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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. Place the following code where you want your form:

    form method="get" action="process.php">What is your name?<BR><INPUT NAME="name" VALUE="enter name here" TYPE="text"><P>What is your site name?<BR><INPUT NAME="site_name" VALUE="Young" Type="text" SELECTED><br><INPUT VALUE="Send" TYPE="submit"><INPUT VALUE="Clear This Form" TYPE="reset"></FORM>

    Then in a new document called process.php place the following code:

    <?php// The error message if there are one or more fields not filled in$error = "There are some fields not filled in, <ahref=\"*YOUR WEBSITE*">Click here to go back</a>";// Let's check if all fields are filled in!if($name == "" || $site_name == "" ){// Lets echo that error!;)echo $error;}/*if after all everything is filled in correct, lets start doing the mailscript...Edit the variable's below to make them fit your needs*/else{$yourwebsite = "*CHANGE*"; // Your website$recipientname = "*CHANGE*"; // Whats your name ?!$subject="*CHANGE*";  // The subject of the mail thats being sended$recipient="*CHANGE*"; // the recipient/*The headers for the e-mail, no need to change it unless you know what you're doing*/$header = "From: $nickname <$email>\r\n";$header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";$header .= "X-Priority: 3\r\n";$header .= "X-MSMail-Priority: Normal\r\n";$header .= "X-Mailer: PHP / ".phpversion()."\r\n";/*You can change the text below to whatever you wish to havefor the way the mail is gonne be outputted, you can use HTML!*/$content= "Dear " . $recipientname . "," . $name . " has sent you an e-mail from " . $yourwebsite . ".<br /><b>Message:</b>" . $message . "<hr noshade=\"true\" size=\"1\" color=\"#000000\" />You can contact " . $name . " back at " . $site_name . ".";// Lets send the e-mail by using the mail() function, no need to change below...this // can be edited above!mail($recipient, $subject, $content, $header);// Message the user will see if the e-mail is succesfully sended echo "Thanks! Your comments has been sent succesfully, " . $name . ".";}?>

    Place this file in the same place as the above file with the form in it.

    TIP: Take a copy of the file above with the form in it, rename it process.php then replace the form code with the above 'process.php' code. This will give the process page the same look and feel of the form page. You can also add any other things as needed.


  2. Plenoptic, that is because you are using a HTML Form. HTML Forms don't have the power to send forms only, open an email and send it. If you'd like it to send the form, you need to use a PHP Form. Or i think you can add so ASP to above code that will do it. But the above is not going to do it for you without opening email and sending it like a normal email.

  3. Where there is a will, there is always a way. You know that there will be someone out in the world will find a way to fill up all thier space on GMail, that way we can sit back and think, what a sad life they have. :P:PGMail can still be used for hosting, you just got to know how to dodge the system. ie. Your file could be sent to you as an attahment. There is some code around that can do it somewhere. GMail have got a good little service!

  4. Avalon, in reality im sure they wouldn't really know, i know they can still check your account and see whats one there, but unless your site is rising an issue for them to look into your account, then you shouldn't have any problem.The only problem with your idea, is the fact that the banners on Xisto.NET is designed as money to run the servers i'd be assuming, where as the button you provide would only bring them to anther site, where they'd have to click even further for Xisto.com or Xisto.net to benifit. but thats no harm in asking....

  5. Nope, your problem is where you have replaceed the small Java part at the top to send users back. Try the following:

    <?php// The error message if there are one or more fields not filled in$error = "There are some fields not filled in, <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Click here to go back</a>";// Let's check if all fields are filled in!if($sender_name == "" || $sender_email == "" || $message == ""){// Lets echo that error!;)echo $error;}/*if after all everything is filled in correct, lets start doing the mailscript...Edit the variable's below to make them fit your needs*/else{
    $yourwebsite = "zaccynetwork.com"; // Your website$recipientname = "ZN Support"; // Whats your name ?!$subject="Support Form";  // The subject of the mail thats being sended$recipient="support@zaccynetwork.com"; // the recipient/*The headers for the e-mail, no need to change it unless you know what you're doing*/$header = "From: $nickname <$email>rn";$header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0rn";$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1rn";$header .= "X-Priority: 3rn";$header .= "X-MSMail-Priority: Normalrn";$header .= "X-Mailer: PHP / ".phpversion()."rn";/*You can change the text below to whatever you wish to havefor the way the mail is gonne be outputted, you can use HTML!*/$content= "Dear $recipientname, $sender_name has sended you an e-mail from $yourwebsite.<br /><b>Message:</b>$message<hr noshade="true" size="1" color="#000000" />You can contact $sender_name back at $sender_email.";// Lets send the e-mail by using the mail() function, no need to change below...this can be edited above!mail($recipient, $content, $header);// Message the user will see if the e-mail is succesfully sended echo "Thanks! Your comments has been sended succesfull $sender_name.";}?>

  6. 1. Change your code to the following, only change i have made is .php file name and handler. Instead of Modules.php?name=feedback i have put process.php.

    <br><br><font class="content">All comments and suggestions about this web site are very welcome and a valuable source of information for us. Thanks!</font>    <FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="process.php">    <P><strong>Your Name:</strong><br>    <INPUT type="text" NAME="sender_name" VALUE="" SIZE=30></p>    <P><strong>Your Email:</strong><br>    <INPUT type="text" NAME="sender_email" VALUE="" SIZE=30></p>    <P><strong>Message:</strong><br>    <TEXTAREA NAME="message" COLS=30 ROWS=5 WRAP=virtual></TEXTAREA></p>    <INPUT type="hidden" name="opi" value="ds">    <P><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Send"></p>    </FORM></center>

    2. Load a new page and enter the following code.
    <?php// The error message if there are one or more fields not filled in$error = "There are some fields not filled in, <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Click here to go back</a>";// Let's check if all fields are filled in!if($sender_name == "" || $sender_email == "" || $message == ""){// Lets echo that error!;)  echo $error;}/*  if after all everything is filled in correct, lets start doing the mailscript...  Edit the variable's below to make them fit your needs*/else{$yourwebsite = "http://something.com"; // Your website$recipientname = "Yourname"; // Whats your name ?!$subject="E-mail from yoursite";  // The subject of the mail thats being sended$recipient="you@something.com"; // the recipient/*  The headers for the e-mail, no need to change it unless you know what you're doing*/$header = "From: $nickname <$email>rn";$header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0rn";$header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1rn";$header .= "X-Priority: 3rn";$header .= "X-MSMail-Priority: Normalrn";$header .= "X-Mailer: PHP / ".phpversion()."rn";/*  You can change the text below to whatever you wish to have  for the way the mail is gonne be outputted, you can use HTML!*/$content= "Dear $recipientname, $sender_name has sended you an e-mail from $yourwebsite.<br /><b>Message:</b>$message<hr noshade="true" size="1" color="#000000" />You can contact $sender_name back at $sender_email.";// Lets send the e-mail by using the mail() function, no need to change below...this can be edited above!mail($recipient, $content, $header);// Message the user will see if the e-mail is succesfully sended :)echo "Thanks! Your comments has been sended succesfull $sender_name.";}?>

    3. Name this file 'process.php', without qoutation marks.
    4. Upload to a directory.

    You can insert the code into any HTML document between the <body> tages. This allows you to make the page look & feel like the rest of your site. REMEMBER TO CHANGE THINGS IN THE CODE!!

    This is how it will work, visiters will fillin the form, then click submit. The browser will then load the process.php page and run the script, the script will check to make sure all fields are filled out. Then it will send the email to your email address that you change above!

    Code above in step 2 edited from HERE

  7. Im sure it probably will, look at all U.S Presidents, they all come off looking the same, like they are the bad guys. Wait, They are. B)Its the same in Aussie, Our Prime Ministers will always look like the idiots of the land, and again in most cases, it is true. Then you have the other side of the fence, what search engine does Geogey Bushy Eyes use when surfing across the net?Does he have an account here at Xisto? B) ... We should have one, I mean the white house servers must be full of made lies and back stabbing statments, or truth that are made to look dirty.

  8. Im sick of the people who go around trying make love out to be something like a boyfriend/ girlfriend relationship. I have a number of people in my life, and i may love a few, don't mean there my girlfriend!Some people get mixed up between Love, Lust, and just looks'likes of people! B)

  9. Nither, I find that with most 'Blue Screen of Death' Calls i get, its only after high stress loads on the computer, ie. someone is opening 10 programs at the one time, and the computer can't hack it.On a side note, Is this really apporiate for this Forum?, i mean i think it may be breaking ToC or something. Also just wondering, are you sure you made them up! B)

  10. You'll also want a static IP address from your ISP. Also if your going to down your firewall i suggest you don't have any senseitive data on your server. Otherwise you'd have to know what your doing to make your server sercure enough to not run a firewall. Make sure your internet connection also has a high 'upload' speed, as all data being pulled off your server is counted as upload and if its only uploading at 56kbps, its not going to help the end user much, who even though has a 256 or 512 download speed, will get very frustrated with the slow speed.

  11. I think people are becomming to interested in the speed, and not the stability and the access, and user friendly enviroment. We need to start looking at keeping our exisiting inferstructure up and stable. We are currently looking in the direction of worrying also too much about the community then Health System, or Transport, that should be investing in gain that extra, to be able to process 'clients', 'patiences' needs and emergencies quicker.Should we try and use ballons?, i mean the cost of keeping then afloat would be added to the price im sure, and only 11MBPS? ... How slow really, we'll just stick to what we have and make it more user friendly and stable.

  12. FTP Desktop, one of the best FTP Programs i have come across, easy install, easy config. Most of all its an easy to use program because it i find it diagonis the problems and offers more help when something comes up wrong. Other good FTPs are CuteFTP, Filezilla. Also another thing is if you do run into problems, why not come on here and search, im sure you'll find your answer, and if not, boost your post count and post it!

  13. Now time to shine Military style. Has anyone really noticed the countries producing these weapons those? .. North Korea, China, US? Don't you think with a laser of that calliba, it would not be allowed under U.N international laws of WMD? If you cannot have Necular Weapons, then why can we have lasers that can easily seach and destroy this weapons from miles away? On another not, also from Australian Air Force knowledge, technology these days would be no worries about trying to fly a laser and try and source your enermy down. The main forcus for a laser to be fitted to an aircraft, hightens the risk of flying in the military. Being a pilot you need great aircraft control, and your aircraft is unstable after being shot in the main body, imagine someone shooting at your 'laser', that with one shot could poitonally blow up mid air.Trust me on this, you won't be seeing any of this happen besides testing for at least another 10 years. Let alone find pilots stupid enough to volunteer to try, so once again i see the U.S Air Force providing more pilots for dangerous missons not needed.

  14. Hello can somebody please help.

    I need a free video converter that can change for example .wmv - .mpeg or .mpeg - .mp4


    I need this because some of my .wmv files play, and some don't,

    so can someone please help me. Thankz in advance


    What player are you using to try and play them?, Windows Media Player will play most, then for all others DivX or AmpPlayer should play the rest. Problem with a free one is you can only do a certain amount or it has some back noise or picture.
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