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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. Hey sorry to hear about what happened. It sounds like even though the romance was 'gone' it still took a big toll. I hope that you do bounce up from it, and I'm sure you will. You should take it easy though before you regret doing something you know you shouldnt' have. "Time heals all wounds". I don't know if this is true, but I hope it is. Hang in there man and good luck in life.

    Quite true. However, how much time? I agree with the taking it easy before doing something he'll regret, but that's half the fun, only kidding. Take it easy, but don't do nothing. On the off chance she could be yours again simply because you went after her. It would show how in love you were with her. Anyway, please keep visiting and let us know what happens.

  2. There is only so much a person can do, you have to fully trust that the other person won't cheat or go in another direction when tempted. Although, if they do, you must think, Is it for the best? I don't know if i'd be able to handle seeing my girlfriend once a weekend, even if it was the whole weekend. I think its a case by case basis as to weather you and her can keep it going. I say good luck to all those who are in long distance relationships.

  3. The way i see your thoughts Misanthrope are in good light, however, the times are changing, it is now the thing that they do, it would need another change back the other way to change the next generation. It's like the TVs getting bigger, Fast Food more popular, longer working hours, working from home, sex/relationship at young age and getting younger. We keep inventing things that make it easier to have safe sex or ways out if something goes wrong at unsafe sex and new ways other then intercourse are becoming more popular, drinking age is down, therefore people are just getting invovled. IT's just the world changing and maybe for the worse or better, who knows?

  4. So you mean starting the friendship? Well, find out what she likes to do, her name (should already, otherwise dont bother lol), and it s a simple task of asking her if she'd like to go do what ever it is that she likes doing. Or you could say, would you like to do something on the weekend, and when she says yes, but what? say a suprise. This take a little amount of skill to suprise her with something that she will like, and things like that. Progress slowly for month or two, don't over-do it then you can use that dating word for sure.

  5. Well, i had a 'what the' reaction to the age part then kept reading. I'm looking from the angle of whattype of person she is. If you're friends then take her to the movies no problem with that. However if your looking for a relationship if she is like most these days she will look towards someone older, not younger, however if she doesnt care then i say you have no real problem what so ever. Just be yourself.

  6. Whlist the word love shouldnt be used just anywhere on anything like it is these days, however, if you feel it, simply use this to your advantage. If your opening up to her then she is more inclined to listen, and share with you, then trying to push things out of her. Flowers, Chocies, Dinners, Movies, spoil her rotton. You do this because your trying to show you care and you want to spend time with her. You get to see her, thats the bonus!! Don't threat about upsetting her, this will only happen if you didnt have a good friendship to start with or you go totally overboard and she feels threatned. Do you know what you should do? Write her a nice letter, make it sweet, but not pushy. It should take at least a week to write explaing the way she makes you feel when you were together during that week. If she likes you, she will cherish it.

  7. What about weekends? Get the kids out the house, send them to a rellies for the night and do something special. Surely, if he is still forcused on work during the weekends then he is in the wrong job. If you are getting nothing from him, of a weekend, then simply start asking questions. Is he attracted to you anymore? Is there something you have done? Maybe go out to dinner then movie then home or something... Just make yourself look nice, and if you look stunning it may re-spark the love or something, not that it should be needed.

  8. Wow, one long weekend and i miss a whole world crashing. Damn. Heres what what i read so far:1. Your friends have no respect for your happiness or word. If you had said i'll talk to him later then they should have first of all said thats a good thing and left it at that, yet, like most typical females at that age they like to know all, and rule all. I'd tell your friends to back off him for a while and not even be 100ft of him.2. If you were there, then maybe you should have stayed after they grilled him for no reason and spoke to him them, and explain you froze up. You standing gave him the empression that you were full agreeable with the way they were treating him, and take it from me who is 19, i dont like being yelled at by 14-17 year old girls. They'll swiftly be told where to get off, or get out of my car if in it.3. If he is comming onto you again, make the best of this time, and do the right thing which is love him for him not just because he is 18 and has a car and other *BLEEP* that most teenagers like to use me for. mmm where is my ex-gf when i need her back. Anyway, follow what truefusion said.

  9. Your love will always be there thats not going any place fast. However there is no use crying over spilt milk, just have 'outburst' (very important as done above' maybe write her a letter then get on with life as you say. Life as they say it is, a journey, no point on getting on the tourist bus and being left behind to hit 50 and still be standing in the same spot. Could have been much worse, she could have gone and broken the friendship as well, but it seems you all still have that intact. Friendship is a beautiful thing, don't make that all about you and you'll be just fine.

  10. I want to know how there sorting out who moves out and if thats the case also where they moving to, another place or back to their home town? You have a fairly strong argument that she should be talking rather then shutting herself away, its unfair to leave or break up not having any explanation as to why.

  11. Well if she is shutting herself out of the relationship then it is only hers, and her alone at fault. If she was unhappy and was not able to talk about it like a resposible adult then all i have to say is don't beat yourself up, don't let her get the house/unit whatever becuase she wants to break up, go live life and i think in the end she may come around and see the stupid mistake she is making anyway.

  12. Can i just say one thing here, i know your hurt and all, bu do not dig yourself in rather by pushing her further away, making assumptions that she is cheating, assumptions like her family said something. You have to find a way to get out of her what ever it is she is not teliing you, provided there is something she isn't telling you.Also on the other foot, try something new and exciting to grab her attention back, ask her questions but not too many. Don't make her feel like she is being harrassed by you and make it turn out more ugly then what it is now. Good Luck mate!

  13. Dude, just tell her where your going is a suprise and take to some very exciting place and maybe she might open up alittle. I know your not looking to get hurt but sometimes you have to take the risks. She wants to know that if your both together then you can make her life fun with you, not boring like she states going to eat stuff.PS. If she isn't eating, maybe there could be some more deepful stuff going on? As Mich said, some of these girls can be shallow and if she is also protecting her figure that much not to eat then no good could come of it.

  14. Personlly, it is that easy for everyone. I'm the the guy that no chick normally would think about twice if she was this hot popular girl at school, however i managed to find 2 beautiful girls that liked me for me, and not my looks and likewise for them. I hold a grudge against anyone that bases a relationship soley on the looks of someone because if you think about it, they are only doing to advance themselves and put others down that don't jump at every other person like they do. The age of relationships is dropping, 20 years ago you'd be 18 before considering a serious relationsip, these days you only have to be 12 years old and in some cases younger, and i'm talking sexual active. The problem with this sliding trend is STDs and also pregancy. Everybody knows that it's real hard work having a baby, and thats when you are 30 years old, let alone 14 and dealing with school, or having to tell your parents. People wonder why the sudden need for more group homes and carers to look after more and more children which they blame on goverments for setting standards so high. I say i would love to be apart of a high standard family then one where i could end up dead in under 40 years of age.Anyway back on track....

  15. Advice probably already been given, however i'll say that all the advice given is only going to help you slightly, you need to help yourself and think what is going to help you through this crisis. There is no point trying to cover up your feelings as its only going to hurt you, and everyone knows you have been hurt, just go out have fun with friends, go home be sad but dont be stupid and do anything to yourself, so many peopl get so depressed and we wonder why so many accidents happen. Any good luck in the future! - Life goes on!

  16. All valid points. However, i'd go nither and do something totally unrelated to show that your thinking outside of the box, and that you really care for her. Roses, Dinner, Limo (:D), Dancing just be creative, there is never ever going to be something that she'll love more then the thing that you giving know that you love her, if that all makes sense?IE. If you have her a mudcake in the shape of a heart she'd love it cause it came from you? Capeesh? :P

  17. And how old are you both? Country? and do you both have non-e boyfriends girlfriends??? Could be a very interesting sitiaution come time to meet. I say stick to your local area, and provide yourself with a real test, if they wait until they get to come see you, then you know it's only a good thing. I certainly wouldn't be saying no to someone who lives locally for someone over 5,000ks away.

  18. You make me look like a bloody idiot. I sent her an E-Card because i was so sick i could barely get up without burning up like it was a summers day, and it was a really cold day too sucks i know but what can ya do? She did come back and tell me she loved it, i dont know wether that is goo or bad with reasoning.Plus we only been together for a week max. I probably should go see her, but im still sick. Damn Flu!!!

  19. There many reasons why and yet they probably all contribute to make it one big ball of feelings for the daughter. I really think like i have said, you just protect her as a way for giving back what your coach has done for you. There is nothing like the feeling of giving back to what you have recieved. I say you should come back and let us all know what happend. :P

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