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Everything posted by Cerb

  1. Does anyone else think the second one looks a bit evil. Just change that drop of water to a drop of blood, and it will be perfect!Also, the text is very difficult to read on the second one. If it were computer background size, maybe not, but if you are using them at that size for a phone (or whatever you'd use them for), I'd make the text a little more readable.
  2. Grades must be a European thing. We don't really have grades in America. In a way, I wish we did, since it would keep learning and progress under control and organized. On the other hand, I'm glad we don't, as a lot of people get that elitist attitude when it comes to playing instruments and being "better" than someone else. Grades can hint at a good player, but I've seen people in a lower grade tear someone in a higher grade a new one on more than one occasion.
  3. Cerb

    My Neighbors

    Heh... I have a small home studio in my basement, and I'm always down there at night. Occasioally I'll get complaints from family members because I have my bass turned up too loud, and I've forgotten to shut the door. Luckily we have no close neighbors, so that's never been a problem.I've never really been on your end of things, but I'm sure my family could tell you all about it.
  4. Actually... it seems to have happened two years ago. Check out this link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Someone finally understands! Try telling that to a guitarist, though .
  6. I found Xisto while searching google for a free web host. I needed a place that I could host a site to log my bass/instrument building and my designs, and this seemed the best place. I believe that I got some web host reviews from the search which led me here, though, I couldn't tell you which ones. I love the forum, except for the people who don't know how to use full stops (the person above me is an example).
  7. I can type about 95 words per minute when typing from my own head. When copying something that is sitting in front of me, I type about 75 words per minute.
  8. Source? I'm gonna need one before I believe this. If it's true, it's a silly move on China's part.
  9. Well, I changed the background of those cells to the image I was talking about. It actually makes the font color not look so out of place. It's definately staying that way.As you can see, I also totally changed the smilies on the homepage. It was just easier to change them, rather than edit them, especially since I don't have even paint anymore.
  10. What's wrong with a treble clef . I'm planning a white ink bass clef for my wrist. I can see what you mean, though. It wouldn't look good incorporating it into a larger design.
  11. Thanks for all of the suggestions. I am actually in the process of making a banner at the moment. As for the TBD, it's more of a placeholder than anything. I will probably write out "Taylor Baker Designs" for it soon until I can think of a better name. The smilies were definately next on the list, I just hadn't gotten around to it. The border thing is a pretty good idea. I really like the solid black, mainly because it's simplistic, but I will definately play around with it.Regarding the content background suggestion; I had been playing around with it a while back, and I now believe I have an image that will look pretty nice. On the 'About Me' section, you can see the "pixelated" looking image of my playing my bass. I've copied part of the pattern from my hand and saved it as an image. It looks pretty nice as the background, so I may do that.P.S. You're one of the few people I've come across since being here who knows how to type. You've just made my day a whole lot easier .
  12. The only tattoos that I have planned at the moment are a full back piece by Paul Booth and a small bass clef on my wrist. I'm 15 now, and I've loved Paul Booth's work since 13. NEVER will I get a predrawn (flash) tattoo, and NEVER will I get a tattoo just to get it. My requirements for a tattoo are a) I, obviously must like it and It has to be a true work of art or mean something to me, personally. I hate seeing people go out and pick a tattoo off of a wall, and hate it a few years later.
  13. Kubi - What do you mean gravity is heavier down there? Water pressure might be what you meant. The weight of the water is what causes the pressure.That is pretty darn neat, though. I'm just wondering how expensive it would be to eat at such a fine place.
  14. Awesome! That's exactly what I was looking for. The only problem is finding a way to make the index page the same. I tried redirecting cerb.trap17.com to cerb.trap17.com/index.php?page=home.html, but for some reason the redirector didn't recognize question marks. Check out cerb.trap17.com if you don't get what I mean.
  15. I haven't looked at that download, but you can find a similar thing on the mozilla site. It doesn't have all of the extra stuff, just the search. Plus you can select different search engines to add to it. I have Google, Google Images, Urban Dictionary, Ebay, and Amazon on mine. You just select which one you want to search in the drop down menu and then type your keywords in the box.
  16. Even with PHP includes for menus and such, changing the layout of a site can be a big deal. Is there a way to have 1 page for the layout and multiple pages for the contents? The site in question can be seen here. All of the text inside the larger cell would be the contents. That way I would just have to update the single page for layout, and it would be included into each of the separate content pages. Does this make any sense to anyone else, or am I not explaining what I mean well enough?
  17. It sounds to me like someone needs to stomp the guy. I hate people who talk complete idiocy just to get ahead in life.
  18. I'm on a 56k connection, so I can't easilly watch the video file. Who exactly is this guy and what did he do?
  19. Arguing whether there is or is not a God is a game for the weak. For every point a believer makes, a non-believer will have just as valid of a point. It's never gotten anyone anywhere.So, my question is, why bother? I've seen more threads than I can count about about the existence of God lately. Give it a rest...
  20. Thanks for the shot. I tried to downsize the font on the menu before any else took a look, but it seems you beat me to it. I've made the font smaller so that the longer titles will fit well. It looks a lot better now.
  21. The reason I wanted it installed on my computer was so I could preview the files before they were online. That's why I was using the iFrames. As for the text color, that was my favorite part. It looks fine on my computer, but I have my brightness turned down a bit. That's why I was hoping for some screeenshots. I wanted to see how it looks on various screens. I think the reason I liked the color so much was because it didn't go great with the blue. It really contrasted and gave a kinda groovy feel to the site, and what's bass without groove?
  22. Most people don't like it much because of the last line. They see it as something meant to question the existence of God. I, myself, am a christian, so that wasn't the point of it at all. It was really written just to make a person think. I'm glad you liked it, though . I hope you find something to do with your novel .
  23. Doh! I just didn't change the extension on my index page etc.
  24. You can see at cerb.trap17.com how I have my menus set up. For each of the 3 side menus, I would like to use a PHP include script, rather than iFrames. This is the code I've been playing around with: <?php include('myframe.htm'); ?> With myframe.htm being the page I want to include in that cell. For some reason it will not include the page. Is that the correct code for doing such a thing? Am I doing something wrong; leaving something out. maybe? Thanks.
  25. This is my first attempt at poetry. It's just free verse, but I really like it. Omnipotence There is no you without me. Events, people, and places only exist because I think them. The only reason you are is because I am. Your perspective is my perspective. I am all and one. Strip away the reality that I have come to believe and all that is left is me. I was born of my own mind out of nowhere and nothing. I have evolved. The black void of which I live in surrounds me, yet I see none of it. All I see is what I have thought, what I think exists. This is my world, I have created it, I have shaped it, I have added life to it. I am God.
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