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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. Mate, take in a deep breathe and listen to me very carefully. You are OVER (small understatment) analising the sitiaution here. So you went out with her to make X jealous?, what if you didn't? You'd be 'loveless'. She is great with kids, if you want kids, and you like what you see from her with your family, then why stress about wether she is acting or not. Money isn't everything, if you give her what she wants, and learn to spoil her nicely she wont be spending major amounts of your money bacause she will feel loved and cared for.The way i see it, if you want to over analiyse then think about it in context of Girl X, if you went out with her, got married to her, you might have ended up a single father trying to make the best for your children because she stuffed you around.I say shut your gob, get off this asking advice thread over those silly little things you said and go enjoy her company, god forbid there are so many people out there that ain't fortunate enough like you. PS. Don't cheat on her either. Ever seen Dr. Phil Mad :lol:^_^

  2. Dr. Phil wannabe? Thank You guys, i take such a pleasure sometimes in helping people. At other times i just want to hide under a rock. I arrive at wirk this morning, only to sign into MSN Messenger and have one of my good friends tell me her boyfriend cheated on her while she was in Thialand for no apparent reason. Some guys need a wake up call, and i guess thats what us 'Dr. Phils' are for. So all the guys out there that come down to the Relationship forum looking for advice after cheating on your girlfriend/wife don't expect my symphy but always my advice. (Which will be blaunt)Thanks Guys! :lol: I Won!

  3. The heart may never be wrong, but your heart doesn't have common sense. Let your heart provide an argument and use your common sense and brains to make the right decision. If we all followed our hearts i think the world would be out of order and not have a sensible decision made. I say you don't need your heart here, he cheated, that makes the decision for you. You trusted him and he never followed his promise to love n trust you, you can never get that back.

  4. The problem here is, you gave her too much 'in your face 24/7' type thing, and chicks really don't like that. They wanna go out and have sometimes without you, and if you let them they feel you trust them.They want you there when they need you for help, sadness, even when they want fun times however they will not like you tagging along being clingy just dosn't give her room to move or be herself. I think if you backed off alil you'd have a perfect relationsip, also she needs to see someone because i think she has a state of 'relation' truma which isn't great.

  5. Everybody will look at every aspect of a person to decide if they like them or not. I can personally openly say i base some of my thoughts on looks, the outside combines with the inside to complete the person. If you ain't happy with the complete person, you just won't be happy.It's not to say everyone will only always like these hot super models (Which sometimes i don't think are that hot!), but more that everyone has there own view of 'beautiful' so to speak. Some think that the ''Goth" look is someone for them, others think i like the 'Princess' look is for them, and rarely you see the two mix. The above posts i agree wih, your first initial point of contact you base on looks, then you get to know them as friends, and if something eventuates from there, so be it, good luck for you.Looks has nothing to do with sex between two people that love each other, because sex should be used as both a pleasurable and 'love forfilling' action between two people. This is where use looks, that is to use the common line of "I have banged so-n-so in the back seat of my parents car!"... I say good luck being on the dole or pension all your life!

  6. I have never really been rejected as you put it, cause i have never really asked. I like to be kind of open, i don't like people based on there looks, and if i like them, i believe(i hope) its quite easy for them to reliese i do. On the other hand, i havent been rejected cause i usually get asked. One case i was asked by 2 chicks that were both amazing within there own rights,at the same time, and i have 'stopped' the relationship with the one i choose at that time and i hav recently found out the other still likes me, ALOT! (Kinda Scary in a way!)... Thats my expereince in a nutsheel for you!

  7. An interesting concept, but everyone has something to lose! Depends on how much he likes/loves her as a friend, depends on how much risk you want to take. She may like guys that 'go out' on a limb for her. I feel it would be, by the sounds of your post, putting you out of your comfort zone. She could dig' that!

  8. Personally, i think he likes the both of you, and felt guilty when his ex-gf at the time of you dating came back and pressured him back from you. He dosn't seem to be confident, therefore if you tried badering in him to taking you back, he'd probably crack and take you back, and the vicious circle keeps going from there.I suggest that also don't put some much into your love. If you put so much love into a person, and that one person is apart of you so much, then its going to fall so hard when that one person is taken from you. I'm glad you have someone you like, i suggest you define yourself a boundry of what is friendship and what is a bf/gf relationship between you and your ex-bf otherwise it's going to keep haunting you, and you'll fall for him again, maybe not now, but if your current relationship even looks bad! You'll know!

  9. Freshman, Sophomore? What changes? Your hair? Down here in Aussies we don't worry about popularity over different 'years' or 'grades' they all just worry about popularity over who is the hottest. Should adopt that concept, you'll end up with 10 different girls a year.Anyway, back to the topic, stopping being a an idiot and asking friends, and telling them stuff, talk to her, let her know how you feel, if you do it in a subtle way, no one will get, and your friendship will not be tanished and if she says yes, then theres your Christmas Bonus.I take it though that she is also a freshman, and 'supposedly' doesn't date freshmands cause there at her level and arn't seen as cool? Personally, if she has her head screwed on, she'd reliese she could keep you as a Freshman, Sophomore, whatever comes next over there... By the sounds of it you already get along great, flirting, fun only thing left is one night stands. (Dont get any ideas!)

  10. For the quality projector you could get a much larger picture (or smaller with a good projector), then as if you brought a Screen/TV like this at the same price. I think people either don't understand that some projecters can give the same outcome, or hey just like screens/TV as large as this for the 'coolness' they fell it gives. Personally, i'm going to get myself a nice projector and normal TV. Set the projector up in a spare room, lounge chair, small bar, theater surround sound system, Media Center Set-Up... all i need after that would be the mood lighting. :)

  11. You're already hea dover heels for this guy, it kind o defeats the purpose of meeting him before making your midn wether you truely love him for him, or his words.I mean any group of people can still get together an act like a family to a complete stranger, and they do, for complete fun and to create hassle etc. What is going to happen to you, if you meet him, and you decide, no, not for me? You'll be heart shattered.

  12. Why bother getting jealous? Every dog has there day. That's life, and life is something you gotta take hold of and use to your advantage. Your friends may be talking to a hot chick, doesnt mean he gonna get anything from her.Have you tried talking to people, have you gone and got a new computer, or that new electronic device. I dont get jealous that they have better gear then me, i make them jealous causemi charge them $80~ to set there equipment up, joys of being an IT Consultant/Support Officer. Think about it.

  13. What you mean ideas? What advice? You got all the advice straight from her. Back off until she is over her Ex, from what you have said aboce, she is trusting you, and you are doing good at being there for her, just dont try and push her for awhile she will slowly let you know when she is ready.If you push to hard, you could end up pushing her backwards over the edge, and then you have the most toughest part of getting her back from the bottom. Plus, if you keep trying she may also get the idea that your just trying to 'move in' on her and not really there for the friendship part as well. Give her time!, I stake my life on this one, you two eventually will be together!!

  14. Pat Decor, Yes you are right. However, you mention that you only play these duel monsters or such whn have some spare time. What i see with this guy is he doesn't love her, he loves the cards more. Its like the cards are his 'pleasure' and she is his 'look good, toy' sort of thing.I do totally agree with your last two paragraphs, mainly the point about not being the best romantic, but its not the outcome as such its the thought and care put into achieving the outcome. Either way i say best of luck to all.

  15. greentea-pocky above beat me to the punch line. :blink: If your parents were having relationship problems, splitting up would you jump right into a relationship yourself? I'd hope your natuaral instincts would say NO. As the saying goes, Monkey See, Monkey Do. She see's the 'bad' part of relationhips that most others dont see until there at that stage of the relationship. Just give the girl time, and keep your friendship relationship going to show and support her into thinking not all relationships have to end messy.

  16. She didnt even invite you to her party? Damn thats going alittle too far. However, it could have been an all girl slumber party thingo too. If it wasn't, find out what happened at the party, usually if she is breaking up with you in a cruel way, she would ahve been all over the guys at her party.I say also to throw the phone away, and start talking seriously with her face to face to do a number of things, gage her bodysigns weather she is actually listening, you could look at her eyes when she talks and guage wether she is lying. Its just soo much better.

  17. Personally, i believe it depends on the computer, if you have a cool household with a computer that has 2-3 fans attached to the case, shouldn't cause much of a problem. Look at it another way though, you live in a high humid warm dusty area which i always quite warm and sometimes gets really hot, and your PC is sure to act funny and start blowing parts of it up. :blink:

  18. It may be very good skills to have, but if you think aabout it, would you have these kind of thoughts without the logical thoughts first? No. Why you ask?I'll use the above example: It may take 5 men 10mins to dig the required holee, but as was stated one coul be lazy and it takes an extra 5mins. Woul you beable to say i may take 15mins if you didnt logically think first that it would take 10mins? No.My point here is, both types of thinking are actually logical. Logical thinking would be planning something, but if you were thinking logically you would factor in time or resources for any extra time or sitiaution etc. What i believe most people are refering to here is the fact that 'thinking outside the box' has to do with 'on the spot' thinking were you don't have the time to think logically about what happening you just do it.

  19. Tried sitting down with him and telling him what you just told us? To me it sounds like he be alittle in-secure being seen with you, maybe not being seen as 'cool' enough, or you not been seen as 'cool' enough.I know that may seem stupid, but if you think about it you could be suprised. Although, until you talk with him, and find out what he has to say about the situiation i don't think you're going to make any head way.Do ou mind me asking how old you both are? I'm guessing not any older hen say 18? Which creates my next thought, what is he like at school, provided you attend the same school and 'hang out' together.Also, i noticed you were saying 'I know he loves me' etc. but do you truely love him? and if so, how have you shown it lately? It's not always the guys that have to make the effort to show the 'love' not just going out either. Personally, my advice is, just sit down and talk with him.

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