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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. 'What is Consciousness?' one of the key questions of science and philosophy and I'm sure in time neuroscience will provide us with an answer. Almost certainly one that will prove any religion wrong. This has always been a classic debate for many people and it usually along with the 'life after death' theories and also 'the existence of God'. Some people have had near-death experiences in which they witness things they could not have saw without their out-of-body experience being true. This raises the fact that the consciousness is not an biological function but its something that is inside your body temporarily. The brain just acts as an 'container' for the consciousness. I have always thought of consciousness like this, because otherwise, our life and all its memories would be waste and our life will also be a waste.

  2. Gulf Coast always gets messed over by the government. First the nonsense w/ FEMA during Katrina. Now this stupidity. I don't even know what to think about them anymore. This is completely unacceptable. Everyone currently serving governmental positions should be laid-off and new people should be hired. I know that this sort of disaster is unprecedented, but I expect more from my government for how much I pay them! Though I'm not criticizing BP that much. I believe they waste too much time pointing fingers but other than that I have no problem with what they are doing. They're doing the best they can to a very challenging problem that rarely occurs so they don't know how to handle it. Of course they are asking via Twitter and internet, they need ideas. They WANT to stop it. It isn't like they are sitting there like "YESSS LETS SPEND BILLIONS OF OUR OWN DOLLARS TO DESTROY A SMALL SECTION OF THE EARTH'S ECOSYSTEM, MUAHAHA." They're doing the best they can and they're trying whatever they can.The best thing to do now is to wait and help clean the beaches.

  3. You got your facts (or dates should i say :P) wrong here, the topic 'Xisto Forum Upgraded to Version 3' was posted on May 2010 - 11:00 AM [/[/[/[/and it is now 10 - 5:27 PM[/[/[/[/. So it has officially become 2 MONTHS and not 1 MONTH. :)


    But when I think about it, even A MONTH is too long just to code something like a modification for IPB Board. He has been coding for the IPB Board for more than half-decade now.


    SHOOT! IM REALLY REALLY SORRY ANWIII! I just realized that I have my months wrong, I forgot that MAY comes after APRIL, Im sorry again... Should have checked the calender before I blurted that post.


  4. My target on the ALEXA Rank would be NUMBER #1! Of course, I wouldn't achieve that but can't we dream high?


    I am very sure that if Xisto tries it can get on the Top 1000. OpaQue, I would suggest promoting the myCENTS aspect of the site, it is the most unique and it can attract a lot of people. You should also promote the site as ' The No. #1 POST2HOST Web Host on the Net ' or something similar.


    Good luck!

  5. First of all, instead of considering buying a new laptop, you should try to get a Laptop Cooler, it should cool the laptop so that the fan is not that loud or you should use the laptop inside a AC room (or outside when its snowing :D). Laptop Coolers are a great way to help you keep your laptop cool, and it also shown to increase Laptop life. You should get a laptop cooler from Logitech, Xpad or Antech, these are trusted companies and trusy me, their products work :) Also, rather than buying a different laptop or buy a laptop cooler you can make your current laptop more silent by some simple tricks. Try installing a program called SpeedFan and adjust the settings so that it can control your fan's speed but don't put it too high (or your battery life will die) and don't put it too low (it can fry the motherboard!) the default settings work fine. There is also the cheap method (and very effective method) of putting a small bit of tap over the air vent on your laptop. It is proven to work (I actual tried it) and it doesn't overheat your laptop, it just makes it slightly hotter but the humming and hissing sounds disappear. Here's how you do it:Take a small bit of of tape (duct tape, scotch, yellow tape, etc.) and any other tape (except packaging tape :P). Tape it to the side of the air vent. Not to much to the side though. Make sure that there are no holes in the tape. The circulation of air should be restricted away from the tape. It should make the laptop much quieter. You should also try putting the 'Power Plan' of your Laptop to 'Power Saver'. It doesn't affect the Laptop performance that much. You can do it by clicking on the Plug and Battery button on the right-bottom side and going to 'More Power Options'. Then in the bottom choose 'Power Saver'. IF all else fails and you WANT A NEW LAPTOP (:D) than I would suggest buying the dell e1705, sony sz, dell e1505 Sony Pcg nvr , toshiba libretto,etc. I just ask the guys at the computer store and you get advice from them, usually the A8J's are the most silent of the rest. With the A8J's I could play a hardcore MMO-RPG game and not even feel a vibration of the laptop (except the speakers, of course.) Or you can try turning the FAN OFF! HAHA... Just kidding ! :P

  6. thank you deadmad, i do that all the time. even when i never cross the limit of 25.

    i eat healthy food, i exercise not daily but every few days, i have a weight scale i check my weight once or twice a day, Posted Image it is kind of fun.

    i do diets for the last 2 months that depending on eating healthy food and reducing fat to loose more. i am 170 cm high and 67 kg weight therefor my BMI is 23.1, it is healthy but i want to loose about 4-5 kilos more. therefor i found this website is very useful.


    You should try to keep it above 18 and below 23, its really easy to do this. Once you get the hang of it, you won't even feel tired,etc. Each sites which calculate the Body Mass Index calculate it in a different method, so some might not be the same as others. You should do it in several of them and decide which one you want to go with, just stick to one of them, it gets confusing when you use more than one. I don't even use the sites, I just do the math in my head (and my phone :P).


    Just do BMI =

    ( lbs/inches? ) (weight in pounds * 703 ) ???????????? height in inches?

    and you should be able to find it out by yourself. The formula was invented by Adolph Quetelet and it is called the Quetelet Formula.


    To be healthy, your Body mass index should be calculated with the table below:


    BMI Weight Status Below 18.5 Underweight 18.5 -24.9 Normal 25 - 29.9 Overweight 30 & Above Obese


    If you are above the BMI of 25, you just don't worry and try salads and drink lots and lots water. Don't eat junk food. And also go the GYM or at least play outside or go for jogging/ running. If you follow these BASIC methods, you should be under 25 in a matter of months (unless you are very, very obese. In which case you should see a doctor :)).

  7. i lived all my life in places that i never saw snakes in them, thanks god for that. it is really scary, because naturally i hate all kind of insects and mice or rats. so move to my country sheepdog Posted Image.


    Well, sorry to say Web_designer but your country (Turkey) has alot of dangerous and highly venomous snakes. I really doubt that you never encountered one before. Maybe its because you live in a big city, so snakes can't survive there. You may find :

    -Vipera palestinae

    -Vipera darevskii

    -Pseudocerastes persicus

    -Echis (carinatus) pyramidium (Most unlikely)

    I have encountered many snakes in my life, mostly in the ZOO (:)). One time, I was putting my clothes in the laundry (in my grandparents house, in the country) and I looked out the window and on the railings there was a rattlesnake. Luckily, it rattled it's tail so I slowly exited the room (later my grandpa shot it with a shotgun).

  8. thank you rvalkass for sharing, it is very useful site.i always think that it is important to check out if we are under the healthy range of weight or not.

    You should check your BMI every 6 months or so, if you are above normal its best to go to the doctor and have a checkup (also get suggestions to lose weight). I have never really went OVER the limit of 25 to be healthy, but I also eat a lot of junk foods but I play hard also. You shouldn't worry about your weight that much, just eat normal food (healthy food and junk food) but be sure to do lots of exercise every single day or you will get fat. I don't even believe in diets, I think its just healthy to eat alot but also work hard too!

  9. Oops, BBCODES are messed up :D.


    Well, there are different options and ways to do this. Either you can use the built in User Groups support or even use a Joomla Extension just for a community or group extension. I recommend you use the built-in options because its much easier but if you need even more features you can get a Community Extension which can be bought from the Joomla Extensions Site. The ones that require money are the most effective and have more features but it seems like you have a small site, so I suggest you get a free extension.


    Here are some free ones I really Suggest:

    Super Groups Light (simple)

    Community Builder (good free one, medium-size sites)

    Joomunity (best features but complex use only for big sites)

    Project Fork (I use this one, its very user friendly and has tons of features)


    And if you can spend a little money you should go for JUGA (Joomla User Group Access). Also, if need more help or if you need help installing them / setup just reply :).

    Sorry, you just have to search in google for them, BBCODES aren't working right now. :P

  10. Well, there are different options and ways to do this. Either you can use the built in User Groups support or even use a Joomla Extension just for a community or group extension. I recommend you use the built-in options because its much easier but if you need even more features you can get a Community Extension which can be bought from the Joomla Extensions Site. The ones that require money are the most effective and have more features but it seems like you have a small site, so I suggest you get a free extension.


    Here are some free ones I really Suggest:

    Super Groups Light (simple)

    Community Builder (good free one, medium-size sites)

    Joomunity (best features but complex use only for big sites)

    Project Fork (I use this one, its very user friendly and has tons of features.


    And if you can spend a little money you should go for JUGA (Joomla User Group Access). Also, if need more help or if you need help installing them / setup just reply :).

  11. Chillax Web_Designer! The forum is just going under change right now, this is the first time I'm seeing this topic too :) I Guess for me Xisto is a place where I go to just hang out (kinda like Baniboy). Its not that much of a community now anyways, its all messed up right now and no is ever in the ChatRoom, its just weird here right now, all clumsy and grumbled up into a site. Though, It's a community for people to hang out, it needs serious changes, it need Games, Contests, Themes (its a very important thing for a good community) and other things that need for this community to be better and more fun.

  12. he's already commented on that in another thread. it is 80% complete as of yesterday. also, it hasn't been 2 months, it's been exactly ONE month to this day.


    You got your facts (or dates should i say :P) wrong here, the topic 'Xisto Forum Upgraded to Version 3' was posted on sted 06 May 2010 - 11:00 AM and it is now JUNE 2010 - 5:27 PM. So it has officially become 2 MONTHS and not 1 MONTH. :)


    But when I think about it, even A MONTH is too long just to code something like a modification for IPB Board. He has been coding for the IPB Board for more than half-decade now.

  13. i don't even get what that statement even means. does it mean we act a certain way because others do and we want to fit in? peer pressure? if people are caught up in being anything but themselves without outside influence then i am sorry....they are leading what i would call a fake life. the one aspect of this that i have seen more than other aspects is the expectations of others that might control who we are such as parents but we are still in control of our own lives and choices.

    What I'm saying is that people around influence us, whether we like it or not (maybe you won't even notice it sometimes). Other people affect the way you eat, sleep, walk, talk, work, etc. They pass their knowledge into yours and you can choose to follow it or not... sometimes you just do without thinking about it. It could be a good advice and a excellent choice that is being told to you or it could even be a wrong decision that you might want to regret later in your life. It happens to everyone -- one point in a persons life or another. And no, this isn't peer pressure or a parents' advice either. :)

  14. i agree, we should always be ourselves no matter what. if we couldn't represent our needs and thoughts and defend them then we can't do any good for ourselves and people around us. even sometimes in life, certain circumstances control our life but we should always have the ability to fight for our freedom and prove ourselves.

    Sometimes when you are yourself, you may need help , to guide you ,etc. Its OK to represent your needs and thoughts but your needs and thoughts may not be good for others but only for yourself. PEOPLE around you make who you are, not you.

  15. everything i needed was in the recent posts and recent topics on the left hand side. didn't have to click anything i didn't want to and obviously spam is just obvious so i had everything i needed on the front page without clicking anything. ofcourse you have to click the topics you want to read or a post that needs moderating. my point is, there was more usefull information on the front page than there is now.

    The simple problem with all this is that this theme / Skin is kind of 'huge' and it really doesn't have that much features, so I would suggest coding this theme some more and make it more 'Xisto-ish' and add more widget options before we can add all that in that frontpage. Having it all in the front page does not make it easy to navigate at ALL! It makes it all jumbled up -- I would suggest adding a serpate PAGE just for 'Active Content' named as 'What's New?' or 'Lastest Updates' or change to the 'Portal' to display the Top 10 Posters, Todays Top Posters, Hot Topics, Recently Added Topics, Recent Replys, and also Todays active content. This could be MORE useful than having it all in the frontpage.

    I would seriously recommend changing to a new theme as soon as the myCENTS are installed. I seriously despise this theme :)

  16. Thanks guys, and expecially Opaque, it's all good now for at least another month, surly be then the bugs will be worked out of the mycents program.
    This really is a good board.

    There are no BUGS in the myCENTS system, since the upgrade -- the IPB 3 Board uses different codes and parameters than the IPB 2 Board, so the myCENTS V3 doesn't work on this new version, so OpaQue is currently coding a COMPLETE NEW VERSION of the myCENTS system, thats why it is taking so long. But its worth it because the new version will have better features like unlimited edit,etc.

    OpaQue, can you update us on what % you are done or when its going to be ready? Its been 2 months, thats a little too long just to code the system...

  17. No Buff, you know the controls in the admin area better than me. I consider myself guru only in the backend when i work in PHP.



    Correct, Creating the community is important. I am realizing this slowly. Still learning.



    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    & Chris

    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    are the best. - shree Posted Image


    Creating the community is the SECOND main part, making the site and publishing it is the FIRST AND FOREMOST IMPORTANT. If you make a site and start publishing good content, USERS will directly come to you for knowledge, you don't build a community in the web, they come right to your site.


    i think you have always realized. it's just that some things may appear to be more important than other things. for instance. your new thread about alexa and getting in the top 1,000.....or adsense which would make visitors more important than members and an actual community.


    OpaQue is RIGHT! Visitors are MORE important, if you give more preference to the visitors and make the site friendly for them, they will SIGN-UP and become MEMBERS, there are no shortage of members on the web, and good members will always stay.

  18. I'm sorry but I personally prefered it when it was 'Xisto'.


    Yes there is. While I feel that this theme is an improvement from the last one, I still find the original theme to be better (see picture).


    I liked it when it was Xisto too! I just don't get why OpaQue changed it all of a sudden, isn't he supposed to like the name the most because he is the owner or because he made the name?


    You are right, the default theme is simple and clean, and takes less server costs than this one, but that is the default for IPB 2, and this the default for IPB 3, so we can't get that one. But there are plenty of great themes out there, you just have to buy them with money.


    type knowledge2.us




    Seriously? We desperately need the myCENTS back up and you spent your time making redirects? I think you are not managing your time and your forum that much. We don't even need this! We already have 2 ways to get into the site (Xisto.com / Xisto.com). Though, this one is probably the best!

  19. i feel the same, i prefer it be in the top of everything where we can chat and follow what's going on in the forum. it is much fun this way i think. hope opaque can do it.

    Sure, we can have it like that :) But OpaQue doesn't have to really code anything at all, he can get it as a plugin / module (i don't know what to call it) at the Invision Board Website, and just has to enable it on the AdminCP, its as simple as that. I don't think it really costs something, because OpaQue has already bought the license for IPB V3 :P

  20. I agree with Anwiii, I felt cut off from the community when the shoutbox was gone.. This may be a big ask, but it'd be nice to have the last three messages in the chatroom where the shoutbox used to be. That way, people can easily see who's posting and how the discussion is going without having to join.

    I still feel cutoff, literally no one is in the chatroom because its just a 'chatroom'. The old 'Shoutbox' was a chat on the top of every page, and no matter what page you were in the forum, you can still participle in it, people just aren't doing that now because it became a room, I wish OpaQue can install the 'ChatRoom Lite Version' or something on top of every page like the old one... Anyone else feel this way?
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