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Everything posted by Cerb

  1. Of course, all of the downtime I have experienced has never been any more than a few hours. In a year, I doubt they would ever add up to a mathematical () 120 hours.
  2. I've always been a natural swimmer. Most of it is a result of my enormous, genetically inherited leg muscles.
  3. So someone finally noticed it. That's nothing more than a simple javascript. I thought I might get a few laughs out of it, and maybe scare a few people, which also results in some laughing .
  4. You must have been looking it at while I was playing around with the links. I knew I should have made a separate test page to do all of that with.
  5. The only advice I can give is that you need to learn how to type. I stopped reading halfway through because it was so horribly written.
  6. Most of the people that become famous for no reason are the half-assed musicians previously mentioned. Funny how that all works isn't it . But, like you, few things make me more mad than that. Music is art. It's not just an entertainment that can be reproduced by computers and vocalists who can't sing in key.... which brings me to my next point: vocal key trackers, key changers, whatever you want to call them. If you can't sing, just don't do it. It's as simple as that. A key changer will not help even out you voice so that it sounds natural, so don't bother. I hate all of these little 'I'm a TV star, so I must be able to sing' fools (Hilary Duff, anybody?). Their voices sound soooo computer generated that I'm not sure how people find them enjoyable. Maybe it's just that I'm a musician (say it with me everyone.), and I notice things like this. The likes of Jessica Simpson, her little sister (Ashley?), Hilary Duff, etc. are not musicians, and sadly, never will be.Well, now that I've read over that all, it seems I've went off topic a bit. Hopefully you will all see what I'm on about.
  7. There are quite a few things that really make me mad, but I believe I can sum a few up.A person above mentioned hating themselves. Well I hate people like you. I especially hate it when people whine about how bad off they have it, and how their life sucks. Most are looking for nothing more than sympathy. I really hate half-assed musicians. You know the type. The ones that say "Yah, I know how to play [insert instrument... usually guitar]," even though they couldn't play a single note without it sounding horrible. This type usually lacks all knowledge of music theory aswell.People who are full of themselves really get me going, too. I've got news for ya, no one cares about you or who you are. You are no one to most people.
  8. Matured by listening to Slipknot? That's almost funny in a way. As for Metallica, I can't stand 'em. There are a few songs I can dig, but most of it is just nervewracking. There newest stuff is just absolutely horrible, and they're nothing more than overhyped. People like them because they are Metallica, and for no other reason. As for the person that said Tool and Metallica are on the same level when it comes to artistic music, I couldn't disagree more. Tool has brilliant musicians, with a brilliant vocalist. Their lyrics really speak for themselves. Metallica's lyrics are nowhere near Tool's artistically. Their instrumentals lack a lot aswell.
  9. It's sad when such well kept places turn into places you would be afraid of going. Hopefully they will get their good reputation back.
  10. I have about a gig and a half used up on my gmail account. That's only because I'm using it to hold a Photoshop CS2 installation and a few mp3s. Very little of it is email from other people.
  11. To say that $200000 is foolish, is a foolish thing to say. The ammount of fuel alone would cost nearly that much. You have to look at the full picture before you make accusations.
  12. It's very smooth with an overall warm and attractive layout. As was already pointed out, the banner/logo is about a pixel or two over the border. I'm really loving the simple menu at the top, aswell.
  13. error-ful? What are you on about o_O? Everything seems to work perfectly.
  14. I decided to change the links aswell, because I found a blue that worked really well with the theme.
  15. I just finished changing all of the colors so they are themed around the shoutbox. I changed everything except for the links colors . I just love that color. It also works pretty well with the new scheme. Likes... dislikes?
  16. I'm working on the colors now. Everyone but me is having troubles with them, be it preference, or not even seeing them correctly on their computer :-\. Maybe I'll just make it all black and white .
  17. You can't read the text? That's very odd. The text should be showing up a lot brighter than the background.
  18. I got the shoutbox from myshoutbox.com. Can you see the background image, though? The pixelated looking one?
  19. Dang! Am I the only one on a 56k here? You guys think you have it bad? Pffttt! Like no9t9 said, I eventually just get tired and close the window. It also seems to be the main reason my hosting points stay pretty low. I just get tired of it, and wind up avoiding Xisto most of the day.
  20. It's odd that you mention the blue. It should show up as a pixelated gray/green background. The CSS still keeps the background blue, but the background image should be covering it. It shows fine for me in Firefox and IE. What are you using?
  21. What? No Pictures? I guess I'll just have to search google . All in all it sounds pretty cool. Sadly, I've never been to Disneyland (or World) even here in the States, so I doubt I'll be traveling over to China to visit theirs anytime soon.
  22. But whether you think it is or not, cheese is a food, just as rap is a form of music. You mentioned the word rhythm. The very first form of music was rhythm music; percussion. Without rhythm, music would not exist in the form it is today. Rap brings back a lot of the rhythm that modern music lacks. That is, well composed rap does. Very rarely will you hear a mainstream rap song in anything other than 4/4 and straight eighth note beats. Very rarely will you hear a rap song with such a complex beat that the normal person could not think it up, but there are songs that do have these traits.Cheese is still a food, and rap is still music.
  23. There's no point in telling me about musicians and devoting your life to music . My whole life is music, and I play bass. You mention the lyrics, and make the point that if there is actual singing it is music. What about instrumentals? What about symphonies?Your logic is flawed, and your points are invalid. Don't get me wrong. I think the music is overhyped, myself. But, it's what people like, and there's no denying that. It's not leaving any time soon.
  24. To anyone who says that rap is not music, I have no respect for you or your tastes in music. It most certainly is music and if you say otherwise, you are wrong. Now, I don't like rap, except for the occasional song (maybe one or two songs a year), but many people do. It's just another thing that people like based on their own preferences. Why is it that people feel the need to fight over MUSIC? Fools.
  25. I've tried over and over to send images from my email to my phone (the damned thing does not have a USB cord available to buy...), and every time that I do it, it seems that it is a few pixels off from what it needs. I'm always getting white lines around the background. Since bit transfer isn't free, this starts to add up after a while.Does anyone know the correct size in pixels that the wallpaper needs to be?
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