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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. Last I heard from OpaQue the Script had to be recoded and that started last week and if I remember correctly when the script was rewritten for V3 took about a month. So it could be awhile but since the dude never sleeps it could be shorter then that, but I would keep on posting and when the script is ready you just get a good amount of MyCents when the script is run through the forum. Of course, expect some slow down or forum down time because it is a lot of posts to go through from when the script went offline to when it comes back online again.

    Wait, so this means that when the myCents comeback online , it goes through all the posts and we get all the mycents? I thought that posting right now doesn't count ?

  2. Well india is a rather poor country (no offence or anything) compared to UK and USA I am sure him and his parents are glad for him to have his own company earning plenty of revenue from ads and the hosting.

    I don't know what you mean by 'poor' but they are not poor at all. The only problem is that the government is very rich and most of the people are in poverty, while they still have the 4th Most Richest Person in the World? It's just because of bad rules and bribery in the country. It seems like OpaQue comes from a average, if not rich family and had money to start a company or a site at first. So don't just accuse people of what they aren't next time :)

  3. And while they are doing the rounds to get it up and running, my website remains unavailable. Just hope that they can haste things before I lose all the visitors.

    This is a major issue for your site, before you lose all your visitors contact the Xisto team or more importantly OpaQue and PM your details and Xisto Account Information and he should arrange something similar to The Simpleton's site to get it up and running :)

  4. I will sell you my old domain ITneed.net, I mean ITneed is short and catchy :).


    ITneed is short but not catchy at ALL. I don't even know why you picked ITneed in the first place, it is the least original, try something starting in host or domain. Try to make something like getdoma.in using the Indian Domain name '.in' or hostulo.us using the Us domain Name.

  5. yup! it is now officially gone. i was playing it last night and got something like 75k haha those suckers really move fast at that level. i got to the third intermission. i miss pacman already! :)


    Wow... you are like a expert, i could never be good in pacman or anyother retro/ arcade game. I miss Pacman too! If you want, you can use Google Chrome, download a plug in called 'Google Doodles' and change the Google homepage to any of your favorite doodles -- I have mine as the Original 2000 Google Doodle!


    you guys make me interested, so i tried to play it yesterday, but unfortunately these days i have a bad connection speed so i couldn't do anything. i didn't move a pace yet and got the game over Posted Image


    I never really heard of a connection that bad, I have a really bad one but I can still play it... try loading everything and then starting to play that might work for you :P

  6. Try using .com domains if possible and try to be creative and don't follow the rules :) Use the domain names like LAST.FM,etc. which is kind of creative. Make sure the user remembers the domain name and doesn't forget it easily and also make sure that it looks good on print. But, more than the domain name, it matters most about whats on your website and its content rather than the name.

  7. I think for now the limit is fine where it is. Most of the members wouldn't cross even 10 posts per day, and for the most active members, it's a good limit. Once the myCENT script is back in action, the members who make 25 posts per day have a good chance of making at least $10 per day? So that's a really good limit, IMO, and it should stay like that. As for the theme, I think the focus should be on bringing back the myCENT script now rather than the theme. Let the admins breathe!! :)


    Its not fine, new members make more than 50 posts on their first day (to cover all the active topics) and the active members make more than 25 (if not, they are not that active :P). $10 for only 25 posts? Are you kidding me? The myCENTS are not that cheap, thats like giving free money for no reason. A long post or a average one get about $.30 cents and thats .30 x 25 = $7.5, but if you make that much posts a day the myCENTS reduces if you post to much at a time, so you will at most -- no matter how hard you try, make about $4-5 maximum.

    But, thats for the old myCENTS system, which is no longer in use -- the one that OpaQue is coding will be different and hopefully better, who knows what might change?

  8. well soviet i would suggest you to close it now and restart your contest again the next month or more. because i am sure that you didn't get entries not because no one interested but because there's no one to be interested Posted Image as you can see most of the members are not active now because the exams, the forum upgrade,...ect.


    so i think you need a good time to post your contest. unfortunately, you post it just a few days before the forum upgrade, so it was just a bad luck. don't be disappointed.


    You should just close down the contest and be done with it. Posted Image No one really showed any consideration for this contest (except Kira) and even Moderators nor any Admins said anything about it or even acknowledged it. It should be the Moderators and ADMINS who are SUPPOSED to be doing this, not us users. They have the responsibility for that.


    Besides, the forum is undergoing serious upgrade and it is going in a snail slow pace and its not going to be done any time soon and that is also affecting this and the users and joining. I really hope someone looks into this forum and fixes it or something -- i mean I would do something if I can and thats what i am doing, stating the problem and crossing my fingers to make it be fixed...

  9. Actually between petabyte and zettabyte there is the exabyte but it wasn't publicised as much as the zettabyte! :) G.O.K. what units we will see in the future and how much data each person will begin to carry around.


    Yes, there is the exabyte but the reason it wasn't much publicized it isn't big enough to be counted with the zettabytes and petabytes -- and it isn't a big transition in anything...

  10. Yep, that is interesting... but a topic just on a Google Doodle? Are you kidding me? Well, whatever. It is kinda of fun though :) I managed to get through the 3rd level and then quit -- heres a hint for you -- click the 'INSERT COIN' button and then play a game -- then hit the button again, now you can play 2-PLAYER with Ms.PacMan and Pacman! You use ASWD buttons to control Ms.Pacman. But I play with both myself lol :P

  11. 1, the baby blue color. Kinda dull need something exciting and bright to say HI LETS POST.


    2, this I think it should be cut even more. I mean there some folks that well Over post.


    other than that? WTG!


    Echo_of_thunder, please read the above posts before posting on your own -- this is just the default theme for only awhile until the myCENTS and everyother modules is back on track, then we can worry about the theme, right now -- its not that big of a issue.


    2. Are you outta your mind? Cut it lower than 25? There shouldn't be a limit at all -- people should have the right to post -- what if they aren't here for the myCents but to just simply post :) Not like some members who have thousands of posts but show up once in a while just to keep their website running?


    I agree about the skin, that it's too dull, it's quite hard to navigate on it and read, as it's not very memorable, I remember the old layout, it was easy to understand and concentrate to the topic. :P


    I hated the old one -- it had worse color combination and it looked old and too old fashion, besides this theme has AJAX function and looks crips :D

  12. Making this is called 'Creating a Instrumental' -- which basically means 'a song without lyrics'. It's very easy to do actually, download Audacity (like The Simpleton said) and load the song. Then make it into a 'mono' sound mode and then reverse one of the tracks (right side or left side) and then go to effects>Noise reducer and set it lower than the regular selection. Now let the settings apply and then click play -- you will only hear the instruments and sometimes some tiny voice here and there -- but thats the best Audacity can do, try getting Adobe Audition which costs about $200 dollars and then you might get something professional there too :)

  13. 911host





    There are a bundle more I could come up with, just try and relate the names to what you are aiming to achieve/provide to and for your customers.


    Whats a 911 host? Is it for the terrorist's personal website? Posted Image And all of those names are already taken.. and so is every good name on the .com domain. I would try doing it on one of the new domains, and try to be creative to attractive more people (for example. last.fm,etc.).

  14. Have you tried using foreign names for your company? Often the most unknown words turn out to be the most catchy names! Try googling for foreign meanings of words like "flower". I think you'll be able to find several names right away.

    I think thats not a very good idea -- the foreign names might be catchy or new compared to the english ones but I would try sticking to English or the Local Language because a business should seem like its for the local people and neighborhood, not some greedy company from overseas.

    Try thinking of catchy names in your own language -- thats my advice, if you want to successful. :)

  15. this is the absolute worst impression of an escher illusion i have ever seen. whatever site you got that off of, i suggest never going back and maybe finding something worth posting :)

    Lol... its not that bad! Someone spend ages painting that on the fence. Guess it depends on your point of view.

    Besides, just think of all the car accidents this causes :P

  16. i think we should test it first then we decide or opaque decide but we can help him Posted Image

    i think we should wait till it works and see. the old one was full of errors too and maybe not compatible with the new theme.

    i know you miss the shoutbox sky, we all do Posted Image especially me, i was spamming at myself and talking to myself the whole night Posted Image


    Test it? The whole version is already up on the site, it's tested and it doesn't work -- at all. Who is going to even download Java and other software just so it doesn't work? The old shoutbox is for the IPB 2.3 and won't be compatible with the new VERSION and not the theme -- this theme is the default theme that comes with IPB and should be compatible with other Shout-boxes. .


    The IP.Shoutbox for 3.0.x is compatible with IP.Board skin. Take a look for yourself. - Clicky for the review of Shoutbox for 3.0.x :)


    That Shoutbox looks really good! but, it would been way better if we had it the old way, on top of every topic and homepage, then we can chat and post at the same time! :P
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