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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. Your first usually isnt the best these days, as so many people are so young at the time, 13/4. The greatest kiss i have had, was only 2 weekends ago, ohhh, i hardly knew her, and yet she has made me think bout her non stop since! .... Heart Breaking Part of the Story: She now has a boyfriend! <_< Ah Well, next kiss! lol

  2. Just so we are clear! I'm a GUY!!!!!!!! I just speak from mutrual point of view. Guys do it, Chicks do it. Its not about the cheating, its about the fact that no one can ever be happy with what they already have ahold of.You have million and you risk it for a billion, some can come away with heaps money in ther pocket, other just blow it all, left with nothing. Its a good pick line, How did you lose your last wife?, I cheated on her, Oh lets go get married! <_< Good Luck!Everyone wants to be like someone else as well, you see all these movies where they get away with it, and then you see people trying to do the same thing, just doesnt happen.

  3. Why do people drink underage?, Why do people smoke underage?, Why do people drive underage and the answer is as simple as the this, for 'The Thrill', not the thrill of cheating on your partner (Unless specifically doing it), but for the thrill you get out of this 'Cheating Relationship' that you may not get within your current relationship.Some people can say that they still love there girlfriend/wife, yet go cheat on her. I don't see how this works, when you love someone, you love them for them, accept them for them, so if they don't want sex til marriage, you accept that, and abide by it cause you love her, not go and find a cheap shag with someone else.Humans are an evolved speicies and yet, we still can't be honest?, and they say guys cheat more then the girls, thats a load of bulldust, how many chicks do you know that could be so easily 'changed' by a guy with money and an a 6 pack? <_< (The Dream Worthy Guy) lol. Puke! Of course how many guys do you know that could be tempted by a blonde with long legs and plastic surgery done! Typical 21st Socieity

  4. It only becomes dangerous when you get yourself led in to certain things, like meeting the person, and not really knowing who they are. I don't understand how internet dating can be different to someone choosing a name out of a phone book or going on a blind date.People are becomming more and more relient on technology, yet they stil dont reliese there are greater risks involved then just seeing whats on the screen, like hacking, spyware, viruses.

  5. What type of 'Love' you referring to?, and in what context?1. Brother & Sister Type2. Mother & Daughter Type3. Boyfriend & Girlfriend4. You & President?People tend to use the word 'love' just out of context when talking to friends, like 'I'll talk to you later, love ya' i do all the time. However, if a guy seriously invites you to a romantic dinner, buys you a gift, rambles on then has a tear in his eye when he says he loves you, then you can kind of think he means it.On the other hand, some fe/males may 'believe' what there partner says on the fact that they think they are not good enough to get anyone, take it or lose it. What i believe you to be referring to, is there things that are 'generalisation' in love that you can do to help make someone live you, and there is simply not. I'd fallen in love with 3 females, and all 3 were different, its the way you view someone, if they dont view you the same way, tough cookies!They say 5% Relationships are 'True' Love, and 20% are 'semi love' and the rest is built on fear, or lust. People that are willing to get themselves in to that 5% are those that will be happily married for the long run!....

  6. Three times a week?, Change that around, and ask if she wants to go out some time to the movies etc. Talking in public to her, well your going to end up having to do so, why not make it now?If your shy, she will notice, if yu then talk to her, she'll regonise that you ahve overcome the courage to talk her, and thats whats going to appeal to her... 'Oh, he was amazing to come talk to me', is what she is going to be thinking. Would you rather her think... 'What a complete idiot!'. Your Choice.... Take Classes in Confidence or something. :)

  7. You just make someone like you ina day, if you have friends, thats a good place to start?, just be yourself and as the wsaying goes, You get out what you put in!If you sit around allo day, don't mingle with people, your not going to meet many people, and less that actually like you, go to parties, meet someone, and go shopping with them, You find out the most interesting stuff, trust me! - If you go shopping with a chick, you usually know there bra size, before you get your hand on thiers! :);)

  8. You really shouldn't visit your 'crush' at work, unless you know they'll be there and on a break, that way you can plan something romantic in place. I always say this, and i still believe it to be the most effective way of doing things, tell the damn person you like them straight out, but not just any place, arrange to meet up with them, maybe at the movies or something.People tenseing up, and going all silent, is going o achieve a negitive effect in the short term and the long term, its shows excatly how much confidence you have in the relationship, first impressions always count, the first kiss is whats going to set the mood for the relationship!It's called planning, some people tend to use it and others don't, either, always have some plan in your head before you go into this kind of sitiuation, and always plan for worse case sencario, and set yourself on best case snecario!

  9. Long Distance Relationships can tell you a lot about your love for someone, if you can both overcome the distance, and still see each other, and be going strong after months/years then you have a great bond.It can take its toll those, you dont have someone there to hold you when things get rough. You can't easily talk etc. So make sure you treat it very careful.

  10. Wrong, all wrong. No, some is correct. Why can't people just be themselves and think outside the box? By all means go watch a movie, and have fun but don't be such a try hard to win someone over.A person says 'yes' to you based on what you are at the time, so don't change to make yourself a different person. If things don't work out, then the person wasn't for you.

  11. I hope you come and let us know what ends up happening though, this would be an interesting relationship to follow. Why is it though that people say they'd do nothing to hurt friends, but fear that they must cannot go out with there sister?, If the Relationship with the sister was to be the best she had, wouldn't this not make the friendship even stronger?Life is a risk game, i take a risk everytime i drive my car, cause i know im the most inpatient driver on the road, and therefore hate it when the girl i like asks me to pick her up, i get all tense and fear hurting her, but by the end, i know i have spent the afternoon with the person i like.

  12. How well does Friend A know about your previous relationships?, the way i see it, if you ask her out, and you don't have a good track record with treating females right, in the eyes of others, then Friend A may become defensie and hurt your Friendship.On the other hand, if Friend A thinks your a top bloke and believes you'll treat his sis right, he won't have much of a problem. Friend B may like her, does he know you like her? If he does he may back off too, you need to find out how she feels, she may like you and not him, where she may like him but not you as well.

  13. 5th one ( I love this guy) He turns off his hearing aid that he won't hear her talkin. I think it's funny but kinda cruel.


    I wish i could do that with some people at work, they just complain about our IT Systems, why?, cause THEY can't use them.


    But, that is a classic, when people can do that, they know how to use it to there advantage and that is one very good way of doing it. Good on Him.


    On topic, if a chick can't deal with the fact that he doesn't like her, i'd be phoning a hospital that is close by.

  14. Cause Xisto will have it installed on the ROOT DIR for use with all sercure parts of there systems. However i don't believe SSL is free? So providing that would be another cost for Xisto.Just use PHP to out link to a sercure yahoo shopping system or the like.

  15. Problem with re-formatting is you still don't know what actually caused the problem, so taking on Johhnys advice, LAST RESORT re-format but do it in stages and see what software makes a difference to your system.Once you find the cause you can usually find if there is a patch/update to fix the problem, and stop the system from lagging, checks the programs you have installed since the lag started and work backwards is all i can say. Virus Scan too.

  16. Would it be wrong to fall in love, get married and have children with this lady, no way. As long as you did nothing to 'break them up' or so forth then you shouldnt have a problem dating anyone, these rules about not dating friends ex's are complete and utter bull.... If she is smart, funny, loving, caring and hot, dont give *BLEEP* if she went out with the Prime Minister or my Best Friend (Who happens to be female, so then im in trouble...).

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