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Everything posted by Cerb

  1. Well, I just went to pick up the ring. It still needs to be sized, but that will come after I give it to her on Christmas. I'm more than pleased with it, and I'm sure she will be aswell. Here is the actual ring (just took that with my crappy digital camera :-\). It's 10k white gold with 12 diamonds total... 6 on either side. The diamonds look to be about 1/4 carat in combined weight.
  2. Cerb

    Bonsai Kittens

    Signing a petition to stop a JOKE seems a bit pointless if you ask me.
  3. That export feature will be handy as all hell. The other will not be handy for me though, as I do not write my emails online, but rather, I use Outlook Express for my gmail account.
  4. As much as I despise silly bands like My Chemical Romance, I do think that Helena is a decent song. Though, it still has little musicianship to it. It's a catchy song, nonetheless.
  5. Somewhat off-topic, but has anyone seen the commercial in which a little girl is given 'floccinauccinihilipilification' as a spelling bee word? That commercial cracks me up every time.
  6. The lack of understanding of the English language that the writer has makes me cry.
  7. Well, it seems that iwuvcookies beat me to it :-\.
  8. Cerb

    Bonsai Kittens

    I am yet another person saying this is nothing more than a joke. When people say that this has been around for a while, they mean it. I remember first seeing it about 5-6 years ago. Hell, I wouldn't doubt it if Snopes.com has something about it. Anyone thinking this is serious should really brush up on your sense of humor. Like Brandice, I also think this is extremely funny. I remember about dying of laughter when I first saw it.
  9. Actually, the longest official word that I know of is Antidisestablishmentarianism. The think that has always made me laugh is the fact that is has a double-negative in it... "Anti" and "dis".
  10. People will do stupid things for all sorts of stupid reasons. Killing yourself over an 8 month relationship is sad, but it's just plain selfish. Suicide is the selfish way out, and there's no way around it. Heartless, though I may be, I don't feel sorry for her. I do, however, feel sorry for the family and friends that she put through hell.
  11. So why don't you pay for it yourself? I've been on 56k since I got the internet 6 or 7 years ago. It isn't that bad.
  12. I prefer not to listen to depressing music (read as: Whiny music). It's not that it depresses me, but that I can't stand hearing people whine about how their lives are horrible. Get over it...
  13. Very funny. I'm definately saving this, and will possibly be forwarding this dam story to a few friends.
  14. That is, as long as the student is of legal age.
  15. Well, it seems that I was not able to go to the concert. I had reserved tickets online and was to pay for them at the door. I got there the night of the concert and my name could not be found, and I wasn't allowed in. Being as the concert was sold out, I couldn't buy a ticket at the door either. I'm officially pissed off, and I hate that I will have to wait for them to release their next album before I can see them again.
  16. I believe that the most I've ever made in one day was about 12. At the moment though, I have negative 4. I hate that when you hit zero it automatically drops another 4 points.
  17. I do enjoy the color scheme, but it is somewhat sloppy overall. I give it a 6/10.
  18. I had Larry Davis of GalleryHardwoods.com resaw it for me, and he did an excellent job. He was able to get three 3/8" pieces and a 1/4" piece. Here are a few pictures he took before shipping them off to me.
  19. Their latest album certainly isn't my favorite. Actually, it's my least favorite so far. But, I assume it will be a great show. I actually just got finished watching my L.D.50 in Peoria DVD, hoping that it will ready me somewhat for the concert. I will be bringing my girlfriend, so making sure she isn't trampled will be my number one priority. Keeping us standing at the APC concert we last went to wasn't bad, but Mudvayne is a whole different animal.
  20. Well, once more, it seemed, it was time for me to decide what I would be doing for my birthday, and I had nothing. My birthday is the 2nd of December, and I usually wait until about a week and a half before to make plans. It seems this year is different. Last night I was looking at the concert schedule for a nearby venue (with the coolest room ever... the Egyptian Room), and what do I see? Mudvayne! When? November 25th! Yes, it's a week before my birthday, but it's Mudvayne. I can't pass that up. So needless to say, that's what I am doing this year. I just wanted to know if anyone else had seen them in concert. If so, how was it? The main reason for my wanting to see them is Ryan Martinie (bass). The guy is absolutely insane. With any luck I will be able to arrive early and get a nice stance near the barricades for a good view of the entire band. Wish me luck.
  21. I get the maturity thing often, actually. I think it's my hate for people that are not that causes me to be. Thanks for the compliment, though. And, thanks for the "good luck" referring to my relationship. I don't necessarilly expect us to be together forever. But being looked down upon because I have such a serious relationship at my age tends to make me angry.
  22. It turns out that I will actually be shipping this wood to Larry Davis at GalleryHardwoods.com to have him resaw it for me. It will be cut into three topset of 3/8" per. The first of these three will hopefully cover the top of this bass:
  23. I do hope that they change around the controllers a bit. Nothing beats the PS2 controller. It's perfect in every way. If upgrading to PS3 means that I will need to use that BOOMERANG controller, there's no way that I'm doing it. With any luck, it's backward compatible with the PS2 controllers aswell.
  24. Well, I actually didn't decide on any of these rings. I've found one at a local jewelry shop that I instantly realized was the one I wanted. It's 14K white gold with a pearl set in the center and about 1/4 carat diamond t.w. on the sides. Two similar rings can be seen below, as I couldn't find a picture of the exact ring. It did go over my original budget somewhat, but it's certainly worth it, and I'm sure that she will enjoy it to the utmost. The first image represents it best because it has diamonds to the side of the pearl, but the second picture shows the color that the pearl is.
  25. Well, this is certainly an interesting post, but does it have a point? Where is the plot behind your story?
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