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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. How young do you consider young? I'm 18 and going into a new relationship (10 days on the 29th), and she is 17. I just think she is amazing, and although i have only known her for a short while, i could totally see myself being the one she marry's. (Getting alittle hopeful). I just think you need to step back and look further then just her, i was after 3 girls, ended being asked out by 2 completely different ones. And she turned out to be just amazing. Give yourself more credit then liking only the chick that has a gf.

  2. Thats interesting. Why wouldnt you recommend it to anyone?, Can you give some examples of why. Is there anyone these days that looks at the market for a simple electronic device that was once 'ONLY' what it was called. A Mobile/Cell. This world is creating many different 'named' devices that do the same damn thing, some just do it easier for others, while it may also be harder for the other half.

  3. yes Drop her or just change your phone numbers,Hang up on her or make her dislike you by calling her names or something i had a girl like that i just made her hate me but now we are mates so its all good :D

    Can i just ask how this came about?

    I can understand people falling in love and all etc., how do you manage to make a chick hate you the, all of the sudden turn around and you're both mates. Somethings a miss here lol.

  4. I take it you still live in a soceity where this kind of thing isn't natural yet? (The drinking & smoking). Or you're both really young, or just you and he is old?What ever the story is, make sure you take note who gags on this *BLEEP*, they will end up being the one to stick it in ya when even the slightest thing happens. They'll poke at the cracks of your relationship, and most cases cause the cracks.

  5. You could also use one of those online free site creaters that some offer. They can then prodeuce the whole thing for you without having to know any HTML. However, if you want to change a detail that isn't in there wizard, you'll have to learn the HTML, it's a catch 22, if you don't learn the basics, you can't progress through to the advanced stuff.

  6. Well depending on what i decide, ie. which girl i choose, i meet one on Saturday night at a party, and then meet the other chick last night at my friends house where we had the same party Saturday night. Making a choice between two chicks you hardly know is hard, and yet i cant make a decision cause i dont want to hurt with of them. What would you do in this sitiaution huh? <_<

  7. Hi Fraggle,First i welcome you to our home-loving forums, and glad you have joined today. However, I don't know if you read the Terms & Conditions of this site, but one-liners like you have writtin are not welcome here. It can also only benifit you more, if you can write a whole paragraph or more as well. This information also applies to you exalted5, your post is also viewed as a 'one-liner', even though your post was months ago.Just some friendly advice from someone who has been there, done that etc.

  8. I think the position you are in is easier then the one i am in. Yesterday, just totally random, 2 chicks asked me out, now, normally i wouldnt worry to much, but these two are sorta friends as well. I'm meeting them at a friends place, and i have to decide who, if either, i want.Its was easy to begin with, i had the choice between a chick with a baby, and a chick 2 years younger then me, then i went and kissed the one with a baby, which complicated it more. Such is the life of GOD!

  9. I'm suprised we are still going with this topic, i guess everyone can be bad in one form or another, its just the way human society is. However, i agree with sosleadgtr with the fact your not always going to agree all of the time, its just another way of showing you are human.Love is directly proposinal to how you conduct yourself, and therefore if you don't work at your relationship, thier half of the love is going to fly away like a butterfly, i suggest guys and chicks think before they act, and think mainly, do i really really love this person before saying it.

  10. Got to love some of the replies this forums recieves. Everyone has thier own way and experiences over the years, and i'm just going to say one thing, take advice, but live your own!The world is a caring place, in a general way, however only you can make things worse for yourself, not others. Thinking before Actions, for sure, but vision without action is worse!

  11. Your a shy person, but not shy enough for parties to get blind and smoke?, i tell you, your not that shy then. Find out when she is going to another party, where that party is and get an invite to it. DONT GET DRUNK and talk to her while she is sober, if things get bad, do what i do, drink (more like skull) 7-8 Cans of Red Bear Vodka mmmm yummy, and smoke 20 smokes in one night to wash away your pain, and you won't remember a thing.

  12. I guess the point he really is trying to make here, is don't leave the one that loves you for the one you love, as the one that loves you, maybe also be the one you love!People belive love is something that one single person can have, its something that can be 'started' by one, and must be completed by two, weather the second is a brother, sister, parents, pet etc is the determining 'love type'.I'd like to know though, you say you thought she was the one from seeing her, did you have contact that made you get to know her as well as you know your gf?, or was it just the way her **bottom** moves while she was walking? 8-)

  13. What in the God's Name are you people trying to do to this poor girl?? Even a Relationship 'Shrink', Shirnk into a box! lol.Now, Has anyone ever heard of 'The Simple Truth'? It's a box, based on the real stories of people dating, and how talking through there problems have made there relationship last and happy.Sit down with him on the weekend, and tell him how you feel, excatly pretty much what you said above, you may find he'll tell you the reason why he doesn't call you (Shy?), then the reason he don't hang with you when his friend is around. Pressuring him though, is only going to bring quicker what you fear, him backing up with you.I'm guessing you are no older then 18?, therefore nither is he, this is starting to sound like the schoolies tail of oh i love him blah blah, when you really fear the fact of not having someone of your own. Do you call him? Do you try and ask him out places, and does he blow you off for his friend? Then come back here, and i'll show you how to stabb him! lol :)

  14. If you don't like the guy, don't give him false hope, tell him in his face, but don't lead him on.

    Wow, there really is hope out there for us guys not to be lead on everytime by alot of chicks, once in the relationshisp, then guys become more to blame i think.

    Anyway, back to topic, just deal with it as it comes, i mean, same thing happened with me 4 weeks ago, i refused to play cause thats the only *BLEEP* they would come up with, kiss someone else as a dare, and they were 15/16! I'm 18, so i backed off!... We are all still friends now, so they'll live...

  15. Your a Relationship Shrink? Is there a university/college degree or whatever to do that?I fail to see how you can call yourself such an expert at only 20?, You have not been married or ina relationship for more then 10 years would be my guess. I can see how you could give advice on 'getting' a chick. I just think that your thoery of a 'game' is alittle far fetched. To me, How would i get the chick i like?, by being me, Building from the ground up. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day.First be there friend > True Friend, don't pretend. The only advice i have here from my personal experiences, is don't become to close and end up with the line, 'You're too much like a big brother!' That Hurt! <_<Know when she is ready for a relationship, know that she doesn't like someone else, and most of all know so much bout her, that you know what makes her go awww. 50 Years of marriage comes from 2 months of friendship, 5 months getting over the bumps. DONT EVER EVER Say you love someone, if you cannot follow through on your words. Now, where is the game in that?, I just gave the only advice someone needs to find there true love, cause fate is what it is, no one dies alone unless they want to.

  16. Did anyone else just get as confused as me? <_<Why must it be a game?, I see it more as fate, if the lady likes you, and you like her, then we ahve a match. If one party doesn't like the other, then the relationship just isn't going to work out. Isn't it just that simple?Well no, some people can say yes when asked out, but do they know how to treat thier partner well, within the relationship etc. some do, others don't. There isn't a game within Relationships or Love.May i ask though Chatz,a) How old are you?:ph34r: When did you discover this game?c) How many women do you have?

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