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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. You are feeling for her as a daughter, dont worry i know excatly what your going through, at this point in time, im loosing my girlfriend fo at least 3 weeks cause she cant handle the steess of having a boyfriend and dealing with her daughter close to being taken away.You feel like the mother, caring, sharing, loving and you dont want her to get hurt, like the parent who saying no sex until your 70 etc. Your looking out for her, and your also trying to show something back to her father.

  2. I guess the reality is your playing againist the other guy, and so-far your out-doing him well i say. However, she may be holding back to due a number of things, if she is busy with working and life, she she may be too busy for a relationship anyone.I say don' hold back, forgot there is another guy, forget she is busy, keep the dating up, kiss her god damn!, and let her know how you feel.

  3. I don't believe its the jealousy that makes you 'appear' nasty, more how far you take it. There are some things you can do out of jeaslousy that are kind and sweet, then you can get to the point where you end up breaking the relationship up because of the jealousy.If you like them enough to be jealous, then that shows you care, but if you like them that much then maybe you should reliese this and be happy for them being happy. Wait until something happens, or move on, or find someone else.

  4. ok if my boyfriend doesn't ask for head.... he wont get it.... i dont just go around handing them out like candy.... you have to ask.... if he's good.... ha! when is he evergood? and i dont live in the pretty pink pony land where there is pretty little unicorns of EVERY COLOR and lolypops stickng out of the ground like CANDYLAND! But im not really into mechanical machines(lol) and big trucks either.... i guess im sorta in the middle.... but thats good enough for him.. mainly cause i give a good bj...) but thats not all he's after... he can be sweet and sensitive when he wants to..... :)


    I must thank you for the great post there. All th sex talk, its amazing, you put across the feeling that the only thing that is so dominant within your relationship is you having sexual relations with him. Like there is no, Love connection thats strong to 'show' you that feeling you have when you first meet or something.


    I also think, that making him have to 'ask' for it, well come on, what guy feels comfortable going to thier girlfriend/wife and saying, hey, i've been good, can i have a ... etc. I like to think that anythin sexual wise, should just be an intermit spare of the moment thing that happens out o 2 peoples love for each other.

  5. Oh, thats the other thing too, it depends on excatly how common it is in the country. I'll use the example above, America will see alot of it and therefore get over it, whereas your country find it new and interesting to look at.Haven't you ever seen something reallly amazing for the first time and looked at it, only to find out your staring at it for long periods of time? Its just depends, i say use the catch line.. ' Take a photo, it will last longer..' and some will. :)

  6. There is nothing anyone is able to do to help you move on or feel better. It is only something you can do, and it doesn't matter if she left you for the same or oppersite sex, it still crashes down. It does however stop the thought of comparing yourself to another guy thinking where did i go wrong? The fact may be no where, she could just want to have jumped the fence and in-turn crashes you, which is just plain unthoughtful of her.

  7. Advice is only going to help her, however she is the only one that is going to solve the problem. If she can stand tall, take back the heart and soul that she 'thinks' she has given up, she can move on.It's not going to be easy wherther she liked him or not. Its just one of those simple facts of life that is going to haapen if it can happen. The only positive solution i can think of out of this is to reunite the relationship.

  8. Really, if you sit down and have a long hard think about everything, everything sucks. Why do we have to get up and go to work everyday with only 2 days rest in between? Why do women go through the pain of child birth?Because some people like the start to finish, child birth then caring for the child until caring no longer needed. And some people rather adopt to save from the pain but like looking after children. What you're after is a relationship that is adopted!

  9. Internet Dating. This is how i see internet dating, You start with low self-esteam and dont have the balls to get a partner within your own area, so you turn to the internet to hide behind. You meet these people online and they sound good, but they end up playing you hard and fast, either crashing you into the ground further or worse!I'd much rather people take confidence classes then hide behind the internet trying to pick me up through MSN or the like. It's plan insanity, communicating through the internet atfer you have created the relationship is quite different however.

  10. No come back, i want to kick you out in style! I must all the unnecceary '...' could be left out in future, i just went cross-eyed 10 times around!18+ Section?, It wouldn't really achieve much, most people can say what they need to say, and protray that feelings without having top make it 18+. Like saying you had sex last night can easily be said, me and my partner had a late night doing adult things. Same goes for the rest of it! I was using that as an example by the way, you'll never know when im doing adult stuff. 8-)

  11. I think the whole love into 4 different types is alittle to out there. I mean, Love is love, you either have the bond between two people, or you don't.Also people use the word out of context, someone may say i love you, but not mean it excatly, but know what it means. However, people can say it and mean it in the best of ways and live for the rest of thier lives.

  12. Ask him what his 'love' is based on? I have been there and done that, starting with this chick other side of the country, and its all built on hopes and dreams that one day you will meet and hit it off together, on the other hand if you dont, life is wasted?I now have a gf that for some reason cant spend more then 12 hours away from seeing (something of which will come to a halt shortly, damn work!), and when we are together, yes we sit and talk, but we both need that contact to know we care for each other!... I think i care alittle to much, i crashed into a tree thinking of her (She was sick at the time!)

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