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Everything posted by Cerb

  1. I've never been arrested. Luckily, I was born with some common sense.
  2. For anyone that cares to check it out, I've added a few designs for future basses to my site at cerb.trap17.com. I've also just finished making a sweet set of maple/walnut knobs for my basses controls. I should have pictures up soon.
  3. I've been an iPod user since the second gen. came out. If it weren't for the color screen and photo viewing capabilities, I would still have my 3rd gen., as I prefer its layout the most. At the moment I'm rocking out with a 40gig 4th gen. I, personally, do not see the point behind the mini or the nano. That is, other than something for teenage girls or giggle over. They are far overpriced, and they are just too damned small.
  4. Plus, one must remember that, according to the Bible, Satan is not allowed to possess a being without permission from God. Also, one who believes in God is far more powerful than Satan.
  5. Cerb is short for Cerberus, the Greek/Roman 3 headed dog that guards the gates of Hades. I've always found the creature to be neat, and therefore, use Cerb for most everything now. When it's taken, I use some variation of it. My email is cerberi@gmail.com.
  6. I think I would like it better if the iFrame wasn't half outside of the border. I'm using Firefox, by the way.
  7. Biscuitrat made many good points. The origins have little to do with anything. Christians used to burn people for being witches, start religious wars, etc. Because they used to do that, does it mean that Christianity is immoral? It's complete idiocy to state that rock and jazz are un-christian. I, myself, am a Christian, and jazz happens to be one of my favorite genres of music. As a matter of fact, I'm sitting here listening to Pat Metheny as I type this out. Good point P.S. Wasn't the word 'Jazz' used as a term for sex after it had been used for years to describe the music. Don't believe everything you hear, pal. EDIT: Fixed quote tag.
  8. Mudvayne is an amazing metal band. Their guitar and vocals are decent, but their rhythm section blows me away. Ryan Martinie is an amazing bassist, and their drummer, whos name evades me at the moment, is great aswell.
  9. I'll listen to most anything. My favored genres are jazz and classical. Rock is a close third. Country and rap fall into the last few places. Most of the music I listen to also has really busy (or just downright groovy) bass lines. Stuff like Tower of Power (Rocco Prestia on bass), Jaco Pastorius, Marcus Miller, Mudvayne (Ryan Martinie), etc.
  10. I just hate the people that "Play" guitar. You know the ones. They learn a few songs, and automatically it is their main instrument and they can play with the best of them. To truly play any instrument, you need to learn how it works. You need to explore the different techniques, and you need to learn the theory behind what you are doing.
  11. Simply-me, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the moon has nothing to do with the length of our days. That is unless you go into the whole Chaos Theory, and then everything has something to do with the length of our days.
  12. Everyone and their mother 'plays' guitar. My weapon of choice is the bass. I hold down the low end so that you guitarists look good .
  13. Actually, a truss rod is inserted under the fingerboard. This is fully adjustable front to back. Even your classical guitar should have one. It might not be adjustable, but it should at least have a steel rod. The design is totally my own. Obviously, the standard 34" string scale (from nut to bridge) and string spacing (19-20mm) are normal. The trick is a lot of measuring. Measure, measure, and measure again before you cut. Natural finish all the way. No way in hell would I cover that beautiful wood. The board that I'm most proud of, though, is the one that will be used for the fingerboard. A picture should be on the blog I linked to in the first post. One would think so. That's hardly the case though. Just the woods set me back a good $200. I'm going to have another $5-600 in parts. Plus, you have to figure in tool cost. I'm about to drop another $200 for a router. For a kid that's 15 years old, and works at a coffee shop for just above mininum wage, it isn't easy. There will be a little bit of carving, but not tons. There will be a tummy carve, and I may make the back of the body concave for comfort. The 'horns' will be rounded over, and the rest of the body will have a slight radius to it. Once taken down to thickness, the body should be just under 1 3/4".
  14. This project has been my main passion for quite a while now, but because of a lack of funds, it has been on standby for a while. It will be the first instrument I've ever built, aswell as my first real experience with woodworking. The neck seen in the picture below is not the neck that will be in the final product. That neck managed to warp on me, so I'm just using a single board of wenge instead. Here are some specs: Strings: 4 Fretted/Fretless: Unlined Fretless Body: Maple/Walnut/Maple Neck: Wenge with Mahogany and Poplar at Body Neck Construction: Through-neck Fingerboard: Acrylicized Andiroba Electronics: Active with Passive Switch Pickups: Bartolini Jazz neck and bridge- 9J1LS Preamp: Bartolini 3-Band Prewired Harness - HR-5.1ap Hardware: Satin Chrome Bridge: ETS Tuning Fork Tuners: Hipshot Ultralites You can check out all of the progress Here.
  15. Well? I've been looking for some decent forums as of late. These are nice, but the activity is a bit low at times. The only other place I really visit often is TalkBass.com. Anyways, if you visit any other forums, post the name/location of them, and give a short description of what the main theme of the community is (ex. - Talkbass.com deals with topics for bass players).
  16. One must also remember that a ufo is just that -- an unidentified flying object. People are often mislead by the word, and believe aliens must be involved. I, personally, do not believe that aliens have visited us, yet I gave my account of a UFO that I have seen. I'm placing all bets on it being ball lightning.
  17. While sleeping one night in a hammock outside near the bank of the Ohio River, I saw what I believe to have been ball lightning (a floating plasma ball). I woke up to take a leak and noticed something swerving through the air. It would fade in and out as it traveled, sometimes coming about 20 feet over the water in plain sight. I watched it for more than 5 hours as I lay in that hammock trying to figure out what it was. After about the first three hours, it moved down to my level and started moving through the nearby wooded area. The closest it ever actually got to me was about 30 feet. As the sun began to rise, I saw less and less of it, until it made no more appearances (possibly just overpowered by the sunlight). I know some may say that I was just dreaming. I wasn't. I woke around 12:30 at night, when I began seeing the lights, and didn't fall asleep until late the following day. Please excuse the first paragraph, with its hugeness, and any punctuation mistakes I've made. I'm pretty tired, and my writing isn't so great at the moment.
  18. Whether it is copywritten or not, changing a theme is not grounds for sueing. You must, however, give credit to the original maker of the theme.
  19. I play electric bass, with some experience on the doghouse. I prefer them to be 4 or 6 string fretlesses. At the moment, I'm actually building a 4 string fretless. You can see all of my progress at cerb.trap17.com. Click on Concordis > Progress Pictures,
  20. I own:- 1909 Remington pump action 22.- Some no-name german break-down shotgun; 20 gauge- Ruger 6 shot 22. pistol- Ruger semi-auto 22. rifle- home-build 50. muzzle-loader- Walther p-38 (actually a german issued pistol during WW11. Has little swastikas all over it).- etc., etc.As for all of you "guns are bad" people, I couldn't disagree more. If people didn't own guns to murder others, they would use another method. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. If someone was to break into my home, and this person was a threat to my life, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on them. I also am a marksman by nature. I've always had great aim, and I enjoy target shooting. Hunting also falls into this category, but their is a reward for hitting your target.
  21. 5 hours on school nights is the perfect ammount of time for me. I'm tired throughout the day if I get more than that. During the weekends, I'll sleep about 10-12 hours, and have been known to sleep near 20 if I didn't get my full 5 throughout the week.
  22. Once you get that online, shoot me a link by PM or just post it in this thread. I have a simple little site at cerb.trap17.com that logs my bass building. At the moment, I'm building a 4 string fretless.
  23. I've never really had much problem with people disrespecting my things. The only thing I hate is when people touch my instrument. Never... I repear, NEVER touch my bass without permission. And, certainly never try to play it if you are not a musician yourself.
  24. Pamela Anderson hardly qualifies as hot. She looked a lot better before she got those big fake *BLEEP*. Plus, she's what? 50 years old?
  25. That is a very neat find. At one point a few years ago, I thought I would like to eventually study Egyptology. Now it's nothing more than a simple interest.
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