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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. at 13 I doubt you'd do that well :lol:
    And she'd probobly get pregnant as well. awwww

    Yes, and a 12/13/14 year old pregant girl is not good, they whinge and whine so much about everything, looking for attention, and i know cause i've seen it, stupid people. Even those that are pregant at 16/17 find it very hard to cope with School and being Pregant, wait until this chick has the baby, ill never hear the end of it, i dont now. <_<

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    Whilst there are some good deals in there i believ your topic breaches TOS in form of No Advertising via the Forums. Only being your first and probably last post, unless you become a active member of the forum i'm sure you might go read the TOS and FAQ now before more topics.

  3. Hi solankyno1, I've tried to follow your suggestion by renaming the folder 'Messenger' to MessengerOFF but i keep getting the following error:


    Cannot rename Messenger : Access denied.Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use

    The file is not in use nor the disk is full. How can I know that the disk is write-protected or not?


    I really hate Windows messenger with its ugly interface. Though I have MSN messenger 7 it keeps logging our automatically to be login automatically again at Windows messenger. Sometimes I do not even know when the windows messenger had signed in....


    Make sure you exit both program from the task manager and also make sure you have the administrator account or an account that has that access.



    Also, don't get yourself mixed up between Windows & MSN Messengers as alot of new beginners do, i have had numours calls from friends and family asking why MSN Messenger isn't installed when they keep re-installing Windows Messenher. :lol:

  4. Yeah, its called a crush.
    If she's single and you think you feel something more than friendship towards her, then ask her to go to a movie with you or something, or take her out to dinner.. 'specially if you think she might feel the same way about you. The worst thing is when you never work up the courage to tell someone how you feel and then you just..never know. Do yourself a favour and don't do that :\ Tell her..

    I'm rambling a bit, so I'll stop. Pink font is unnecessary :lol:'

    I have to agree with xeatos on this one, but don't be fooled also, she may precieve it as a friendship and therefore that is why she is able to talk to you. The only way around this is to start talking to her and and then before it becomes a deep friendship ask her out after going to movies, dinners as xeatos said.

    But the pink font is her right if its available.

  5. People and there teenage fantises. Why cant you just let him cope with his break up for a while, help him throough be nice, and he is more then likely to ask you out when he is ready to date again.As for your friends having crashes on you, thats not suprising considering they know you better then most the guys so they can decide etc. but friends just becomes too complicated.

  6. Think of it like this... This is the one person you must be good friends with, can talk about anything, do anything and if you start a relationship more then friends with them, your putting everything into the relationship.Now imagine you 2 get sick of being with each other soo much that you split, now who do you have as that good friend?? no one as good as the one you just split with. So if you like someone get to know them, but dont put your faith in one person.

  7. Wow... I am so happy for u guyz!!! =D Heheh... I hope that guy will make the first move... If he doesn't in like 2 months, I'll go tell him. =P


    Michelle, You leave it for 2 Months with todays generation you'll lose him. Just ask him if he wants to meet up on the weekend or something to go to the mall with some friends etc. ... then get to know him so he is talking to you.


    He may then decide to ask you to the movies and the ball just keeps rolling on from there. Just dont go straight out saying, would you like to go out with me, make it romantic alittle on your part and he'll make it more on his part.

  8. This is definately something I would personally advise you not to do. First of all, phone sex is boring after you reach the age of 15, and secondly, you better be glad you can't get phone V.D., cause you don't know who you are messing with. If I were you, I would go to the mall or somewhere similar and try my luck with the locals. Good luck with whatever you choose.

    Or depending on your status with the Locals, try 100km (or miles) down the road and go around and try some sweet charm on thier Locals, then they wont know you and you can make yourself look good. Plus the distance is only an hour drive, or short train trip. :lol:

    But good luck any way... The world is an amazing aint it, people just wanna grow up sooo fast. :lol:

  9. Many people find it tough to install every thing that makes a perfect web server. Hence there are also ready made scripts that installs all needed software together in a single setup. XAMPP is one of them. It installs everything you will need to become a web server without much manual configuration. It's also a better alternative for newbies instead of installing part by part manually. Again, be sure to read it's documents to make an easy task installing and administrating your webserver.



    Also, for those who are new out there to Web Hosting, then its a good suggestion to use something like XAMPP on the main source computer, and if you can source another computer from someone, and learn ow it works, try and build the system from the ground up so that 1) You learn how to build XYZ Server 2) You can learn how to manage the XYZ Server and 3) Learn about the security of it, get someone to see how deep they can get into your server, of course there will be nothing on it but the server and 'dummy' files but... If your wanting to learn, then its the best way to go about it. Otherwise get a job that has 'On the job Training'. :angry:

  10. Just a little something about love. When you pledge your love to someone, your heart is in their hands. I had to learn this the hard way. One of my good friends, Dana, was a newbie to love. She had a boyfriend, a loving caring boyfriend named Steven, the best you could ever ask for. Their relationship lasted for quite a while, something like 8 months. Then Steven broke up with her for some reason that I still am not clear about. Anyway, Dana took it hard. and I mean REALLY hard. She didn't come to school for days at a time, and I found her shut up in her room with the curtains drawn, just sobbing and crying. She was quite depressed and she was in an awful mood all the time. Then finally, she did the unthinkable. To put an end to her pain, she got her dad's gun (her dad's a cop), put it up to her head, and pulled the trigger, instantly killing herself.
    Just a little reminder to take it slow and steady once you find that special someone.


    Just imagine all the people who are feeling guilt by this, Her Ex-BF who was the cause (I know that if you cant continue with someone, then you have to end it. But if your both fully in love then there shouldnt be any need. A very debatable topic!), im sure he had learnt a very valueable lesson, and its sad he had to learn it in such a way. Her father who now spends his days imagining 'What if i wasn't a cop? :angry: , Would she still be here today?'. Her closet friends who think the worst cause they might of been able to help her. Its Sad, and all because of Love... I hope Steven found out, just how much she loved him, my guess he will never meet another girl like that again. I could also imagine the anger going around the school/group of friends at that point in time.

    I've had three friends in that situiation, and im still trying to figure what i could have done to help them, but i reliesed that the only way you can help, is always being by there side when they need it. People who say they just need some time alone, there is sometimes alittle too much alone time which only allows the person to fall deeper into depression, find out whats making them sad, and directly counter act it.

    Im Sorry for your Loss, its one of the hardest things to deal with...

  11. Lets break this down into areas you noted:1. You said you meet her through your best friend, and that you know have started talking on the phone for only 5 Days, this is the first problem, you only been talking 5 days? .. try waitin 2-3 weeks then see if you still like her.2. You said you haven't meet her, or seen her, then i'd be asking for a picture, and if it comes back looking like some super model, she is lying (In most cases :angry:). Maybe you could visit each other during a holiday period and spend the holidays together?, there within lies the next problem.3. You said she already has a boyfriend, now even though she says, that she likes you better although, alot of couples do go through that phase and what happens if they then become real close again and decides to still lead you on, or drop you like a bowling ball?4. You said she keeps moaning on the phone (Strange or just plain wacked!!), after you had phone sex which spells to me that maybe she is only in it for a bit of fun. All i can suggest is not commit yourself to anything, just let things keep taking for couple of weeks, wait until she then breaks up with her boyfriend and not playing him with you. Also, just have a chat to her, bout why she likes you, what would happen being so far away?, What if you meet someone closer who you really like??

  12. This topic keeps getting longer and longer and the same stuff keeps getting said, so i hope other people reading this topic get the message and have a good think before they go worrying about who they may like etc...The motto of this story is simple, if you like someone, tell them. If you like each other, go for it, no matter what anyone may say. If it dont work out, have no regrets, and remember then good times.

  13. I think the topic is just alittle bit of fun, and a general grounding. You have to look at the bigger picture because (in the famous words from the last page, lol) if you know (dated) as many girls as i do, then you certainly would know they are all quite different.Some like sweet, open caring, french champagne and flowers from thier guys etc. then you often find some females that just prefer a down to earth guy that will protect them, give them money, and be a father without ever giving flowers, or sitting down having a open chat etc.Then thier are the feamles that like other females, i think they are the smart ones. :)

  14. I agree.She must be somewhat interested in you. :)

    I think, however, that she might feel a bit awkward to date someone her close friend has dated.
    I don't know....It used to happen in my school..when a guy dated a girl (I'm calling this person girl1)...and after they broke up for a while, that guy then dated another girl(girl2), who is a close friend of girl 1...

    Then girl 1 got very upset after that.

    That can evoke 2 reactions though. If you break up with your partner and then go out with thier best friend, wouldn't you be upset, and think of alittle backstabing by your best friend?

    On the other hand, if your partner breaks it off with you, and then you end up with thier best friend then the burden and blame is all on the best friend because they said yes to you, or went after you. This is why i hate 'liking' people from school really, cause everyone is friends etc etc... and then it creates one big fight.

    Dont get me wrong, if you like someone so much, you'll go through thick and thin, then give it a shot, just think of all possibllities before you act, and if you don't think you will like the outcome, it is not worth it then is it?

  15. You need a major attitude adjustment, so...... I don't take *BLEEP* from nobody, especially women, when you're ready to do things my way email me at scagweed2008@yahoo.com

    Mate, i think you need to calm down, take a microsoft chill pill and learn that women are here to order you around, or you to order them around. This Forum is only designed as a helpful insight to peoples problems, and there solutions. I suggest if you have an argument to make, do it in a constructive way, instead of simple having an outrage. FYI, i think i speak for most people, when i say, NO ONE and i mean NO ONE has to do things your way, and if you don't like that, then i guess your going to have one very dull misable life.

    When you become the in-charge of my country, then come and try and tell me i have to do things your way, until then, get back in your box, enjoy life, and treat everyone both in 'reality' and here. This board has terms and conditions and i suggest you go read them before you start posting more topics.
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