Rep+ BuffaloHelp in this thread, it says ' you have reached the maximum amount of rep positive for this day', even though i never rep+ anyone before. I think that will be fixed tomorrow anyway, probably a glitch in time.


    I was also wondering what shoutbox we will be having, not the old one please :) or will we have a shoutroom instead of a shoutbox.


    I have also just noticed the twitter function and its awesome!


    Woah! The users online has skyrocketed after the upgrade! Thats totally cool!

    Online At Once Record1,574

    Today, 06:24 AMI expect it to go up a way lot more!

  15. well it finally happened huh? well i just woke up and this is too much for me to handle. i'll have to get used to this. it's hard for me to navigate right now. it would have been nice if there was some warning but i'm glad buffalohelp has been updating us. i see there is still a lot of work to do. i really hate change :)

    I know, it was like that for me too! Good think BuffaloHelp made a Announcement or i would have thought this was a glitch or something. It is pretty hard to navigate right now, it is probably because we have some many Forum Sections and categories. I think the next thing we should do is clean up the forum sections and edit the categories. And maybe put GFXTrap where people can exactly see it. Also, another plus will be that the SOTW Winner's Signature should be displayed on the front page somewhere.

    Anwiii, you might want to edit your 'My Interests' so it doesn't take the whole page.

  16. Sweet, I think Imma make a t-shirt too Posted Image that will be fun, imma go to a concert soon I'll wear it, and have someone take a pic of me in the crowd >.<


    Awesome! You really are taking this to the next level Kira. I wonder if they will let you get on the stage and sing a song about trap! :) I wish we had more people like this in the forum! But i don't think we should advertise anymore, the amount of users will skyrocket due to the new theme and major upgrade. Don't even worry about it, we should have more active users and more new members.

  17. I already talked about the major issues and thanks in the announcement section, so i guess i will talk about the theme here! First of all, will we get another modified theme or just stuck with this one? The myCents and 'earned' appear to the left (you might want to <center> that). Right now, it looks awesome but after a few months, it will get plain, so i don't think we should stick with this theme. Overall I really like this theme though.


    EDIT: I have also noticed that this theme/version is considerable slower than the last one , maybe that will go away after the finalizing of this upgrade.


    The quotes are messed up and they don't work right now.


    Double Edit: The 'watch this topic' doesn't have any styling in it and looks like plain html.

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