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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. 1) he's in love with her, you only like her. -1 for you2) he's actually making the effort of being with her and making his presence known. -3 for you
    3) he's right to call you a backstabber if you try to break them apart. -4 for you

    so let's see... that give you a -8 score. give it up.

    and just a personal note: it's very, very bad form to break two people up just because you have some crush. childish, really

    Now that is kind of harsh. If you go back and read the first post, it states she does not like this other guy, so this other guy is being obsessvie if he continues to try and get with her. Now she dont have the 'guts' to tell him to go jump, then thats her problem. If nither of you are with her, but you both like her, then she has the word to decide who she wants, if one at all, if she says no then thats it!

  2. Internet is just 'reality' really, i mean look how many cases these days do you hear about a 'gold-digger' or some guy exploiting a women, and the fact is it happens on the interenet 24/7. Where ever you go your at risk of being 'played', but the main problem comes with people new to the internet get played worse, and i can tell a first time computer user miles away just by the way they type, talk, and ask for help to do something.

  3. But keep in mind I can smell an online pervert a million miles away just by reading a few typed words (only if the person is speaking directly to me) so I never fell for an online rapist/pedophile/evil person.

    However, there are people out there who can still disguse themselves to look just look someone willing interested. Also be aware of those who seem to like you, and tag you along, and you get your hopes up for this person thinking they are so good, and then all you turn out to be is 'abit of fun', usually after you have paid $1,000 plane ticket and travelled 2,000km to meet him/her.

    I also have meet my Girlfriend over the internet, we didn't see a picture of each other for months on end, and then she gets out of her 'ex-relationship' which was verbal, and sometimes psyical abuse and asked me out, it wasn't until 2 months later did she get to meet me, and were still going. Anything is possible, but just extra care is needed, and lets face it, the same possiblity is possible by meeting someone in a friend party enviroment. These days its a look out whatever you do...

  4. Your thinking about how many shouts are happening, this isn't it. What they are talking about above, is if someone is just broswing your site with the shoutbox, then even though there not using the shoutbox, the auto-refresh is still happening. Now this shouldn't matter if you have a plain text based shoutbox, but most of have graphics, and have to drawn scripts, information with is what using your bandwith.A suggestion further up the page was about the cache, this is also another way to lower the bandwith, if you have set images throughout your site, that dont change for months then maybe then this could be of use. Also, do you have alot of images on your site. :(

  5. IF your life is not so worth living and your feeling depressed already down, and all that is good in your life is your RunEscape Account, and then your probably last friend goes and hacks it, destroys it, what are you left with, no runescape account or a friend, and before someone gets to help you, your gone.So the next time you go thinking about doing something to someone that may upset them, or do something to something close to them, you will stop and have to think, what am i doing?, will i have to live with something worse for the rest of my life?R.I.P Mate!

  6. What is the world coming to if we have to keep cloning stuff?, Dont we have better things like solving a cure for cancer to spend how money. This is just another way for people to have a big debate of the ethics of this so on etc.Now people look into how this technology is used, and done. But who looks into the billions of your tax money is used for something stupid like this, when cancer reserach gets crap all. I think prespective needs to come about.

  7. And if you know whats good for your computer, and security of your data you'll use something other then Windows, or Make sure you fully up-to date with all windows patches, updates, service packs, have firewall and Anti-Virus.Otherwise, expect spyware, adware, possible hacking, pop ups and just a total system melting down in a matter of days connecting to internet.

  8. All i can say is, i aint sexy cause my name starts with a G or T whichever way you want to look at it. Im sexy cause im the hottest guy there ever was in this world. Jokes!What comes next?, how tall will i be when i am 30 by the day i was born on?, or month?What are your computer skills like?, based on how much you earn? :lol:Oh, P.S .. Who cares about the Garys? ;), what about the Graemes? :P;) lol

  9. So if she chooses you over him, he will call you a backstabber? Is he a friend, haha, thats a joke. People get to worked up in this friend bond thing.People say always be one with your friends and forget everything else, even if your unhappy. Looking at it in reverse, why cant he be the unhappy one instead?, why is the idiot in love with someone that totally dont like him?People in this world need to take a prespective and see that 10 years down the track, everyone will get over it, and not remember a thing really. 10 years later, no one will remember why G. W. Bush decided to enter Iraq, they will just know he stuffed up, and be weary of him. Short & Simple, tell him to get over it, if he can't, then he not a friend. Even better would be for her to tell him, that she likes you more, and add that you don't know she likes you, that way it doesn't connect you, or hurt anyones EGO!!Sorry if i sound alittle *tight or Bit&hy, its one week from my 18th birthday and, well, im sick of the world and there little petty fueds after 18 years, and trust me, i have seen alot of them. Don't it sicken you?

  10. I can't believe you agreed to pay in the first place. Then to even worry bout the card having money in it. I guess for her it would be a wondeful thing, get paid to go visit some guy, hang out and go home. Thats the problem these coming days will only see more and more people like this, for her to try after 3 years was a good move i say, you were harsh. lol

  11. Can i ask, are you running Windows XP? If so, i suggest you try either Windows BOOT Disk or the Windows XP Disc in thier 'respective' drives and then try to boot up. I have a feeling something in your BIOS has changed due to resetting your computer. When booting your system, enter the BIOS (Usually by pressing F1,F2, DEL.), set defaults, then save and exit.I had the same problem, and that is what fixed it. I know it has something with the BIOS setting, as to which one, i haven't quite figured that out yet. Mainly BOOT settings i'd guess.

  12. The truth is you never really get over someone, im in a spot where i always have 3-4 people on my mind. As much as i don't want to think about them, or get over them i can't. By the way you worded your post, it sounds like you haven't told him, that you do have an interest in him. Like a sercet crush, thats where you get into trouble cause you start thinking about the 'What if' etc.I suggest you just hang with friends, and be happy that he is happy, and if you find its really to much, you just have to tell him how you feel.

  13. Well, I'm a girl myself, and these are stereotypes. Some girls, DO like monster trucks, and other mechanical stuff... We don't all live in rainbow pony pink land where everything is pretty. Some of us go beyond the said stereotypes. I did find most of them funny, though.

    :huh: Where is this rainbow pony pink land anyway?? lol. Do they have strawberry milkshakes, and carmel chocies. ;)

    When emails like that get written they have to be sterotyes, cause you can't write for the million of different personalties there are in this world, Unless you have nothing better to do, in which case, you need a life.

  14. I was wondering if it is at all possible to upload only part of a file for hosting. I have a video I want to host but the size of the video is too big. Is there any way I can host only a portion of the video file?

    You can't 'elect' to only upload a part of a file. This sitiaution depends if you have a specfic part of the video you want to upload, or just want to split it into smaller parts to upload/download.

    If your wanting to upload a specfic part, then you will have to do as Plenoptic said, and crop the video down to that part.

    On the other hand, you could just split the file up into many parts, ie. part one, two, three.. etc. and that is down simply by using a program, just Google search. WARNING: Using a shareware may, leave a 'corporate logo' watermark on your video. Just try different ones until your happy, im sure many here could help you out.

  15. DLink Routers will come with DCHP Server enabled by default i do believe, also with an IP Range. My suggestion would also be to check to make sure your automatcially getting an IP. Done via Start>>My Network Places>>View Network Connections>>"From here you should see the wireless connection, double click it.">> Double Click TCP/IP Protocol, and make sure it is all automatic.

  16. ok so it happens often, umm would i be able to get back my data bases or is it gone for GOOD?....
    Xisto is a good Service,and since its free i dont mind Outages like this once in a while,just as long as my data is safe.
    cuz as of the moment,I totally forgot to back my db up,So i am praying that it will return soon :rolleyes:

    Your data should be safe, but it is always good to have your own backup. Failures to servers ain't data loses, they occur more as power failures or hardware failures.

    Im not 100% sure, but i'd say the server runs its own back up anyway, but thats not always safe to assume. Also, this is a very rare thing, hasn't happened until now since i been here.

    If you think of how many web sites we have running here were webmasters just install a script that automates there datebase, they won't backup, or even know how in some cases, so apart of any great service like Xisto, i guess they keep on top of it.

  17. Well i find that very (umm whats the word) true in a basic sense? :rolleyes: We guys are not always like that though, ask females how romantic guys can be and that is another side of us.But who cares, thats life, if we didn't have it, it wouldn't be life. We need something to make living interesting. Could you imagine a world were you just plain and did nothing really out there, so boring.

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