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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. Now a list of things TO DO: 1. Re-introduce yourself again to her, make her laugh again first time found. 2. Become friends with her again, offer to go shopping or something with her, or to the movies. 3. Offer help and advice with work, homework and school stuff etc. 4. Bring back old memories (good ones), make her laugh like you used to, make her remember the moments you had together 5. Slowly show her little things that will make her really happy and see the real you, flowers, or chocies, little prezzies.Just dont rush, make sure you are 'in' with her as a friend, before trying to tell her that you love her and scare her away. And dont beat yourself up if you dont get the outcome you want, you can always change things in the future, one no now, is not always a no.

  2. Everyone's experiences are going to be different, some people will feel comafortable after they finally do it for the first time, others may take a few years to get the hang of both asking for a relationship and being in one. I myself have never really had to ask for the relationship, just usually choocse between two chicks, most of the time, making the wrong choice (life wise), but in the short time i had fun and don't regert any moment of my life or any part of my relationships.Just keep on keepiing on. Life is life, love will always follow.

  3. Well Well, It all depends on how much she knows you, i mean if you say your seen as the nerdy one within your school, she can either like that or hate. Some chicks prefer to have guys that ain't smart, live like an idiot for there lives then reliese they could have an easy life within somoene who actually studied at school, not into drugs, crime etc.Don't change to be with her, let her get to know you for who you really are. If she says no, they don't force it, find the person that genuinly says yes to who you are.

  4. Also, kill any guys that try to move on her and take your place. Like our friend Lodd here. :lol:

    I wouldn't mind if you got me her number. :(

    I'd take his advice, it was a logical peice of information from where i am sitting. However, We can give you as much advice as we like, but you have to put your own indivuality spin on it. If she goes on the same boring dates all the time, and seeing you not acting like yourself, you're in dead water.

  5. I thought i did impress her once. Their was a big dance around a year ago, and my band played there. (i'm the guitarist and vocalist). I thought that she'd be impressed for sure. but...

    Not everyone is impressed by music. Or people within music bands. I myself just listen to music, for the music, i don't take notice who is singing it, or in some caswes what the title of the song is. when someone says make her go 'WOW', you have to do something that directly impacts her.

    Example: There is a project or an aspect at which she cannot do, and needs help in someway to do his task. Now she may know nothing at all on the subject, however you could be this complete genuis on it. Offer to give her some help, spend time with her etc. Most girls i know tend to study alone if they are getting help from someone else, so this is your chance to get to know her, let her know you, and also just to make her go 'WOW' for hlping her out.

    DO NOT at this stage ask her to the dance though, keep the friendship happening for a few weeks, keep offering help. Don't become to clingy, and then when you see her heading home, offer to walk with her, this would be the most perfect time to ask her. Also, offer to goto the dance with her, not meet her there, she will feel more confident if she is shy etc.

  6. HOLD THE PRESS!! No, not at all, no guy (or female for that matter) should be a player, as so put. Its a circle of nothing, i understand that you may have 4 partners before marrying one, but to go into life with the intent on having sex with as many people as you can is plain stupidity. If thats all you care about, having sex, go meet with Miss Palmer. Whatever happened to no sex until marriage, i think some people need o do this!

  7. Mr. Cool. is usually the guy that is 40 years old, has 10 kids to 6 different mothers, an is not married to any of them. Dies alone, and goes to Heaven regretting himself. Lik in the other post 'I made a boo boo' want to be like that?Just keep doing what your doing, keep saying how much you like her hair etc. then when the time is right, just come out and say that you like her, and if she'd like to go on a dat or something.....

  8. Be a little nicer people.

    :) I tried to be as nice as possible. But i am truly sorry, i'm on the females side for this one. He is the kind of guy that just seems to be unhappy with one thing. He needs it all, for some reason i think he should actually ring all of them, truly say he is sorry and make a fresh start with his 'love' for this girl. Also, telling each female the truth about every child he has and help with support. You dig the hole, you sleep in it!

  9. You say don't laugh?, I say kill you sounds better! The problems start right at the beginning.1. You DO NOT love anyone, otherwise, we wouln't be here saying this.2. You have NO respect for females. To get them pregant and have children, with no support help or nothing.3. Cheating twice over a 5 year span is bad, and you claim to have done it 100 times. Run while you still have legs!4. Your a guy, that i hate very much, cause you give us other guys that actually use the word love wih its meaning and hold true to our hearts what love is and the person/s we love.I suggest you fake your death, hit the road, start a new life! Saves her lies and embrassment. Then again, the post coul be spam! Bam!

  10. Thats just the thing, i do love her, and i know she loved me, its just her way of dealing with it. She had no choice about having to move back up there and thats something i have to deal ith also.I guess, the thing is you have to trust partially in the beginning and you slowly give and give more each time. If your trust is broken, or your love, you dont want to end up losing it all because of this one person.You ot to learn to let live, and die freely, wihout being burned by someone all because they have to do whats right for them. And yes im over it, i have already found another chick to try and get with. She is also th oppersite kind of peson person to my ex-girlfriend, strange really!!

  11. Thanks, and yes i'm over it. No lik the relationship was a long-term one. The reason i choose her in the first place was that we di bond so much better then me and this other chick. I love children, so that didn't play a factor in m decision, although alot of peoples advice said it would have. I guess it did in the end, but i care more for the childs future then my own.As for your comment in finding someone else husker, thanks, i know the other chick from the original decision is still interested, dependent on the decision of some other guy who she has asked out apparently. I'm over the whole having a girlfriend thing, i think building friendships is only going to help you through life. Not to say that you never find the girl of your dreams and marry her, but don't just take anyone that offers etc.Thanks All...

  12. About one month ago, i meet this amazing chick. Although she was young and had a little daughter of 1 month old at the time, i liked her alot. As the story goes on, wouldn't you have it, she asks me out, along with another chick at the same time. Now like anyone else i spent couple of days making my decision, I choose her over this other chick. Did i make the wrong choice?After about 4 weeks, she was going 2 and half hours away to visit her friends and family for only 3 weeks, and return there shortly after. So she left, and she left me on great terms, she got down there was having a wonderful time. However, someone didn't like the way she was being a mother, so she was battling to keep her daughter through the courts all well and good so far.Do you kno how hard i hits when a friend rings you and says that she wants to be just friends because she can't handle the stress of having a boyfriend and fighting to keep her daughter as well. Now that i can agree with and deal with. With the mind thought that we will get back together when this is over and she ishappy.Nope. I was wrong as always Now she is going to move a day whole day up states. 24 hours straight driving from where i am. She wants to keep her baby, so that is where the father lives and his family. Now, i was heartbroken by this, as anyone would be. But i did have to agree, knowing the court system quite well, knowing this was the best option for her and the baby. :) Then she says she never loved me, and that she didnt know what she wanted. She is going to try and sort things out with her ex-boyfriend and maybe get back together with him be the onl person she has ever loved. Well, im over it now. :) I have let my steam out....

  13. Or you could hire a private detective to do some fact finding for you. I'm available if you can pay for my travel (both there and around), Accomdation (4 Stars at least!), Meals (Can be included with the Accom.) and then my wages on that, starting at about $440 an hour.Then, i aqlso run a dating agency, if you'd like me to be your matchmaker and i'll have a special price to fix you two in the same boat. Even extra if you want me to plan the most romantic date ever for you both. You may as well enjoy, me and my ex-girlfriend aren't going to need it.

  14. If you ask me, or not. She should not be seeing him full stop. She is still trying to hold on, hoping that things will change for the better with his guy. She drags him along, knowing your there as a kind of a buffer, someone who won't let things happen.You need to show her how he is really hurting her, bring her back to the reality. Things are going to be hard, different i know. If she has a friend like you, she will see this and move on.

  15. Let's not worry so much about how you will feel, for few reasons.1) If you tell her, and you rejected, Your heartbroken.2) However, if you don't tell her, then our heartbroken anyway.3) If you tell her, and you get her, then you'll be happy.So try to forgot worrying about upsetting yourself at the current moment. Forcus your attention on her, try and do things with her, shopping, hanging out, movies etc and so that you like her. Then when the time is right tell her. Your only going to make things work if you try first, things ain't just going to happn.If you're worried about upsetting her, then maybe you should seek advice from her friends about how to make the right impression on her. Also, if you also get to know her friends, it can only help you, just try not to flirt or get to close. A chick in my expereince is always going to turn to her friends for advice on a guy, and if they view as a sweet great guy, your'll do fine.

  16. I feel your pain man, same thing just happened to me within the last 2 days. She is fighting to keep her daughter, so all guys take a back see seat, including me her boyfriend, and now her ex-boyfriend, i got the whole lets only be friends thing. However she is 2 n half hours away and i cant help but think whats going on. I do love her still, thats what you have to remember.

  17. I can i give some very delicate advice here, currently im sitting on a fence with my ex-girlfriend/gilfriend(Separation, while she is going through a legal battle :)) and my advice is to back off slightly cause any advice you give, or anyway you help her that is slightly viewed incorrectly by her father is only going to land you in troubl with him and your feelings for him.

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