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Everything posted by Cerb

  1. Actually, in the instrument world (well, at least with bassists... we like our odd figure), the more figuring you can get, the better the instument looks. This includes spalt. I personally wouldn't call that spalt, as it seems from the pictures to be more of a mineral stain. That is what instantly drew me to the piece, though. The blotchiness of the stain in some portions actually makes it look as though it came straight from a lava lamp .I will probably wind up cutting the piece into 1/4" thick slabs for the topwood. The other 1 1/2" of the body would be maple, more than likely. The tonal characteristics of maple are hard to beat, in my opinion; very growly, focused sound.I hope to use this piece for my second bass. I'm still working on the first (cerb.trap17.com > Concordis > Progress Pictures), and it is coming along awfully slow. Being only 15 and having an after school job that pays just over minimum wage makes it extremely difficult to buy the loads of stuff required to build an instrument. Plus, being as I've never been interested in, nor have I had any experience in, woodworking until this project I've had to buy tools aswell. My next thing is to invest in is a few router bits (a set of 5 bits that I will definately need... about $105 O_O) for the Porter Cable router I just bought.I can see that it will be an expensive hobby that will most likely haunt me like a cocaine addiction for the rest of my life.
  2. I rarely, if ever, read fiction, and most of the stuff that I read is very hard to find in book form. So, most of my reading is done on the computer.
  3. Well, being as we are both 15, confusing it for an engagement ring would be quite a feat. I do feel, though, that a ring is appropriate, as we have been together for 3 years now, and the relationship shows no sign of slowing down. I'm certainly not saying that we are to be married, because predicting something such as that would be silly, but it's definately an appropriate gift.Also, where are you from? Diamond rings don't seem to be associated only with marriage in my area (mid US).
  4. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I just won that piece of redwood yesterday, and I can't wait to get it in the mail. Once I recieve it I plan to use it as the topwood on the next few basses that I build. Hopefully I will be able to get about 5 or 6 tops out of it. I will more than likely laminate the back with maple. I've talked with people that had bad dealing with this seller, though, so I'm a bit worried about the look of this piece in person. Apparently redwood has the tendancy to get small cracks along the grain, and these obviously would not show in the photos. So, with any luck this will be as nice as I want it to be. It's possibly the nicest looking piece of wood I've ever seen, and it would go great with the bass design I have drawn up to full scale.
  5. Sounds like a good meal. I've had dolphin that was raised on fish farms, but I've never had shark.
  6. For Christmas I'm planning on getting my girlfriend a simple, yet nice looking, diamond ring. I personally prefer rings number two and three, with five being my least favorite. But, rather than just going with my instinct, I figured I would ask some of the ladies here which they would prefer if it was them recieving the gift. Also, if you happen to not like any of the choices above, tell me why. If you have any suggestions as to other rings that look similar to the ones above in style, please post a link to them. Here they are: Ring 1: Ring 2: Ring 3: Ring 4: Ring 5:
  7. The only online RPG that I play is A3. I've played since I was 9, and I'm nearly 16. I don't actually play anymore, but rather, I stick around for the message boards. The alien I'm playing with at the moment is nearing it's second year, and my last was past it's fourth.
  8. My favorite would certainly have to be Gambit. He has, by far, the best personality. Plus, what's cooler than charging things with kinetic energy ? That's right, nothing is.
  9. My eyes constantly change from blue to slate gray. When they are blue I am nearly blinded every time I step outside into the sun. I would much rather have brown eyes as they are far less sensitive to light.
  10. I will not be buying the 5th gen until Apple realizes they were morons for not releasing it with firewire support. All iPods until now have had firewire support, so why does this one not? Also, for the person who said Nanos are a great value, try thinking through that again. For $50 more you could be buying 30 gigs worth of space. I have a 40 gig Photo and I use it for not only music, but holding documents and program files. You could never do that with a Nano. There just is not enough space.
  11. For those of us still on 56k, a description of what is going on in that video would be very helpful.
  12. I think that most of you have misunderstood my point. Emoticons are fine. It's when people use these 'smileys' that don't even look like faces. XD just gets in the way of a person's reading of a sentence. Hell, it could be an abbreviation of something for all I know. I had to actually look it up on urbandictionary.com to realize what it was. Bottom line: it clutters a person's writing.
  13. Over the past few weeks I've seen this 'face' gain in popularity. It has nearly overrun the 'lol' acronym, and is just about as annoying. Here is an example of how I've seen this used:Today is such a great day XD. I walked the dog today. It was so fun XD. Afterwards I went home and watched some television XD. I really like television XD. kthxwtfbbqDon't you people understand how moronic this makes you look. It's just as bad, if not worse, than placing 'lol' in the aforementioned spots. I've used the internet for the past 8-9 years, and never once have I used 'lol' or 'XD' to punctuate a sentence. So, why do people insist on using stupid things like this after nearly every sentence? Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  14. Cerb

    Men! WHY?

    Yes, because all men are horrible pigs, and all women are perfect. That sounds like something a woman would say. That's like me saying that all women must be *BLEEP*es because I had a run-in with a moron female the other day. Please refrain from spewing such idiocy.
  15. Actually, the theory is that once you hit the speed of light, time will stop. As you progressively move faster than the speed of light, time will begin to move backwards.
  16. I prefer Coke Music over Habbo Hotel any day. For anyone that said Coke Music's graphics were blocky, you were greatly mistaken. It's also much more customizable. I mainly hate Habbo Hotel, though, because they ripped me of. I took an extended break, and they erased my $30 worth of furniture.
  17. I played around on Habbo Hotel for a long time. I probably spent around $30 total for credits. I took a long break (maybe 5-6 months), and when I went back, all of my stuff was gone. I contacted the staff, and they said that they would not help me.
  18. I'm not exactly sure if the name is correct, but Mr. Starkweather (I think), the insane movie director in the game Manhunt, is by far my favorite villian. The plot of that game was very well thought out and planned.
  19. I have an 40 gig iPod Photo. I'm not one of the many that are switching over to the Video, though. It doesn't have firewire support and I don't really want to install USB 2. Apple will hopefully realize their mistake and add firewire support sometime down the road before releasing the next gen.
  20. I agree with the majority of others. Mice is the plural when referring to the little furry pest. Mouses should be used when referring to the computer mouse.
  21. 1 tip: Get rid of those hand drawn plans and make them on the computer. No one could deduce a single thing from those. I certainly wouldn't want to fire a gun built on those hard to read plans. If you don't want to make them on the computer, at least use a straightedge, rather than scribbling out those lines.
  22. Very funny. Few things read make me laugh, but this actually did.
  23. People are just like that - cowards. Next time you see him out in public, give him a swift kick in the face.
  24. Myshoutbox.com has then for free. The are fairly customizable, and work great.
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